16、莄芈袃袅肃蒄蝿袄膆芇蚅袃芈蒂薁袂肈芅薇袁膀薀袆袀节莃螂衿莅蕿蚈衿肄莂薄羈膇薇蒀羇艿莀螈羆罿薅螄羅膁莈蚀羄芃蚄薆羃莅蒆袅羃肅艿螁羂膇蒅蚇肁芀芈薃肀罿蒃葿聿肂芆袈肈芄蒁螄肇莆莄蚀肇肆薀薆肆膈莂袄肅芁薈螀膄莃莁蚆膃肃薆薂螀膅荿蒈蝿莇蚄袇螈肇蒇螃螇腿蚃虿螆芁蒆薅螅莄芈袃袅肃蒄蝿袄膆芇蚅袃芈蒂薁袂肈芅薇袁膀薀袆袀节莃螂衿莅蕿蚈衿肄莂薄羈膇薇蒀羇艿莀螈羆罿薅螄羅膁莈蚀羄芃蚄薆羃莅蒆袅羃肅艿螁羂膇蒅蚇肁芀芈薃肀罿蒃葿聿肂芆袈肈芄蒁 大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译Seismic Collapse Safety of Reinforced Concrete Buildings:I. A
17、ssessment of Ductile Moment FramesCurt B. Haselton1, Abbie B. Liel2, Gregory G. Deierlein3, Brian S. Dean4, Jason H. Chou5Ground motions used for the nonlinear dynamic analyses are recordings from large magnitude earthquakes (magnitude 6.5 to 7.6) recorded at moderate fault rupturedistances (10 to 4
18、5 km). The 39 ground motion record pairs (each with two orthogonal horizontal components) and their selection criteria are documented in Haselton and Deierlein (2007). This ground motion set is an expanded version of the far-field ground motion set utilized in the FEMA P-695 (FEMA 2009).Ground motio
19、n records are selected and scaled without considering the distinctive spectral shape of rare (extreme) ground motions, due to difficulties in selecting and scaling a different set of records for a large set of buildings having a wide range of first- mode periods. To account for the important impact
20、of spectral shape on collapse assessment, shown by Baker and Cornell (2006), the collapse predictions made using the general set of ground motions are modified using a method proposed by Haselton et al. (2009). The expected spectral shape of rare (large) California ground motions isaccounted for thr
21、ough a statistical parameter referred to as epsilon (), which is a measure of the difference between the spectral acceleration of a recorded ground motion and the median value predicted by ground motion prediction equation. A target value of =1.5 is used to approximately represent the expected spect
22、ral shape of severe ground motions that can lead to collapse of code-conforming buildings (Appendix B of FEMA P-695 2009; Haselton et al. 2010).Page 1 of 7大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译STRUCTURAL ANALYSIS MODEL AND COLLAPSE ASSESSMENT METHODOLOGYA two-dimensional three-bay nonlinear analysis frame mod
23、el is created for each archetype RC SMF using the OpenSees structural analysis platform (OpenSees 2009), as illustrated in Figure 1. Three bays are assumed to be the minimum number necessary to reflect the differences between interior and exterior columns and joints, and their impact on frame behavi
24、or. Strength and stiffness of the gravity system are not represented in the model, but the destabilizing P- effects are accounted for by applying gravity loads on a leaning column in the analysis model. Previous research by the authors has shown that neglecting the strength and stiffness of the grav
25、ity system in RC SMF systems is slightly conservative, underestimating the median collapse capacity by approximately 10% (Haselton et al. 2008a). It is also assumed that the damage to the slab-column connections of the gravity system will not result in a vertical collapse of the slab; test data for
26、slab-column connections with modern detailing are still needed to verify this assumption. The foundation rotation stiffness is calculated from typical grade beam design and soil stiffness properties. Rayleigh damping corresponding to 5% of critical damping in the first and third modes is applied.Ele
27、ment modeling consists of lumped plasticity beam-column elements and finite joint shear panel springs. Lumped plasticity elements were used in lieu of fiber-type element models, since only the former are able to capture the strain softening associated with rebar buckling and spalling phenomena that
28、are critical for simulating structural collapse in RC frame structures. The beam-columns are modeled using a nonlinear hinge model with degrading strength and stiffness, developed by Ibarra et al. (2005). As illustrated in Figure 2, the Ibarra et al. model captures the important modes of monotonicPa
29、ge 2 of 7大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译and cyclic deterioration that precipitate sidesway collapse. Key parameters of the modelinclude the plastic rotation capacity, cap,pl, the post-capping rotation capacity, pc, theratio of maximum to yield moment, Mc / My, and an energy-based degradation parameter,
30、. Based on calibration to test data for RC columns and beams with ductile detailing andlow to moderate axial load, the typical mode parameter values are cap,pl between 0.035 to0.085 radians, depending on the level of axial load in the beam-column, pc equal to 0.10radians, Mc / My between 1.17 and 1.
31、21, and between 85 and 130 (Haselton et al. 2007,2008b). The post-capping deformation capacity, pc, of 0.10 is a conservative value used dueto lack of data; this value would likely be much larger if additional data were availablewith specimens tested to larger levels of deformation.The collapse capa
32、cities of the archetype building designs are evaluated using aperformance-based methodology, key features of which are briefly summarized as follows:1. Select ground motions for nonlinear dynamic analysis. In this study, 39 pairs offar-field ground motions are used. Issues related to record selectio
33、n and scalinghave been discussed previously.2. Utilize incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) to organize nonlinear dynamiccollapse analyses of the archetype models subjected to the recorded groundmotions (Vamvatsikos and Cornell 2002). Using the IDA approach, eachhorizontal component of ground motion i
34、s individually applied to the two-dimensional frame model.In this study, ground motion records are amplitude scaled according to thespectral acceleration at the first mode period, Sa(T1). The ground motions areincreasingly scaled until collapse occurs. In this paper, collapse is defined as thePage 3
35、 of 7大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译point of dynamic instability, where the lateral story drifts of the building increase without bounds (often referred to as sidesway collapse). This occurs when the IDA curve becomes flat. Vertical collapse mechanisms, which are not directly simulated in the structura
36、l model, are not considered in this assessment. The companion paper (Liel et al. 2010) provides explanation for how these additional collapse modes but could be accounted for.Figure 3a presents sample results from incremental dynamic analysis for a four-story space frame building (ID1008). For this
37、structure, the median collapse capacity (in terms of Sa(0.94s) is 1.59g for the set of 39 ground motion pairs.3. Construct a collapse fragility function based on the IDA results, which representsthe probability of collapse as a function of ground motion intensity. To approximately account for three-
38、dimensional ground motion effects (i.e. themaximum ground motion component), the lower collapse capacity (in terms of Sa(T1) from each pair of motions is recorded as the building collapse capacity. From the resulting collapse data, the median collapse capacity and dispersion, due to record-to-record
39、 variability, are then computed.Figure 3b presents such collapse fragility curves for the four-story building used previously in Figure 3a. The square markers show the empirical cumulative distribution function of the collapse data from Figure 3a (i.e. each point represents the collapse capacity for
40、 a single earthquake record), and the solid line shows the lognormal distribution fit to the empirical data. The fitted median collapse capacity (in terms of Sa(0.94s) is 1.59g and the fitted logarithmic standardPage 4 of 7大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译deviation, representing the so-called record-to-r
41、ecord (RTR) variability (LN,RTR), is 0.38.4. Increase the dispersion in the collapse fragility to account for structural modelinguncertainties.Figure 3b shows this adjusted collapse capacity distribution by the dashed line. Liel et al. (2009) and Haselton and Deierlein (2007) have shown how introduc
42、ing this additional dispersion in the collapse fragility can approximately account for the effects of uncertainties in the structural modeling parameters, but this approximation is only suitable for collapse probabilities in the lower tail of the fragility curve (Liel et al. 2009). Based on uncertai
43、nties in the nonlinearcomponent models (e.g., the capping rotation and post-peak softening slope shown in Figure 2), the modeling uncertainty is calculated as LN,modeling = 0.5 (Haselton and Deierlein 2007). When combined with the record-to-record uncertainty of LN,RTR = 0.38, the resulting total di
44、spersion is LN,total = 0.63, shown by the dashed curve labeled RTR+Model.5. Adjust (increase) the median of the collapse fragility curve to account for theground motion spectral shape effect.Figure 3b shows this adjusted collapse capacity distribution by the dotted line. For this example, the median
45、 collapse intensity is increased from 1.59g to 2.22g (by a factor of 1.4). As described by Haselton et al. (2010) and FEMA P-695 (FEMA 2009, Appendix B), this so-called adjustment is based on the large ductility of the RC SMF structures and associated period shift that occurs before collapse, combin
46、ed with a target value of = 1.5 for rare ground motions in thePage 5 of 7大连交通大学 2011 届本科生毕业设计(论文)外文翻译high seismic regions of California. Buildings with lower deformation capacity, as well as sites and hazard levels with lower expected values of , would have a smaller adjustment.6. Compute the collap
47、se risk metrics of interest.For the example in Figure 3b, the collapse margin ratio is 2.6, the conditionalcollapse probability (P(C|Sa2/50) is 7%, and the mean annual frequency ofcollapse (col) is 1.7x10-4 collapses/year.COLLAPSE RISK FOR RC SMF BUILDINGS DESIGNED ACCORDING TO ASCE 7-02Collapse ana
48、lysis results for the 30 building archetypes are summarized in Table 1. Pertinent data includes the fundamental period of each archetype structural model, static overstrength from pushover analysis, collapse risk predictions, and maximum story and roof drifts at the onset of collapse. The resulting
49、collapse risks are described by the following three measures, as listed in Table 1 and plotted in Figure 4:Collapse Margin: The collapse margin is the ratio between the median collapse capacity and the 2% in 50 year ground motion level. This metric is similar in concept to a simple factor of safety. Overall, the collapse margins for the 30 RC SMF buildings range from 1.7 to 3.4, with an average value of 2.3.Conditional Collapse Probability: The probability of collapse for the 2% in 50 year level of ground motion intensity, denoted P