1、台灣癲癇醫學會 2008 專題學術研討會暨第九屆第二次年會時間:97 年 3 月 15 日(六) 祿廳 08:0015:40、壽廳 15:4017:40地點:台北喜來登大飯店(台北市忠孝東路一段 12 號 B2)主題:青少年癲癇的診斷與治療&亞洲癲癇照護現況與未來Diagnosis and Treatment of Epilepsy in Adolescent & Care of Epilepsy in Asia:Present and Future時 間 內 容 講 者08:00-08:20(20) 報到 Registration08:20-08:25(5) 理事長致詞 Opening Re
2、mark遲景上 醫師台灣癲癇醫學會 理事長Ching-Shiang Chi, Prof.President, Taiwan Epilepsy Society座長:洪焜隆 醫師Moderator: Kun-Long Hung, Prof.08:25-08:50(25) 青少年癲癇發作錄影觀摩Video Demonstration of Epilepsy in Adolescent關尚勇 醫師台北榮總神經醫學中心癲癇科Shang-Yeong Kwan, Associate ProfessorDepartment of Neurology, Taipei Veterans General Hospi
3、tal08:50-08:55(5) Q&A座長:施養性 醫師Moderator: Yang-Hsin Shih, Prof.08:55-09:20(25) 青少年癲癇的外科手術治療Epilepsy Surgery in Adolescent黃棣棟 醫師台北榮總神經醫學中心小兒神經外科Tai-Tong Wong, Prof.Department of Neurosurgery, Taipei Veterans General Hospital09:20-09:25(5) Q&A座長:吳禹利 醫師Moderator: Tony Wu, Prof.09:25-09:50(25) 青少年癲癇的精神心理
4、探討Psychological Investigation of Epilepsy in Adolescent劉士愷 醫師行政院衛生署桃園療養院兒童青少年精神科Shih-Kai Liu, M.D.Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry , Taoyuan Mental Hospital09:50-09:55(5) Q&A09:55-10:15(20) Coffee Break座長:蘇明勳 醫師Moderator: Ming-Shung Su, M.D.10:15-11:05(50)青少年癲癇針對獨特年齡層治療的挑戰Epilepsy in Ad
5、olescents: Challenges Posed by a Unique Age GroupTimothy A. Pedley, Prof.The Neurological Institute of New York Columbia University Medical Center11:05-11:15(10) Q&A11:15-11:40(25)兒童及青少年癲癇合併神經代謝疾病Neurometabolic Disorders in Adolescent and Children with Seizure李秀芬 醫師台中榮總兒童醫學部Hsiu-Fen Lee, M.D.Departm
6、ent of Pediatrics, Taichung Veterans General Hospital11:40-11:45(5) Q&A11:45-12:00(15) 第九屆第二次會員大會 TES Annual Meeting12:00-13:20(80) 午餐 Lunch (論文壁報展示&第五屆“人間有情-關懷癲癇“徵文比賽頒獎)時 間 內 容 講 者座長:施茂雄 醫師Moderator: Marshal Mo-Song Hsih, Associate Professor13:20-14:10(50) 發育中腦部癲癇發作之治療Treating Seizures in the Devel
7、oping Brain Jesus Eric Pina-Garza, Associate ProfessorVanderbilt University Medical Center Tennessee14:10-14:20(10) Q&A座長:林永煬 醫師Moderator: Yung-Yang Lin, Prof.14:20-15:10(50) 腦磁圖在小兒癲癇中的應用Applications of MEG for Pediatric EpilepsyNobukazu Nakasato, Prof.MEG Laboratory and Department of Neurosurgery,
8、Kohnan Hospital and Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine15:10-15:20(10) Q&A15:20-15:40(20) Coffee Break亞洲癲癇照護現況與未來Care of Epilepsy in Asia:Present and Future壽廳 15:4017:40時 間 內 容 講 者座長:蔡景仁 醫師&賴向榮 醫師Moderator: Jing-Jane Tsai, Prof.& Shung-Lon Lai, M.D.15:40-16:00(20) 中國癲癇照護現況與未來Care of Epilep
9、sy in China:Present and Future李世綽 醫師中國抗癲癇協會會長Shi-Chuo Li, Prof.President, China Association Against Epilepsy16:00-16:20(20) 韓國癲癇照護現況與未來Care of Epilepsy in Korean:Present and Future李秉寅 醫師Byung-In Lee, Prof.Department of Neurology, Yonsei University College of MedicinePresident, Korean Epilepsy Societ
10、y16:20-16:40(20) 馬來西亞癲癇照護現況與未來Care of Epilepsy in Malaya:Present and Future陳忠登 醫師Chong-Tin Tan, Prof.Department of Neurology, University Malaya Medical Centre16:40-17:00(20) 新加坡癲癇照護現況與未來Care of Epilepsy in Singapore:Present and Future林詩暉 醫師Shih-Hui Lim, Prof.Department of Neurology, Singapore Genera
11、l HospitalPresident, College of Physicians, Singapore17:00-17:20(20) 台灣癲癇照護現況與未來Care of Epilepsy in Taiwan:Present and Future賴其萬 醫師和信醫院神經內科Chi-Wan Lai, Prof.Department of Neurology, Koo Foundation Sun Yat-Sen Cancer Center17:20-17:40(20) 綜合討論Panel Discussion遲景上 醫師台灣癲癇醫學會 理事長Ching-Shiang Chi, Prof.Pr
12、esident, Taiwan Epilepsy Society壁報論文發表 Poster Presentation祿廳 12:0012:45編號/時間 內 容 講 者座長:姚俊興 醫師&謝良博 醫師(基礎 1)12:00-12:05(5)糖尿病鼠之癲癇發作惡化急性期與慢性期之腦損傷Epileptic Seizures Aggravate Acute and Chronic Brain Damage in Rats with Diabetic Hyperglycemia黃欽威 醫師成大醫學院神經部Chin-Wei Huang, M.D.Department of Neurology, Scho
13、ol of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan(基礎 2)12:05-12:10(5)失神癲癇大鼠的似憂鬱與似焦慮行為的不同改變Different Changes in Depression- and Anxiety-like Behaviors of the Rat with Spontaneous Absence Epileptic Discharges蕭富仁 教授國立成功大學認知科學所Fu-Zen Shaw, Ph.D.Institute of Cognitive Science and Department
14、of Physical Therapy, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan(基礎 3)12:10-12:15(5)癲癇病灶區的微陣列基因表現分析Analyzing Microarray Gene Expression on the Seizure Zone in Contrast with the Adjacent Irritative Zone辛裕隆 醫師花蓮慈濟醫院神經內科Yue-Loong Hsin, M.D.Department of Neurology, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital,
15、Hualien(臨床 1)12:15-12:20(5)額葉癲癇病患之心率變異性Heart rate Variability in Patients with Frontal Lobe Epilepsy哈鐵木爾 醫師花蓮佛教慈濟綜合醫院神經外科Tomor Harnod, M.D.Department of Neurosurgery, Buddhist Tzu Chi General Hospital, Hualien(臨床 2)12:20-12:25(5)兒童癲癇及癲癇症候群的分類診斷Diagnostic Yield of Epilepsies and Epilepsy Syndromes in
16、 Children陳珠瑾 醫師高雄榮民總醫院 兒童醫學部Chu-Chin Chen, M.D.Department of Pediatrics, Kaohsiung Veterans General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan(臨床 3)12:25-12:30(5)一位難治痙攣性癲癇重積狀態病人之週期性雙側放電轉換為腦電圖之臨床發作:個案報告BiPLED Evolving into Electrical and Clinical Seizure in a Patient with Refractory Convulsive Status Epilepticus: A
17、 Case Report 陳怡如 醫師國立成功大學醫學院附設醫院神經部Yi-Ju Chen, M.D.Department of Neurology, National Cheng Kung University Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan(臨床 4)12:30-12:35(5)以健保資料庫分析台灣地區抗癲癇藥物的使用Use of Antiepileptic Drugs in Taiwan - a Health Insurance Database Analysis謝良博 醫師澄清醫院 神經內科Liang-Po Hsieh, M.D.Department of Neuro
18、logy, Cheng-Ching Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan(臨床 5)12:35-12:40(5)探討癲癇病童家長的疾病知識、態度、社會支持與病童教養問題之初步報告A Preliminary Result: Exploring the Related Issues of Parental Knowledge, Attitude, Social Supports and Caring Behaviors in Parents of Children with Epilepsy遲景上 醫師童综合醫院Ching-Shiang Chi, Prof.Deputy-superintendent,Tungs Taichung Metroharbor Hospital(臨床 6)12:40-12:45(5)顳葉切除手術預後的因子探討Predictors of Outcome after Anterior Temporal Lobectomy尤香玉 醫師台北榮總神經醫學中心癲癇科Hsiang-Yu Yu, M.D.Department of Neurology, Taipei Veterans General Hospital