1、小测试:回答“是”得一分,回答“否”不得分,共14题,(1)我时常为自己吃了多少食物而忧虑。 (2)若有人看到我穿泳衣的样子,我会感到尴尬; (3)有很多食物被我列为“禁忌食物”,我很少吃; (4)多数我认为有吸引力的人都比我瘦; (5)我的一天经常是以构思节食计划开始的; (6)我的下围(臀围)太大了; (7)吃任何会致肥的食物都使我感到不安; (8)若有人看着我的身体,我会感到紧张; (9)在大吃一顿之后我会计划如何消耗多余的热量; (10)我讨厌看到镜中的自己;,小测试(续),(11)我如果不天天做大量运动,我会觉得自己非常差劲; (12)我觉得我的裸体毫无吸引力; (13)有时候,我会
2、在我吃得太多后呕吐或服用泻药; (14)我最大的问题是我的身材。,结果评判 2-4分:正常; 5-8分:你比一般人更关注你的体重及身材; 9-14分:你很有可能患进食障碍;或需要专业 人士的辅导,什么是美?女性如何评价自己的身体?男性如何评价女性的身体?对于美的标准,社会的舆论导向是什么?,形体美的变迁中国,古代 环肥燕瘦,各有所好,解放初期 壮实、健康,现代 以瘦为美,形体美的变迁西方,中世纪 丰满富态,六七十年代 曲线分明,现代 骨感苗条,审美趋势的变化,无论是在中国还是西方,对女性的审美标准的变化趋势都是从丰满富态至骨感苗条。而对男性的审美趋势一直没有大的变化,强调的是力量与肌肉(?)。
3、,体像 Body image,How you see yourself when you look in the mirror or when you picture yourself in your mind. What you believe about your own Appearance (including your memories, assumptions, and generalizations). How you feel about your body, including your height, shape, and weight. How you sense and
4、 control your body as you move. How you feel in your body, not just about your body,Negative and positive body image,Negative body image A distorted perception of your shape-you perceive parts of your body unlike they really are. You are convinced that only other people are attractive and that your
5、body size or shape is a sign of personal failure. You feel ashamed, self-conscious, and anxious about your body. You feel uncomfortable and awkward in your body,positive body image A clear, true perception of your shape-you see the various parts of your body as they really are. You celebrate and app
6、reciate your natural body shape and you understand that a persons physical appearance says very little about their character and value as a person. You feel proud and accepting of your unique body and refuse to spend an unreasonable amount of time worrying about food, weight, and calories.You feel c
7、omfortable and confident in your body,BMI (body mass index ),体形指数:BMI=体重(kg)/身高2(m2)- 是反映个体体重、体形的客观指标30以上为“过胖” 2530为“偏胖”1925为“正常”17.519为“偏瘦”17.5以下为“过瘦” 【USA】,决定体重和体形的主要因素 Determinants of body weight and shape,Genetics that determine a. basal metabolism rate b. number and distribution of fat cells Ea
8、ting habit (food types and quantity) Exercise habit Age,基础代谢率 Basal metabolism rate,静态新陈代谢率是指我们在安静或静态不活动的情况下,身体用以维持基本生命需要(如:呼吸、心跳、细胞更新等)所消耗的能量。基础代谢率的高低大部分是先天决定的。基础代谢率低的人其 体重会比基础代谢率高的 人的体重重一些,脂肪细胞的数目和分布 number and distribution of fat cells,数目number在孩子出生后生长最快的时期的喂养是否科学和健康很关键。生长最快的时候是什么时候?2岁之前,基本上1.5-2
9、岁以后脂肪细胞的数量就不再增长,不用说,身体中遗传的脂肪细胞越多的人,就越有可能变得肥胖。,分布distribution基因会影响身体究竟把多余的脂肪储存在哪里,有的人在大腿,有的人在腰围,有的人小腹等男女的脂肪分布有差异:男性多半是腹部和大腿外侧及臀部;女性多分布在腹部、大腿、臀部、乳房以及上臂和颈后部具体分布的比例个体差异较大,男女脂肪细胞分布的差异,进食习惯 Eating Habit,现代食物的结构, 进食习惯的改变,与对美 的追求的方向是不一致的 。由于营养改善,女性的 平均体重有所增加。高热 量、容易消化吸收,化学 制作,非天然的。吃的容易胖的,但对 美的要求又是越瘦越好。,能量消耗
10、 Exercise habit,现代生活节奏明显加快, 吃的是快餐(量少,但热量 高),吃完之后坐下看电视, 一看就是几个小时坐着不动 ;女孩子还喜欢吃零食,有 些零食的热量并不低;出门就进车门,进楼坐 电梯等,都是在节约能量, 而且很少锻炼,使你在不知 不觉中,身体越来越胖,越 胖越不愿意动。,年龄 Age,青春期及后期体重增 加的比较多(1519)。 以后后隔10年增加5-10磅 50岁达到顶峰,以后就不 会增加很快了,而且还要 有不同程度的下降。随着年龄的增长,体重增加,也是人类进化的需要。储存能量以备抵抗 疾病的侵袭。,set point theory of weight,我们的体重有
11、一个固定点或者 说一个固定的范围,主要是指脂肪 的存储比例有一个固定点,即 set point theory of weight,以上的 那几个因素决定了我们的体重有一 个固定的范围,当我们没有刻意增 加或减轻体重时,我们的体重一般 是维持恒定的,我们的大脑也对我 们体内的脂肪储存量非常敏感,当 体重低于固定点below its set point ,我们就会感觉到饥饿,当我们感 觉到吃得很撑的时候,大脑就会提 醒我们要少吃一点。,在我们的下丘脑有一个进食控制中枢,它对进食有一个自动调节的中枢,它可以自动地检测是否需要进食。节食的人过后吃得更多,吃的时间更长。节食刺激了下丘脑的腹正中部位,吃的
12、更多。 当下丘脑的腹正中受到损害的时候,就会吃的比较多,丘脑的室旁核受损时出现狂食,下丘脑的侧面受损时,则停止进食。,Set-point theory of weight,第十章 进食障碍 Eating Disorders,案例:特拉(女)的自白(一),我5岁时有强迫行为,我脱掉袜子又穿上四五次直到自己满意为止。医生建议父母忽略我“不好的行为”,奖励我“好的行为”。因此我感到只是“好的”自己(“good”me)得到父母的爱。 8岁时我去看望祖父的一次经历使我刻骨铭心。当我坐在草地上看着大海时,祖父和父亲从我身边走过,祖父说:“特拉是一个聪明可爱的女孩,如果她瘦一点那真的是漂亮!”可能祖父是善意
13、的,但他没想到他的话对我产生的影响。我是如此敏感,尽力想在任何方面完美无缺。,9岁时我开始节制饮食,用婴儿使用的瓶子、刀叉喝水吃饭,穿我小时候的衣服,我渴望重新成为一个婴儿,像弟弟一样,被大家关爱。我是家里最大的孩子,弟妹们总是得到更多关注,我感到自己被忽略了。 在学校,我们班上一个孩子逗我说:“吃每一口食物都会使你变胖。”各种媒体鼓励“瘦即是美”的观念,学校里流行减肥,我在学校里无疑扮演了减肥的明星角色。我越想成为完美的女孩,越是厌食。我觉得更瘦一点,世界上其他人会觉得我更可爱些。,我对父母关系紧张很敏感,试图阻止他们吵架,拒绝食物成为获得对自己生活控制的一种方式,好像使我与家庭保持一定距离
14、并获得独立感。我自己在厨房里吃很少的食物,有时只是一把葵花籽和一片水果。,Bruch(1974):厌食症是为了“努力获得控制感、获得一种认同感、胜任感和效能感”。 特拉的自白:“拒绝食物成为获得对自己生活控制的一种方式,好像使我与家庭保持一定距离并获得独立感。” 启发:培养自我效能感、健全自我,卡朋特乐队的悲剧,70年代温和摇滚的著名歌手-卡朋特兄妹,整个70年代,各种音乐渠道都一致推崇他们为最耀眼的新星,他们脍炙人口的名曲包括昨日重现然而正当卡朋特兄妹一帆风顺的时候,悲剧不期而至,卡伦为了保持身体苗条而不断节食,并患上了“神经性厌食症”,1993年2月4日,在她三十二岁时不幸辞世,于是卡朋特
15、乐队也到此终结,留给人们的是无穷的遗憾,进食障碍Eating Disorders,CCMD-3的描述Eating disorders F50 :A subtype of physiological disorders related to psychological factors predominated by abnormal eating behavior.The disorder mainly include anorexia nervosa,bulimia nervosa and psychological vomiting.resisting food, partiality fo
16、r a particular kind of food and pica occurring in childhood can be seen in feeding disorder in childhood.进食障碍F50:是一组以进食行为异常为主的精神障碍,主要包括神经性厌食、神经性贪食,及神经性呕吐 。,神经性厌食症Anorexia Nervosa 是一种多见于青少年女性的进食行为异常,特征为故意限制饮食,使体重降至明显低于正常的标准,为此采取过度运动、引吐、导泻等方法以减轻体重。,神经性贪食症Bulimia Nervosa 是一种进食障碍,特征为反复发作和不可抗拒的摄食欲望,及暴食行为
17、,病人有担心发胖的恐惧心理,常采取引吐、导泻、禁食等方法消除暴食引起发胖的极端措施。,特点,共同的病理心理特点1 害怕发胖 2 对体形和体重的歪曲认识与期望,发病特点这两种病态的进食行为一般在女性中比较普遍,尤其是在一些特殊的如舞蹈演员、模特等对身材要求较高的职业中多发。 女性患者较男性患者多10倍以上。多数是在女性步入20岁左右形成(15至20岁高发),若不及时治疗,则会导致不同的病理心理结局甚至死亡,神经性厌食症AN,主要表现和分型,主要表现和分型,神经性厌食症 DSM-IV A 即使体重很轻,仍非常害怕体重增加或变“胖”; B 拒绝保持正常或稍高于正常的体重,体重低于正常体重的85; C
18、 极度关注体重和体形; D 闭经(连续3个月)。 AN可分为两种类型,禁食(限制)型 Restricting Type during the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has not regularly engaged in binge eating or purging behavior (i.e., self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas),暴食/清除(狂食/导泻)型 Binge-Eating/Purging Type
19、during the current episode of Anorexia Nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in binge-eating or purging behavior (i.e., self-induced vomiting or the misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas),手册251,Warning Signs of Anorexia Nervosa, Dramatic weight loss Preoccupation with weight, food, calories,
20、 fat grams, and dieting Refusal to eat certain foods, progressing to restrictions against whole categories of food (i.e., no carbohydrates, etc.) Frequent comments about feeling “fat“ or overweight despite weight loss Anxiety about gaining weight or being “fat.“ Denial of hunger Development of food
21、rituals (i.e., eating foods in certain orders, excessive chewing, rearranging food on a plate) Consistent excuses to avoid mealtimes or situations involving food Excessive, rigid exercise regimen-despite weather, fatigue, illness, or injury, the need to “burn off“ calories taken in Withdrawal from u
22、sual friends and activities In general, behaviors and attitudes indicating that weight loss, dieting, and control of food are becoming primary concerns,Health Consequences of Anorexia Nervosa, Anorexia nervosa involves self-starvation.The body is denied the essential nutrient it needs to function no
23、rmally, so it is forced to slow down all of its processes to conserve energy. This “slowing down“ can have serious medical consequences Abnormally slow heart rate and low blood pressure, which mean that the heart muscle is changing. The risk for heart failure rises as heart rate and blood pressure l
24、evels sink lower and lower Reduction of bone density (osteoporosis), which results in dry, brittle bones Muscle loss and weakness Severe dehydration, which can result in kidney failure. Fainting, fatigue, and overall weakness. Dry hair and skin, hair loss is common.Growth of a downy layer of hair ca
25、lled lanugo all over the body, including the face, in an effort to keep the body warm,About Anorexia Nervosa, Approximately 90-95% of anorexia nervosa sufferers are girls and women (Gidwani, 1997). Between 1-2% of American women suffer from anorexia nervosa (Zerbe, 1995). Anorexia nervosa is one of
26、the most common psychiatric diagnoses in young women (Hsu, 1996). Between 5-20% of individuals struggling with anorexia nervosa will die. The probabilities of death increases within that range depending on the length of the condition (Zerbe, 1995). Anorexia nervosa has one of the highest death rates
27、 of any mental health condition. Anorexia nervosa typically appears in early to mid-adolescence,小河,女,刚过了13岁生日,由父母陪同第一次来就诊。她在候诊室里静静地坐着,似乎周围发生的任何事情都与她无关,别人的谈话也没有引起她的注意。随后,面无表情的她在父母的陪同下进入诊室,安静地坐在那里,父母轮流向咨询师讲述她的患病经过。咨询师时不时有意的观察她。她从不插嘴,面部没有表情。咨询师通过仔细观察发现,小河显得成熟,稳重,有主意,也很坚强。她的眼睛凹陷,皮肤苍白,四肢细长得像是仙鹤腿。给咨询师的印象是
28、,她似乎很抵触这次咨询。当被问及问题时,她的回答非常简捷,但还算配合。,小河从小就喜欢跳舞,周末还一直坚持在舞蹈学校学习,而且,经常得到老师的夸奖。由于本人也越来越喜欢舞蹈,加上父母的支持,她从小学二年级开始就从普通小学转入了专业的舞蹈学校。几年来,小河捧回了无数的奖项,她的强项是独舞和芭蕾舞。舞蹈学校的老师不让学生多吃,对饮食有很多的限制。尽管如此,许多孩子都会在被子里偷吃,但小河却非常听话,即使很饿,自己也坚持不多吃。 半年前(北京发生非典期间),小河从学校回到家里练习。由于老师交代过回到家不许多吃,小河严格是按照老师的要求去做的。,父母流着眼泪说,每天,不管什么天气,女儿都会坚持近两个小
29、时的大运动量练习,也因为她的卓越成绩,父母很为她感到骄傲,因此,对从小胃口就不好的女儿也没有太注意。到了夏天,女儿开始出现胃疼,使得原本就饭量得很少的她吃得更少了。 这时候,父母开始带着女儿看胃病,并在小儿科住院两周,后自己强烈要求出院。由于进食更加困难,她的体重从原来的70余斤,下降到不足40斤(身高156厘米),最低时,体重只有35斤。在这种情况下,她常常晕倒,连学校都不能去了。,跟大多数厌食症患者一样,小河说她不希望体重增加,没有任何食欲,尽管父母想尽了一切办法,仍然无法让她进食。妈妈哭着说,早晨连1/5的小蛋黄都吃不完,这还算好的时候。有时,常常是一天下来什么都不吃,吃进嘴里的东西,咀
30、嚼后又吐掉。 小河看起来已经失去了对所有食物的兴趣。她说:“小时候,在舞蹈学校时想吃,但老师不让吃,自己挺挺就过去了。现在,我从来就不觉得饿”。,神经性贪食症 BN,主要表现和分型,神经性贪食症DSM-IV A. 循环发生的狂食 1. 在短时间内大量进食,进食数量以及速度都超过大多数人在相同时间内进食的数量和速度。 2. 进食过程中缺乏控制感(即感觉不能停止进食或者控制进食的数量)B. 常发生补偿性行为来防止体重增加,如自发性呕吐,滥用泻药剂、利尿剂和灌肠剂或者其他药物;禁食或者过量运动。 C. 狂食和补偿性行为同时发生,在三个月中至少每周平均两次。D.对自己的体重和体形过分地关注。 可分为两
31、种类型,清除(导泻)型 Purging Type during the current episode of Bulimia Nervosa, the person has regularly engaged in self induced vomiting or misuse of laxatives,diuretics, or enemas,非清除型 Non-purging Type during the current episode of Bulimia Nervosa,the person has used other inappropriate compensatory behav
32、iors, such as fasting or excessive exercise, but has not engaged in selfinduced vomiting or misuse of laxatives, diuretics, or enemas,Russels signs in bulimic patients,Warning Signs of Bulimia Nervosa, Evidence of binge-eating, including disappearance of large amounts of food in short periods of tim
33、e or the existence of wrappers and containers indicating the consumption of large amounts of food. Evidence of purging behaviors, including frequent trips to the bathroom after meals, signs and/or smells of vomiting, presence of wrappers or packages of laxatives or diuretics. Excessive, rigid exerci
34、se regimen-despite weather, fatigue, illness, or injury, the need to “burn off“ calories taken in. Withdrawal from usual friends and activities. Discoloration or staining of the teeth. Creation of complex lifestyle schedules or rituals to make time for binge-and-purge sessions. In general, behaviors
35、 and attitudes indicating that weight loss, dieting, and control of food are becoming primary concerns,Health Consequences of bulimia Nervosa, Electrolyte imbalances that can lead to irregular heartbeats and possibly heart failure and death. Electrolyte imbalance is caused by dehydration and loss of
36、 potassium and sodium from the body as a result of purging behaviors Potential for gastric rupture during periods of bingeing. Inflammation and possible rupture of the esophagus from frequent vomiting. Tooth decay and staining from stomach acids released during frequent vomiting. Chronic irregular b
37、owel movements and constipation as a result of laxative abuse. Peptic ulcers and pancreatitis,About Bulimia Nervosa, Bulimia nervosa affects 1-3% of middle and high school girls and 1-4% of college age women. Approximately 80% of bulimia patients are female People struggling with bulimia nervosa wil
38、l often appear to be of average body weight Often, people struggling with bulimia nervosa will develop complex schedules or rituals to provide opportunities for binge-and-purge sessions Many people struggling with bulimia nervosa recognize that their behaviors are unusual and perhaps dangerous to th
39、eir health, Bingeing episodes are associated with 3 or more of the these: a) eating more rapidly than normal; b) eating until uncomfortably full; c) eating large amounts when not hungry; d) eating alone because of feeling embarrassed by how much one is eating; e) feeling bad with oneself after overe
40、ating,小汪,女性,24岁,身高172厘米,某高校大四学生(由于大一换专业留一级,大三“身体不好”又休学一年)。 小汪有着高高的个子,修长的身材。由于冬天穿的比较多,所以如果不仔细看发现不了她有什么与众不同之处。仔细观察后发现,她面色苍白,颧骨下端比较丰满,牙齿上许多的褐色斑点,手背上有被牙齿咬过的伤痕。由父亲陪同前来就诊。 实际上,父亲在此之前已经多次在电话和面询中咨询女儿的情况,并因此意识到问题严重,这才下决心前来诊治。,父亲(比较有权势,家里生活水平高)描述:女儿从小胃口很好,营养也好,女儿很争气,长得又快又壮,小学二年级在班里就是最高最壮的一个,初中三年级时体重达到90多公斤,身高
41、近170厘米。她一直生活的很愉快,直到高中。 高中阶段,她仍然无忧无虑地学习和生活,她脑子很聪明,思维很敏捷,特别能言善辩,学习也比较出众,父母和亲戚都为之自豪。但高三的一个假期,在父亲单位的一次聚会上,叔叔阿姨们的谈话中偶然提到针灸减肥很有效,小汪萌生了去尝试一下的想法,就这样开始了减肥(实际上,医生要求配合饮食控制)。 结果,减肥效果的确不错,体重明显下降。由于体重的下降,她的身材也苗条了许多,家人、亲戚朋友和同学们大加赞赏,为此尝到了体重下降带来的好处,并由此开始了间断性的减肥。,小汪自己描述:上了大学后,由于地区差别,进校时的成绩在班上不算好,加上不喜欢父亲给自己选定的专业,学习感到吃
42、力。 上学以来的那种优越感一下子没有了,经过拼搏实在赶不上去,感到非常沮丧,进食增加,体重增加也较快,为此更加焦虑。此时,想起苗条身材的魅力,学习不出色,体形出色一样可以增加女孩子的自信心,所以,便开始了更加严格的减肥计划。 由于严格的节食,她往往坚持不了几天,就饥饿难忍,于是开始大吃,暴食,之后又感到焦虑而诱发呕吐,服用泻药。从此后,这个恶性循环就开始了。,近6年来,暴食、呕吐、导泻,一直在这个怪圈中走不出来。 而且,她还逼迫家人同意自己去作隆鼻、减少腹部脂肪和将腹部皮肤拉紧的各种手术,如果不同意就要自杀。 她曾经自伤过,至今前臂还留有疤痕。整个人发生了非常大的变化,脾气很暴躁,说谎,忧郁,
43、生活没有兴趣,没有一点自信,敏感,多疑,觉得自己非常痛苦,还不如一死了之。 .,进食障碍的历史,17世纪到20世纪前半叶有很多精神科医生和心理学家报告了一些治疗案例。,古代东方 “楚王好细腰 宫中多饿死” 古代西方 中世纪的僧侣 节食乃至禁食,20世纪70年代,Russel首次提出对神经性厌食症(AN)和神经性暴食症(BN)的诊断标准,为DSM-III对进食障碍诊断标准的编制奠定了重要基础,目前普遍使用的是DSM-IV。,进食障碍的发展,女孩子10岁左右,月经初潮,躯体有些变化,公众媒体的影响,感到体重增加了,变胖了,加上同伴的影响,“肥胖”成为了核心问题,开始节食,节食之后由于刺激了下丘脑,
44、感到非常饥饿,又吃很多,吃了以后又怕胖,又采取各种方式呕吐、服用泻药等方法;泻完后过不了几天,又开始暴食和服泻药,反复循环。,体重上下不断的波动。如果继续节食,使下丘脑的功能严重受损,不能刺激进食中枢,使体重一直下降,导致死亡。只要体重下降超过原体重的15%,就引发了大脑中枢的调节反应:体重下降,体重中枢刺激进食中枢兴奋,进食增加,体重恢复。节食又开始,见图示,进食障碍的流行病学特点,进食障碍的原因探讨,社会因素心理因素生物因素,社会因素,厌食症 Parental attitudes toward appearance Peer pressures and influence Socio-cu
45、ltural beauty standards Over-controlling parents Constant fights about eating during meal time,贪食症 Parental attitudes toward appearance Peer pressures and influence Socio-cultural beauty standards,心理因素,贪食症 Emotionally unstable and feel inadequate Cognitively preoccupied with body and shape issues Di
46、sordered eating behaviors,厌食症 Emotionally feel inadequate and unsure of own self-worth Cognitively preoccupied with body and shape issues Disordered eating behaviors Emotionally feel ineffective and inadequate Cognitively rigid and often perceive self as being controlled by others Control eating to
47、fight for autonomy,生物因素,厌食症 Weak weight self-regulatory mechanism in the brain Childhood feeding difficulties High obsessive and anxiety traits (particularly sensitive interpersonally),贪食症 Strong weight self-regulatory mechanism in the brain High impulsive and anxiety traits (particularly sensitive
48、interpersonally),整合模型,易感因素:遗传的脆弱性、社会文化要求 诱发因素 :青春期发育、创伤事件、家庭冲突、同伴和群体压力 维持因素(一旦发生障碍,障碍持续下去 ) :以上诱发因素,(宏观层面) 进食障碍的产生,基因,人格特质,生物学基础,易感性,社会文化因素,进食障碍,青春期,家庭冲突,压力事件,(微观层面)儿童厌食症产生,易感性儿童,失败感,低自尊,失控感,获得控制 的需要,节食,成就感,继续节食,厌食症,压力事件,进食障碍的预防和治疗,进食障碍的预防Prevention of eating disorders进食障碍的治疗Treatment of eating diso
49、rder,进食障碍的预防 Prevention of eating disorders,Primary prevention refers to programs that are designed to prevent the occurrence of the target disorder before it begins, in other words, to promote and sustain healthy development. Primary prevention programs are often incorporated into the ongoing work
50、of parents, teachers, clergy, and coaches,Secondary prevention is designed to facilitate identification and correction of a disorder in its early stages when it is less likely to be a “lifestyle“ and less likely to be associated with other significant problems like depression. Secondary prevention involves education about (a) “warning signs,“ (b) effective ways to reach out to people in distress, and (c) referral to appropriate sources of treatment,