1、 2011 12 10 currency1 “ fifl ” fl Human activities have negative effects on plant and animalspecies. Some people think it is too late to do anything aboutthis problem. Others believe that effective measures can be takento improve this situation. Discuss both views and give ouropinion.Essay ExampleIn
2、 many countries practical solutions to protect wildlife doexist, but a recovery plan cannot be useful without jointlyenforcing legislation world-wide. Trade in endangered plants andanimals is now internationally prohibited, as is commercialexploitation, and so what? Penalties for violations used to
3、be toominimal to stop such destructive human activities as illegalhunting and deforestation and pollution, even though nobodyshould like to see the situation becoming bad to worse.Gradually, the public is beginning to worry that the worse isyet to come. Some fear that if little or nothing is done in
4、 time toprevent the disaster from happening , humankind as speciesmight be doomed as well. Such is at least the view held by quitea few scientists and environmentalists who call for severesanctions, or else. Others, however, believe that the case is nothopeless. The good news is that there is an inc
5、reasing awarenessof the great danger human beings are in. An urgent globalcommitment has actually been reached to join forces to maintainecosystem, saving Nature for Natures sake, despite the fact thatin certain crucial fields apparently not enough has been done. Asit is, protecting the natural mech
6、anisms and preventing pollutionare hard tasks to deal with, nevertheless human beings ought totrust themselves in meeting the challenges, by reason or byforce.Excessive logging, illegal hunting and fishing, andout-of-control pollution continue in many corners of the planeton penalties of heavy fines
7、 and criminal charges, but concernedgovernments across the world are no longer turning a blind eye.It is a truth universally acknowledged that, unless effectivemeasures are taken altogether at once, mankinds road to doomis sure, although very slow. Fortunately human beings now knowthat harming the e
8、arth is easy like pulling bricks from a giantwall, and that they may keep doing it until the wall suddenlycollapses. Nowadays, environmental problems are too big to bemanaged by individual persons or individual countries. In otherwords, it is an international problem. To what extent do youagree or disagree? (IELTS)Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed ordamaged by human activity. Others feel that human activitymakes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Usespecific reasons and examples to support your answer. (TOEFL) “ 2012 学 时间安排表2011 12 3 口机经 3陈湃 2011 12 口预测