1、助教岗位职责助教岗位职责篇一:助教的工作内容即岗位职责助教岗位职责 (试行)1承担学生班导或辅导员的任务,深入做好学生思想政治工作。2承担课程的辅导、答疑、批改作业、辅导课、实验课、实习课、组织课堂讨论等教学工作,协助指导毕业论文、毕业设计,参加组织和指导生产实习、社会调查等方面的工作。3参与实验室建设。4经批准,担任某些课程的部分或全部讲课工作。5与讲课教师密切配合,做好教学准备工作。经常与学生联系,了解学生的思想、学习、生活状况,做好沟通教与学的工作。6担任教学、科学研究、行政等方面的管理工作。7参加教学研究或科学研究、技术开发、社会服务及其他科学技术工作。8根据二级学院和人事处的安排,集
3、良好的品德与涵养,较强的责任心与爱心(4)出色的沟通能力及执行力,较强的心理素质(5)吃苦耐劳,有团队合作精神(6)认同新东方精神,了解新东方企业文化优能中学部成长史优能项目介绍? 精品班秉承新东方标准的教学模式,通过轻松活跃的课堂氛围和振奋人心的励志教育激发学员的积极性和主动性,帮助学员全面提高学习成绩。l 艺考文化课主要针对准备参加艺术高考的学员,按学员水平和需求分为多种班型,根据艺术类考生文化课各科目分值所占比重不同的特殊性,专门为艺术类考生量身定做相应班型,帮助艺考学员迅速提高应试技巧备战高考。 中考直通车主要针对北京初三在读,有志愿考上市重点、区重点的学生。按学员需求开设“全科”和“
4、单科”课程,归类复习中考的重难点知识,强化训练解题技巧,提高基本能力,直击中考。l 港大面试班:主要针对希望就读香港大学的学员。通过独特实战的教学方法,了解香港大学面试过程,熟悉相关题型。通过“模拟式教学环境” 、 “辨证性思维专题” 、 “面试技巧专题” 、 “模拟面试实战演练”等,使面试胜券在握。l “酷学酷玩”冬夏令营:以“英语”为元素,以 “玩”为核心,以“教育”为灵魂。主要针对全国各地从小学五年级到高三的学员,按学员水平和需求分为不同类型冬夏令营,以“英语”为元素,以“玩”为核心,以“教育”为灵魂。主要针对全国各地从小学五年级到高三的学员,按学员水平和需求分为不同类型冬夏令营,如:北
5、京游学英语营、听力口语集训营等,融入时尚的教育理念,在学与玩的辩证中给学员一种体验式创新英语学习的方式,全面提升个人能力、培养综合型人才。助教岗位职责篇三:助教工作职责(英文版)Duties of Assistant Teacher? Things to do independently? Teach Chinese text book two classes on Friday each week.? Help the students to pass the tests in Dong Cheng District? Assist foreign teacher to finish tea
6、ching tasks? Communication and CooperationHelp foreign teacher to communicate with parents, administrators, headteachers and other teachers well:? Tell foreign teacher the schedules of our school.? Enhance the communication with parents, use messages, e-mails and internet to communicate with parents
7、 to tell them studentsperformance and homework.? Hold the meetings to communicate with parents each week.? Create office profiles and student profiles (including e-profiles) to make sure whether the work has been finished.? Communicate with foreign teacher very well and help her to know demands of C
8、hinese parents and students. At the same time, help herto know Chinese culture and adapt to teaching in China.? Keep good relationships with administrators and all the departments, including English teaching group, head teachers, headmaster, deans(Teacher Guan), the teacher to hold activities (Teach
9、er Tao), logistics department (Dean Ma), Information Center (Teacher Wen).? Design and update presentation board.? Teaching and AdministratingAssist foreign teacher to finish the work of teaching and administrating:? Work of Preparation? Prepare all the things of classes, including files, machines,
10、internet to make sure that teaching goes well.? Clean the classroom after class and keep the room tidy and clean. ? Keep teaching materials and things for daily use well.? Assist Teaching Activities? Class rulesadministrate students and communicate with parents well.? Guide students to study well.? Arrange and correct homework, and communicate with parents well.