1、 创意产业化运行机制研究The Research on Operational Mechanismof Creative Industrialization董文静权锡鉴教授学术学位企业管理企业创新管理2014 6 1谨以此论文献给敬爱的老师权锡鉴教授董文静创意产业化运行机制研究学位论文答辩日期:指导教师签字:答辩委员会成员签字:独创声明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含未获得 或其他教育机构的学位或证书使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献
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3、日期: 年 月 日创意产业化运行机制研究摘 要创意产业发轫于知识经济时代,是近十几年来新兴的一门产业。创意产业被提出后,在发达国家获得了较快发展,并被世界各国视为未来经济发展的支柱产业之一。创意产业不仅推崇创意创新,而且注重个人创新能力的发挥,它既重视个人创意对经济发展的促进,也重视艺术文化对经济繁荣的支持。在市场经济条件下,任何产业要获得发展,就必须走市场化道路,进行产业化运行,创意产业也不例外。创意产业由多种要素组成,并包含诸多相互联系的子系统,是富有动态变化性的有机整体。创意产业的发展离不开具有调节器功能的运行机制作为保障,运行机制合理与否对创意产业预定目标的达成具有直接影响。合理的运行
6、块中的不同市场主体;理清创意产业化运行过程的各个环节以及各环节内部和各环节之间存在的协作关系;提出“创意的产业化” 和“产业的创意化”两条创意产业化一般路径;总结出“由创意到市场” 和“由市场到生产”两种创意产业化运行过程。其次,构建创意产业化发展的一般模型,为创意产业化理论研究引入统一的分析框架。本文尝试构建一种以创意知识共享为基础,以创意产业内部各创意行为主体为推动力量,以创意的流转为关键,以创意成果的实现为目标,创意资源优化配置得以实现的创意产业化运行机制。最后,阐述创意产业化运行机制,包括技术创新扩散机制、资金筹集机制、人才机制、中介机制、政策法规保障机制等存在的问题,并对运行机制中存
7、在的问题给出探讨性建议。关键词:创意;创意产业;产业化;运行机制The Research on Operational Mechanism of Creative Industrialization Abstract Over the last decade The Creative Industry is an emerging industry,its developmentbackground is the era of knowledge economy. After The Creative Industry have beenproposed, gained rapid devel
8、opment in developed countries and is regarded as one of theworlds future economic development of pillar industries. The Creative Industry not onlyrespected on creativity and innovation, but also on the personal ability to innovate, itemphasis on individual creativity to promote economic development,
9、 but also attachimportance to the arts and cultural support for economic prosperity.In a market economy, the marketization in any industry must take the road,The CreativeIndustry is no exception, the need for industrialization and marketization operation. TheCreative Industry composed by a variety o
10、f factors, and contains many interrelatedsubsystems, is full of dynamic changes of the organic whole. Security is inseparable from thedevelopment of The Creative Industry operational mechanism,operational mechanism isreasonable or not has a direct impact on The Creative Industry to reach the intende
11、d target.Reasonable operational mechanism able to effectively coordinate, motivate or restrict thebehavior of creative subject,can promote The Creative Industry in good running condition.Unreasonable operating mechanism will constrain creative subjects, and thus can not reachthe intended target. The
12、refore, to achieve the intended objectives of The Creative Industry, itis necessary to establish a scientific operational mechanism, build The Creative industryoperation process reasonably and safeguard the smooth running of the operation process. Thispaper analyzes the subject of Creative Industria
13、lization and operation process, trying to builda model for operational mechanism of Creative Industrialization of guiding significance forthe development of creative industries. Trying to build a model for operational mechanism ofCreative Industrialization is the focus of this study, key problems ar
14、e also contemplated inthis article.The essence of The Creative industry lies in the creative industries industrialization. Asan independent industry, there are essential differences between creative industry and otherindustries. Other major industries to provide consumers with physical products to m
15、eetconsumer demand for material consumption, the creative industry to provide consumers withspiritual and cultural products to meet the spiritual and cultural needs of consumers. TheCreative industry arises because the supply of nonprofit spiritual and cultural products andservices,has been unable t
16、o meet the growing demand for consumer culture. Market demandhas led to a new industry which can provide spiritual and cultural products and services forthe consumer,this industry is The Creative industry. The Creative industry put theindustrialization mode of operation and means to disseminate and
17、product spiritual andcultural products,the formation of the creative, production, marketing integration ofindustrial chain, to provide more rich and colorful cultural products and services forconsumers.This paper studied the problems of creative industrialization and operational mechanismof creative
18、 industrialization. First, through analysis The Creative Industry development statusand development trend of the world and China, summed up the operational mechanism andoperational rules of creative industries industrialization, and by linking theory with practice,to explore the mechanism of operati
19、on. Including the establishment of different marketentities in operation module of creative industries;clarifying the relationship between thecollaboration of all aspects of The Creative Industry as well as various aspects and all aspectsof internal of running processes;putting forward the “creative
20、 industrialization” and“industrial creativities” two creative industry general path;concluding that “from idea tomarket” and “the market to the production” of two kinds of creative industrializationoperation process. Secondly, to build a general model based the development of the creativeindustriali
21、zation, the introduction of a unified analytical framework for the theoretical studyof the creative industrialization. This paper attempts to build a creative knowledge sharingbasing on the creative industry, the creative subject as a driving force, to creative flow for thekey, in order to achieve c
22、reative achievement as the goal, creativity optimal allocation ofresources to achieve the creative industrialization operation mechanisms. Finally, elaboratethe operational mechanism of creative industrialization, including the problems oftechnological innovation diffusion mechanism, financing mecha
23、nisms, personnel system,intermediary mechanisms, policies and regulations safeguard mechanism, then attempts toput forward the policy advises.Key Words: Creative; Creative Industries; Industrialization; Operational Mechanism目 录1导论 11.1选题背景与研究意义11.1.1选题背景11.1.2研究意义41.2国内外研究综述51.2.1国外研究综述51.2.2国内研究综述9
24、1.3研究方法与技术路线 141.3.1研究方法 141.3.2技术路线 141.4.主要研究内容及拟解决的问题 151.4.1主要研究内容 151.4.2拟解决的主要问题 181.5.论文的创新点 182.创意、创意产业及创意产业化相关理论 202.1熊彼特的创新理论 202.2约翰霍金斯的创意经济理 论 222.3微笑曲线理论 252.4长尾理论 273创意产业及创意产业化概述 313.1创意概述 313.2创意产业概述 323.2.1创意产业的概念 323.2.2创意产业的特征 353.2.3创意产业的分类 393.3创意产业化概述 433.3.1创意产业化定义 433.3.2创意产业化
25、的特点 443.3.3创意产业化的必要性 454外国创意产业的发展 474.1创意产业在英国 474.1.1英国创意产业的现状 474.1.2英国创意产业的发展趋势 494.1.3英国创意产业的运行机制 504.2创意产业在美国 514.2.1美国创意产业的现状 514.2.2美国创意产业的发展趋势 534.2.3美国创意产业的运行机制 544.3创意产业在日本 554.3.1日本创意产业的现状 554.3.2日本创意产业的发展趋势 564.3.3日本创意产业的运行机制 575我国创意产业的发展实践 595.1我国创意产业的发展历程和现状 595.1.1我国创意产业的发展历程 595.1.2我
26、国创意产业的发展现状 615.2我国创意产业的发展趋势 645.2.1主旋律是文化、经济与技术的融合 645.2.2创意产业外延不断扩展 645.2.3与当地消费需求相结合 655.2.4集群化和产业化 655.2.5文化体制转型步伐加快 655.3我国创意产业发展中存在的问题 665.3.1市场运行不规范,战略规划不成熟 665.3.2集聚区缺乏特色产业优势 675.3.3融资渠道不完善 685.3.4知识产权保护措施不健全 685.3.5人才创新能力不足 686创意产业化的主体 706.1创意产业化主体界定 706.2创意产业化主体的特征 726.2.1本质是创意资本人 726.2.2具有
27、特殊的人才素质 726.2.3与市场连接紧密 736.2.4研究机构是智力库 736.2.5各主体形成战略联盟 736.3创意产业化主体构成系统 746.3.1创意人群 746.3.2创意企业 756.3.3高校和科研机构 756.3.4传播媒介 766.3.5行业协会 776.3.6社会团体 776.3.7中介服务机构 786.3.8政府 786.4创意产业化各主体的作用及其相互之间的关系 796.4.1创意产业化各主体的作用 796.4.2创意产业化主体之间的关系 817创意产业化运行过程 827.1创意产业化运行过程的基本环节 827.1.1创意的提供与生成 827.1.2创意的投资、开发与生产 837.1.3创意的推广、交易与传播 837.1.4创意的服务与营销 847.1.5创意的消费与体验