1、通过知识管理战略改进企业绩效,Chris Paladino March 11, 2002 (703) 947-2394 Knowledge Technologies 2002,议题,知识管理方法 实施框架 成功要素 问题与回答,知识管理方法,知识管理定义 知识管理事项 知识螺旋 埃森哲知识管理模型,知识管理定义,(知识管理是)合作化、系统化地获取、创造、整合以及共享信息、观点、经验的过程,(并通过这种过程)实现组织目标,知识管理事项,How do you create a culture for sharing? Which people need to be empowered to con
2、tribute the right knowledge? Are priorities aligned with measurements?,Are the right processes in place to - capture, refine, and create knowledge - disseminate, share, and apply knowledge to deliver business value?,What tools are currently in place? What tools are needed to enable the environment?
3、How do you fill the gap?,Which factors are critical for my business that can be addressed by Knowledge Management? Which knowledge adds the most value? What are the highest priority initiatives?,尽管众多公司已经认识到更加有效地运用他们所掌握的知识的重要性,但其中的绝大数仍不知从何下手,战略,技术,人员,流程,Accenture, 2002,知识螺旋,协作,外化,整合,内化,2,1,3,4,Nonaka
4、, I. And H. Takeuchi, The Knowledge-Creating Company. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1995.,信息 面对面 E化团队/E化会议 论坛,内容管理 知识库 工作流,螺旋 E化学习 查询 个性化 推动/剖面,知识地图 数据挖掘 合成知识,埃森哲知识管理模型,工作模型,事务模型,专家模型,综合模型,网络模型,系统的、可重复的工作 高度依赖正规流程、方法与标准 依赖于跨越职能界限的紧密结合,日常工作 高度依赖正规流程与培训 依赖于个体工作者和执行严格的规定,即兴工作 高度依赖跨职能的高深经验 依赖于创建高度忠诚、灵活的
5、团队的能力,以判断为导向的工作 高度依赖个人专长与经验 依赖于明星员工 明星文化是其特征,常规,解释/判断,工作复杂性,相互依赖程度,协作,个体行动者,知识工作者,*采用“依靠一种方法适用所有情景的思路”构建的知识管理系统是不可能有效的,Accenture, 2002,议题,知识管理方法 实施框架 成功要素 问题与回答,实施框架,流程,工具/服务,知识环境架构,基础架构,Global WAN,Office Platform,Document Management,Messaging,Internet,Database Platform,内容,规则,Search Profile Link Man
6、agement,Knowledge Mining Visual Controls Portal,Abstractors Routing/Workflow Collaboration,Contribute Access Control Creation,Feedback Community Management,Archive/Delete Activity Monitoring Aging,Community Member Expert,Content Manager Knowledge Technologist,Knowledge Sponsor Knowledge Integrator,S
7、ynthesize Validate Valuation,LAN,Translators Security Alerts,Information Interfaces,Communication & Collaboration,Knowledge Maps Directories Attachments,Internal/External Info Knowledge Bases,变革激活程序管理 组织发展 运作管理,Synthesized Knowledge Discussions Community/Home Pages,最佳实践,客户管理,研究与发展,个体&组织学习,应用,议题,知识管理
8、方法 实施框架 成功要素 问题与回答,成功要素,Executive sponsorship will be essential to establishing this knowledge sharing environment. The cultural changes necessary to shift to a sharing environment must be actively supported and fostered throughout the organization by executive team.,Navigation,Enablement,Business O
9、wner- ship,Executive Leadership,Users understanding and commitment to use the knowledge environment. A critical mass of users who are willing to share, contribute, and use what is available must be established for the potential of the environment to be realized.,Technical infrastructure must support
10、 sharing from both a cost and architectural standpoint.,Ongoing training and support will be necessary to both establish the critical mass of users and to ensure the continued understanding and effective use of the environment as it evolves.,Motivation and reward systems will need to be created to i
11、nspire people to contribute to and use the knowledge environment.,Integration of sharing into normal activities so it doesnt appear as a burden, but rather as an enabler.,Detailed Planning that incorporates activities, schedules, milestones, risk management, and the appropriate monitoring and tracking tools to support success.,Knowledge Strategy that identifies the vision, business goals, stakeholders, and activities to be accomplished.,问题与回答,Chris Paladino March 11, 2002 (703) 947-2394 Knowledge Technologies 2002,