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1、外贸业务员考试真题10年5月根底理论试卷(A卷) 篇一:2013外贸业务根底理论及(A) 2013年全国外贸业务员考试 外贸业务根底理论试卷(A卷) (考试时间:2013年5月19日上午9:0011:00) 一、单项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上, 答在试卷上无效。每题1分,共40分) 1按照INCOTERMS 2000的规定,就买方承担的物资风险而言,()。 AC组和D组术语最小,F组其次,E组最大 BE组术语最小,F组和C组其次,D组最大 CF组和C组术语最大,E组其次,D组最小 DD组术语最小,F组和C组其次,E组最大 2我国一般原产地证书的官方发证机构是()。 A贸促会 B出入境检验检

2、疫局 C制造商 D出口商 3自2009年1月1日起,我国一般纳税人在进口设备作为固定资产时所发生的(),可从销项税额中抵扣。 A进口关税 B进口环节增值税 C进口环节消费税 D进口环节增值税和进口环节消费税 4在我国进出口贸易中,假设按FAS术语成交,下面说法错误的选项是()。 A卖方要在商定时间内将合同规定物资交到指定装运港买方所指派船只的船边 B假设买方所派船只不能靠岸,卖方要负责用驳船把物资运至船边,仍在船边交货 C装船的责任和费用由买方承担 D在船上完成交货义务 5山东邹可进出口出口一批大蒜到日本,该批物资于2009年4月7日装运,要求船公司以2009年4月6日作为提单日期签发提单,那

3、么该提单称为()。 A顺签提单 B倒签提单 C过期提单 D预借提单 6按照我国票据法规定,当汇票大小写金额不一致时,()。 A以大写金额为准 B以小写金额为准 C票据无效 D由付款行决定 7我国加工贸易合同审批的主管部门是()。 A国务院 B国家发改委 C海关 D商务厅(委) 8我国出口商品检验时,对产地和报关地相一致的出境物资,经检验检疫合格的,出入境检验检疫局出具()。 A出境物资通关单 B出境物资换证凭单 C出境物资换证凭条 D出境物资不合格通知单 9经中华人民共和国国务院批准,我国于2009年4月1日已将纺织品、服装出口退税率提高到()。 A14% B15% C16% D17% 10我

4、国的进口许可证最多只能延期()次,延期最长不超过()个月。 A1、2 B1、3C2、6 D2、9 11商品名称及编码协调制度规定,商品编码的第五、六位码表示()。 A类 B章 C目 D子目 12以下属于中国强迫认证标志的是()。 AFCCBCCC CFTC DUL 13()是属于委托代售的贸易方式。 A寄售 B经销 C代理 D回购 14当预测本币汇率上升,计价外币汇率下降,进口商应争取()。 A提早付款B提早收款 C推延付款 D推延收款 15按照国际惯例,唛头一般不包括以下哪项内容?() A收、发货人名称的英文缩写 B参考号 C件号 D包装尺寸 16我国流通型外贸企业在办理出口退税时,以下哪种

5、单据能够不用向国税局提交?() A出口物资报关单(出口退税联) B出口收汇核销单(出口退税专用联) C商业发票 D增值税专用发票(抵扣联) 17Bidding Documents是由()编制的。 A招标人 B投标人 C开标人 D评审专家 18计算航空物资的体积重量时,其计算公式为:物资体积重量=物资体积()。 19在我国进出口贸易中,知识产权权利人在口岸觉察侵权嫌疑物资后,能够直截了当向()申请采取责令停顿侵权行为或者财产保全的措施。 A工商局 B人民法院 C口岸海关 D商务部 20假远期信誉证中贴现费用由()支付。 A开证申请人 B受益人 C开证行 D通知行 21What is the te

6、rm when the consignment is delivered with all the charges up to arrival at the port of destination paid by the seller?() AFOBBFCA CDDUDCIF 22Where goods are to be dispatched by road, rail or air instead of by sea, the documentary credit will call for a road transport document or a rail transport doc

7、ument or an airway bill instead of(). Aa bill of exchange Ba certificate of origin Ca bill of ladingDa certificate of insurance 23The drawee of a cheque is(). Athe person who is to receive payment Bthe bank that has to make paymentCthe last person to endorse the cheque Dthe person whose bank account

8、 will be debited 24A bank that opens an L/C at the request of an importer is a (an)(). Aissuing bank Bpaying bank Caccepting bankDinforming bank 25Tariffs can(). Adecrease the domestic price of a product Bincrease government earnings from taxes Cincrease the quantity of imports Ddecrease domestic pr

9、oduction 26Foreign trade can be conducted on the following terms of payment except for(). Aopen accountBdocumentary collection Cdocumentary credits Dpublic bonds 27The risk of breakage is considered to be (). AFree from Particular Average BGeneral Additional Risks CWith Average DSpecial Additional R

10、isks 28If a seller finds any discrepancies in the letter of credit against the sales contract, whom should he write to asking for an amendment?() Athe issuing bank Bthe advising bank Cthe applicant Dthe negotiating bank 29A clean transport documents is one which bears no clause or notation declaring

11、 a defective condition of the (). Avessel BB/L itself Cgoods or their packaging Dvoyage 30Which of the following payment modes may bring the lowest risk to a seller?() AT/T in advanceBL/C CD/PDD/A Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: Negotiations work wonders. This is particul

12、arly so in international business since it is mostly through negotiations that exporters and importers bridge their differences and reach a fair and mutually satisfactory deal. By presenting a more comprehensive negotiating package in a well planned and organized manner, exporters should be able to

13、improve the effectiveness of their business discussions and in the long term the profitability of their export operations. To avoid being confronted by costly demands, an exporter should try to determine the buyers real interest in the products from the outset. This can be ascertained through approp

14、riate questions but must also be based on research and other preparations before the negotiations. Only then can a suitable counter-proposal be presented. To achieve a favorable outcome from the negotiations, an exporter should draw up a plan of action beforehand, which addresses a few key issues. E

15、xperienced negotiators consider that as much as 80% of their overall time devoted to negotiations should go to such preparations. The preliminary work should be aimed at obtaining relevant information on the target market and the buyers of the products. It should also include developing counter-prop

16、osals if objections are raised on any of the exporters opening negotiating points. The preparations should thus involveformulating the negotiating strategy and tactics. In international marketing negotiations, it is advisable for small and medium-sized exporters not just to limit their discussions t

17、o pricing issues, although pricing is a key factor in any business transaction, exporters should give more attention to the full range of marketing factors. They should stress the strengths of their firms and products and match them with the perceived needs of the buyers. Once these issues have been

18、 covered, they can consider the question of price and are able to develop a profitable business. 31Negotiations work wonders because(). Aimporters and exporters can build a bridge together Bthey do help solve problems and get more understanding for each other Cthey bring satisfactory deal every time

19、 Dthe gap between importers and exporters can be fairly filled in every instance 32A successful negotiator should be(). AaggressiveBmild Cwell-preparedDhesitative 33In international marketing negotiations,()always come first. ApricesBfull range of marketing factors Cmanufacturing costsDcustomers nee

20、ds 3480% of the overall time should go to preparations which involve(). Aobtaining relevant information Bdeveloping counter-proposals Cformulating the negotiating strategy and tactics Dall of the above 35The author advises the small and medium-sized exporters to do business with(). Acare Ba prospect

21、ive insight Cmore stress on profit Dpricing issues Questions from 36 to 40 are based on the following passage: Against this background, the WTO faces several daunting challenges. The first is to continue bringing down tariffs on traded goods. Average penalties have fallen steadily since the GATTs fo

22、rmation but even the most open economies retain lofty barriers: for instance, America still charges a tariff of 14.6% on import of clothing, five times higher than its average levy. Resistance to tariff cuts is strongest in agriculture. According to Tim Josling, a trade expert at Stanford University

23、, tariffs and other barriers on farm goods average a crippling 40% worldwide and create distortions that “destroy huge amounts of value”. A new set of global farm talks is planned to start in 1999. At the least, you might think, these could lock in impressive reforms in Latin America and encourage f

24、urther watering-down of the European Unions Common Agricultural Policy. But they will prove difficult: squabbles over agriculture almost sank the Uruguay round. 36What does the WTO face?() Afair trade rules Bfree trade Cexport tax reductionDseveral challenges 37Where do impressive reforms lock in ac

25、cording to the passage?() AAmericaBAsia CLatin America DAfrica38According to the passage, which statement is NOT true?() AThe WTO faces several daunting challenges, one of which is to continue bringing down tariffs on traded goods. BAmerica still charges a tariff of 14.6% on import of clothing, four

26、 times higher than its average levy. CThe strongest resistance to tariff cuts is in agriculture field. DA trade expert said that tariffs and other barriers on farm goods averaged a crippling 40% worldwide. 39When is a new set of global farm talks planned to start?() A1980B1990 C2001 Dat the end of 2

27、0th century 40The best title for the passage is(). ANEW TRADE RULES BUNFAIR TRADE RULES CTRADE BARRIERS FOR DEVELOPING COUNTRIES DTARIFF CHALLENGES TO WTO 二、多项选择题(请将答案填涂在答题卡上,答 在试卷上无效。每题1.5分,共15分,多 选或少选均不得分) 1按照INCOTERMS 2000的规定,以下有关DDU和DDP表述正确的有()。 ADDU适宜任何运输方式,而DDP只适宜海运方式 BDDU和DDP都是在进口国国内交货 C与DDU相

28、比,DDP术语下,卖方要多办理物资进口手续和支付进口关税 D与DDP相比,DDU术语下,卖方要多办理物资进口手续和支付进口关税 2在我国海运物资的保险业务里,适用“仓至仓”条款的险别有()。 CF.P.ADWAR RISKS 3在国际贸易术语中,()风险划分以货交第一承运人为界,并适用于各种运输方式。 AFCA BFOB CCIF DCIP 4在投保海运一切险后,在海上运输途中以下哪些风险属于保险公司的承保范围?() A雷电 B火灾 C偷窃 D拒收 5到目前为止,以下哪些商品属于我国公布的禁止进口物资目录里的商品?() A所有旧衣服 B虎骨 C所有旧机电 D矿渣 6以下关于班轮运输说法正确的有

29、()。 A具有定线、定港、定期和相对稳定运费费率的特点 B由船方负责物资装卸,运费中包括装卸费 C以运送大宗物资为主 D不规定滞期、速遣条款 7在外贸业务中,常用于中间商转售物资买卖的信誉证有()。 A背对背信誉证 B对开信誉证 C保兑信誉证 D可转让信誉证篇二:10年全国外贸业务员根底理论试卷A卷模仿试题 2010年全国外贸业务员根底理论试卷A卷 一、单项选择题(每题1分,共40分) 1UCP600规定,承付(Honor)不包括( ) 。 A即期付款 B延期付款 C承兑 D议付 2UCP600规定,开证行的合理审单时间是收到单据次日起的( )个工作日之内。 A5 B6 C7 D8 3( )是

30、票据的主票据行为。 A背书 B承兑 C出票 D付款 4出口完税价格是指( ) 。 AFOB BCFR CCIF DFCA 5按照结合国国际物资销售合同公约规定,卖方无需承担( )的义务。 A交付物资 B移交一切与物资有关的单据 C支付价款 D移交物资所有权给买方 6在( )市场,“CE”标志属于强迫性认证标志。 A新加坡 B日本 C欧盟 D美国 7采纳( )支付方式时,无需投保出口信誉保险。 A前 T/T BD/P CD/A DO/A 8打包贷款一般用于( )的贸易融资。 A装运前 B装运后 C交单时 D议付时 9按照 INCOTERMS 2000规定,采纳( )术语时,由买方办理出口报关。

31、AEXW BFAS CFOB DDDP 10按照 CIC 条款,空运险负“仓至仓”责任,自被保险物资运离保险单所载明的起运地仓 库或储存处所开场运输时生效, 直至该项物资到达保险单所载明目的地收货人的最后仓库或 储存处所。 如未抵达上述仓库或储存处所, 那么以被保险物资在最后卸载地点全部卸离运输工 具后满( )为止。 A20天 B30天 C60天 D90天 11对出口商而言,以下支付方式风险从小到大的陈列顺序是( ) 。 AL/CD/PD/A前 T/T后 T/T BL/C前 T/TD/PD/A后 T/T C前 T/TL/CD/PD/A后 T/TD,前 T/TL/CD/AD/P后 T/T 12U

32、CP600规定,遇节假日不可顺延的期限是( ) 。 A信誉证效期 B装运期C交单期 D汇票到期日 13 ( )是当今世界上最大的检验鉴定公司。 AUL BNKKK CSGS DIITS 14 ( )不属于经济风险。 A运营治理不善 B政权更替 C通货膨胀 D汇率变动 15按照我国有关规定,对外贸易运营者应于获得出口运营权之日起( )天内,向所在 地的主管退税机关申请办理出口退税认定。A15天 B30天 C45天 D60天 16我国对外贸易物资运输中,运输量最大的运输方式是( ) 。 A海洋运输 B航空运输 C国际多式联运 D铁路运输 17 投保单上的投保金额在发票金额的 ( ) 以上时, 一般

33、需征得保险公司同意方可投保。 A100% B105% C110% D130% 18信誉证关于唛头的规定是“KKK in circle”,那么以下符合信誉证要求的唛头是( ) 。 AKKK in circle BN/M C D 19按照规定,单笔出口多收汇或少收汇核销差额在等值( )美元(含)以内的,能够 按正常情况办理出口收汇核销。 A1000 B3000 C5000 D10000 20出口退税申报时间是报关单上注明的出口日期起( )天内。 A60 B90 C120 D180 21POC means “port of call”, which can be translated into Ch

34、inese as( ). A中途停靠港 B中途转运港 C沿途停靠港 D目的港 22 Telegraphic transfer (T/T), Mail transfer (M/T) and Demand draft (D/D) are the three forms of payment for ( ). AL/C BRemittance CCollection DL/G 23Bills of lading to be made out to order and blank endorsed means the originals should be endorsed by( ). Ashipp

35、er Bconsignee Ccarrier Dcollecting bank 24 The dimension of the carton is as the following: LHW=60cm30cm40cm, the measurement should be( ). 25Different trade terms indicate the different charges, obligation and perils taken for the buyer and seller. ( ) is most favorable for the exporter. ACIF BFOB

36、CEXW DFAS 26Learning the details of a certain commodity, you may make a/an ( ) from the supplier. Aorder Benquiry Cagent Dsample 27The following are the relevant banks concerned in the operation of the L/C except ( ). Aissuing bank Bnegotiating bank Ccollecting bank Dadvising bank 28The style of bus

37、iness letter writing generally conforms to the listed forms except( ).Aindented style Bblocked style Csubject line Dmodified blocked style 29General average belongs to ( ) . Aconstructive total loss Bactual total loss Cpartial loss Dtotal loss 30The following are the modes of transport except ( ). A

38、sea transport Bwarning marks Cpipe transport Dinland waterway transport Questions from 31 to 35 are based on the following passage: Basically, there are three different types of negotiators, which are equivalent of the three different kinds of businesspeople who are compared to sharks (鲨鱼), carps(鲤鱼

39、)and dolphins (海豚)to describe their distinct behaviors. Using the same descriptive expressions to negotiators provides a better understanding of the three negotiating styles. The perception of sharks is that in all negotiations, there must be winners and losers. When negotiating, the sharks basic na

40、ture is to take over or trade off. A second characteristic of sharks is to assume that they always have the only possible solution to any negotiation. Unlike sharks, carps believe that in a negotiation, they can never be the winners. Because of this belief, they focus their efforts on not losing wha

41、t they currently have. Carps do not like any type of confrontation, so their normal response in negotiation is to give in or get o ut. The dolphin is chosen to illustrate the ideal negotiator because of the animals high intelligence and ability to learn from experience. In negotiations, dolphins hav

42、e the ability to successfully adapt to any situation they encounter. If one strategy is unsuccessful, dolphins respond with other possibilities. The four typical characteristics of dolphins are: 1) They play an infinite rather than a finite game. That is theyd like to foster cooperation and trust to

43、 enhance the relationship in a long run. 2)They avoid unnecessary conflict by cooperating as long as the other party does likewise. 3)They respond promptly to a “mean” move by retaliating properly. Avoiding inviting more shark-like behavior from the other party, they respond quickly and appropriatel

44、y. 4)While quick to retaliate, dolphins are also quick to forgive. If the other party shows any sign of cooperation, dolphins quickly switch to a more cooperative strategy. 31This article is about ( ). Athe sharks, carps and dolphins Bthe protection of the wild animals Cdifferent types of negotiator

45、s Dhow people like sharks, carps anddolphins 32The basic nature of sharks is ( ). A.to be winners or losers B.to ensure that they wont be the losers Cconstantly on guard Dto eat alive 33The belief of carps that they can never be the winners shows ( ) of the negotiator. Aconfidence Black of confidence Chappiness Dsmartness 34The basic nature of dolphins type is ( ). Aquick Bweak Cflexible Dstrong 35 can infer from the passage that in business negotiations, ( We ) type will be appreciated by most business partners. Asharks Bcarps Cdolphins Dnone of the above Q


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