1、2022红楼梦中的习语翻译比较红楼梦中的习语翻译比较习语是文化中不行或缺的一部分,是人类语言的精华,具有很强的表现力。汉语和英语的习语,都具有生动形象、用词精炼、寓意深刻的特点。而红楼梦从头到尾俯拾皆是成语、俗语、歇后语、粗俗语等,为整部小说增加了不少色调。本文将对红楼梦影响最为广泛的两个译本:杨宪益译本和霍克斯译本中一些习语翻译进行对比分析,希望帮助读者对习语翻译有所启发。一、成语例1、黛玉纳罕道:;这些人个个皆敛声屏气,恭肃严整如此,这来者系谁,这样放诞无礼?;霍译:;Everyone else around here seems to go about with bated breath
2、;, thought Dai-yu. ;Who can this new arrival be who is so brash and unmannerly?;杨译:Daiyu thought with surprise, ; The people here are so respectful and solemn, they all seem to be holding their breath. Who can this be, so boisterous and pert?;解析:;敛声屏气;原意是抑制呼吸和声音,文中指贾府的人在贾母面前谨慎当心的样子。霍译用;with bated br
3、eath;,杨译用;hold one’s peace;,虽然二者运用了不同的英语习语,但其意义和用法与;敛声屏气;非常吻合。例2、宝玉听了,如醍醐灌顶。霍译:The scriptures tell us that the revelation of the Buddha - truth comes ; like ghee poured upon the head;. Bao-yu must have had some such feeling as he listened to.杨译: Baoyu felt as if Buddha had suddenly shown him t
4、he light.解析:;醍醐灌顶;是一个具有宗教色调的成语,比方听了高超的看法使人受到很大启发。霍译版本进行补充说明,而杨译版本简洁明白,但都增加了;Buddha;一词凸显了本词所具有的宗教色调。二、谚语谚语是对各种生活现象进行综合概括并在群众中广泛流传运用的语言。谚语大多是人生阅历,用浅显直白的话反映出深刻的道理。例3、贾母笑道:;这正是‘巧媳妇做不出没米的粥’来;。霍译:;Even the cleverest housewife can’t make rice-gruel without rice.;Grandmother Jia quoted the
5、 proverb amidst general laughter.杨译:The old lady chortled, ; As the proverb says : ‘ Even a clever wife can’t make congee without rice.’解析:原本的;巧媳妇做不出没米的粥;即;巧妇难为无米之炊;是典型的中国谚语,指假如缺少必要条件,事情很难做成。两种译文都通过直译的方式将原句的比方意生动描述出,译文读者也易于接受。且译文都运用;proverb;, 标注出此句为谚语,有助于译文读者的理解。例4、宝玉听了,忙上来静静地说道:;你
6、这么个明白人,莫非连‘亲不间疏,先不僭后’也不知道?;霍译:;Old friends are best friends and close kin are kindest;, said Bao-yu, coming over to where she sat and speaking very quietly.杨译:Baoyu stopped to her side and said softly, ; Someone of your intelligence should know that distant relatives can’t come bet
7、ween close ones, and new friends can’t take the place of old;.解析:;亲不间疏,先不僭后;意思是亲近的人不疏远,非亲非故之人不能逾越了本分。言外之意就是亲疏有别,待遇不同。两种译文都译出了基本意思,但相比而言,霍译更加简洁明白,运用and连接两个简洁的分句,还原了原文谚语短小精炼的特点。三、歇后语歇后语是一种特别语言形式,一般由两个部分组成,前半截为形象的比方,后半截对此做出说明说明,具有生动形象、诙谐幽默的特点。例5、凤姐道:;我哪里照管得这些事,见识又浅,口角又笨,心肠又直率,人家给个棒槌,我就认作针。;霍译:;I
8、am not much of a manager really;, said Xi-feng. ; I haven’t got the knowledge, and I’m too poor at expressing myself and too simple-minded — always inclined to ‘ take a ramrod for a needle’, as they say;.杨译:;I’m incapable of running things;, she sighed. ; I’
9、m too ignorant, blunt and tactless, always getting hold of the wrong end of the stick.;解析:;人家给个棒槌,我就认作针;是一条谐音双关的.歇后语,;针;谐音;真;。这类歇后语,利用同音字或近音字相谐,由原来的意思引申出所须要的另一个意思,如;和尚撑伞——无发(法)无天;。要保证原文的结构特征和语义,只能意译,省去前半部分的比方,译出后半部分的实际意思。霍译直译;针;,而没有体现此歇后语的真正含义,而杨译运用英语习语;get hold of the wrong end of the s
10、tick;意思为;误会、理解错误;。四、俗语例6、贾母笑道,;你不认得他,他是我们这里出名的泼皮破落户儿.;霍译:;You don’t know her,;said Grandmother Jia merrily. ; She’s a holy terror this one.;杨译:;You don’t know her yet.;The Lady Dowager chuckled. ;She’s the terror of this house.;解析:;泼皮破落户儿;这一习语一指无赖,二指为人性格放纵,不拘小节。贾母在此无疑是对王熙凤的调侃,贬词褒用。两个译文都采纳了;terror;,取;淘气鬼,机智鬼;之意,恰到好处。习语翻译是中国文学中的一大亮点也是一大难点。译文若能很好地呈现习语的基础意思和比方义,有助于译文读者在了解习语比方义的基础上,也能了解汉语中独具特色的表达方式,激发他们的阅读爱好。本文来源:网络收集与整理,如有侵权,请联系作者删除,谢谢!第6页 共6页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页第 6 页 共 6 页