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折叠 江西省余干县第二中学2017届高三上学期第五次周考试题6科6份.zip江西省余干县第二中学2017届高三上学期第五次周考试题6科6份.zip
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高三上学期第五次周考化学试题满分:100 分 考试时间:50 分钟 10 月 20 日本卷可能用到的相对原子 质量: H-1;C-12;O-16 ;Ca-40. 第 I 卷(选择题)一、选择题( 每小题只有一个正确答案,共 6*7=42 分)1.类推的思维方法在化学学习和研究中经常用到,但是有时会产生错误的结论。因此,推出的结论最终要经过检验才能决定其是否正确。以下几种类推结论不正确的是A、金属镁失火不能用 CO2灭火器灭火;金属钠失火也不能用 CO2灭火器灭火B、Fe 3O4可以写成 FeO·Fe2O3;Pb 3O4也可以写成 PbO·Pb2O3C、不能用电解熔融的 AlCl3来制取金属铝;也不能用电解熔融的 MgCl2来制取金属镁D、Al 和 S 直接化合时可得到 Al2S3;Fe 与 S 直接化合时也可得到 Fe2S32.能正确表示下列反应的离子方程式的是( )A.NH 4Fe(SO4)2加入过量 NaOH 溶液中:NH 4++Fe3++4OH-=NH3 H2O+Fe(OH)3↓B.次氯酸钠溶液中通入过量的二氧化硫:ClO -+SO2+H2O=HSO3-+HClOC.Ba(OH) 2溶液和稀硫酸反应:Ba 2++OH-+H++SO42-=BaSO4↓+H 2OD.澄清的石灰水中加入过量的 NaHCO3溶液:Ca 2++OH-+HCO3-=CaCO3↓+H 2O3.氮化铝(AlN)具有耐高温、抗冲击、导热性好等优良性质,被广泛应用于电子工业、陶瓷工业领域。在一定条件下,氮化铝可通过如下反应合成:Al 2O3+N2+3C 2AlN+3CO,下列叙述正确的是( )A.在氮化铝的合成反应中,N 2是还原剂,Al 2O3是氧化剂B.上述反应中每生成 2 mol AlN,N 2得到 3 molC.氮化铝中氮元素的化合价为-3D.氮化铝晶体属于分子晶体,熔点和沸点较低4.某无色气体,可能含 HCl、CO 2、HI、SO 2中的一种或几种,将其通入氯水中,得到无色透明溶液。把溶液分成两份,向一份中加入盐酸酸化的 BaCl2溶液,出现白色沉淀;另一份中加入硝酸酸化的AgNO3溶液,也有白色沉淀生成。对于原无色气体推断一定正确的是A.一定存在 HCl B.一定存在 SO2C.肯定没有 CO2 D.不能肯定是否含有 HI5.实验室中某些气体的制取、收集及尾气处理装里如图所示(省略了净化装置) 。仅用此装置和表班级 ---------------姓名 ---------------座号--------------中提供的物质完成相关实验,最合理的选项是( )6.在给定的条件下,下列选项所示的物质间转化均能实现的是【(aq)表示水溶液】 ( )A.SiO 2 SiCl4 Si  )aq(HClB.FeS 2 SO2 H2SO4 O2C.N 2 NH3 NH4Cl(aq) )aq(ClD.MgCO 3 MgCl2(aq) Mg )aq(HCl  电7.N A表示阿伏加德罗常数的值,下列叙述正确的是:( )A.68g KHSO 4(Mr=136)晶体中含有 SO42¯的数目为 0.5NAB.把含 0.1molFeCl3的浓溶液加入沸水中形成 0.1NA个氢氧化铁胶粒C.标况下 2.24L 丙烯分子中含有的共用电子对数目为 0.9NAD.把 0.1L 16mol/L 的浓盐酸与足量的 MnO2固体混合,加热充分反应后,产生的标准状况下气体的体积为 5.6L第 II 卷(非选择题 58 分)二、非选择题(本题包括 4 小题,共 58 分)选项 a 中的物质 b 中的物质 c 中收集的气体 d 中的物质A 氯化铵 NaOH NH3 H2OB 浓盐酸 MnO2 Cl2 NaOH 溶液C 稀硝酸 Cu NO2 H2OD 浓硫酸 Na2SO3 SO2 NaOH 溶液题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7选项8.I、X、Y、Z 是中学化学中常见的单质或化合物,且 X、Y、Z 均含有同一种元素,它们能实现如图所示的转化关系(其他物质省略):(1) 若 X 是一种生活中使用量最大的金属单质,写出 Y 转化为 Z 的离子方程式_______________________________________________(2) 若 X 是一种非金属单质,常温下为固体;Y 是一种能使品红溶液褪色且加热后又能恢复原来颜色的化合物。写出 Z 和 Cu 反应的化学方程式___________________________________________________________II、如图装置进行 SO2气体性质实验。请回答:(1)仪器 D 的名称是 。(2)实验过程中,仪器 A 中的实验现象是 (3)写出仪器 C 中发生氧化还原反应的离子方程式:9.非金属单质 A 经下图所示的过程转化为含氧酸 D,已知 D 为强酸,请回答下列问题:(1)若 A 在常温下为固体单质,B 是能使品红溶液褪色的有刺激性气味的无色气体。写出 B→C 的化学方程式 (2)若 A 在常温下为气体单质,C 是红棕色气体。①A、C 的化学式分别是:A________ ;C______ __。②D 的浓溶液在常温下可与铜反应并生成 C 气体,请写出该反应的离子方程式_________ __ (3)若 A 在常温下为非金属气态氢化物,C 是红棕色气体。写出实验室制取 A 气体的化学方程式 10.物质 A—J 间的转化关系如下图所示,A、C 为金属氧化物,其中 A 为红棕色粉末,B、D 是生活中常见金属单质,F、J 是难溶于水的白色化合物,G、J 受热后容易分解。(1 )A 的化学式是 ,A 与 B 反应的反应类型是 (填基本反应类型)。(2)C→I 反应的离子方程式是 (3)E 中阳离子的检验方法是 (4)F 转化为 G 的过程中观察到的现象 ,反应的化学方程式是 11.酸性 KMnO4、H 2O2、NaClO 在生产、生活、卫生医疗中常用作消毒剂,其中 H2O2还可用于漂白,是化学实验室里必备的重要氧化试剂。高锰酸钾造成的污渍可用还原性的草酸(H 2C2O4)去除,Fe(NO 3) 3也是重要氧化试剂,下面是对这三种氧化剂性质的探究。(1)某同学向浸泡铜片的稀盐酸中加入 H2O2后,铜片溶解,写出该反应的离子方程式_____________________ (2)在 Fe(NO 3) 3溶液中加入 Na2SO3溶液,溶液先由棕黄色变为浅绿色,过一会又变为棕黄色。用离子方程式解释过一会儿又变为棕黄色的原因:______________________ (3)NaClO 具有很强的氧化性,可以在碱性条件下和 Fe(NO 3) 3制取具有高效净水功能的Na2FeO4,写出相关的方程式 (4)取 300mL 3mol/L 的 KI 溶液与一定量的酸性 KMnO4溶液恰好反应,生成等物质的量的 I2和KIO3,则消耗 KMnO4的物质的量的是________ mol。参考答案1.BD【解析】A 中因 Mg 在 CO2中能继续燃烧,不能用 CO2来扑灭;而 Na 因燃烧后生成的 Na2O2会和 CO2发生反应:2Na 2O2+2CO2====2Na2CO3+O2,有 O2生成,从而达不到灭火的目的。B 中 Fe3O4,因铁显+2、+3 价,故可写成 FeO·Fe2O3的形式;但 Pb3O4中的 Pb 分别显+2、+4 价,所以可写成2PbO·PbO2,但不能写成 PbO·Pb2O3的形式。C 项 中,因 Mg 是比 Al 更活泼的金属,Al 不能用电解AlCl3溶液的方法来制取,Mg 也不能用电解 MgCl2溶液的方法制 取。D 中因 S 的氧化性较弱,不能将 Fe 氧化成+3 价,因此与 S 反应时生成的是 FeS,而不是 Fe2S3,Al 没有可变化合价,S 与 Al 化合时也只能生成 Al2S3。2.C【解析】试题分析:A.KHSO 4晶体是由 K+和 HSO4-构成,不含有 SO42¯,A 错误;B.氢氧化铁胶体粒子是由多个氢氧化铁聚集在一起形成的,无法确定胶体粒子的数目,B 错误;C.每一个丙烯分子中含有的共价键为 9 个,标况下 2.24L 丙烯分子的物质的量为 0.1mol,含有的共用电子对数目为 0.9NA,C正确;D.二氧化锰和浓盐酸反应生成 Cl2,浓盐酸的浓度下降反应停止,即盐酸反应不完全,所以转移的电子数不是 0.014NA,D 错误,答案选 C。考点:考查阿伏伽德罗常数3.D【解析】试题分析:①氧化铝是两性氧化物,NO 2和碱反应生成两种盐,NO 2不是酸性氧化物,故错误;②前三者属于盐,属于离子化合物,过氧化钠属于离子化合物,故正确;③硫酸钡属于盐,属于强电解质,多数盐属于强电解质,故错误;④符合物质分类标准,故正确;⑤Na 2CO3碱性稍强,不能用于治理胃酸过多,应用 NaHCO3,故错误;⑥盐酸是 HCl 溶于水,属于混合物,液氯是氯气液化,属于纯净物,冰醋酸是纯醋酸,属于纯净物,故正确;故选项 D 正确。考点:考查物质的分类等知识。4.A【解析】试题分析:NH 4Fe(SO4)2加入过量 NaOH 溶液中:NH 4++Fe3++4OH-=NH3H2O+Fe(OH)3↓,故 A 正确;次氯酸根具有氧化性,次氯酸钠溶液中通入过量的二氧化硫:ClO- + SO2 + H2O = SO4 2- + Cl- + 2H + ,故 B 错误;Ba(OH) 2溶液和稀硫酸反应:Ba 2 + + 2OH- + 2H + + SO42- = BaSO4↓ + 2H2O,故 C 错误;澄清的石灰水中加入过量的 NaHCO3溶液:Ca 2 + + 2OH- + 2HCO3- = CaCO3↓ + 2H2O + CO32-,故 D 错误。考点:本题考查离子方程式。5.C【解析】试题解析:A、根据化学反应方程式,N 的化合价由 0 价→-3 价,化合价降 低,作氧化剂,氧化铝的化合价没有发生变化,故错误;B、氮气是反应物,应是消耗,故错误;C、铝是金属,在化合物中表现正价,因此 N 显-3 价,故正确;D、根据氮化铝的性质,推出氮化铝属 于离子晶体,故错误。考点:考查氧化还原反应、晶体等知识。6. (1)Cu+2H ++H2O2= Cu2++ 2H2O(2)0.048(3)Fe 3+首先被溶液中的 SO32-还原成 Fe2+,然后又被溶液中的 H+和 NO3-氧化成 Fe2+(4)3ClO -+2 Fe3++5 H2O =3 Cl-+2FeO42-+10H+【解析】试题分析:(1)H 2O2具有强氧化性,向浸泡铜片的稀盐酸中加入 H2O2发生反应生成氯化铜和水,该反应的离子方程式为 Cu+2H++H2O2= Cu2++ 2H2O。(2)根据题意知 0.09 mol I-→0.03 mol I 2+0.03 IO3-转移 0.24mol 电子,从 MnO4-→Mn 2+可以看出,化合价由+7 价降低为+2 价,转移电子数为 5e- ,由电子守恒可知参加反应的 n(KMnO 4)=0.24mol÷5=0.048mol。(3)在 Fe(NO 3) 3溶液中加入 Na2SO3溶液,溶液先由棕黄色变为浅绿色,Fe 3+首先被溶液中的SO32-还原成 Fe2+ ;过一会又变为棕黄色,Fe 2+又被溶液中的 H+和 NO3-氧化成 Fe2+。(4)NaClO 和 Fe(NO 3) 3反应生成 Na2FeO4,利用化合价升降法结合原子守恒、电荷守恒配平,该反应的离子方程式为 3ClO-+2 Fe3++5 H2O =3 Cl-+2FeO42-+10H+。考点:考查氧化还原反应、离子方程式书写7.(1)过滤(2)Fe 2O3+6H+═2Fe 3++3H2O(3)SiO 2(4)AlO 2-(5)向漏斗中注入蒸馏水,使蒸馏水浸没沉淀,待水自然流完后,再加蒸馏水,重复 2﹣3 次,直至沉淀洗净为止【解析】试题分析:铁矿石(主要成分为 Fe2O3,还有 SiO2、A1 2O3等杂质)提取 Fe2O3,依据提取流程图可知,加入过量盐酸,氧化铁和氧化铝全部溶解为氯化铁和氯化铝溶液,二氧化硅不溶于盐酸为沉淀A;滤液中加入过量氢氧化钠溶液,氯化铁全部反应生成氢氧化铁沉淀,氢氧化铝是两性氢氧化物溶于强碱溶液,氯化铝全部反应生成偏铝酸钠溶液和氯化钠溶液,氢氧化铁加热分解生成氧化铁和水。(1)过滤适用于不溶性固体和液体之间的一种分离方法,所以分离溶液和沉淀的操作名称是过滤。(2)Fe 2O3和盐酸反应为 FeCl3,所以其离子方程式为 Fe2O3+6H+═2Fe 3++3H2O。(3)依据提取流程图可知,二氧化硅不溶于盐酸为沉淀 A。(4)滤液 Y 是偏铝酸钠、氯化钠溶液,溶液中的阴离子除 OH- 、Cl - 外,还有 AlO2- 。(5)沉淀洗涤的方法是:向漏斗中注入蒸馏水,使蒸馏水浸没沉淀,待水自然流完后,再加蒸馏水,重复 2﹣3 次,直至沉淀洗净为止。考点:考查物质的分离和提纯。8. (1)①2SO 2 + O2 2SO3 ②Cu+2HSO 4(浓) CuSO4+SO 2↑+2H 2O(或其它合理答案)(2)① N 2 NO2 ②Cu+4H ++4NO3-===Cu2++2NO3-+2NO 2↑+2H 2O (3)2NH 4Cl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2+2H2O+2NH3↑【解析】试题分析:(1)B 能使品红溶液褪色,为二氧化硫则 A 为硫,C 为三氧化硫,D 为硫酸。①为二氧化硫和氧气反应生成三氧化硫,方程式为 2SO2 + O2 2SO3 ②浓硫酸和铜在加热条件下反应生成硫酸铜和二氧化硫和水,方程式为 Cu+2HSO 4(浓) CuSO4+SO 2↑+2H 2O。 (2)红棕色气体为二氧化氮,则 A 为氮气,B 为一氧化氮,C 为二氧化氮,D 为硝酸。① A 为 N2,C 为 NO2。②铜和浓硝酸反应生成硝酸铜和二氧化氮和水,离子方程式为:Cu+4H ++4NO3-===Cu2++2NO3-+2NO 2↑+2H 2O 。 (3)红棕色气体为二氧化氮,A 为氢化物,则为氨气,实验室用氯化铵和氢氧化钙固体加热反应生成氯化钙和氨气和水,方程式为:2NH 4Cl + Ca(OH)2 CaCl2+2H2O+2NH3↑考点:无机推断,硫及其化合物的性质,氮及其化合物的性质9. (1)Fe 2O3;置换反应;(2)Al 2O3 + 2OH— == 2 AlO2—+ H2O(3)2Al(OH) 3 Al2O3+ 3H2O(4)白色沉淀迅速变为灰绿色,最终变为红褐色;4Fe(OH)2 + 2H2O + O2 == 4 Fe(OH)3【解析】试题分析:A 为红棕色粉末,B、D 是生活中常见金属单质,该反应是 B 在高温下发生铝热反应,所以 A 为 Fe2O3,B 为 Al,生成的 C 既能与酸反应又能与碱反应,则 C 为 Al2O3,D 为 Fe,C 与盐酸反应生成 H 为 AlCl3,C 与氢氧化钠反应生成 I 为 NaAlO2,I 与二氧化碳反应生成 J 为 Al(OH)3,J 受热分解生成 C,D 与盐酸反应生成 E 为 FeCl2,E 与氢氧化钠反应生成 F 为 Fe(OH)2,F 在空气中被氧化生成 G 为 Fe(OH)3,G 受热解得 A,符合各物质转化关系。(1)根据上面的分析可知,则 A 为 Fe2O3,A 与 B 的反应为置换反应,故答案为:Fe 2O3;置换反应;(2)C 为 Al2O3,I 为 NaAlO2,C→I 反应的离子方程式是 Al2O3+2OH-=2AlO2-+H2O,故答案为:Al2O3+2OH-=2AlO2-+H2O;(3)J→C 反应的化学方程式是 2Al(OH) 3 Al2O3+3H2O,故答案为:2Al(OH) 3 Al2O3+3H2O;(4)F 为 Fe(OH)2,F 在空气中被氧化生成 G 为 Fe(OH)3,F 转化为 G 的过程中观察到的现象是 白色沉淀迅速变为灰绿色,逐渐变为红褐色,反应的化学方程式是 4Fe(OH)2+2H2O+O2═4 Fe(OH)3,故答案为:白色沉淀迅速变为灰绿色,逐渐变为红褐色;4Fe(OH) 2+2H2O+O2═4 Fe(OH) 3【考点定位】考查无机物的推断【名师点晴】本题主要考查了元素化合物知识,解题时要注意框图推断题的突破口,根据所学的物质的性质进行回答。推断图中的特征反应现象常见的有:(1)焰色反应:Na +(黄色)、K +(紫色);(2 )使品红溶液褪色的气体:SO 2 (加热后又恢复红色 )、Cl 2(加热后不恢复红色) ;(3)白色沉淀Fe(OH)2 置于空气中最终转变为红褐色[Fe(OH) 3](由白色→灰绿 →红褐色);(4 )在空气中变为红棕色:NO;(5)气体燃烧呈苍白色:H 2 在 Cl2 中燃烧;在空气中点燃呈蓝色:CO、H 2、CH 4;(6)使湿润的红色石蕊试纸变蓝:NH 3;(7)空气中出现白烟:NH 3 与酸性气态物质(或挥发性酸如盐酸、硝酸)反应等1高三上学期第五次周考生物试题考试时间:50 分钟 满分:100 分 一、选择题:(共 20小题,每小题 4分,共 48分,在每小题给出的 4个 选项中,只有 1项是符合题目要求的)1.将一个细胞中的磷脂成分全部提取出来,并将其在空气—水界面上铺成单分子层,结果测得单分子层的表面积相当于原来细胞膜表面积的两倍。用下列细胞实验与此结果最相符的是( )A.人的肝细胞 B.蛙的红细胞 C.洋葱鳞片叶表皮细胞 D.大肠杆菌细胞2.下列有关物质进入人体细胞方式的叙述,错误的是 ( )A.K+的跨膜运输方式都是主动运输B.主动运输、胞吞和胞吐均需要消耗能量C.肌细胞的细胞膜上有协助葡萄糖跨膜运输的载体蛋白D.在胰岛素合成与分泌的过程中,生物膜发生了结构与功能上的联系3.下列生理活动与细胞膜的流动性基本无关的是 ( )A.吞噬细胞吞噬抗原 B.垂体分泌生长激素C.渗透作用 D.突触前膜释放递质4.右图所示为细胞对大分子物质“胞吞”和“胞吐”的过程。下列与此有关的叙述错误 的是 ( )A.a 与 b均要以膜的流动性为基础才可能发生B.a 要有细胞表面识别和内部供能才可能完成C.b 方式细胞分泌的同时导致膜成分的更新D.b 与 a分别是细胞排泄废物和摄取养分的基本方式5.科学家在研究细胞膜运输物质时发现有下列四种关系,分别用下图中四条曲线表示,在研究具体的物质 X 时,发现细胞膜运输物质 X的方式是协助扩散,下列哪些曲线可表示这种运输方式 ( )A.② ④ B.②③ C.①③ D.③6.下表是人体成熟红细胞中与血浆中的 K+和 Mg2+在不同条件下的含量比较,据表分析不正确的是 ( )班级:_________________姓名:_________________学号:____________________2A.鱼滕酮对 K+的载体的生理功能有抑制作用,也抑制了 Mg2+的载体的生理功能B.鱼滕酮可能是通过抑 制红细胞的有氧呼吸,从而影响 K+和 Mg2+的运输C.乌本苷抑制 K+的载体的生理功能而不影响 Mg2+的载体的生理功能D.正常情况下血浆中 K+和 Mg2+均通过主动运输进入红细胞7.磷脂是组成细胞膜的重要成分,这与磷脂分子的头部亲水、尾部疏水的性质有关。某研究小组发现植物种子细胞以小油滴的方式贮存油,每个小油滴都由磷脂膜包被着,该膜最可能的结构是 ( )A.由单层磷脂分子构成,磷脂的尾部向着油滴内B.由单层磷脂分子构成,磷脂的头部向着油滴内C.由两层磷脂分子构成,结构与细胞膜完全相同D.由两层磷脂分子构成,两层磷脂的头部相对8.为验证酶的专一性,采用的最佳实验方案是 ( )等量的底物选项a组 b组分别加入等量的酶 分别加入等量的试剂A. 麦芽糖 葡萄糖 麦芽糖酶 斐林试剂B. 蔗糖 麦芽糖 蔗糖酶 斐林试剂C. 淀粉 蔗糖 淀粉酶 斐林试剂D. 淀粉 蔗糖 淀粉酶 碘液9.下列有关酶的叙述中,正确的是 ( )A.人体血液凝固是一系列酶促反应过程,采集到的血液在体外 0℃温度条件下凝固最快B.多酶片中含有蛋白酶、淀粉酶和脂肪酶,这种药片的主要功能是提供能量C.常温常压下,要使过氧化氢溶液迅速放出大量的氧气,应注入新鲜猪肝研磨液D.在测定唾液淀粉酶活性时,将溶液 pH由 3提升到 6的过程中,该酶的活性将不断上升10.下图是在最适温度下,麦芽糖酶的催化速率与麦芽糖量的关系。有关叙述正确的是 ( )A.如果温度上升 5℃,b 点向左下方移动处理前 用鱼滕酮处理后 用乌本苷处理后单位:mmol细胞内 血浆中 细胞内 血浆中 细胞内 血浆中K+ 145 5 11 5 13 5Mg2+ 35 1.4 1.8 1.4 35 1.43B.a 点时,麦芽糖酶全部参与催化C.可用斐林试剂鉴定麦芽糖的分解情况D.因受酶活性的限制,bc 段催化速率不再增加11.右图所示为在不同条件下的酶促反应速率变化曲线,下列据图叙述错误的是 ( )A.影响 AB段反应速率的主要因素是底物浓度B.影响 BC段反应速率的主要限制因子可能是酶 量C. 温度导致了曲线Ⅰ和Ⅱ的反应速率不同D.曲线Ⅰ显示,该酶促反应的最适温度为 37℃12.右图是含有淀粉、琼脂的实验装置。将该装置中琼脂块各圆点经下表所示的方法处理,放在37℃下培养 24 h后,再用碘液冲洗,实验结果如下。下列说法正确的是 ( )A.面包霉能分泌淀粉酶,酶只能在细胞内发挥作用B.圆点 c实验说明酶的活性受温度影响,高温能提高酶的活性C.圆点 e实验说明适量盐酸为淀粉酶提供最适 pHD.酶具有专一性,据此可 推断 d实验中“?”处应是蓝黑色二、非选择题(共 52分)13.(12 分)脂质体是根据磷脂分子可在水中形成稳定的磷脂双层膜的原理而制备的人工膜。单层脂分子铺展在水面上时,亲水端与疏 水端排列是不同的,搅拌后形成双层脂分子的球形脂质体。(1)将脂质体置于清水中,一段时间后发现,脂质体的形态、体积没有变化,这一事实说明脂质体在结构上具有一定的圆点 处理方法 实验结果a 滴加淀粉酶溶液 红棕色b 接种面包霉 红棕色c 滴加煮沸的淀粉酶溶液 蓝黑色d 滴加蔗糖酶溶液 ?e 滴加淀粉酶溶液,并加适量盐酸 蓝黑色题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12答案4。(2)脂质体的形成是由于磷脂分子结构同时具有 。的特点,脂质体中裹入 DNA就可以作为基因工程的一种工具——运载体,原因是 。(3)由脂质体的形成原因及特点分析细胞膜的基本支架是 ,同时也可推测水分子的跨膜运输不是真正的自由扩散,它最可能与膜上的 成分有关。美国科学家彼得·阿格雷试图从人血红细胞、肾小管壁细胞膜上寻找这种蛋白质——CHIP28,他以这两种细胞为实验材料的最可能依据是 。14.(20 分)已知淀粉酶可以水解淀粉为麦芽糖,蛋白酶可以水解蛋白质为多肽。为了研究酶之间的相互影响,某同学设计如下实验(实验中所涉及的酶其化学本质都是 蛋白质),请分析回答:(1)该实验所依据的两个颜色变化原理是:a. . ;b. 。(2) 实验过程中,试管 1、2 还要分别加入 2 mL的蒸馏水,其目的是 。试管号加入的物质 1 2 3 4质量分数为 1%的淀粉溶液 2 mL 2 mL 2 mL 2 mL淀粉酶溶液 2 mL 2 mL淀粉酶+蛋白酶(等量混合) 4 mL 4 mL蒸馏水 2 mL 2 mL碘液 2滴 2滴双缩脲试剂 2 mL 2 mL预期颜色变化 不变蓝 紫色 ① ②(3) ①处预期的颜色变化为 ,理由是 。15.(20 分) 猪笼草以其分泌物消化所捕食的昆虫。为检测此分泌物的性质,有个同学做了如下实验:取甲、乙两支洁净的试管,分别加入 1 cm3瘦肉块,向甲试管中注入 2 mL新鲜的分泌物,向乙试管中注入 2 mL清水。振荡两支试管,然后将两试管下半部浸入 35℃左右的温水中,2 小时后观察发现,甲试管内瘦肉块明显变小,乙试管内肉块无明显变化。请回答下列问题:(1)该分泌物中可能含有 酶。(2)甲、乙两试管中, 为对照组。5(3)若要验证温度对分泌物活性的影响,可再取丙、丁两支洁净的试管,两试管内均应加 ,并将两试管分别放入 中,2 小时后观察试管内瘦肉块的变化。(4)若要验证 pH对分泌物活性的影响,可再取戊、己两支洁净的试管,两试管所加入的成分与丙、丁试管相同,向戊、己两试管中分别加入 溶液,然后将两试管下半部放入 的温水中,2 小时后观察两试管瘦肉块的变化。(5)该同学为鉴定该分泌物含蛋白质,向试管中加入 1 mL双缩脲试剂 A液和 4滴双缩脲试剂 B液,振荡均匀,然后加入 2 mL新鲜的分泌物,在水浴中加热到 60°以上,观察溶液的颜色。请指出其中两处错误:① ;② 。1高三上学期第五次周考数学试卷(理)一、选择题1. 已知复数 是实数,则实数 t 等于( )121234,,ziztiz且A. B. C. D. 34342. 若向量 , ,则 = ( ) (,)AB(,)CBA. B. C. D.(1,)17(3,7)3.已知集合 2{|}{301xa﹣ , , ,且 A∩ B 有 4 个子集,则实数 a 的取值范围是( )A.(0,1)∪(1,3) B.(0,3) C.(0,1) D.(﹣∞,1)∪(3,+∞)4. 已知 , ,则 =( )Rcosin5tan2(A) (B) (C) (D)4344345. 设函数 , ,则 ( )0,xxf 21faa3..6. 函数 的图象是( )1()lnfx7. 在 中, , 边上的中线 ,则 的面积为( )ABC2,3ABC2ADBCA. B. C. D. 64151543618. 已知平面向量 2(sin,co)ax, 22(sin,cos)bx, baxf.要得到 3sin2cyx的图像,只需将 yf5π12-π32Oyx2的图像( )A.向左平移 6个单位 长度 B.向右平移 6个单位长度 C.向左平移 3个单位长度 D .向右平移 3个单位长度 9. 函数 ()2sin(),0|fxxRπ)2的部分图象如图所示,则 的单调递减()fx区间为( )A. B. 51[,],2kkz51[],66kxkzC. D. 2,210.已知函数 ,则关于 的方程 解的个 数为( )|3|,0()1xefx()f2)fxA. B. C. D. 1234请将选择题的答 案填 在下列答题卡处1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10二 、 填 空 题11. 20(cosin)xd12. 已知平行四边形 ABCD 中, AD=2,∠ BAD=60°.若 E 为 DC 中 点,且 ,则1AEBD的值为 .BDE13.已知函数 ,当 时, ,则实数 的取值范围是 .3,01()9,32xf0,1t ()0,1ftt14. ABC 的内角 A,B,C 所对的边分别为 ,且 成等比数列,若 = ,,abc,csinB513= ,则 的值为 . cosB1ac三 、 解 答 题15. 已知函数 ( ) .2()sin3sin()2fxx0(1)求 的最小正周期;3(2 )求 函数 在区间 上的取值范围.)(xf]32,0[16.已知△ ABC 的三个内角 A, B, C 的对边分别为 a, b, c,且△ ABC 的面积为 S= 32.cosaB(1)若 c=2 a,求角 A, B, C 的大小;(2)若 a=2,且 43,求边 c 的取值范围.17. 设函数 )0(ln)(2xbaxf,若函数 )(xf在 1处与直线 12y相切.①求实数 ,的 值; ②求函数 f在 1[,]e上的最大值.418. 已知函数 (1)判断 是否为定义域上的单调函数,并说明理由; xxf23ln13xf(2)设 恒成立,求 的最小整数值0,0mex12017 届高三上学期周练(5)物理试卷考试时间 :50 分钟 满分:100 分 一选择题(8X6=48 分,1—5 为单选题,6—8 多选题。 )1.对动能的理解,下列说法错误的是( )A.凡是运动的物体都具有动能 B.动能总为正值C.一定质量的物体,动能变化时,速度一定变化;但速度变化时,动能不一定变化D.动能不变的物体,一定处于 平衡状态2.如图所示,在高度分别为 hA、h B(h A>h B)的两处以初速度 vA、v B相向水平抛出 A、B 两个小物体,不计空气阻力,已知它们的轨迹交于 C 点,若使 A、B 两物体能在 C 处相遇,应该是A.v A必须大于 vB B.A 物体必须先抛 C.v B必须大于 vA D. A、B 必须同时抛3.如 图,竖直向下的拉力 F 通过定滑轮拉位于粗糙面上的木箱,使之沿斜面加速向上移动。在移动过程中,下列说法正确的是A.木箱克服重力所做的功等于木箱增加的重力势能B. F 做的功等于木箱克服摩擦力和克服重力所做的功之和C. F 做的功等于木箱增加的动能与木箱克服 摩擦力所做的功之和D. F 做的功等于木箱增加的重力势能与木箱克服摩擦力做的功之和4.桌面高为 h,质量为 m 的小球从离地面高为 H 处自由落下,不计空气阻力,设桌面处为零势能位置,则小球落到地面前瞬间的机械能为A.mgh B.mgH C.mg(H-h) D.- mghHh5.如下图所示,当人向右跨了一步后,人与重物重新保持静止,下列说法正确的是( )A.地面对人的摩擦力减小 B.地面对人的摩擦力增大班级------------------------姓名----------------------------座号-------------------------2C.人对地面的压力不变 D.人对地面的压力减小6.如图所示,斜面上有 a、b、c、d 四个点,ab=bc=cd,从 a 点以初动能 E0水平抛出一个小球,它落在斜面上的 b 点,若小球从 a 点以初动能 2E0水平抛出,不计空气阻力,则下列判断正确的是 ( )A.小球可能落在 d 点与 c 点 之间 B.小球一定落在 c 点C.小球落在斜面的运动方向与斜面的夹角一定增大D.小球落在斜面的运动方向与斜面的夹角一定相同. 7 如图甲所示,劲度系数为 k 的轻弹簧竖直放置,下端固定在水平地面上。一质量为 m 的小球,从距弹簧上端高 h 处由静止自由释放,在接触到弹簧后继续向下运动。若以小球开始下落的位置为原点,竖直向下建立坐标轴 Ox,则小球的速度平方 v2随坐标 x 的变化图象如图乙所示。其中 OA 为直线,并与平滑曲线 ABC 相切于 A 点;B 点为曲线最高点。设小球的位置坐标为 x,小球 所受重力的瞬时功率为 P,弹簧的弹性势能为 EP。则下列判断正确的是( )A.对应于图乙 A 点: 最大 B.对应于图乙 B 点 : 最大,Axh ,BmgxhPkC.对应于图乙 B 点: 最小 D.对应于图乙 C 点: 最大P ,CE8.质量为 m 的物体在空中由静止下落,由于空气阻力,运动的加速度 是 0.9g,物体下落高度为h,以下说法正确的是( )A.重 力势能减小了 0.9mgh B.动能增大了 0.9mghC.动能增大了 0.1mgh D.机械能损失了 0.1mgh题号 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 得分答案二 、实验填空题(共 5X4=20 分)9.在升降机内,一个人站在磅秤上,发现自己的体重减轻了 20%,则他的运动可能以 (填大小)的加速度向上 (填“加速”或“减速” ) 。310.如下图所示,每一级台阶的高度和宽度都是 0.4m,一球以水平速度由第一级台阶上抛出欲打在第五级台阶上,则水平速度 v 的取值范围是___________。11.某兴趣小组为了测一遥控电动小车的功率,进行了如下实验:(1)用天平测出小车的质量为 0.4 kg;(2)正确地将电动小车、纸带和打点计时器安装好;(3)接通打点计时器(其打点时间间隔为 0.02 s) ;(4)使小车加速运动,达到最大速度一段时间后关闭小车电源,待小车静止时再关闭打点计时器(设电动小车的功率恒定,在运动过程中小车所受阻力恒定不变)在上述过程中,打点计时器在纸带上打下的部分点 迹如图所示,请你分析纸带数据,并将结果填写在下列空格中:(保留两位有效数字)(1)该电动小车运动的最大速度为_________m/s;(2)该电动小车 的 功率为_________W。 三计算题12.如图所示,水平桌面上的轻质 弹簧左端固定,右端与静止在 O 点质量为 m=1kg 的小物块接触而不连接,此时弹簧无形变。现对小物块施加 F = 10 N 水平向左的恒力,使其由静止开始向左运动。小物块在向左运动到 A 点前某处速度最大时,弹簧的弹力为 6 N,运动到 A 点时撤去推力 F,小物块最终运动到 B 点静止。图中 OA = 0.8 m,OB = 0.2 m, g = 10 m/s 2。求小物块:OA BF(1)与桌面间的动摩擦因数 μ;(2)向右运动过程中经过 O 点的速度; (3)向左运动的过程中弹簧的最大压缩量。413.如图所示,光滑水平面上有一木板,质量 M=1.0kg,长度 L=1.0m.在木板的最左端有一个小铁块(可视为质点),质量 m=1.0kg.小铁块与木板之间的动摩擦因数 μ=0.30.开始时它们都处于静止状态,某时刻起对木板施加一个水平向左的拉力 F,g 取 10m/s2.求:⑴拉力 F 至少多大能将木板抽出;⑵若 F=8N 将木板抽出,则抽出过程中摩擦力分别对木板和铁块做的功.1余干二中高三第五轮英语周考一、阅读理解(共两节,每小题 3分满分 60分)AOne day the employees of a large company in St Louis, Missouri returned from their lunch break and were greeted with a sign on the front door.The sign said, “Yesterday the person who has been hindering(阻碍) your growth in this company passed away. We invite you to join the funeral(葬礼) in the room that has been prepared in the gym.”At first everyone was sad to hear that one of their colleagues had died, but after a while they started getting curious about who this person might be.The excitement grew as the employees arrived at the gym to pay their last respect. Everyone wondered, “Who is this person that was hindering my progress? Well,at least he’s no longer here.”One by one the employees got closer to the coffin(棺材) and when they looked inside it they became speechless.They stood over the coffin, shocked and in silence, as if someone had touched the deepest part of their souls.There was a mirror inside the coffin: Everyone who looked inside it could see himself.There was also a sign next to the mirror that said, “There is only one person who can set limits to your growth: it is YOU.”You are the only person who can revolutionize (彻底改变) your life. You are the only person who can influence your happiness, your realization and your success.You are the only person who can help yourself.Your life does not change when your family change, when your friends change, when your boss changes, and when your company changes.Your life changes when YOU change, when you go beyond your limiting beliefs, when you realize that you are the only one responsible for your life.21.The writer’s purpose of writing the article is to tell us that________.A.the harder we work,the more successful we will becomeB.our work and life are closely connected with othersC.changing our lives is down to us2D.we will have a better future if people do not hinder our development22.People were speechless when they looked inside the coffin because________.A.there was nothing but a mirror inside B.they could see their own souls insideC.their closest colleague lay inside D.what was inside told a great truth23.What can we conclude from the article?A.The employees went to the gym to join the funeral.B.The lesson the employees learned would influence them greatly.C.The employees’ lives depended on the attitude of their boss.D.The employees got angry after the funeral.BThe African elephant, the largest land animal remaining on earth , is of great importance to African ecosystem(生态系统). Unlike other animals, the African elephant is to a great extent the builder of its environment. As a big plant­eater, it largely shapes the forest­and­savanna (大草原) surroundings in which it lives, therefore setting_the_terms of existence for millions of other animals that live in its habitat.It is the elephant’s great desire for food that makes it a disturber of the environment and an important builder of its habitat. In its continuous search for the 300 pounds of plants it must have every day, it kills small trees and under­bushes, and pulls branches off big trees. This results in numerous open spaces in both deep tropical forests and in the woodlands that cover part of the African savannas. In these open spaces are numerous plants in various stages of growth that attract a variety of other plant­eaters.Take the rain forests for example. In their natural state, the spreading branches overhead shut out sunlight and prevent the growth of plants on the forest floor. By pulling down trees and eating plants, elephants make open spaces, allowing new plants to grow on the forest floor. In such situations, the forests become suitable for large hoofed plant­eaters to move around and for small plant­eaters to get their food as well.What worries scientists now is that the African elephant has become an endangered species. If the elephant disappears, scientists say, many other animals will also 3disappear from vast areas of forest and savanna, greatly changing and worsening the whole ecosystem.24.What is the passage mainly about?A.Disappearance of African elephants.B.Forests and savannas as habitats for African elephants.C.The effect of African elephants’search for food.D.The eating habit of African elephants.25.What does the underlined phrase “setting the terms”(Para.1) most probably mean?A.Fixing the time. B.Worsening the stateC.Improving the quality D.Deciding the conditions.26.What do we know about the open spaces in the passage? A.They result from the destruction of rain forests.B.They provide food mainly for African elephants.C.They are home to many endangered animals.D.They are attractive to plant­eating animals of different kinds.27.The passage is developed mainly by________.A.showing the effect and then explaining the causes B.pointing out similarities and differences C.describing the changes in space order D.giving examplesCGolden lion tamarins(金头狮狨) are part of the monkey family.These small creatures live in thick forests in Brazil, South America.They travel in small groups in search of food.They hide and sleep in the hollow(洞) of a tree.They take very good care of their babies. Even the male tamarin takes a strong interest in feeding and raising the young ones.Unfortunately, the forests in which they live are being cut down for farming and they are also caught and sold as pets.There are only about one hundred tamarins left.The European otter(水獭) lives all around Europe.It has soft, brown fur on its body. It is almost 75cm long. Its tail is half as long as its body. Its head is flat and broad. It has small and round ears. It can close its ears and nostrils(鼻孔) when 4it dives in the water. It has short, strong legs with web bed feet. Loss of habitat is a threat to the European otter. It is also hunted for its fur.Orangutan(猩猩) is a long­armed, red­furred animal that lives in the warm, wet forests on the islands of Bomeo and Sumatra in Southeast Asia. It looks like a man in many ways. So it is named orangutan, which means “man of the woods”. Orangutans are in danger only because of people. People are cutting down the forests where they live and hunting orangutans. The hunters kill the mothers and sell the babies to zoos. But most babies die because the hunters don’t know how to take care of them.Giant pandas live in the forests of China and they are in danger. They eat only one kind of food—bamboo shoots(竹笋). But there are not always enough bamboo plants to be found. Every hundred years the bamboo plants produce seeds and die. It then takes several years for the seeds to grow. By the time the plants are big enough to eat, many giant pandas have already died of hunger.28.What do we learn about golden lion tamarins?A.They usually search for food alone. B.M ales seldom look after the young.C.They are hardly seen when they are asleep.D.They can be easily seen because they are big.29.European otters are hunted mainly because________.A.people like keeping them as pets B.hunters want their meatC.zoos want to keep them D.they have valuable fur30.What is the biggest threat to giant pandas in China?A.They have only one choice of food.B.Hunters don’t know how to look after the babies.C.They cannot move f ast to look for food.D.The forests where they live are being cut down.31.The four paragraphs above are most probably taken from an article about________.A.things we can do to protect wild animalsB.the effect of human activities on natureC.the living habits of some wild animalsD.endangered animals in the wild5DFoxes have become a part of life in Britain’s urban areas.They are striking creatures but they are also dangerous.Three years ago, twin baby girls Isabella and Lola Koupparis were left with arm and face injuries after they were attacked by a fox while they were sleeping at their home. Last week, a four­week­old baby boy Denny Dolan was bitten by a fox which entered his home. After gaining access to the home through the front door, the fox pulled the baby down from the sofa and tried to drag him outside, biting him and almost severing(割断) his finger.Although fox attacks on humans are still very rare, they will become more common if we don’t change our behavior towards these increasingly fearless animals. It is humans rather than foxes that are responsible for rising fox attacks on humans.On the one hand, people who love foxes treat these wild animals like pets, leaving food out for foxes, feeding them from their hands, and even inviting foxes into their home.The result is that the fox is more brazen(厚颜无耻的 ) and less inclined to avoid us. It is those people who feed foxes that cause foxes to lose their fear of humans. However, as long as they have a healthy fear of humans, they won’t bother humans.On the other hand, foxes have moved into cities for lack of resources in rural areas. We take away their natural habitat to build more houses and factories. Foxes have no choice but to live and search for food in the city. If they live in the forest, no fox attack will happen.We have to learn to share the earth with animals and let foxes return to their natural habitat.We also have to learn to look upon foxes as wild animals. We have to remember that they are instinctive killers, efficient and silent with only one purpose—kill to eat.We must certainly not intervene them, even when they look starved. They are hungry for a reason. The hunger will force them to hunt for rabbits and other animals instead of waiting for food at your door.32.We can learn from the passage that________.A.it i s common for people to spot foxes in British citiesB.it is very difficult for people to raise foxes as petsC.it is common for foxes to attack a child in Britain’s urban areas6D.it is very dangerous for foxes to live in Britain’s urban areas33.Why do more and more foxes flood into cities?A.Because urban people love the cute animal.B.Because foxes lack natural resources in the forest.C.Because no houses are built for them in the forest.D.Because their habitats are occupied by other animals.34.We can learn from the passage that the author________.A.is very cruel to foxes B.is a wild animal loverC.is concerned about foxes D.is against feeding foxes35.What is the main idea of the passage?A.It is humans rather than foxes that are to blame for the rising fox attacks on humans.B.People in cities must certainly not feed foxes,even when they look starved.C.Human beings have to learn to live in harmony with wild animals in cities.D.Foxes in British cities are striking creatures so they are also dangerous animals.ELife comes in a package. This package includes love, happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair.36.________Experiences in life teach us new lessons and make us a better person. With each passing day we learn to handle various situations.LoveLove makes you feel wanted. Without love a person could become cruel. In the early stage of our life, our parents are the ones who show us with unconditional love and care. They teach us about what is right and wrong, good and bad.37.____It is only after marriage and having kids that a person understands it. Kids make us responsible and mature.Happiness and SorrowMaterialistic happiness is short­lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others’ face gives a certain level of fulfillment.38.________No mind is happy without peace. We realize the true worth of happiness when we are in sorrow. Sorrow is 7basically due to death of a loved one, failure and despair. But these things are temporary.Failure and SuccessFailure is the path to success.39.________Success brings in money, fame and self­respect. Here it becomes very important to keep our head on our shoulder.Hope and DespairHope is what keeps life going. Parents always hope their children will do well. Hope makes us dream. Life teaches us not to despair even in the darkest hour, because after every night there is a day.Life teaches us not to regret over yesterday, for it has passed and is beyond our control.40.___So the only alternative is to work hard today, so that we will enjoy a better tomorrow.A.Tomorrow is unknown, for it could either be bright or dull.B. But we always tend to take this for granted.C. An old saying goes that failure is the mother of success.D. Life is a learning process.E. Therefore, we should take good care of our parents when they are old.F. Peace of mind is the main link to happiness.G. It helps us to touch the sky, teaches us to survive and shows us a specific way.完形填空(共 20小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 30分)For 10 months, Australian environmental activist Miranda Gibson has been living on a platform(平台) 60 metres above the ground.Like many I have been__41waiting for the outcome(结果) of the Tasmanian “forest peace talks”.But unlike most,I have done so 60 metres__42__the ground,staying at the top of an old­growth tree whose fate__43__on them.I promised not to leave the tree__44__the forests were protected.Although the forestry industry had other ideas,digging in its heels,we couldn’t go on ignoring today’s market realities of a worldwide trend towards environmentally friendly products.From my tree top platform,I have__45to thousands of people through my Skype(网络 电话).And the message is clear:people shouldn’t buy furniture and flooring__46_of the 8trees by destroying the endangered species habitat or__47_significant carbon sinks.The__48__of the talks has created uncertainty for me.With no end in__49__,who knows how long it will be before I__50__foot on the ground again?I have already become the Australian record holder for the longest time__51__in a tree,after I reached 209 days back in July.I hope,for the__52__of the forests,that I will not need to__53__the world record held by Julia Butterfly Hill,who sat for two years in a Californian Redwood.In the upper__54__of this 400­year­old tree I have endured high wind,snow,hail and__55__conditions.It’s been a tough winter.And the weather isn’t the only__56__.Living on a three­metre platform suspended in the tree tops__57__difficulty to every daily task that I once__58__for granted.No turning on the tap for hot water or going to the shops if you__59__out of milk!I have to bathe in a__60__bucket.And I draw up everything I need on a long rope,relying on support from the community for donations of food and supplies.41.A.excitedly B.anxiously C carefully D.intellectually42.A.on B.below C.above D.across43.A.calls B.turns C.takes D.depends44.A.until B.when C.though D.but45.A.declared B.announced C.spoken D.written46.A.decorated B.presented C.made D.built47.A.generally B.obviously C.globally D.eventually48.A.result B.failure C.agreement D.appointment49.A.turn B.order C.need D.sight50.A.put B.set C.hit D.place51.A.paid B.taken C.spent D.cost52.A.sake B.reason C.lack D.peace53.A.keep B.break C.memorize D.regret54.A.trunks B.branches C.leaves D.roots55.A.various B.extreme C.comfortable D.gentle56.A.discovery B.challenge C.pain D.d
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