1、 BA SLAM ORB SLAM2 SAD SAD Nvidia Jetson TX2 1 280720 60/s TK242 A 0493-2137 2019 12-1262-08 Hou Yonghong1 Liu Yan1 L Hualong1 Wu Qi1 Zhao Jian2 Chen Yanfang2 1.School of Electrical and Information Engineering Tianjin University Tianjin300072 China 2.Tianjin Zhongwei Aerospace Data System Technology
2、 Co.Ltd.Tianjin 300072 China Unmanned aerial vehicles UAVs have wide application in wilderness search and rescue environmental exploration and other fields.UAVs with autonomous navigation functions have been recently reported.To mitigate the real-time autonomous navigation problem of UAVs a rotor UA
3、V system was designed and implemented herein.The designed UAV system could autonomously perceive the unknown outdoor environment and realize real-time tra-jectory planning.The bundle adjustment optimized BA-optimized ORB SLAM2 algorithm was first used to obtain the posture information of UAV using a
4、 binocular camera.The push-broom perception method and modified sum of absolute differences SAD algorithm were then used to obtain environmental information and obstacle points.Lo-cal obstacle maps were constructed based on the environmental obstacle points and UAV posture information using aparalle
5、l calculation framework CUDA to improve the system performance.To solve the real-time autonomous navi-gation problem of UAVs the modified SAD algorithm only focuses on the sparse matching of pixel blocks with a fixed parallax size.According to the generated current local obstacle map and local traje
6、ctory library the motion track can be independently selected to achieve the effect of the real-time local trajectory planning.All the above func-tions were processed in the embedded NVIDIA Jetson TX2 processor equipped with a drone.Simulation and actualflying experiments show that the designed syste
7、m realizes real-time autonomous perception and trajectory planning function of UAVs in unknown outdoor scenes.When the resolution of the captured video is 1 280720 the pro-cessing speed can reach 60 frames per second.In summary this design provides a reference for improving the obsta-2019 12 1263 cl
8、e avoidance and navigation function of low-cost UA Vs.binocular vision visual odometer parallel calculation local trajectory planning autonomous naviga-tion 1 2 3 4 graphic processing unit GPU GPS GPS GPS 56 simul-taneous localization and mapping SLAM SLAM SLAM7 SLAM8 SLAM RGB-D 9-11 SLMA 12 RGB-D S
9、LAM 1 4 2kg Tarot 650 Pixhawk Pixhawk robot op-eration system ROS MavLink NVIDIA Jetson TX2 4 ARM A57 CPU 256 CUDA 8GB 7.5 W 1.3 TOPS trillion operations per second StereoLabs ZED 20 m ZED 1264 52 ORB SLAM2 SAD GPS GPS visual odometry VO ORB SLAM12-13 R t ORB SLAM ORB-SLAM ORB ORB 14 oriented FAST F
10、AST15 BRIEF16 binary robust independent elementary fea-ture PnP perspective-n-point bundle adjustment BA BA BA BA SO(3)R 3 t BA 3 i X 3 i x 2,a r g m i n()iii RtRt x RX t 1 xxyyx xXfcZXYYfcZZXbf cZ 2 Huber(,)xyf f b(,)x ycc Z X Y Z ORB SLAM BA ORB-SLAM12 LK BA,|,ill L LiRlK XRt,arg min()ill kkjkKjE
11、XRt 3 2j()jkj k kE xR Xt BA BA LK LP 3D K k k LP ORB SLAM2 GPS 2019 12 1265 LOG(,)4(,)(1,)Lxy Ixy Ix y(1,)(,1)(,1)Ix y Ixy Ixy 4(,)I xy(,)x y(,)Lxy SAD sum of abso-lute differences 17 SAD SAD CUDA 1280 720 12 12 NVIDIA Jetson TX2 GPU SAD 1 nn 2 3 d 4 SAD SAD left right0left right0|()()|()()nninniI i
12、IiSLiLi 5()Li 2 BfdZ(6)B f B f 5m d SAD 1266 52 SAD 2.1 2.2 PCL18 octomap 8 lb1xyx 7 x 01 y y y 7 3 4s 2s 2s 1 obsd refd obs refdd 2 01,Sss 0s 1s 0123,A aaaa 3a a 1 0s 1aa 2a 30aaa 0aa 3a 30aa 1s 1aa 2a a 0aa 3a 21aa 19 CPU NVIDIA Jetson TX2 GPU 256 CUDA CPU CUDA CUDA 2019 12 1267 NVIDIA Jetson TX2
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