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1、文教新聞(中英雙語)200705021. 12年國民基本教育有關補助弱勢學生學費方案,正式經行政院核定通過,只要是就讀私立高中職及五專前三年的學生,家戶年所得在60萬元以下,從96學年度起,將可獲得加額的學費補助,並逐年從高一擴展到高三,98學年度全面實施,預計將有18.7萬名學生受惠。 The program to subsidize less-privilege students for twelve-year basic national education is formally passed by the Executive Yuan. The students who are st

2、udying in former three year of private senior high school and five-year vocational school and whose family income is below six hundred thousand dollars every year can receive additional subsidization for school expenses from the next semester. It will be workable for students of each grad in senior

3、high school and fully practiced in 2009. Eighteen thousand seven hundred of students are expected to be benefited. 2. 今年第一次國中基本學力測驗的准考證,將於5月11號寄發。國中基測全國試務委員會表示,集體報名考生將由集體報名學校統一轉發,個別報名考生則由各考區主委學校寄發,請考生收到准考證後,仔細核對資料,如果有疑問或錯誤,可以向各考區主委學校辦理更正。 The testing permits for 2007 the first basic competence test

4、for junior high schools student will be sent out on May 11th. The committee indicates that the permits of the students who apply for the test by collective application will be transferred by the schools authorized; and the permits of the students who apply for the test individually will be delivered

5、 by the local schools which take charge of the test. The examinees should double check information on the permit and ask for corrections when finding any mistakes. 3. 96學年度四技二專統一入學測驗,將於5月19、20號兩天舉行,今年總共有17萬2000多人報考,報考類別以商業類4萬多人最多,其次是餐旅類2萬多人。技專校院入學測驗中心,預定5月9號在網站公告考試地點,至於詳細的試場平面圖及試場分配表5月19號上午8點,將在各考分區

6、入口處公布,詳情可利用技專校院入學測驗中心的網站查詢。2007 TVE Joint College Entrance Examinations will take place on May 19th and 20th. One hundred seventy-two thousand of people apply for the exam this year. The number of examinees who apply for departments relating to commerce reaches forty thousand or so which is the most

7、 one of all. The number of examinees for departments of hospitality is the next which is over twenty thousand. The testing center points that the testing locations will be announced on the website on May 9th, and scheme of testing halls and seats will be announced at each testing district at eight a

8、m. May 19th. For more detail, please check the website of the center. 4. 教育部推動一人一樂器,一校一藝團3年來,展現豐碩成果,在21個縣市的國中小學當中,可以說每位學生人人學會一種樂器,校校組成一個藝團,為了讓各界瞭解各校推動才藝表演的成效,教育部計畫5月4號起,分北、中、南三區擴大舉辦成果展示嘉年華活動,歡迎親子踴躍到場參觀。The project to promote learning musical instruments is successfully processing during the past thr

9、ee years. Among the elementary schools and junior high schools of the twenty-one counties and cities, each student know how to use a kind of musical instruments at least, and each school has organized one musical team. To let people well know how the performance of talent and skill promoted by each

10、school works, Ministry of Education plans to hold parties in north, midland and south from May 4th. Parents are welcome to join in it with their children.5. 高雄縣政府嚴格控管學校經費,縣府政風室、教育局四月抽查9所國中小學,其中5所學校採購程序,有嚴重瑕疵,所購置的設備遭到閒置;只有美濃鎮南隆國中採購程序正常,設備也正常使用,另外3所學校有小瑕疵要求改善。高雄縣長楊秋興指示送交縣府學校考績委員會檢討處理。Kaohsiung County

11、Government manages school budget seriously. The ethics office and education bureau found five of schools have serious defects on purchasing procedures when making sample check of nine elementary schools. The instruments purchased have been left unused. Only the procedure of 南隆 Junior High school wor

12、ks well. Additionally, three of them were asked for improvement on their little defects. Magistrate 楊秋興 has appointed committee for examining schools to review the working condition.6. 96年全國大專校院運動會,進入倒數計時階段。今年全國大專校院運動會的聖火,5月3號晚上將以仿古代奧運的祭典形式點燃,4號上午聖火傳遞隊伍,以跑步及搭乘捷運的接力方式,傳遞到開幕典禮會場;晚上再由奧運跆拳道金牌得主陳詩欣,率領亞運金

13、牌得主組成的金牌聖火隊護持進場,為全大運正式揭開序幕。2007 National Sports Meet for Colleges is coming soon. The flame will be lighted like traditional Olympics ceremony on May 3rd. The team for handing the fire will deliver it to the place of opening ceremony by running or taking MRT on May 4th. The gold medal prizewinner of

14、 Olympic Games for tae kwon do陳詩欣 will lead other prizewinners of Asian Games to formally begin the unveiling ceremony.7. 為了推展全民國防,今年暑假期間,國防部將繼續舉辦暑期戰鬥營,總共推出金門戰鬥營等五種營隊,各召訓五個梯次共3400名在學學生。有意參加的同學們,可以從即日起到五月底,上全民國防教育網站下載報名表,取得監護人和學校教官簽名蓋章後,再以通訊方式報名。To develop national defense, Ministry of National Defen

15、se will continuously hold summer combat camp this year. Five kinds of Kinmen camps will be offered. Five batches and three thousand four hundred of students will be allowed. Students who are interested in it can download the application form from the website of Ministry of National Defense before th

16、e end of May. After being approved by guardians and school instructors with signatures and seals, the students can apply for it by means of communication. 8. 以色列政府向罷課的大學生代表提出讓步條件,同意凍結一年的學費,並在2009年改善大學與學院狀況,但罷課的學生代表,因為政府只凍結一年的學費而拒絕停止罷工。以色列大學生從四月中旬罷課到現在,他們主要的訴求是政府降低學費。由於罷課學生與政府未能達成協議,大學生將繼續罷課。Israel m

17、ade a concession for the college students who raised a students strike to approve freezing up one-year school expenses and better school working condition in 2009. However, the leader of the strike asked for longer frozen school expenses. The college students have boycotted classes since the middle ten days of April. They mainly ask government to lowering school expenses. The students will keep the strike going because both of them have not reached an agreement yet.


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