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1、服务指南万能插头及变压器 - 内线“7” 请与服务中心联系。 空调 - 内线“7”客房备有空调,客房墙壁上的调温器设有高、中、低三档,您可根据需要调节室内温度及风量。机场接送服务 - 内线“2” 请提前与礼宾部联系,安排机场接送,以保证车辆按预订时间到达。婴儿床 - 内线“7” 本酒店备有婴儿床,请与服务中心联系。 保姆服务 - 内线“7” 请提前6小时与服务中心联系。 宴会预订 - 内线“6378”请与宴会销售经理联系,安排有关社交或商务会议。宽频互联网 - 内线“3” 本酒店为每一个办公桌旁设置宽频插头。有关互联网的咨询,请与大堂副理联系。商务中心 - 内线“6176” 位于酒店38楼行政

2、楼层,商务中心为您提供一切办公设施及业务服务,包括秘书、传真、复印、会议室及会议设施、快件专递、国内国际长途、确认及预订国内国际航班机票、私人电脑及宽带上网。行政楼层 - 内线“6176”位于酒店38楼的行政楼层提供接待服务、秘书服务、同时还有行政楼层酒廊。前台 - 内线“1” 设于酒店大堂,为您处理外币兑换,帐务与保险箱等服务事宜。退房时间 - 内线“2” 退房时间为中午12时,如需推迟请与大堂副理联系。礼宾部 - 内线“3” 位于酒店大堂,提供行李搬运及寄存服务。机票预订及确认 - 内线“6182” 办理国际航班机票与国内航班机票预订及确认,请与商务中心联系。送递服务 - 内线“6176”

3、 请与商务中心联系。信用卡酒店接受以下信用卡:国际信用卡:美国运通卡、万事达卡、Visa卡、大莱卡、JCB卡。国内信用卡:长城卡、牡丹卡。医疗服务 - 内线“2” 如需医疗服务,请与大堂副理联系国内直拔长途(DDD)客房内可直拔国内长途(DDD),具体程序及地区代号请参阅“电话指南”一栏。每次拔号,对方铃响6声后即开始计费。请勿打扰 - 内线“0” 当阁下不希望被访客打扰时,请按睡床旁的“请勿打扰”开关。当阁下把“请勿打扰”灯打亮时,门铃亦会被关。如果阁下不希望被电话打扰或只希望接听某些来电时,请与总机联系拔打“0”饮用水 - 内线“7” 浴室内备有赠送的饮用瓶装水。请勿直接饮用自来水。大堂副

4、理 - 内线“3” 大堂副理每天24小时值班,在阁下入住的期间需要任何帮助,请与其联系。电源 - 内线“7” 客房梳妆台侧面配有220伏50赫电源插座,如要借用万能插头及变压器,请与服务中心联系。为安全起见,法律禁止在客房内私自使用取暖或烹调设备。紧急事件 - 内线“0” 如有紧急事件发生,请与总机联系拔打“0”。传真 - 内线“6182” 请与大堂商务中心联系。防火措施 - 内线“0” 酒店内备有全套消防设施。请参阅悬挂在客房门背后的“消防示意图”,以了解紧急疏散路线。发生火警时拔“0”与接线生联系,并告之所在位置。外币兑换 - 内线“1” 设于酒店大堂,为您处理外币兑换,请与大堂收银处联系

5、。冰块 - 内线“7” 如需要冰块服务,请与服务中心联系。国际直拔长途(IDD) - 内线“0” 客房内可直拔国际长途,具体拔号程序,请参阅“电话指南”一栏或与接线生联系。送餐 - 内线“5” 24小时提供服务。请参阅本“服务指南”之送餐菜牌。翻译服务 - 内线“6182” 如需翻译服务,请预先与38层商务中心联系。洗衣服务 - 内线“7” 饭店提供专业水洗、干洗及烫衣服务。衣柜内备有价目表及洗衣袋。如需服务,请与服务中心联系。失物招领 - 内线“7” 请与服务中心联系。行李服务 - 内线“2” 请与礼宾部联系。电话留言- 内线“0”当电话讯号灯亮着,表示有语音留言给您。语音留言听取请参阅“电

6、话指南”一栏,如需进一步帮助,请与总机联系。电源总开关电源总开关位于房间入口处,请用您的房卡启动,床头柜上亦分别设有电灯开关。客房小酒吧 - 内线“7” 客房小酒吧每日添置饮品,如需要补充饮料请与服务中心联系。无烟房 - 内线“1” 酒店设有无烟房间。如需要无烟房间请与前台联系。邮政服务 - 内线“2” 酒店礼宾部有邮票出售,并提供信件邮寄服务。餐厅预订 - 内线“3” 有关本酒店餐厅及酒廊的情况,请参阅本册内“餐厅介绍”,如欲订座,请直接与大堂副理联系。保险箱 - 内线“1” 为方便起见,客房衣柜内设有保险箱以供阁下使用。大堂的收银处亦免费提供保险箱服务。失物招领 - 内线“7” 您如果有遗

7、失物品,请与服务中心联系。借物服务 - 内线“7” 如果您需要借用熨斗和熨衣板、转换插头、吹风机、剪刀等,请与服务中心联系。秘书服务 - 内线“6182” 请与大堂商务中心联系。擦鞋服务 - 内线“7” 如需要擦鞋服务,请与服务中心联系。汽车租赁 - 内线“2” 请与大堂礼宾部联系。市区及酒店周边旅游观光 - 内线“2” 有关详情及具体安排,请与大堂礼宾部联系。访客根据南昌市公安局的有关规定,所有来访者需出示有效身份证件,并在前台进行来访登记。凌晨1时至早晨7时,访客不得在客房内逗留。叫醒服务 - 内线“0” 如需叫醒服务,请与总机联系。轮椅 - 内线“2” 酒店备有轮椅,请与礼宾部联系。安全

8、守则及保险u 酒店具有完善的消防及防火临界测系统。以防万一,请参阅房间门后的消防疏散图以留意防火通道的位置,酒店将时刻执行一切预防措施,以保证阁下的安全。u 酒店由保安人员定时巡逻。若在楼层发现可疑人员请与总机或大堂副理联系。u 请留意各防火通道的位置,万一有火情或浓烟时保持冷静度疏散至就近的防火通道。在紧急情况下,不要使用电梯。u 于公众场所,游览胜地或购物时,切记小心个人财物。u 酒店员工都穿着制服及配带名牌,请阁下必须确认是本酒店工作人员后才准他/她进入阁下的客房内。u 保险箱设在本酒店前台收银处,为阁下的方便起见,在客房壁柜内另备有私人保险箱。本酒店对任何财物的遗失概不负责。u 倘若阁

9、下不愿意别人打扰,请将门外“请勿打扰”的指示灯亮着并拴上保险锁。u 由于安全原因,访客务请于凌晨一时前离开,如需住宿须在前厅登记。酒店规章l 每位住客都应出示有效证件以证明其身份。l 每位客人都必须遵守酒店的规章和章程,配合本酒店工作人把酒店工作做好,并且要爱护酒店财产。l 住客请不要把没有登记的客人带进客房过夜或其他客人使用他/她的床。l 请勿把易燃、易爆品、有毒及带放射性物品或其他危险品带入本酒店。l 请勿在酒店客房内私自安装电器设备或使用电热器、电炉、微波炉等。l 严禁打架、赌博、吸毒、卖淫或嫖娼等任何违法犯罪活动。l 对于违反上述规定的行为,本酒店有拒绝为其服务的权利。对于违反“中华人

10、发共和国治安管理处罚条例”或其他管理条例的行为,将依法受到公安机关的处罚。对于那些违反“中华人民共和国刑法”的行为,公安部门和司法机关将依法调查并追究其刑事责任。 南昌市公安局GUEST & SERVICESAdaptors & Transformers - Dial“7” Please contact Housekeeping.Air-conditioning - Dial“7” Your room is fully air-conditioned. You may adjust the ventilation and the temperature level on the wall mo

11、unted thermostat. Please contact Housekeeping for further assistance.Airport Ttransportation - Dial“2” Transportation can be arranged through Concierge.Assistant Manager- Dial“2” For assistance required during your stay, please contact Assistant Manager at the lobby.Baby Cot Dial“7” Available from H

12、ousekeeping, free of charge.Baby Sitting Dial“7” Please contact Housekeeping six hours advance.Banquet Arrangements - Dial“6378”Please contact Banquet Sales Manager for all social and business functions.Broadband Internet Access - Dial“3” The broadband Internet access port is next to the writing des

13、k.For any assistance with your internet access, please contact Assistant Manager.Business Center Dial“6182” The Business Center is furnished with state of the art office equipment, and there are meeting rooms available for rental. Full secretarial service ,such as typing word processing ,facsimile a

14、nd courier service are available .A private computer room with internet service is also available.Executive Floor - Dial“6176”The Executive Floor is located on the C Building with Lounge Secretarial Service, Executive Floor Reception and LoungeCashier - Dial“1” Located in the Hotel Lobby, the Cashie

15、r will be pleased to assist with foreign currency transactions, account settlement and safe deposit box requirements.Check Out Time - Dial“1” Check-out time is 12:00 noon, please contact Assistant Manager should you require an extension .Late check-out is subjected to room availability.Concierge - D

16、ial“2” Located in the Hotel Lobby, the Concierge will be pleased to Provide baggage collection, delivery and storage service.Confirmations of Airline Tickets - Dial“6182” For confirmation of international airline tickets and domestic flights, please contact Business Centre.Courier Service - Dial“618

17、2” Please contact Business Center Credit Cards We accept the following credit cards:International Card: American Express、Master Card、Visa、Diners Club、JCBDomestic Card: Great Wall、Peony Card Doctor - Dial“3” For assistance, please contact Assistant Manager.Domestic Direct Dial (DDD) Dial“0” The telep

18、hone in your room is equipped with Domestic Direct Dialing (DDD) facilities. Please refer to the TELEPHONE DIRECTORY section for details and dialing codes .Please be advised that all calls will be charged after six rings.Do Not Disturb Dial“0” A button near the bed-side panel turns on the Do Not Dis

19、turb indicatoroutside your room to ensure your privacy .This button also disengages your doorbell. If you wish to have your calls screened, or do not wish to be disturbed by telephone calls, please contact the telephone operator for assistance.Drinking Water - Dial“7” Complimentary bottle of distill

20、ed water is provided for your convenience. Tap water is not portable.ElectricityRooms are equipped with 220 VOLT/50HZTToutlets located by the writing desk. For your safety interest, The use of private heating or cooking is not permitted in guest rooms in accordance with local fire regulations.Emerge

21、ncy - Dial“0” In the event of an emergency, please contact the telephone operator.Facsimile-incoming/outgoing - Dial“6182” Please contact Business Center. Fire Procedure The hotel is fully equipped with sophisticated fire detection and preventionsystems. Please study the fire escape plan mounted on

22、the back of your room door as a precautionary measure. In case of fire, dial “0” to report the location of affected areas.Foreign Exchange - Dial“1” Please contact the cashier at the hotel lobby for the exchange of Foreign currency. Ice -Dial“7” Please contact Housekeeping.International Direct Dial

23、(IDD) The telephone in your room is equipped with International Direct Dialing (IDD) facilities. Please refer to the TELEPHONE DIRECTORYsection for details or contact the telephone operator for assistance. In Room Dining - Dial“5” Please refer to the In Room Dining Menu in this directory. Available

24、24 hours daily.Interpreters Service - Dial“6182” Interpreters can be arranged through our Business Centre. Advance arrangements are required .Laundry/ Dry Cleaning - Dial“7” Professional dry cleaning, laundry and pressing services are available. Items collected before noon will be returned on the sa

25、me day.Express service is available. Laundry/Dry cleaning lists and bags are available in the closet.Lost and Found Dial“7” Please contact Housekeeping for assistance.Luggage Service - Dial“2” Please contact Concierge at the lobby for arrangement.Message ServiceThe message light on your phone will b

26、link to indicate you have a voice or written message. Please refer to TELEPHONE DIRECTORYsection for listen to Voice Message or contact the telephone operatorfor assistance.Master Switch Dial“7” Master switch for electricity supply is located at the entrance of your room activated by your key card.

27、Light control switches are located on the bedside panel.Mini-Bar Dial“7” Your mini-bar will be replenished daily. Should you require more of any items or a more comprehensive range of beverages, please contact Housekeeping. Non-smoking Rooms Dial“1” Non-smoking Rooms are available .Please contact Re

28、ception Desk forassistance.Postage Stamps - Dial“6182” Available at the Business Center.Restaurant Reservation Please refer to the Restaurant Section in this directory for information or contact the Assistant Manager.Safe Deposit Boxes - Dial“1” For your convenience, a locker is placed in the closet

29、 of your personal use. Additional safe deposit boxes are available at the Reception.Secretarial Service - Dial“6182” Please contact Business Centre located in the lobby.Shoe Shine Service - Dial“7” Please leave your shoes in the shoe basket inside your room or contactHousekeeping for assistance.Hire

30、 Car Dial“2” Please contact Concierge.Tours & Sightseeing - Dial“2” For tour information and arrangements, please contact Concierge.Visitors - Dial“2” In the interest of your safety and security, all visitors are required To be registered with the hotel and leave the guest room by 1:00am.Wake-up Cal

31、l - Dial“0”Please call operator for assistance.Wheelchair - Dial“2” Available from Concierge.SAFTY & SECURITYl The hotel is fully equipped with sophisticated fire prevention and detection systems. Please study the fire escape plan mounted behind your room door as a precautionary measure. We assure y

32、ou that every precaution has been made to ensure your safety at all times.l The Hotel patrolled regularly by our security personnel. Please call Operator should you notice any suspicious persons loitering on your floor.l Please observe the location of fire exits. In the unlikely event of fire or smo

33、ke, stay calm and proceed to the nearest exit. Do not use elevators in case of fire.l Keep a close eye on your property and belongings in public areas.l Allow only authorized hotel staff to enter your room, all hotel employees wear uniforms with name tags.l Safe Deposit Boxes are available at the Re

34、ception. For your added convenience, a Safety Locker is located inside the closet for your personal use. The hotel is not responsible for loss of money or valuables placed in your room.l Use the security latch and the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door of your room when you do not wish to be disturbe

35、d.l In the interest of your safety and security, visitors leave your guest room by 1:00a.m. Visitors staying beyond 1:00a.m. or overnight must register at the Reception.Rules and Regulations1. Guest are required to show proof of identity documents.2. Every guest has an obligation to abide by the rules and regulations of the hotel to cooperate with personnel carrying out their duties and to take good care of hotel properties. 3. No guest is allowed to take an unregistered guest to his /her room for the night.4


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