1、To study and implement the spirit of the two sessions is the primary political task of the educators in 2018. Through the study of the spirit of the two sessions, I have a profound awareness that the key to the prosperity and development of the country lies in the Party, and the key to the all-round
2、 rejuvenation of the nation lies in education. The two sessions were held on March 3, and the two sessions have attracted much attention. The Congress of democracy, unity, harmony, and pragmatism has determined the work of economic and social development in 2018, which is of great significance for f
3、urther promoting scientific development, promoting social harmony, and continuously opening up a new situation for the cause of socialism with Chinese characteristics. At present, the most important political task before us is to concentrate on the two Will spirit study well, carry out well. Reform
4、is still the focus of this years two sessions. Our party should continue to deepen the reform in an all-round way and unswervingly go on, and promote the modernization of the national governance system and governance ability, which requires the Party to improve its governing ability and efficiency a
5、nd raise its work level. The anti-corruption issue is also the focus of more efforts, because in the past year, our country has made great progress on the road of fighting corruption and promoting integrity, and has cracked down on many corrupt officials. To those who do not wholeheartedly for the w
6、elfare of the people of the government personnel heavy blow and warning. And it is precisely because of the vigorous administration of the party and the state that some public funds eat and drink. Corruption and other phenomena have mostly disappeared, so this years deep reform选择题训练(25)一、选择题(每小题只有一个
7、正确答案,每小题4分,共32分)1、当前我国环保急待解决的“白色污染”,通常是指 A、金属冶炼厂排放的白色烟尘; B、白色建筑废料 C、聚乙烯等塑料垃圾 D、烧制石灰时的白色粉尘2、有关药品的保存和使用不正确的是 A、溴水盛于带磨砂玻璃塞的细口瓶中; B、硫酸铜粉末、氯化钙等药品贮存于干燥器中 C、白磷需浸入水中密封保存 D、用碳酸钠滴定盐酸时,Na2CO3液应盛于酸式滴定管中3、现在含硒的保健品已开始进入市场,已知它与氧同主族与钾同周期,则下列有关硒的叙述中错误的是 A、原子序数为24 B、最高价氧化物的化学式为SeO3 C、非金属性比溴弱 D、气态氢化物的化学式为H2Se4、利用下列各组中
8、的物质制备和收集少量相应气体,能采用右图实验装置的是浓氨水与固体NaOH 浓硫酸与食盐 稀硝酸与铜片 过氧化氢溶液与MnO2 镁条与稀硫酸 电石与水A、 B、 C、 D、全部5、已知某强氧化剂RO(OH)22+离子2.410-3mol被亚硫酸钠还原到较低价态,需12mL0.2mol/L的亚硫酸钠溶液,则反应后R的化合价为 A、0 、+2 C、+3 D、+46、强酸溶液A与强碱溶液B,在常温下其pH之和为15,当它们按一定体积比混合时,溶液的pH恰好为7,则A与B的体积比为 A、1 : 1 B、2 : 1 C、1 : 10 D、10 : 17、某有机物的分子结构如右:CH3-CH-CC-CH=C
9、H- 该分子中最多可以有多少个原子共平面 CH3 CH3 A、19 B、20 C、21 D、228、在水溶液中,YO3n-和S2-发生如下反应:YO3n- + 3S2- +6H+ = Y- + 3S+ 3H2O,则YO3n-中Y元素的化合价和原子最外层电子数分别为 A、+4、6 B、+7、7 C、+5、7 D、+5、5二、选择题(每小题4分,10小题共40分,每小题有一个或两个正确选项。)9、设NA为阿佛加德罗常数,下列说法中正确的是 A、0.1mol钠和O2在一定条件下反应生成Na2O和Na2O2混合物时,失去电子数为0.1NA B、0.1mol铁和O2在一定条件下生成FeO和Fe2O3混合
10、物时,失去电子数为0.2NA C、标况下,1L乙醇完全燃烧时产生CO2的分子数为NA/11.2 D、通常状态下,16克O2含氧原子数为NA。10、下列反应的离子方程式正确的是电解 A、氢氧化铁溶于氢碘酸中:Fe(OH)3 + 3H+ = Fe3+ + 3H2O B、用惰性电极电解饱和食盐水:2Cl- + 2H2O 2OH- + H2+ Cl2 C、过氧化钠投入重水中:2Na2O2 + 2D2O = 4Na+ + O2+ 4OD- D、向氢氧化钡溶液中逐滴加入少量碳酸氢钠溶液:Ba2+2OH+2HCO3-=BaCO3+2H2O11、下列有关稀有气体的描述中,不正确的是 A、原子最外层都有8个电子
11、; B、其原子与同周期A、A阳离子核外电子排布相同。 C、有些稀有气体在一定条件下可以和某些物质反应;D、其原子半径比同周期A元素原子的半径大12、某有机物化学式为C10H12O2Cl2,分子结构中不含环和CC,只含一个-C=O,则分子中含有的C=C数为:A、1个 B、2个 C、3个 D、4个 x y13、如图x、y分别是直流电源的两极,通电后发现a极质量增加,b极有无色无味气体放出,符合这一情况的是:a极b极x电极电解质溶液A锌石墨负极baCuSO4 B石墨石墨负极NaOHC银铁正极AgNO3D铜石墨负极CuCl214、向一容积为5L的恒容密闭容器中充入5molA与8molB,在一定条件下反
12、应:2A(g) + 3B(g) xC(g) + yD(g) (x、y为正整数)反应进行2min后达到平衡,这2min内平均反应速率v(C)=0.3mol./Lmin,D的平衡浓度为0.3mol./L,又知v(B) : v(C)=3 : 2,则下列说法中一定不正确的是: A、x : y=2 : 1 B、v(A) : v(C)=2 : 1 C、A的平衡浓度为0.4mol/L D、A与B的平衡浓度之比为3 : 215、制印刷电路时常用氯化铁作腐蚀液,有关反应为2FeCl3 + Cu =2FeCl2 + CuCl2。向盛有氯化铁溶液的烧杯中同时加入铁粉和铜粉,反应结束后,烧杯中不可能出现的是 A、有铜
13、无铁; B、有铁无铜 C、铁、铜都有 D、铁、铜都无7100W161(W+36a)7100W161(W+18a)100WW+36aWW+18a16、常温下,将两个铂电极插入一定量的硫酸钠饱和溶液中进行电解,通过一段时间后,在阳极产生a mol气体,同时有WgNa2SO410H2O析出,若温度不变,此时剩余溶液中溶质的质量分数为 A、 100% B、 % C、 % D、 %17、下列各组离子,在指定环境中一定能大量共存的是 A、pH=7的溶液中:Al3+、K+、SO42-、HCO3- B、加入铝粉能放出氢气的溶液中:CO32-、AlO2-、I-、NO3- C、能使pH试纸变深蓝色的溶液中:S2-
14、、SO32-、S2O32-、SO42- D、由水电离出的OH-=110-13mol/L的溶液中:Fe2+、NH4+、ClO-、Cl-18、燃料电池是利用燃料(如H2、CO、CH4等)跟氧气或空气反应,将化学能转化成电能的装置,电解质溶液是强碱。下面关于甲烷燃料电池的说法正确的是 A、负极反应为:O2+2H2O+4e 4OH-; B、负极反应为:CH4+10OH- - 8eCO32-+7H2O C、放电时溶液中的阴离子向负极移动; D、随放电的进行,溶液的pH值不变This years two sessions of the National peoples Congress were held
15、 under the leadership of the party Central Committee to hold high the banner, to develop scientifically, to reform and innovate, and to make steady progress. Although this session of the National peoples Congress and the last session of this session of the Chinese peoples political Consultative Conf
16、erence were held, they were lively and fruitful. Such words as seeking progress in a steady way, reasonably anticipating, deepening reform, government responsibility, and peoples livelihood construction have become the focus of peoples attention. To sum up, the main tasks of this year are to stabili
17、ze growth, control prices, adjust structure, benefit peoples health, grasp reform and promote harmony. It is necessary to profoundly grasp the objectives, tasks, and work priorities of this years economic and social development, and earnestly unify the thinking and action with the central authorities scientific judgment of the situation. Unified to the central governments major policy-making arrangements, and the implementation of the actual work.