1、 AAAB B A A A BernardBass Stogdills Handbook of Leadership 1981 Zaphiroponlos 9-480-044 Bryant R Caro1e R CuShing Two Words That are Hard to Say Youre fired Judson Gooding The Art of Firing an Executive 1972 10 1982 6 28 91 Myron Magnet Managing by Mystigue Tom Peters Symbols Patterns and settings 1
2、978 Organizational Dynamics 1965 11 ITT Can Profitsbe Progralmmed Paul Lawrence Organization and Environment 1967 1979 3 21 104 1979 3/4 Atheory of Leadership Effectiveness E Fred E.F.Fiedler 1967 TomLevick Garv Derttula 9480049 John Seeger Cyrus Gibson A B 71 J John J.Gabarro GEO Socializationat th
3、e Top How CEOs and Their Suberdinates Deve1op Interponsal COntracts 1979 5.Frank Mason J N.J.N.J.Norman 6 476 019 6.Peter Drucker Effective Executive 1967 Faux McArthur se1f Assessment and Career Development Prentice Hall 1978 60 Ed Banfield Political 1nf1uence 1961 G GSakab-cik J who Gets Powe and
4、H0w They Hold On to It A StrategicContingency Mode1 of power 1977 1976 David McClel1and The Two Faces of Power”Journal of 1nternationaI Affairs 1970 24 1 44 Henry Greenwald Rosabeth Kanter 198 2 Cosmopolitan Menand Womenof the Corporation 1967 2 1982 6 11 Julie Salamon How New York Bank Got It self
5、Entangled in DrvsdalesDealings 1984 2 20 61 Costly Caper Parker Brothers 9 480 047 1979 7 7 The Washington Post Lanry Kramer Firm Plays is Safe with Voluntary Rocall 1980 11 3 Dean Rotbart John Prestbo P G Taking Rely off Market CootProter Gamblea Week of Agonizing How Moral Man Make Immoral Decisio
6、ns J J.Patrick Wright on A Clear Day YonCan Set General Motors 142 143 Louis Kraar AM Roy Ash is HavingFun at AddressogriefMultigreef 1978 2 27 4752 AM AM International When Technology Is Not Enough 1982 1 25 6268 Rumelt Strategy Structure and Economic Performance 1974 RCA Still Another Master 1981
7、8 17 8086 RCA L.L.Wallace Clausen G Alfred GZappola J J.Sierling Livingston Federal Radar Corporation 1968 Yankelovich Skely White 70 1977 15 1979 5 14 a.CBS CBS When Being No l isnt Enough 1980 5 26 128132 1980 5 23 48 John Cooney Paleys Dismissal of Backe as CBS Chref RaisesQuestionA6outConcerns C
8、ourse 1980 5 23 2 E Lawrence Ingrassia CBS CBS Names Wyman to Replace Backeasthe President 1980 8 21 Top Executives Find the Going isToughest When 1ts Time to Go Ford Afier Henry 1979 4 30 6272 Dearborn Beckons The Return of Henry Ford 1982 3 22 S priscilla S.Meyer Why Harold Geneen got the Board to
9、 Strip Power from Hamilton 1979 6 18 1 ITT Groping for a New Strategy 1980 12 18 6680 History of the American Economy 1955 3 N Ross N.Robertson Harcourt Brace Jo-vanovich Rise and Evolution of Big Business Encyclopedia of AmericanEconomic History Glennporter D Alfred D.Chandler 1980 The Visib1e Hand
10、 Strategy5tructure Richard Pasca1e Anthony Athos The Art of Japanese Management 1981 Mayors in Action R 1974 Contingency Theory Organizational Dynamics AddisonWesley 1978 AMACOM 1979 Schein 1973 15 3 9199 The Psychological Compact Managing theJoining up Process SelfAssessment and Career Development 1978 1982 Sonnen feld Human Relations The Maturation of CareerTheory C Wick ham C.Skinner Earl Sasser