1、编号:时间:2021年x月x日书山有路勤为径,学海无涯苦作舟页码:第16页 共16页上市公司内部控制制度的完善基于四川长虹的案例研究 【摘要】上市公司的内部控制制度是否健全、有效对企业的长远发展关系重大。本文通过对四川长虹电器股份有限公司2001-2005年财务数据分析,指出其财务状况和经营成果中存在的风险;同时结合上述财务数据从上市公司的角度分析四川长虹销售与收款循环及存货等业务的内部会计控制可能存在的问题。最后,针对上述分析得出的结果,从如何完善财务信息披露和内部控制提出相应的改革措施。【关键词】 财务指标 财务风险 内部控制一、四川长虹的财务数据分析(一)财务指标分析1、对四川长虹200
2、12005年存货、应收账款占资产的比重情况进行分析,分析得出以下表:表1 应收账款、存货与总资产关系表 单位:万元年度2001年2002年2003年2004年2005年应收账款及存货909,4801,169,0511,230,6571,212,6881,069,273总资产1,763,0641,862,0372,140,0201,564,9031,582,399比重(%)51.5962.7857.5177.4967.57 从上表我们可以看出,这两项占资产总额历年高达50%以上,且应收账款、存货(05年扣除非货性交易换出的和核销已全额计提跌价准备的存货非正常减少部分)呈上升趋势,资产也呈上升趋势
3、。但是自公司在2004年对应收账款、存货计提35个多亿的减值准备后,总资产减少。从中我们可以得出:应收账款、存货对长虹的影响尤其重要,如果没管理好这两项资产,长虹有可能会因此出现危机。2、分析长虹20012005年收入及应收账款的变化情况,结果如下:表2 应收账款与收入增长情况表 单位:万元时间2001年2002年2003年2004年2005年应收账款增加数105,925133,95076,492-19,97884,800收入增加数-119,259307,056154,801-259,449352,242从上表我们可以看出: 2001年收入减少11多个亿而应收账款却增加了10多个亿;2002年
4、、2003年增加的收入有将近一半形成了应收账款。这种现象很不正常的。这是否是长虹为了扩大其销售额而极大(甚至无条件)地放宽了信用政策?尤其是对APEX公司,下面是对APPEX公司的销售额和欠款情况表:表3 APEX公司销售和欠款情况表 单位;万元时间销售额欠款余额 欠款增加数2001.12.31 77,594.38 34,632.57 34,632.572002.12.31554,129.08383,004.58348,372.012003.12.31503,826.28444,660.6061,656.022004.12.31287,114.91383,876.47-60,784.13200
5、5.12.31 -3,489.87369,300.40-14,576.07从上表可以看出,特别是在2002年,长虹公司对APEX公司的销售快速增加,其欠款也增加将近35亿元,而后几年其款项增加幅度较小。近年来,长虹公司似乎也意识到了APEX公司巨额欠款的严重性,在力争让APEX公司向其提供了三部分资产抵押,作为其部分欠款担保的情况下,长虹公司在2005年年报中对应收A P E X公司的货款从2004年末开始采用个别认定法计提坏账准备,特别计提坏账准备253,255万元。3、分析长虹20012005年的净利润和现金流量表的变化情况。具体如下: 表4 净利润与净现金流量的关系表 单位:万元时间20
6、01年2002年2003年2004年2005年收入951,4611,258,5181,413,3191,153,8691,506,111利润8,85317,62024,165-368,11228,503现金流12,171-64,03911,64894,368-83,661从上表我们发现了一个奇怪的现象:利润趋势线与现金流趋势线呈不同方向变化。这中间是否存在了人为调节的情况呢?因为这正好利用人们关注利润和现金流的心理,使投资者难以权衡。4、对四家彩电业上市公司(四川长虹、海信电器、ST康华、深康佳)的相关财务数据进行分析,结果如下:表5 彩电业上市公司毛利率公司名称1999年2000年2001年
8、2年彩电企业的业绩都出现了反弹趋势。2003年,除长虹外,其他三家公司的毛利率继续上升。2004年,除长虹外,其他三家公司毛利率均下降。1999年之前,彩电业高速发展,彩电业上市公司扩大生产规模,形成规模经济。但是,随着彩电过量生产,供大于求,大打“价格”战,彩电企业几乎无利可图。在这样的背景下,2001年2月再次复出的倪润峰为了使长虹摆脱这种局面,利用关税壁垒降低的有利环境,走“激进国际化”道路。我们不能否认其战略是错误的,但我们不得不考虑其为了出口而选择高风险的经营模式是否可取,是否具有可持续发展性。(二)从财务数据看长虹的业务控制1、销售与收款循环的内部会计控制 通过上述表2和表3我们可
16、(试行)第十四条指出“单位应当根据销售计划、生产计划、采购计划、资金筹措计划等制定仓储计划,合理确定库存存货的结构和数量”,然而长虹的存货却高达70多个亿,相对于其他三家彩电行业的上市公司高出30、40多个亿。长虹是否根据销售计划、生产计划、采购计划、资金筹措计划等制定仓储计划,合理确定库存存货的结构和数量,这值得探讨。第二十条指出“单位应当建立健全存货成本会计核算系统,正确计算和结转存货成本。”“单位应当加强对存货跌价的会计核算,及时掌握存货价值变动情况。确认、计量存货跌价的依据应当充分,方法应当正确。”下面看看长虹的存货主要项目结构表:表6 长虹存货主要项目结构表 单位:万元项 目2000
17、年2001年2002年2003年2004年2005年原 值跌价准备原 值跌价准备原 值跌价准备原 值跌价准备原 值跌价准备原 值跌价准备原材料146,930112,148214,876225,68556228,11729,07195,618285在产品27,27022,58632,25443,76628936,4364,15627,63679库存商品496,52325,098485,81827,280499,46327,743462,10431,240469,15599,636378,35828,899从上表可以清楚的看出,同样作为存货组成部分的原材料2000年、2001年、2002年均未计提
20、虹的股权结构对我国国有股比重过高的问题进行探讨。下面是长虹与实际控制人之间的产权及控制关系的方框图:绵阳市国有资产监督管理委员会100% Chartered Accountants Journal May 200559I N T E R N AT I O N A LThe first round of internal controlcerti.cations as mandated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in the United States haverecently been .led by listed companies,or were su
21、pposed to have been .led.Allegedly 80 companies could not meet thecerti.cations criteria laid down in SOX.The readiness of the SecuritiesExchange Commission and the PublicCompany Oversight Accounting Board(PCAOB) to learn from the experienceof the .rst year of implementation ofsection 404 of the Sar
22、banes-Oxley Act,by calling for a roundtable and solicitingcomments, is to be commended ifcontinued ful.lment of the requirementsof the Act is to be respected.Section 302 of SOX requires theprincipal executive of.cer and the principal.nancial of.cer to “certify” speci.c items.led in each annual repor
23、t. Subsections1, 4, 5 and 6 refer to the “signing of.cers”and the responsibilities they are chargedwith, as well as requiring them to disclosespeci.c matters.We are concerned that some of thelargest companies listed on the NewYork Stock Exchange are not giving thesesigning responsibilities the atten
24、tion theyare due.Three categories of compliance or lackthereof are evident:actual signaturestyped names onlyno signatures or typed names.These categories were evident froma small sample but provide evidence ofserious .agrancy of the spirit of the Act andof the Act itself. We contend that it is notun
25、reasonable to presume that Congressmeant “signed certi.cations” emphasisadded knowing that signatures have anattestation quality that is unique and conveyto the reader an intention to be bound orstand by the certi.cation.This essential quality seems to havebeen ignored by the companies that havefall
26、en into categories two and three.Our comments are based upon ourinspection of annual reports and 10K(annual SEC .ling) reports .led for therespective companies. We are concernedthat categories two and three will becomelike a will that has the name of the maker(testator) typed on it but is never sign
27、ed!It cannot be acted upon.In the case of unsigned certi.cationsunder section 302, the door for laterdisclaimers of responsibility is wideopen.The public interest and con.denceof investors in the reliability of .nancialreporting will not be well served by suchvariability. Investors will be left doub
28、tfulas to the reliability of such certi.cations.SOX put measures in place designed toimprove disclosure and reporting andinvestor con.dence. In the long run,internal controls and “signed” certi.cationsthereof may be the most important singlestep in increasing reliability.Should the SEC approve the u
29、se ofsubstitute signatures (i e printed names)in lieu of real signatures, then we feel thatthe testimony regarding internal controlsbegins to lack authenticity. This will thenleave investors with questions about thesincerity of the certi.cations, and therebyerode the spirit of the Act.An actual sign
30、ature is possible, asevidenced by some company certi.cations.When such a signature is absent, then themessage being conveyed is weaker. Asigned certi.cation conveys to the readerwho could not be present at the signingevent that the signer wishes to representthat the internal controls are functioning
31、as speci.ed.We propose that sections 302 and 404should be reinforced by implementing arequirement that a “signature event” becreated for these certi.cations. As anexample, managements certi.cation oninternal controls could be signed off atthe annual meeting of the company infront of the gathered sto
32、ckholders. Somestockholder representatives could witnessthese certi.cations.The power of witnesses testifying as tothe authenticity of the signatories at such四川长虹电子集团有限公司四川长虹电器股份有限公司53.63% Chartered Accountants Journal May 200559I N T E R N AT I O N A LThe first round of internal controlcerti.cation
33、s as mandated by the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) in the United States haverecently been .led by listed companies,or were supposed to have been .led.Allegedly 80 companies could not meet thecerti.cations criteria laid down in SOX.The readiness of the SecuritiesExchange Commission and the PublicCompany O
34、versight Accounting Board(PCAOB) to learn from the experienceof the .rst year of implementation ofsection 404 of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act,by calling for a roundtable and solicitingcomments, is to be commended ifcontinued ful.lment of the requirementsof the Act is to be respected.Section 302 of SOX req
35、uires theprincipal executive of.cer and the principal.nancial of.cer to “certify” speci.c items.led in each annual report. Subsections1, 4, 5 and 6 refer to the “signing of.cers”and the responsibilities they are chargedwith, as well as requiring them to disclosespeci.c matters.We are concerned that
36、some of thelargest companies listed on the NewYork Stock Exchange are not giving thesesigning responsibilities the attention theyare due.Three categories of compliance or lackthereof are evident:actual signaturestyped names onlyno signatures or typed names.These categories were evident froma small s
37、ample but provide evidence ofserious .agrancy of the spirit of the Act andof the Act itself. We contend that it is notunreasonable to presume that Congressmeant “signed certi.cations” emphasisadded knowing that signatures have anattestation quality that is unique and conveyto the reader an intention
38、 to be bound orstand by the certi.cation.This essential quality seems to havebeen ignored by the companies that havefallen into categories two and three.Our comments are based upon ourinspection of annual reports and 10K(annual SEC .ling) reports .led for therespective companies. We are concernedtha
39、t categories two and three will becomelike a will that has the name of the maker(testator) typed on it but is never signed!It cannot be acted upon.In the case of unsigned certi.cationsunder section 302, the door for laterdisclaimers of responsibility is wideopen.The public interest and con.denceof i
40、nvestors in the reliability of .nancialreporting will not be well served by suchvariability. Investors will be left doubtfulas to the reliability of such certi.cations.SOX put measures in place designed toimprove disclosure and reporting andinvestor con.dence. In the long run,internal controls and “
41、signed” certi.cationsthereof may be the most important singlestep in increasing reliability.Should the SEC approve the use ofsubstitute signatures (i e printed names)in lieu of real signatures, then we feel thatthe testimony regarding internal controlsbegins to lack authenticity. This will thenleave
42、 investors with questions about thesincerity of the certi.cations, and therebyerode the spirit of the Act.An actual signature is possible, asevidenced by some company certi.cations.When such a signature is absent, then themessage being conveyed is weaker. Asigned certi.cation conveys to the readerwh
43、o could not be present at the signingevent that the signer wishes to representthat the internal controls are functioningas speci.ed.We propose that sections 302 and 404should be reinforced by implementing arequirement that a “signature event” becreated for these certi.cations. As anexample, manageme
44、nts certi.cation oninternal controls could be signed off atthe annual meeting of the company infront of the gathered stockholders. Somestockholder representatives could witnessthese certi.cations.The power of witnesses testifying as tothe authenticity of the signatories at such 通过上图可以看出长虹的股权结构特点是:股权
46、退出是有条件(具体条件没说明)。此外,长虹给予年报酬列前三位高级管理人员的总额2003年为88.20万元,2004年为94.50万元,2005年91.03万元。显然,长虹在高级管理人员的考评与激励机制以及惩罚机制值得我们去深思。 2、加强应收账款管理,提高应收账款的安全,降低其风险市场经济是信用经济,企业销售环节很难完全做到“钱货两清”而不发生赊销预付,因此必须科学地确定赊销额度和健全应收账款的控制制度。对应收账款的控制,应分为事前、事中控制和事后监管三个环节进行。这三个环节是相互联系和相互制约的,做好每个环节的控制对应收账款及时回收意义十分重大。(1)应收账款的事前控制:建立健全赊销内部控制制度。建立货款回收责任制。对每笔应收账款明确责任部门和责任人,激励和