1、 林嘉德醫師的簡介學歷: 國立台灣大學醫學系畢業經 歷 : 臺 大 醫 院 耳 鼻 喉 科 總 醫 師 、 主 治 醫 師中 華 民 國 耳 鼻 喉 科 專 科 醫 師日本東北大學耳鼻咽喉科教室研究中 國 醫 藥 大 學 附 設 醫 院 耳 鼻 喉 部 主 治 醫 師中 國 醫 藥 大 學 醫 學 系 講 師學術專長: 耳科學,內耳生理,小兒耳鼻喉科,耳鼻喉內視鏡,喉科學研究方向: 1. the molecular mechanism and therapeutic implication of cochlear ischemia2. new strategy for management o
2、f tinnitus授課科目: 1. 後中四耳鼻喉科學概論(選修) 科目代號:30000040/A2. 牙四耳鼻喉科學 科目代號:00000031/A3. 中醫五耳鼻喉科學 科目代號:02000041/B發表論文輯: (*corresponding author)1. Chuan-Jen Hsu, Chia-Der Lin, Yu-Jen Su and Mei-Ji Horng:Experience in Cochlear Implantation at the National Taiwan University. Adv Otorhinolaryngol. Basel, Karger. 5
3、2:236-239;1997 (SCI)2. 許權振,林榮浩,林凱南,林嘉德:腦幹聽性反應診斷不對稱感覺神經性聽力損失患者耳蝸後病變之有效度。中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會雜誌 1997;32:371-3773. Chia-Der Lin,Yeng-Kai Cheng, Ching-Ting Tan, Jainn-Chung Chen, Shian-Yann Lee: Clinical Experience in Airway Endoscopy in Children: with an emphasis on the Comparison between Flexible and Rigid End
4、oscopy. Acta Paed Sin 1998;39:103-108 (MI)4. 林嘉德,譚慶鼎,陳建銓,張義良,李憲彥:小兒氣管皮瘺。中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會雜誌 1998:33;585-5905. 林嘉德,許權振,蔡銘修,李憲彥:經口內視鏡指引腺樣體切除術。中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會雜誌 1999:34;105-1086. 鄭元凱,劉嘉銘,林嘉德:YAMIK 鼻竇導管治療鼻竇炎。中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會雜誌 1999;34:99-1047. Wei-Chung Hsu, Tzung-Shiahn Sheen, Chia-Der Lin, Ching-Ting Tan, Te-Huei Ye
5、h and Shiann-Yann Lee: Removal of Foreign Bodies in the Airway and Food Passage with Rigid EndoscopeClinical Experiences of 3217 Cases(1970-1996). Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 2000;122: 450-454 (SCI)8. Chia-Der Lin, Ching-Ting Tan, Yuan-Kai Cheng, Shiann-Yann Lee: Ventilation Silicone T-Shaped Tube In
6、sertion. Laryngoscope 2001;111(2):361-363 (SCI)9. Shyh-jye Chen, Chung-i Chang, Ing-sh Chiu, Jou-kou Wang, Chia-der Lin, Hsu-yi Chen, Hung-chi Lue, Yiu-wah Li: Preoperative Diagnosis by Electron Beam Computed Tomography and Perioperative Management of Primary Tracheal Anomalies in Tetralogy of Fallo
7、t. J Formos Med Assoc 2001;100(1):26-31 (SCI)10. Yu-Chien Chang, Fuh-Cherng Jeng, Chia-Der Lin and Ming-Hsui Tsai: Acute Mastoiditis Complicated With Subperiosteal Abscess in Children: Report of Two Cases. Mid Taiwan J Med 2001:6:179-8411. Hsen-Chang Tseng, Chia-Der LIN, Yuan-Kai CHENG, Ming-Hsui Ts
8、ai:Oropharyngeal hairy polyp. J Tw Otolaryngol Head Neck Surgery 2001;36:396-39912. Ming-Hsui Tsai, Chia-Der Lin, Yao-Yuan Hsieh, Florence Chi-Chen Chang, Fuu-Jen Tsai, Wen-Chi Chen, Chang-Hai Tsai: Prognostic significance of the proline form of p53 codon 72 polymorphism in nasopharyngeal carcinoma.
9、 Laryngoscope 2002;112(1):116-119 (SCI) 13. Chia-Der Lin, Yeng-Kai Cheng, Su BH, Jeng-Sheng Chang, Hung-Ji Lin, Ming-Hsui Tsai: Endoscopic survey of post-extubation stridor in pediatric population. Acta Pediatr Tw 2002;43:91-95 (MI)14. 曾憲彰,鄭元凱,林嘉德,張文正,蔡銘修,劉嘉銘:以下鼻甲射頻組織體積縮減手術治療慢性鼻塞。中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會雜誌 2002;
10、37:22-27 15. Mao-Chang Su, Te-Huei Yeh, Ching-Ting Tan, Chia-Der Lin, Oan-Che Line, Shiann-Yann Lee: Measurement of adult vocal fold length. The Journal of Laryngology and Otology 2002;116(6):447-452 (SCI) 16. 鄭富城,林嘉德,黃偉師,蔡銘修:眩暈合併高膽固醇血症患者的頸部超音波檢查結果。中華民國耳鼻喉科醫學會雜誌 2002;37:260-26617. Chien-Chih Chen, C
11、hia-Der Lin, Yuan-Kai Cheng, Ming-Hsui Tsai: Deep neck infection with major complications. Mid Taiwan J Med 2002;7:101-10818. Min-Kuei Lyu, Chung-Hsiang Liu, Chia-Der Lin, Chon-Haw Tsai: Clinicoanatomical correlation of upbeat nystagmusreport of a case. Mid Taiwan J Med 2002;7:183-819. Chia-Der Lin,
12、 Chun-Hung Hua, Yuan-Kai Cheng, Hsiu-Hui Chiu, Mao-Wang Ho, Ming-Hsui Tsai: Adenoid bacteriology in children with otitis media with effusion. Mid Taiwan J Med 2002;7:199-20520. Chia-Der Lin, Ken-Sheng Cheng, Chia-Hung Tsai, Chi-Long Chen, Ming-Hsui Tsai: Metastatic hepatocellular carcinoma in the na
13、sal septumcase report. J Formos Med Assoc 2002;101(10):715-718 (SCI) 21. Yu-Chien Chang, Chia-Der Lin,Yuan-Kai Cheng and Ming-Hsui Tsai: subglottic leimyomacase report. J Formos Med Assoc 2002;101(11):795-797 (SCI)22. Chun-Hsin Liu, Chia-Der Lin , Yuan-Kai Cheng, Chi-Long Chen, Ming-Hsui Tsai: Ectop
14、ic neurological tissue in the tympanomastoid cavity. J Tw Otolaryngol H 38: 130-13423. Yung-An Tsou, Chia-Der Lin , Yuan-Kai Cheng, Ming-Hsui Tsai: Large vestibular aqueduct syndrome. Mid Taiwan J Med 2003;8:327-3124. Chiader Lin, Ming-Hsui Tsai: Local treatment and ear drops for chronic otitis medi
15、a. J Tw Otolaryngol H39 suppl(1): 56-5925. Shu-Yann Hsiao, Chia-Der Lin , Yuan-Kai Cheng, Ming-Hsui Tsai: The efficacy of oral motor training in children with articulation disorder and oral motor dysfunction. Mid Taiwan J Med 2004;9(suppl 1): 44-5226. Chia-Der Lin, Fuh-Cheng Jeng, Yuan-Kai Cheng, Tz
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