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- 1 -福建省连城一中 2016 届高三历史模拟试卷第Ⅰ卷 共 140 分24.周文王的祖父古公亶父有 3 个嫡子,但他想传位给贤能的小儿子季历。季历深感为难,他的大哥太伯、二哥虞仲主动避逃荆蛮后,季历方才继位。这反映了A.嫡长子继承方式得到认同B.墨家选贤任能思想的影响C.周礼文化辐射到长江流域D.宗法制的基本原则遭破坏25.下表中国古代农业科技成就(部分)时期 内容 备注牛耕、铁农具 都江堰、郑国渠 春秋战国测知二十四节气 有利于农事安排耧车 提高播种效率秦汉选种、育秧 提高产量的重要途径表格主要反映了中国古代农业A.注重创新农业生产工具 B.精耕细作模式形成并发展C.注重农时改进耕作技术 D.注重农业经验总结及推广26.宋初设转运使管理地方财赋,后来实际上成为地方最高行政长官。明初,朝廷派官员分巡各省督理税粮等,称为巡抚,后实际掌握地方军政大权。这些变化说明了A.地方势力的扩大 B.监察体制的完善 C.中央集权的强化 D.封建吏治的腐败27.宋代学者研究儒家经典,往往撇开旧注,自抒新意,有很大胆的见解,虽经典本身,也有人怀疑。这一现象表明( )A.商品经济勃兴带动文化繁荣B.程朱理学推动儒学实现复兴C.民族矛盾尖锐影响学术风气D.私学教育发展培养思辨精神28.美国史学家费正清认为:“当严复翻译亚当•斯密、穆勒和赫胥黎的西方自由主义经典著作时,译者强调自由原则的价值不在于争取法律下面的个人自由,而在于通过各个人的努力以创造国家的财富和实力。 ”这一特点的形成主要源于A.开国会兴民权的迫切需要 B.传统主流思想的价值导向C.应对民族危亡的严峻挑战 D.对西方思想的误读与曲解29.新文化运动后期的知识分子至少可以分为四类:第一类大多数属于自由主义知识分子;第二类更强调在中国传统文化中找寻与西方文化之间进行衔接的关节点;第三类倾向于日德式的国家集权的建国主张;第四类试图通过农工阶级的觉悟来变革社会。这说明在 20 世纪前期的中国A.思想多元导致军阀割据出现 B.马克思主义成为思想界主流 C.留学生是社会变革中坚力量 D.西方思想的中国化改造加深30.1938 年 7 月,国民政府公布的《抗战建国纲领》中明确提出,在军事方面,要“指导及援助各地武装人民” , “与正式军队配合作战” ;“并在敌人后方发动普遍的游击战,以破坏- 2 -及牵制敌人之兵力” 。这反映了国民政府A.首倡开展敌后游击战的战略方针B.受到中共政策的推动和影响C.坚持以空间换时间的持久战战略D.削弱八路军和新四军的意图31. 观察下面两幅图,两图表明A.中共坚持集中力量发展生产力 B.中国对苏联模式的反思不断深入C.生产资料所有制发生实质性变革 D.国内的主要矛盾发生重大变化32.在古代雅典的城市酒神节上,除了献给酒神狄奥尼索斯的盛大游行、狂欢活动、酒神颂歌比赛等,还有在狄奥尼索斯剧场里举行的四种仪式:10 位将军祭酒仪式、宣布荣誉公民名单、来自提洛同盟各城邦的贡物和烈士遗孤的展示。这说明在古代雅典 A.政教合一的政治体制逐渐形成 B.城邦政治渗透到宗教活动之中 C.早期人文精神起源于宗教活动 D.工商业的发展改变了城邦政体33.英国学者罗伯特·艾伦在揭示工业革命肇始于英国的原因时发现:由于遭遇黑死病,英国人口锐减,工资水平大幅提高;同时,该国煤炭蕴藏丰富,易于开采,能源价格低廉;18世纪初期英国的劳动力价格相对资本为高。他的研究角度是A.生产要素的供给 B.市场需求的扩大 C.人口结构的变化 D.社会生活的变迁34.20 世纪 20 年代,苏联将图 6 中斜线所示地区的 8 个石油产地和 3 个煤炭产地交由日本企业经营开采。这反映当时苏联A.缺少基本的工业技术基础 B.突破计划经济体制的束缚C.依赖外资来建设能源工业 D.利用新政策开发边疆地区35. 1990 年 11 月 21 日,有 34 国参加的欧洲安全和合作会议通过了被誉为“新欧洲”宣言的《新欧洲巴黎宪章》 ,它在“东方”认同于“西方”价值观念的前提下,宣告“欧洲对抗- 3 -和分裂的时代已经结束” ,各国今后的关系将“建立在彼此合作和尊重的基础上” ,这几乎成为所有欧洲国家的共识。这表明A.冷战格局在欧洲的结束 B. “新欧洲”是东西方妥协的产物C.欧洲开启了一体化进程 D.冷战时代以西方的胜利宣告终结40.(25 分)阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料一 除西周礼制影响外,汉代朝野格外践行“长幼有序、事亲至孝、敬老崇文”的理念。汉朝规定:60 岁以上者,免除赋税;70 岁以上的老人“虽有罪,不加刑焉” 。 《唐律》规定“诸祖父母、父母在,而子孙别籍异财者,徒三年” 。南北朝的“孤独园”到了宋代发展出多种官办养老机构。明洪武十三年下诏:“文武官年六十者听致仕(告老还乡) ,给以全俸诰敕。 ”六十岁退休遂成官场惯例。——摘编自白寿彝总主编《中国通史》材料二 现代社会保障制度发源于德国。德国俾斯麦时期,分别于 1883 年、1884 年、1889 年颁布了疾病、工伤、老龄和伤残三项法案,建立了三项保险制度。这一立法颁布后,很快被其它国家纷纷效仿。西方各国的养老保险,既有政府强制实行的基本养老保险,也有企业实施的保险,以及个人自愿参加的商业保险。1935 年,美国通过了《社会保险法》 ,养老保险覆盖了 95%的工薪阶层。英国在二战后实施了全民保障、全面保障。英国居民个人一生中都要与社会保障制度发生或多或少的联系,国家强制所有在毕业离校年龄和退休年龄之间的公民参加养老保险。——摘编自赵书博《西方国家养老保险制度研究及借鉴》材料三 下图为 1998~2007 年中国城镇企业职工离退休人员基本养老保险待遇水平(1)根据材料一,概括我国汉代至明朝养老政策的特点。 (10 分)(2)比较材料一、二,概括西方养老制度的新发展,并结合所学知识分析西方养老制度出现的背景。 (12 分)(3)根据上述材料并结合所学知识,说明养老制度的社会价值。 (3 分)41.(12 分)阅读材料,完成下列要求。- 4 -材料 社论是新闻评论的一种,是报纸编辑部就重大问题发表的评论,也是非常重要的新闻评论和舆论工具。以下是 1949 年《人民日报》部分社论的目录摘编。时间 社论标题1 月 1 日 将革命进行到底 一九四九年新年献词2 月 4 日 为建设人民民主的新北平而奋斗3 月 17 日 把消费城市变成生产城市7 月 29 日 严厉取缔投机活动,保持物价平衡!9 月 7 日 中国人民一定要解放西藏10 月 1 日 中华人民共和国万岁10 月 6 日 中苏友好万岁!10 月 20 日 人民民主专政的机构10 月 24 日 美国反动派必将自食其果11 月 13 日 严惩怙恶不悛的反革命分子11 月 21 日 地方人民政权建设的示范12 月 4 日 战胜财政困难,争取物价稳定!12 月 15 日 斯大林同志——列宁伟大事业的继承者《人民日报》的社论折射了我国当时多个领域的走向。依据材料指出其中两个领域的走向并予以说明。 (要求:观点明确,紧扣材料,史实准确,史论结合。 )选做部分45. (15 分) (历史上重大改革回眸)阅读下列材料,回答问题。材料 1829 年,杰克逊入主白宫,开始实行“分赃制” 。其特点是:甲党上台后,立即斥退大批政府官员,而让在竞选中有功的本党党徒填补这些空位。乙党上台后,亦如法炮制。这些官员们在任职期间,贪赃枉法,营私舞弊,无所不为。为了纠正这些弊端,美国于 1883 年颁布了文官制度条例,即“彭德尔顿法” 。主要内容是:成立由 3 人组成的美国文官委员会负责制定文官管理细则,主管文官考试和录用、保障文官权益等;通过公开考试择优录用文官,文官考核和工资以实绩为依据,公布待补文官职位缺额;经考试录用的文官实行常任制,由法律保障其职位,不得任意撤换;受到惩罚的文官,有权提出申诉等;文官不得提供政治捐款。——摘编自吴于廑、齐世荣《世界史》(1)根据材料,指出美国“彭德尔顿法”与“分赃制”在官员选用上的主要区别。 (6分)(2)根据材料并结合所学知识,简析“彭德尔顿法”的作用。 (9 分)历史参考答案- 5 -24-35 AB CDCDB ABADA 40.(1)受宗法制和儒家思想的影响;汉朝从经济和法律方面优待老人;唐朝以法律明确养老义务;南北朝到宋代政府承担一定的养老职责;明代制定官员 60 岁退休的政策。 (每点 2 分,10 分)(2)发展:用法律的形式颁布;覆盖面比较宽广;形式多样;带有一定的强制性;社会保障功能凸显。 (答出 3 点即可得 6 分)背景:资产阶级代议制度的确立并逐步完善;工业革命的进行;保护劳工权益的社会思潮的出现;国家政府的推动。 (答出 3 点即可 6 分)(3)社会价值:在提高人们生活水平、缓和社会矛盾、促进社会稳定与和谐方面发挥了重要的作用。 (3 分)41. (12 分)示例一 政治领域走向:人民民主政权的建立和巩固。说明:成立新中国;建立各级地方人民政权;开展镇压反革命运动。示例二 经济领域走向:国民经济的恢复和发展。说明:大力发展生产;打击投机活动,稳定物价;争取财政好转。示例三 外交领域走向:独立自主的和平外交政策的确立。说明:建立中苏友好关系;反对美国对中国内政的干涉威胁;实行“一边倒”方针。示例四 军事领域走向:解放战争走向全面胜利。说明:提出将革命进行到底,准备解放西藏。(还可从中共执政地位的建立、中共工作重心的转移等走向加以论述。每个示例中观点正确 2 分,紧扣材料、至少 2 例准确的史实 4 分。 ) 45.(1) “彭德尔顿法”:公开考试,择优录取;按能力和政绩大小予以升降奖惩;相对的职业保障;政治中立,不与执政党共进退。分赃制”:任人唯亲,对象主要是本党成员后者。 (6 分)(2)适应了工业化社会的需要;打破垄断,扩大了统治基础;增进社会公平、公正,有利于人才脱颖而出;提高官员素质,减少腐败;提高政府工作效能,保持政府工作连续性、稳定性。 (9 分)- 1 -2016 届连城一中模拟试题生物1.下列有关蛋白质的叙述,不正确的是 A. 蛋白质是细胞器共有的化学成分B.蛋白质在常温下可与双缩脲试剂发生作用产生紫色反应C.蛋白质分子的空间结构发生改变一般不会导致其功能改变D.线粒体中能催化[H]与氧结合形成水的蛋白质分布在内膜上2.下列有关细胞膜通透性的叙述,错误的是A.使用盐酸能改变细胞膜的通透性,加速吡罗红染液进入细胞B.细胞衰老后细胞膜通透性的改变,将导致物质运输功能降低C.细胞质壁分离时细胞膜通透性增大,以加快水分子跨膜运输D.神经元受刺激时细胞膜对 Na+的通透性增大,导致兴奋产生3.下列有关信息传递的叙述,错误的是A.遗传信息可从 DNA 流向 RNA 再流向蛋白质B.高等植物细胞之间可通过胞间连丝传递信息C.垂体与甲状腺之间可通过激素分子传递调节信息D.生态系统中信息是沿食物链从低向高营养级传递4.下列关于人体内环境稳态的叙述中,错误的是A.内环境是细胞代谢的主要场所 B.血浆渗透压与蛋白质、无机盐含量有关C.甲状腺激素和尿素均可存在于内环境中 D.某些激素可以影响神经系统的发育和功能5.下图为某群落中棉蚜及其天敌瓢虫的种群数量变化,有关叙述不正确的是A.棉蚜活动能力较弱,可以采用样方法调查棉蚜的种群密度B.7 月 5 日后瓢虫数量下降表明该群落中动物的丰富度降低C.棉蚜与瓢虫的种群数量变化反映群落内部存在负反馈调节D.瓢虫数量上升具有滞后性,棉蚜发生初期应及时人工防治6.红绿色盲为伴 X 染色体隐性遗传病,一个家庭中父母色觉正常,生了一个性染色体为 XXY的孩子。不考虑基因突变,下列说法正确的是A.若孩子色觉正常,则出现的异常配子不会来自父亲B.若孩子色觉正常,则出现的异常配予不会来自母亲C.若孩子患红绿色盲,则出现的异常配子不会来自母亲D.若孩子患红绿色盲,则出现的异常配子不会来自父亲- 2 -29.(10 分)采用一定的方法分离得到小球藻细胞中的叶绿体和线粒体后,进行了如下实验:将叶绿体和线粒体分别加入甲、乙两支试管中,甲中盛有适宜浓度的 NaHCO3溶液,乙中盛有适宜浓度的丙酮酸溶液,当处于充足光照且其他条件适宜的环境中,两支试管内都会产生气泡。请分析回答:(1)小球藻含丰富的叶绿素,叶绿素主要吸收 光,其分子中含有 (填“Fe” 、 “Ca”或“Mg”)。(2)从小球藻细胞中分离得到叶绿体和线粒体的常用方法是 。(3)甲中的气泡产生于光合作用的 阶段,该阶段同时产生的 ATP、[H]直接用于还原 (填“CO 2”、 “C3”或“C 5”);乙中的气体可使 水溶液由蓝变绿再变黄。(4)若原实验在黑暗且其他条件相同的环境中进行,则甲、乙两支试管内的实验现象分别是_____________________________________,原因是________________________________________________________________________。30.(10 分)下图是某种传出神经元与骨骼肌形成类似突触结构的示意图。(1) ②是神经末梢膨大形成的 (填结构名称),它能将结构①中的神经递质分泌出去。可以用 法追踪神经递质合成和分泌的过程。(2)若给骨骼肌一个适宜刺激,在②的膜上 (填“可”或“不可”)测得电位变化,原因是 。(3)当人体受到寒冷刺激时,甲状腺激素分泌增加,同时骨骼肌会不自主战栗,参与调节上述过程的神经中枢位于 和 。(4)系统性红斑狼疮是在遗传、环境和雌激素水平等因素作用下引起的疾病。发病时,被激活而增殖、分化形成浆细胞,产生的抗体把自身物质识别成 并与之结合形成相应的免疫复合物。31.(9 分)某湖泊中生活着鱼类、青虾、水蚤和水生植物等生物。其中,肉食性鱼类以青虾为食,青虾以水蚤和水生植物为食,水蚤以水生植物为食,请分析回答:(1)湖泊中不同种类的鱼不属于同一物种的原因是它们之间存在 。各种鱼类生活在不同的水层,其意义是 。(2)根据湖泊中上述生物的食物关系推算,若肉食性鱼类增加 1 千克,至少消耗水生植物千克。若青虾被大量捕捞,短期内将直接造成肉食性鱼类的种群密度 (填“上升” 、 “下降”或“不变”)。(3)水生植物在该湖泊的碳循环过程所起的作用是 。(4)若水体受到重金属污染,该湖泊中体内重金属浓度最高的生物是 。- 3 -32.(11 分)研究人员选择果皮黄绿色、果肉白色、果皮有覆纹的纯合甜瓜植株(甲)与果皮黄色、果肉橘红色、果皮无覆纹的纯合甜瓜植株(乙)杂交,F 1表现为果皮黄绿色、果肉橘红色、果皮有覆纹。F 1自交得 F2,分别统计 F2各对性状的表现及株数,结果如下表。(1)甜瓜果肉颜色的显性性状是 。(2)据表中数据 (填“能”或“不能” )判断两对基因(A 和 a, B 和 b)自由组合,理由是__________________________________________________________。(3)完善下列实验方案,证明果皮覆纹性状由 2 对等位基因控制。实验方案:让 F1与植株 (填“甲”或“乙, ’)杂交,统计子代的表现型及比例;预期结果:子代的表现型及比例为 。(4)若果皮颜色、覆纹两对性状遗传遵循基因自由组合定律,则理论上 F2中果皮黄色无覆纹甜瓜约有 株。40.【生物——选修 3:现代生物科技专题】 (15 分)在 ABO 血型系统中,A 型血和 B 型血人红细胞膜表面分别含有凝集原 A、B, AB 型血人红细胞膜表面同时含有凝集原 A 和 B,O 型血人红细胞膜表面没有凝集原。下图是利用动物细胞杂交方法制备人抗 A 凝集原抗体的过程,请回答下列问题:(1)要制备人抗 A 凝集原抗体,应向小鼠体内注射____________________细胞,使小鼠产生_____________免疫,并从小鼠体内分离出_________细胞。(2) 诱导动物细胞融合过程中,与植物不同的方法是使用________________诱导。融合后的培养液中存在多种杂交细胞和未融合细胞,需要进行_________培养、克隆化培养和________________,才能获得需要的杂交瘤细胞。(3)杂交瘤细胞继承了双亲细胞的遗传物质,因而既能在体外培养条件下___________,又能产生_______________。(4)制备的人抗 A 凝集原抗体能与________________特异性结合,若用该抗体与待测血液样本呈阳性反应,则待测样本的血型是______________。- 4 -理综生物1-6 CCDABD29. (10 分,除说明外,每空 1 分)(1)红光和蓝紫 Mg (2)差速离心法(3)光反应 C 3 溴麝香草酚蓝(4)甲试管中无气泡生成(1 分) ,乙试管中有气泡生成(1 分) 黑暗条件下甲试管光合作用(光反应/水的光解)不能进行(1 分) ,乙试管线粒体仍能将丙酮酸分解,产生 CO2 (1 分)30. (10 分,除说明外,每空 2 分)(1)突触小体(1 分) 同位素标记(2)不可(1 分) 兴奋在神经肌肉突触处不能逆向传递 (3)下丘脑(1 分) 脊髓(1 分) (4)B(淋巴)细胞(1 分) 抗原(1 分)31. (8 分,除说明外,每空 1 分)(1)生殖隔离 提高群落利用空间和食物等环境资源的能力(2 分)(2)25 下降(3)通过光合作用将 CO2等无机物转化为生物群落中的含碳有机物(2 分)(4)肉食性鱼类32. (11 分,除说明外,每空 2 分)(1)橘红色(1 分)(2)不能 缺乏对 F2 中两对性状(果皮与果肉)组合类型的统计数据(3)乙 (果皮)有覆纹:无覆纹=1:3(4)7040. (15分,除说明外,每空1分)(1)A 型(或 AB 型)血人的红 特异性(或体液) B 淋巴(2)灭活的病毒(2分) 选择性(2分) 抗体检测 (2分)(3)迅速大量繁殖 专一抗体 (4)凝集原 A(2分) A 型或 AB 型(2分)- 1 -2015—2016 学年高三数学(理)模拟试题考试时间:120 分钟 试卷满分:150 分一、选择题:本大题共 12 小题,每小题 5 分.在每个小题给出的四个选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的.1.已知集合 2{5,3}Ma, {1,3N,若 MN,则实数 a的值为( )A. B. C. 4 D. 1或 22.复数 31iz( i为虚数单位)的共轭复数为( )A. i B. 1 C. 1i D. i3.等差数列 的前 项和 ,若 ,则 ( ){}nanS32,aS6a.8.044.已知 满足约束条件 ,则 的最大值是( ),xy2xy3zxy(A)0 (B)2 (C)4 (D)65.已知圆 O: 2xy上到直线 :lxya的距离等于 1 的点至少有 2 个,则 a的取值范围为( )A. (3,) B. (,32)(,) C. 2 D. []6.甲、乙等 5 人在 9 月 3 号参加了纪念抗日战争胜利 70周年阅兵庆典后,在天安门广场排成一排拍照留念,甲和乙必须相邻且都不站在两端的排法有( )种.A.12 B.24 C.48 D.1207.已知向量 1(sin,)2mA与向量 (3,sincos)A共线,其中 是 C的内角,则角 的大小为( )A. 6 B. 4 C. D. 28.某程序框图如图所示,该程序运行后输出的 S的值是( )A.1007 B.2015 C.2016 D.3024开 始1,0iScos2iiaiS016?i=1i结 束 S输 出 是否第8题- 2 -侧侧侧21121 O ππ3π6π2 11第9题第 10 题9.设 ,函数 的图象向左平移 个单位后,0)sin(xy)(3得到下面的图像,则 的值为( ),A. B.3,13,2C. D.210.已知一个几何体的三视图如右图所示,则该几何体的体积为( )A. B. C. D. 713273811.已知双曲线 的左、右两个焦点分别为 为其左、右)0,(2bayx BAF,21顶点,以线段 为直径的圆与双曲线的渐近线在第一象限的交点为 ,且 ,则1F M30双曲线的离心率为( )A. B . C. D. 23231921912.已知数列 满足: .若na*11,()nnaN,且数列 是单调递增数列,则实数 的取值*1()(),nnbNb:nb范围是( )A. B. C. D.232332二、填空题:本大题共4小题,每小题5分.13.已知 02sinaxd,则二项式52ax的展开式中 x的系数为 .14.已知向量 1,3,向量 3,bm.若向量 b在向量 a方向上的投影为 3,则实数m= .15.已知正四棱锥 S-ABCD 的侧棱长为 2,侧面积为 ,则其外接球的体积为_____1516.已知函数 若方程 恰有一个解时,则实数 的取21,(),xffxaa值范围 .- 3 -三、解答题:解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.17. (12 分)如图所示,在四边形 ABCD中, =2B,且1AD, 3C, 3cos. (Ⅰ)求 △ 的面积;(Ⅱ)若 ,求 的长.2B18. (12 分)某校数学组推出微信订阅号(公众号 hl15645101785)后,受到家长和学生们的关注,为了更好的为学生和家长提供帮助,我们在某时间段在线调查了 60 位更关注栏目1 或栏目 2(2 选一)的群体身份样本得到如下列联表,已知在样本中关注栏目 1 与关注栏目2 的人数比为 2:1,在关注栏目 1 中的家长与学生人数比为 5:3,在关注栏目 2 中的家长与学生人数比为 1:3栏目 1 栏目 2 合计家长学生合计(Ⅰ)完成列联表,并根据列联表的数据,若按 99%的可靠性要求,能否认为“更关注栏目1 或栏目 2 与群体身份有关系” ;(Ⅱ)如果把样本频率视为概率,随机回访两位关注者,更关注栏目 1 的人数记为随机变量,求 的分布列和期望;X(Ⅲ)由调查样本对两个栏目的关注度,请你为数学组教师提供建议应该更侧重充实哪个栏目的内容,并简要说明理由. 20()PKx0.10 0.05 0.025 0.01 0.005 0.0012.706 3.841 5.024 6.635 7.879 10.828( ,其中 .22())(nadbcnabcd)19. (12 分)如图,在三棱柱 ABC﹣A 1B1C1中,∠BAC=90°,AB=AC=2,A 1A=4,A 1在底面 ABC 的射影为 BC 的中点,D 是 B1C1的中点.(Ⅰ)证明:A 1D⊥平面 A1BC;(Ⅱ)求二面角 A1﹣BD﹣B 1的平面角的余弦值.20. (12 分)已知椭圆 过点 ,且长轴长等于 4. 2:0xyCab31,2(Ⅰ)求椭圆 的方程;ACD- 4 -(Ⅱ) 是椭圆 的两个焦点,圆 是以 为直径的圆,直线 与圆12F, CO21Fmkxyl:相切,并与椭圆 交于不同的两点 ,若 ,求 的值.O,AB321. (本小题满分 12 分)设函数 2()ln(3)fxax,其中 aR.(Ⅰ)讨论 极值点的个数;(Ⅱ)设 12,函数 ()2(3)2gxfx,若 1, 2x( 12)满足1()gx且 10,证明: 0'g.请考生在第 22、23、24 题中任选一题做答.答题时请写清题号并将相应信息点涂黑.22. (10 分) 【选修 4-1:几何证明选讲】如图,正方形 ABCD边长为 2,以 为圆心、DA为半径的圆弧与以 BC为直径的半圆 O交于点 F,连结 并延长交 AB于点 E.(Ⅰ)求证: E;(Ⅱ)求 F的值.23. (10 分) 【选修 4-4:坐标系与参数方程】在平面直角坐标系 中,曲线 ,xOy221:()()8Cxy曲线 ,以坐标原点为极点, 轴的非负半轴为极轴建立极坐标系,22:(04)Crx射线 与曲线 交于 两点,与曲线 交于 两点,且 最大()1,P2C,ON|P值为 2(1)将曲线 与曲线 化成极坐标方程,并求 的值;1C2 r(2)射线 与曲线 交于 两点,与曲线 交于 两点,求四边形41,OQ2C,OM面积的最大值.MNPQ24. (10 分) 【选修 4-5:不等式选讲】已知函数 12)(xxf.EFOBCD- 5 -(Ⅰ)求不等式 2)(xf的解集; (Ⅱ)对任意 ,a,都有 )(xfa成立,求实数 a的取值范围.2015—2016 学年高三数学(理)试卷参考答案一.选择题:1-5 DACDA 6-10 BCDDA 11-12 BC二.填空题:13. 640 14. 3 15. 16.215(0,),12三.解答题:解答应写出文字说明,证明过程或演算步骤.17. 解:(Ⅰ) 31cos2scoBD………………………2 分因为 0,,所以in3,…………………………4 分所以△ACD 的面积1si22SADC.………………6 分(Ⅱ)解法一:在△ACD 中, 12cos2 DCA,所以 3AC.……………………………………………………8 分在△ABC 中, 12cos22 BBC……………10 分 把已知条件代入并化简得: 04A因为 ,所以 4A ……12 分解法二:在△ACD 中,在△ACD 中, 12cos22 DCD,所以 23AC.…………………………………………………………8 分因为 B, siniABC,所以 23sini2AB,………10 分得 4.…………………………………………………………………………12 分18. (1)因为样本容量 60,关注栏目 1 与关注栏目 2 的人数比为 2:1,在关注栏目 1 中的家长与学生人数比为 5:3,所以 ,列联表如图25,,15abcd栏目 1 栏目 2 合计- 6 -家长 25 5 30学生 15 15 30合计 40 20 60,所以能有 99%的把握认为认为“更关注栏目 1 或2260(1)7.563340K栏目 2 与群体身份有关系” 。 ……5 分(2) 的取值为 0,1,2,由题意, ,X2(,)3XB:所以 , , ,分布列如下1(0)9P4()9Px49x0 1 2期望 ……10 分43EX(3)关注栏目 1 与关注栏目 2 的人数比为 2:1,关注栏目 1 的人数多,所以应该充实栏目 1 的内容……12 分19. 解(1)证明:如图,以 BC 中点 O 为坐标原点,以 OB、OA、OA 1所在直线分别为x、y、z 轴建系.………………1 分则 BC= AC=2 ,A 1O= = ,易知 A1(0,0, ) ,B( ,0,0) , C(﹣ ,0,0) ,A(0, ,0) ,D(0,﹣ , ) , B1(,﹣ , ) ,……………2 分=(0,﹣ ,0) , =(﹣ ,﹣ , ) ,=(﹣ ,0,0) , =(﹣2 ,0,0) , =(0,0, ) ,……………………4分∵ •=0,∴A 1D⊥OA 1,又∵ •=0,∴A 1D⊥BC,又∵OA 1∩BC=O,∴A 1D⊥平面A1BC;……………………6 分(2)解:设平面 A1BD 的法向量为 =(x,y,z) ,由 ,得 ,取 z=1,得 =( ,0,1) ,…7 分设平面 B1BD 的法向量为 =(x,y,z) ,- 7 -由 ,得 ,取 z=1,得 =(0, ,1) ,8 分∴cos< , >= = = ,………10 分 又∵该二面角为钝角,…11 分∴二面角 A1﹣BD﹣B 1的平面角的余弦值为﹣ .…………… 12 分20. 解:(1)由题意,椭圆的长轴长 42a,得 2,因为点 23,在椭圆上,所以 19b得 3,所以椭圆的方程为 .…………(4 分)342yx(2)由直线 l 与圆 O 相切,得 12km,即 22k,…………(5 分)设 21,,yxBA,由 消去 y,整理得,342kxy0184322mk由题意可知圆 O 在椭圆内,所以直线必与椭圆相交,所以.…………(7 分)22121 43,43kxkx.182222 11 kmkmkxy  …………(9 分)所以 ,437434222211yx因为 22km,所以 22115kyx .又因为 ,所以 342, 12,得 k 的值为 2.………(12 分)3OAB21. (1)函数 ()fx的定义域为 (0,), (3)1'(()axfx.…1 分- 8 -令 ()23)1gxa. ①当 0a时, ()1x, ()lnfx,所以,函数 f在 0,上单调递增,无极值;2 分②当 时, ()x在 ,4上单调递增,在 3(,)4上单调递减,且 (0)1,所以,()x在 ,上有唯一零点,从而函数 fx在 0上有唯一极值点;…………3 分③当 0a时,若 39()108a,即 89a时,则 ()x在 (,)上恒成立,从而 '()fx在 ,上恒成立,函数 ()fx在 ,上单调递增,无极值;…………4分若 39()1048a,即 89,由于 (0)1,则 ()x在 0,)上有两个零点,从而函数 fx在 (,)上有两个极值点.………………5 分综上所述:当 0a时,函数 ()f在 0,)上有唯一极值点;当 89时,函数 x在 (上无极值点;当 时,函数 ()f在 ,)上有两个极值点.………………6 分(2) 2()lngxx, 2(gx.假设结论不成立,则有221100ll, ,x①② ③…………7 分由①,得 2112ln()()0xx,∴120lnx,……8 分由③,得 02x,∴120lnx,即122lx即12lnx.④…9分令 12tx,不妨设 12x, ()ln1tut( t) ,……10 分 - 9 -则2(1)' 0tu,………11 分 ∴ ()ut在 01t上增函数, ()10ut,∴④式不成立,与假设矛盾. ∴ 0'(gx.………………12 分22 解:(Ⅰ)由以 D 为圆心 DA 为半径作圆,而 ABCD 为正方形,∴EA 为圆 D 的切线 ……………………………(1 分) 依据切割线定理得 2EAFC ……………(2 分) 另外圆 O 以 BC 为直径,∴EB 是圆 O 的切线, (3 分)同样依据切割线定理得 2BE…………… 4 分)故 AEB………………………………………(5 分) (Ⅱ)连结 F,∵BC 为圆 O 直径,∴ FC ………(6 分)由BCESBCE21得 521(8 分)又在 Rt中,由射影定理得42F………(10 分)23. (1) , 1:42sin()2:Cr= , , max||| |4PN22:C……5 分(2) 11sinsin24OPQMNSSPOQMN四 边 形1 224sin()4i()22当 时,面积的最大值为 ……10 分8424 解:(Ⅰ) ()fx-2 当 2x时, 24, 即 x,∴ ;…(1 分)当 12时, 3,即 3,∴1x…………………………(2 分)当 x时, 24, 即 6x, ∴1 6 ………………………………(3 分)EFOBCAD- 10 -综上,解集为{ x|236} …………………………………………………(4 分)(Ⅱ)1,4,)(xf,……………………………………(5 分)令 axy, 表示直线的纵截距,当直线过 1,3点时, 2a;∴当 2,即 -2 时成立;…(7 分)当 a,即 时,令 ax4, 得 2, ∴ 2+ 2,即 4 时成立,……(9 分)综上 a-2 或 4 …(10 分)12015-2016 下学期高三英语模拟考试题(时间:120 分钟 总分:150 分)第 I 卷(共 100 分)第一部分 听力 (共两节, 满分 30 分)第一节(共 5 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 7.5 分)听下面 5 段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does the man want to go?A. The seaside. B. The museum. C. A post office.2. When did the woman catch a cold?A. Friday. B. Saturday. C. Tuesday.3. Why won’t the woman lend her car to the man?A. Her car will be repaired then.B. She is not sure of his driving skill.C. She will drive to the supermarket then.4. What does the woman mean?A. She isn’t interested in the concert. B. She is going to a different concert. C. She will put off writing her paper.5. Who wrote the novel The Oridinary World?A. Sun Shaoping. B. Lu Yao. C. Shao Ping.第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 22.5 分)听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第 6 段材料,回答第 6 至 7 题。6. What does the woman usually eat for lunch?A. Tomato soup. B. A hot dog. C. A salad.7. What did the woman eat this morning?A. Bacon. B. Chicken. C. Bread.听第 7 段材料,回答第 8 至 9 题。8. What is the man probably?A. A driver. B. A tour guide. C. A worker in a TV station.9.What does the woman watch everyday?A. Dramas. B. Cartoons. C. News shows.听第 8 段材料,回答第 10 至 12 题。210. What does Professor Smith teach?A. Music. B. Maths. C. Physics.11. What was Mr Harbour like?A. Greedy. B. Hard to deal with. C. Strict.12. What is the man’s suggestion for the woman?A. Making a model. B. Writing an email. C. Teaching school subjects.听第 9 段材料,回答第 13 至 16 题。13. Who is Tony writing about?A. Christopher Columbus. B. Vasco da Gama. C. Roald Amundsen.14. Why did the king of Portugal send Vasco da Gama to India?A. To do some business there. B. To take control of the country. C. To learn about the customs there.15. How long did it take Vasco da Gama’s fleet of ships to get to India?A. About 5 months. B. About 8 months. C. About 10 months.16. Why was Roald Amundsen the man’s favorite explorer?A. He found a shortcut from Europe to India. B. He was the first person to reach the South Pole. C. He succeeded in sailing across the India Ocean.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题。17. When was the UN’s World Habitat Day first celebrated?A. In 1986. B. In 1987. C. In 1985.18. What does World Habitat Day mainly involve?A. Residents’ food. B. Residents’ shelter. C. Residents’ health.19. What is the theme of World Habitat Day 2016?A. Shelter is my right. B. Voices from Slums. C. Public Spaces for All.20. What can’t good public spaces promote?A. Birth rate. B. Happiness. C. Investment.第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分 40 分)第一节 (共 15 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 30 分)阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中, 选出最佳选项。AVictoria FallsSituated on the Zambezi River in southern Africa and forming the border between Zambia and Zimbabwe, regarded as a UNESCO(联合国教科文组织)World Heritage Site in 1989, Victoria Falls is known as one of the most magnificent(华丽的)and the 3largest curtains of falling water in the world. The Victoria Falls makes a great holiday destination with many travelers visiting not just for the Waterfall, but also for the incredible activities. At its peak flow around June, a mile-wide crack 100m straight down is filled with the roar of water falling at a rate of 3,000 tons per second.Mount KilimanjaroLocated in the East African country of Tanzania within Kilimanjaro National Park, with an elevation of 19,340 feet, Mount Kilimanjaro is the highest peak in Africa and the fourth highest in the world. Unlike many of the other mountains, climbing Mount Kilimanjaro doesn't require any technical mountain climbing skills.Mount KenyaBeing the tallest mountain in Kenya and only second to Mount Kilimonjaro, Mount Kenya is located in the Mount Kenya National Park close to the equator. The mountain features three peaks over 16,000 feet: 1) Batian as the tallest at 17,058 feet, 2) Nelion at 17,022 feet and 3) Lenana at 16,355 feet. The peak and area receives approximately 15,000 visitors each year.Nile RiverThe Nile River is located in northern Africa spanning across many countries that include Uganda, Ethiopia, Sudan, South Sudan, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi and ending in Egypt as it feeds into the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile River is the longest river in the world beating out the Amazon by 155 feet.21. Victoria Falls is popular because ______.A. it will apply for the list of world heritage. B.it is the largest curtain of falling water. C. it is a place with incredible activities. D. it can offer the peak flowing all the year.22. What is the special character of Mount Kenya ?A. It is located in the Mount Kenya National Park. B. It is suitable for people to reach the summit.C. It receives about 15,000 visitors each year. D. it shows its three peaks to the world.23. Floating down the Nile river, you will ______.A. end your travel at the Amazon B. find a great many water sourcesC. see it going through 10 countries D. be surprised by the scenery of EgyptBThere are many American expressions about insects.Bees are known as very hard workers. So you might say you were as busy as a bee if you spent your weekend cleaning your house. In fact, you might say your house 4was a beehive of activity if your whole family was helping you clean. You also might say you made a beeline for something if you went there right away. When we go to see a movie, my friend always makes a beeline for the place where they sell popcorn. If something was the best of its kind, you might say it was the bee’s knees. Now, we admit that we do not know how this expression developed. In fact, we do not even know if bees have knees! If your friend cannot stop talking about something because she thinks it is important, you might say she has a bee in her bonnet. If someone asks you a personal question, and you would like not to tell him or her, you might say, “That is none of your beeswax.”Butterflies are beautiful insects, but you would not want to have butterflies in your stomach. That means to be nervous about having to do something, like speaking in front of a crowd. You would also not want to have ants in your pants. That is, to be restless and unable to sit still.If a friend keeps asking you to do something you do not want to do, you might ask him to leave you alone or “stop bugging me”. A friend also might tell you again and again to do something. If so, you mighe say he put a bug in your ear. If you were reading a book in your warm bed on a cold winter’s day, you might say you were snug as a bug in a rug. And, if you wish someone good night, you might say, “sleep tight—don’t let the bed bugs bite.”24. When you describe a wonderful bike of your friend, you can say ______.A. it makes a beeline B. it is the bee’s knees C. it is a beehive of activity D.it has a bee in its bonnet25. The underlined phrase in Paragraph 2 means “______”.A. has nothing to do with you B. draws your attentionC. goes wrong D. is the bee’s knees26. In the text, butterflies and ants are used to ______.A. speak highly of a beautiful person B. describe a person without confidenceC. stand for bad effects on a person D. comfort a person in a bad mood27. What can we learn from the last paragraph?A. The word “bug”can be a noun or a verb. B. Bug is a kind of good insects for man.C. Bugs live mainly in human’s ears. D. A bug in a rug is very dangerous.CTerrafugia is the most known flying car that has awaited the world for its creation and user ability(可用性). Passing on the new concept and making it possible made a lot of difficulties for the company. Its unique creation with the concept of its acceptable behaviour on road was a big challenge to meet. Even after 5the successful prototype(原型)production of the transition car, it was wondered whether it would be allowed on the local roads or not.Facing the big challenge, Terrafugia made efforts to pass its newly born plan on the roads from National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Federal Administration Aviation (FAA). Keeping the safety of road and other users as primary concern, the authorities allowed the Terrafugia to land their creations on road. Still after the approval the compamy had to face various challenges to make this idea come true in real sense.A major issue was the use of lighter plastic windscreens, as in normal cars the windscreens are of glass whereas in planes light weight polycarbonate(聚碳酸酯)wind shields are used to make the plane light in weight and give it a bird like effect to fly or glide. More over the transition tyres are used to handle the impacts of landing, so there needed to be a special allowance since there came a conflict between the tyres used for the plane and those for the conventional vehicles on the road. So the FAA allowed the company with a permission of 110 pounds loading on the road.The company seems to face a huge challenge in covering all aspects and making it a safe and comfortable ride with the minimum cost to the comsumers. Taking in account all there aspects, Terrafugia has delayed its final production and delivery to the customers till this year.So if you are waiting for it to come out to the market and have a chance to check how you actually feel like sitting in it, you will have to wait a couple of more months!28. The underlined word “await” in the first parpgraph means “______”.A. wait forB. be going to happen or come to sb in the future C. put down by force or authorityD. make sb understand or realize the truth of something 29. After the successful prototype production of the transition car, the company first concerned ______.A. if it would be allowed on the local roads B. what material should be used to make its windscreens C. how to choose good tyres for it D. how to make it a safe and comfortable ride with the minimum cost to the consumers30. The wind shields of planes are made of ______.A. lighter plastic B. thicker glassC. light weight polycarbonate D. harder paper31. What can we learn from the passage?A. Terrafugia is a very cheap and comfortable flying car for consumers.6B. After the approval of NHTSA and FAA, the company finally made its idea come true in real sense.C. Terrafugia is to replace the conventional cars and planes.D. These new flying cars now haven’t been put on the market.DBilly Wilder (1906-2002) was a Jewish Polish-born American filmmaker, screenwriter, producer. Many experts say that Billy Wilder changed the histroy of American movies. He is oftern called the best movie maker Hollywood has ever had.Billy Wilder started law school in Vienna, Austria. Then he decided not to become a lawyer. Instead, he began reporting for a Vienna newspaper. Wilder became a screenwriter in the late 1920s while living in Berlin. After the rise of the Nazi Party, Wilder, who was Jewish, left for Paris, where he directed a movie The Bad Seed for the first time. He moved to Hollywood in 1933, and in 1939 he had a hit when he co-wrote the screenplay for Ninotchka. In 1944, Billy Wilder made a film called Double Indemnity. Some critics said this movie established him as one of the greatest Hollywood directors.As a director, Billy Wilder often violated Hollywood customs about social issues. For example, someone who drank too much alcohol had rarely been a movie subject. But Billy Wilder directed The Lost Weekend in 1945, whose subject was about alcohol. Reports at the time said manufacturers of alcoholic drinks tried to stop the movie. They did not succeed. The Lost Weekend also won the first prize of the Cannes Film Festival in Cannes, France.In 1950, Wilder made Sunset Boulevar, which won three Academy awards. The movie marked the last time Billy Wilder and Charles Brackett wrote together. In 1954, Billy Wilder became an independent producer. The next year, Wilder’s first movie The Seven Year Itch as an independent filmmaker was a huge success. In 1959, Wilder made a funny movie that was very popular. Billy Wilder continued to make interesting movies through the nineteen sixties and nineteen seventies.In recent years, however, Billy Wilder received many more awards and honors. Critics praised his gifts to movie making. In 1987, he received the Irving G. Thalberg Memorial Award, which is the highest award a producer can receive. Wilder died in 2002. A current Hollywood producer said, “Billy Wilder dies. Nobody’s perfect.”32. The author introduces Billy Wilder mainly by ______.A. giving examples B. comapring factsC. following space order D. following time order33. What does the text mainly talk about?A. The background of American movies. B. Billy Wilder’s achievements in American movies.C. Billy Wilder’s attitude to American movies.7D. The development American movies.34. From the text, what can we learn about Billy Wilder’s Double Indemnity?A. It met many critical challenges. B. It was a major hit.C. It won many awards. D. It was his first works.35. What can be inferred from what a current Hollywood producer said?A. Billy Wilder made lots of mistakes.B. Billy Wilder received high remarks.C. Billy Wilder was severely attacked by critics.D. Billy Wilder was the greatest filmmaker.第二节 (共 5 小题; 每小题 2 分, 满分 10 分) 根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Some signs that you need new friendsWho do you truly consider a real friend? Is there anyone who really isn’t your friend but you pretend to be friends with? Real friends are hard to come by, check out these five signs and see if you need to find new friends.36 . If you find yourself acting like someone else, around you so called friends, then it’s safe to say that you need to find different friends. You should feel absolutely comfortable with yourself when you’re around your friends. Don’t change who you are, just so other people will like you.You’re not fulfilled. 37 . Almost as if you don’t measure up to their expectations. If you feel like your friends constantly put you down and do not embrace your great attributes, then you should ditch(摆脱)them. There is no reason why anyone should put up with emotional bullying(欺辱).Drama. Is there a constant circle of drama that fills your inner circle? 38 . Do not allow yourself to be part of a friendship that harbors in on gossip and consistent drama. Life is stressful as it is, there’s no need to add unnecessary anxiety and obstacles(障碍)into your life.No benefits. One of the many great benefits of having friends is being able to have a check and balance type of relationship. In a friendship, both parties must be willing to put forth effort into making things work. 39 .Commonality(公共性). Having things in common doesn’t mean that you have to like the same music or food, it means that you must have the same morals and ethics. If your friends do not share the same goals of being successful or idea of living—then it’s safe to say that your friendship will be full of judgment and uncertainty. 40 . A. Consid
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