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- 1 -浙江省杭州市萧山区 2016 届高考英语命题比赛试卷 1CONTENTSI. 命题整体规划表………………………………………………3II. 完形填空与阅读素材解读表…………………………………4III. 命题双向细目表………………………………………………6IV. 模拟试卷…………………………………………………… 10V. 答题卷……………………………………………………… 21VI. 参考答案…………………………………………………… 22- 2 -2016 高考英语模拟试卷命题整体规划表题型 命题原则 命题特点单项填空1.测试考生对英语语法、词汇知识和简单表达形式的掌握情况。2. 关注语言知识与运用的关系,从学生的学习和生活实际出发,坚持以学生为中心。1.语言真实、地道2.语境完整、可信3.语句典型、多样4.内容丰富、现实第一部分英语知识运用完形填空1.突出语篇、强调应用,强调英语基础知识、基本技能的有机结合。2. 重视学生的逻辑思维能力和评价性思维能力的检测。1.既有基于全篇理解的宏观题,也有基于对单句理解的局部题。2.考生应依据语篇,通过归纳、推测、比较等方式,真正理解语篇,把握文脉来判断正确答案。短文阅读1.测试考生对语言信息的获取、处理和传递语言信息的能力。2.正确把握考生对阅读文章长度和阅读速度的要求。加大了从语篇结构到深层次信息的考查力度。体现了对诸如情感、态度等维度的关注。第二部分阅读理解任务型阅读 讨论成长热点话题重点考查考生对语篇归纳与概括能力。短文改错考查考生对语言错误的辨识能力和贴切的表达能力。选材能体现语言学习的教育功能,检测考生发现问题和解决问题的能力。第三部分写作书面表达考查考生运用语言知识进行交际和正确表达思想的能力。加大命题的开放度,让考生有更多的选择空间,充分体现考生的语用能力。- 3 -2016 高考英语模拟试卷完形、阅读素材解读表表一:本卷对完形与阅读素材长度的再整理(依据:2016 年考试说明对所提供的 4 篇阅读材料的词数要求是不少于 1800 个词。 )语 篇 删减要求 具体做法 删减前总词数 删减后总词数完形填空保持短文意思通顺、前后连贯、结构完整本语篇借树的无私奉献向我们展示了一个充满爱和宽容的故事。文章内容简单,通俗易懂,因此笔者对原文进行了适当的改编个别句子和词汇,稍微增加了一些难度。462 386A 篇保持气象新闻特点,具备真实具体、反应迅速、观点明确、语言简洁的特点。为保持新闻的真实性,命题人对语篇不做删减。所保留段落清楚介绍了时间、地点、人物、事件的起因、经过和结果,即,起因:全球尤其是美国温度大幅升高,甚至波及北极;经过:美国各地高温屡现;结果:引用奥巴马总统的话表面各国应对极端温度的措施。404 376B 篇文章信息较完整,实用,条理清楚,因此命题人基本保持了原文。本语篇共包含 2 大块做法,第一块为定飞机票时要做到的事情;第二块为乘客上机前要避免做的事情。因此,在保持文本原滋原味的基础上,命题人只对个别对重复信息句做了适当的删减。614 593C 篇本文主要介绍了运动会使患癌症的风险降低,并且文章作者引用了科学家做的白鼠实验来论证这一医学观点。原文较长,复杂,除了讲到运动的好处,还提到了运动有可能带来的坏处。因此命题人只保留了的观点是“运动有益于癌症风险的降低” 。同时,命题人也删减了从第 10 段开始科学家们又一次进行的多个实验及其过程,只保留了从第 15 段至末尾的实验结果。使文章整体内容与运动有益的观点相一致。887 464D 篇确保故事发展的原因,故事脉络清楚,原文字数也不多,因此命题人基本没有删减语篇。本文第一部分讲述作者在成长阶段因母亲独眼的外表而遭810 803- 4 -人物,时间,地点,经过,情感的碰撞和结果。突出故事里母爱的深沉和无私宽容。受非议,也深恨家里的困境,由此激发他的成功。第二部分讲述了作者成年后的功成名就和幸福生活,但有天母亲不期然的到来给他的家庭和生活带来了一点小风波。第三部分是母亲的信的内容,作者读了之后对母亲的误会终于冰释前嫌,他也深深感到了母亲为他做的一切都是出于对他的爱。这是文章的高潮,同时也对文章开头做了呼应,同时也让读者感同身受一个道理,即“子欲养而亲不在”的痛,让人再次对这个讲述爱的故事印象深刻。 表三:本卷对完形与阅读素材词汇的再整理(依据:2016 年考试说明对阅读理解的要求是:生词量不超过 3%。因此出题人依据考试大纲对各话题短文中的生词作了替换,确保≤3% 的生词量。 )语 篇 修改前词汇 修改后词汇 未替换词汇 提供汉语注释词汇完形填空 chop off cutcontiguous neighbouringconsecutive continuousA 篇 initial firstspikefederalbump on come acrosshefty largeastronomical largeB 篇coordinates suitsimpose onstuffmechamicalsweet spotoutfit combinationssedentary seatedintensified strengthenedunderlying unnoticedpotent effectivelesions harmsactivate encourageC 篇partially partlyimplantmultiplealertmobilizationincentiveepidemiologicalmelanomahormoneadrenalineinterleukin-6physiologicallymalignancytaunt laugh atpinch at squeeze hardD 篇 shatter fall into piecesShack, shedpovertyfield day2016 高考英语模拟试卷命题双向细目表第一部分:英语知识应用第一节:单项填空- 5 -第二节:完形填空第二部分:阅读 理解测量目标来源 题号 内容 词义辨析 重点语法项目 应用 综合原创 1 情景交际 √原创 2 冠 词 √原创 3 副词短语 √原创 4 省 略 √原创 5 连 词 √原创 6 虚拟语气 √原创 7 动词时态 √原创 8 非谓语 动词 √原创 9 名 词 √原创 10 动词时态 和语态 √ 原创 11 定语从句 √原创 12 动 词 √原创 13 名词性 从句 √原创 14 形容词 √原创 15 代 词 √原创 16 副 词 √原创 17 动词词组 √原创 18 介词词组 √原创 19 形容词 √原创 20 情景交际 √测量目标来源 题号 内容 语境 语义 上下文连贯 惯用法21 名 词 √22 形容词 √23 名 词 √24 动 词 √25 分 词 √26 名 词 √27 动词词组 √28 连 词 √29 形容 词 √30 形容词 √31 动 词 √32 动 词 √33 动 词 √34 副 词 √35 名 词 √36 代 词 √37 动 词 √38 名 词 √39 介词词组 √改编自素材包40 动词词组 √测量目标内容题号分值 文体 题材 短文词量试题词量事实细节推理判断主旨要义态度意图信息匹配- 6 -第三部分:写作。第一节:短文改错考点分布错处 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10考点 固定搭配 连词 非谓语动 动词时态 冠词 副词 介词 名词性从 介词 固定搭配41 2 √42 2 √43 2 √44 2 √A.(改编自素材包)45 2说明文 气象报道 376 170√46 2 √47 2 √48 2 √B(改编自素材包)49 2应用文 订飞机票省钱指南593 142√50 2 √51 2 √52 2 √53 2 √C(改编自素材包)54 2议论文 运动和养生(抗癌)464 206√55 2 √56 2 √57 2 √58 2 √59 2 √D(改编自素材包)60 2记叙文 人物情感 故事 803 283√61 2 √62 2 √63 2 √64 2 √任务型阅读:(学英语报)65 2议论文 如何辩论 259 32√5 篇 25 50 2495 920 6 9 2 2 5- 7 -词 句分值 10 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1来源 词数改编自《学英语报》 127第二节:书面表达来源 字数 内容 测量目标原 创 100-120 词我们在童年时代和小伙伴,家人一起玩过很多有趣的游戏,有的令人印象深刻,有的发人深省,有的温情脉脉,让人终身难忘回味。请你以 Some of My Unforgettable Games 为题,用英语写一篇 100-120 词的短文。1、 语言运用能力和信息组合能力。2、 用英语表达的能力。2016 年 高 考 模 拟 试 卷 英 语 卷时间 120 分钟 分值 120 分第 I 卷第一部分:英语知识运用(共两节, 满分 30 分)第一节:单项填空(共 20 小题; 每小题 0.5 分,满分 10 分 )从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处地最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂- 8 -黑。1. ——Jane, word came that Jessia will be admitted to Yale University! 【原创】——_______________ ,Davie. I think she is no better than me. A. Watch out B. Come off it C. Go ahead D. Take it easy2. In America, Martin Luther King’s birthday is used as opportunity to teach Children about his life and bravery. 【原创】A. an, the B. an, / C. the, / D. the, an3. John knew that many foolish men relied on older and wiser men to tell them , ,who to trust, how to care for others and how to live well. 【原创】A. for instance B. at no time C. in that case D. in fact4. Kathy was badly hurt but she refused a surgery even if her mother told her . 【原创】A. to do B. to C. doing D. to be done5.At the end of the last year, some neighbor were planning to get through the snowstorm in their homes, others were making preparations to get away.【原创】A. since B. when C. until D. while6.The situation suggested that the footballer guilty for taking money, so the judge suggested that the footballer to prison.【原创】A. be, be sent B. was, be sentC. be, was sent D. was, was sent7. ——I hear you in an advertising company. What do you think of it?——To be frank, I feel a bit tired, handling money and troubling customers.【原创】A. will work B. are working C. have worked D. worked8.Starting school too early is not just something students complaint about, but an observationby science.【原创】A. backed B. being backed C. backing D. to be backed- 9 -9.Having turned down the old lady’s reward for the help, Byran told her to give persons who needed help the they needed. 【原创】. A. resistance B. assistance C. ambition D. potential10.It is reported that large quantities of polluted water over the past few years in China to return a brand new homeland to people. 【原创】. A. have dealt with B. have been dealt with C. were dealt with D. were dealt with11. The attacks in Iran by Saudi Arabia are considered aggressive policy in the region, aimed to destroy the security and stability and to produce conflict and wars.【原创】A. which B. that C. where D. when12. ——How lucky was Nolle. She recovered well from a disease called spondylolisthesis. ——Yes, as a result, she realized she wanted to prizes to other victims like her and she started her own charity last month. 【原创】A. donate B. desert C. reserve D. deserve13. my grandpa taught me that day was to take the opportunity to enjoy things in front of you, it’s ice cream, toys or more friends . 【原创】A. Whether, what B. What, whether C. That, if D. How, which 14.Humans have always been attracted by parrots and their ability to copy human speech. 【原创】A. defensive B. attractive C. impressive D. creative 15.I finally took the watch to another watchmaker, who picked it all to pieces and said there appeared to be the matter with the hands. 【原创】A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything16.The habits of fighting for more lasts from childhood into adult years, ending up struggling for more . 【原创】A. constantly B. frequently C. roughly D. steadily- 10 -17.It scientists that they could explain the meanings of dreams by the latest technology which could process the signals of brain. 【原创】A. contributed to B. stuck to C. responded to D. occurred to18.With the increased use of high-tech communications equipment, success overseas is business at home so overseas tasks are becoming increasingly important. 【原创】A. in contrast with B. in line with C. in contact with D. in conflict with19.The weather researchers warned that agriculture’s greenhouse gas emissions could double by 2050 if trends in global food production continue. 【原创】A. current B. accurate C. random D. temporary 20. ——You mean Jack lost his driving test a fourth time. Is he blue ?—— ___________. Nothing defeats him. 【原创】A. It depends B. By no meansC. You bet D. Leave him alone第二节:完形填空(共 20 小题,每小题 1 分,共 20 分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从 21--40 各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将选项标号涂黑。Once upon a time, there lived a big mango tree. A little boy loved to come and play around it everyday. He climbed to the tree top, ate the mangoes, took a 21 under the shadow. One day, the boy came back to the tree with the 22 expression on his face. “Come and play with me,” the tree asked the boy. “I am no longer a(n) 23 , I don’t play around trees anymore.” The boy responded, “I want toys. I need money.” “Sorry, but you can 24 all my mangoes and sell them to get money.” So excited was the boy that he got all the mangoes on the tree leaving happily. The boy didn’t returned, with the tree sad.One day, the boy 25 into a man came. The tree was so thrilled. “Come and play with me,” the tree said. “I don’t have time to play. I have to support my family. We need a house for 26 . Can you help me?” “Sorry, I don’t have a house, but you can 27 my branches to build your house.” 28 , the man cut all the branches off the tree and left happily. The tree was glad to see him happy but the boy didn’t come back afterward. The tree was again 29 and sad.One hot summer day, the man returned and the tree was 30 . “Come and play with me!” The tree said. “I am stressed and getting old. I want to go to - 11 -the sea to 31 myself. Can you give me a boat?” “Use my trunk to build one. You can 32 far away and be happy.” So the man cut the tree trunk to 33 a boat. He went off and didn’t come back for a long time.34 , the man returned after he had been gone for so many 35 . “Sorry, my boy, but I don’t have 36 for you anymore.” The tree said. “I don’t have teeth to 37 ,” the man replied. “No more trunk for you to climb on.” “I am too old for that now,” the man said.“I really can’t provide you more, the only thing left is my dying 38 ,” the tree said with sadness. “I don’t need much now, just a place to rest. I am exhausted 39 now,” the man replied. “Good! Old tree roots are the best place to 40 on and rest. Come sit down with me and rest.” The boy sat down and the tree was glad and smiled.21.A. breath B. nap C. chance D. photo22.A. depressed B. satisfied C. embarrassed D. curious23.A. adult B. kid C. teenager D. youth24.A. import B. pack C. pick D. process25.A. becoming B. growing C. turned D. grown26.A. security B. survival C. amusement D. shelter27.A. set off B. chop off C. give off D. put off28.A. However B. Instead C. Therefore D. Besides29.A. alone B. lonely C. pale D. desperate30.A. disappointed B. delighted C. guilty D. innocent31.A. relax B. encourage C. urge D. impress32.A. swim B. surf C. sail D. float33.A. drive B. hire C. make D. equip34.A. Actually B. Eventually C. Unfortunately D. Generally35.A. days B. weeks C. months D. years36.A. everything B. something C. nothing D. anything37.A. bite B. swallow C. digest D. taste38.A. left B. enabled C. forced D. changed39.A. leaves B. flowers C. roots D. fruits40.A. after all B. in all C. at all D. above all第二部分:阅读理解(本题有两小节,第一节共 20 小题;每小题 2 分,第二节共 5 小题;每小题 2 分;满分 50 分)第一节:阅读下列材料,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。A2015 saw things heat up and get out of hand, and not just in politics. A record warm December raised average temperatures enough to make 2015 the second hottest year on record in the neighbouring United States, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's National Climate Monitoring Annual Report, which was released Thursday. The United Nations had previously reported that 2015 was shaping up to be - 12 -the warmest year on record for the whole planet.Last year was also the third wettest on record in the U.S. and saw ten weather- or climate-related disasters that each caused at least $1 billion in damage in the U.S. and killed a total of 155 people. These include a drought, two floods, five severe storms, a wildfire, and a winter storm. The average U.S. temperature was 54.4°F, 2.4°F above the 20th century average, and second only to 2012's record warmth. This was also the 19th continuous year with average temperatures above the average for the century. Every state reported above-average annual temperatures. The warming was particularly pronounced across most of the eastern half of the country in December, when many places saw temperatures 30 degrees above normal and many records were set. This mirrored changes seen in the Arctic that month, when temperatures spiked to 50 degrees above normal. Part of this warming was driven by a strong El Niño, or periodic warming in the Pacific Ocean, but some of it can also be attributed to global warming, says meteorologist Eric Holthaus, who was not involved with the federal report. “Even if all the first targets in Paris are met, we’ll only be part of the way there when it comes to reducing carbon from the atmosphere,” said President Barack Obama at the time. Still, the agreement represented “a turning point” by setting up “the architecture“ for doing so, he said. NOAA's climate monitoring center doesn't issue predictions for future weather, but the agency's Climate Prediction Center does. That team's forecast for the next three months calls for warmer-than-average temperatures in much of the country, although parts of Texas and the Southeast may be a little cooler than usual. As Lancaster University Professor Gail Whiteman told the Weather Channel, “climate change means extreme weather is the new normal.“ 41.The phrase “get out of hand” in paragraph 1 most probably means .A. are out of control B. hand is lostC. get done by hand D. things can’t be understood42. What is untrue about 2014?A. it was the third year to have too much rain on record in the country.B. ten disasters had some to do with weather .C. the country suffered a loss of about $ 1 million.D. there occurred a drought, two floods and so on.43. What leads to the changes in the Arctic according to Eric?A. The mirror reflects too much sunshine.B. E1 Nino as well as global warming brings about the changes.C. Many places reached temperatures 30 above normal.D. 2015 was reported to be the warmest year on record.44. We can infer from the text that .A. average temperatures increased making 2015 the second hottest year in the United Nations.- 13 -B. the Arctic’s temperatures increased by 50 degrees above the 20th century average.C. people should take more measures to cut down carbon.D. NOAA’s Climate Prediction Center doesn’t give predictions for future weather because parts of Texas and Southeast may be cooler than usual.45. What is the writer’s attitude to the warming in the text?A. negative B. objectiveC. optimistic
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