1、中英合成生物学交流项目申请书Synthetic Biology China-UK Partnering Award Proposal中方项目申请人单位名称项目负责人通讯地址电话传真电子邮件邮编中方项目负责人签字:年月日中方申请单位意见:申请单位负责人(签章):(单位公章)年月日项目名称:项目摘要(600字内):注:若有中方联合申请者,请提供其单位证明。Synthetic Biology China-UK Partnering Award ProposalCAS Institute where the Grant would be heldInstituteProject titleEnglis
2、h (up to 150 chars,must be consistent with that of your UK partner.)Start Date and Durationa. Proposed start date(awards must start within 6 months of the start date):b. Duration of the Grant (must be between 12-48 months):ApplicantsRoleNameOrganizationDepartmentPrinciple InvestigatorCo-Investigator
3、Related GrantsAny current grants held by applicants that are related to this proposal. Grant names should be in Chinese and English.Project PartnersDetails of partners in the project and their contributions to the research. These contributions are in addition to resources identified above.1.Name of
4、partner organisationDivision or DepartmentName of contactDescriptionValue(RMB)DescriptionValue(RMB)CashUse of facilitates/equipmentEquipment/materialsStaff timeSecondment of staffotherOtherSub-totalSub-totalTotal contribution2.Name of partner organisationDivision or DepartmentName of contactDescript
5、ionValue(RMB)DescriptionValue(RMB)CashUse of facilitates/equipmentEquipment/materialsStaff timeSecondment of staffotherOtherSub-totalSub-totalTotal contributionTotal Contribution from all Project Partners:Summary of Previous Contact or Links with Proposed PartnersObjectivesList the main objectives (
6、in bullet point form) of the proposed Partnering Award. Up to 1000 chars.Main scientific objectivesStatement of Added Value. Indicate the benefit of the proposed collaboration to Chinese science and its relevance to your current grant(s).Action Plan of work to be carried out; applicants may wish to
7、present diagrammatically or as a gantt chart.Travel and Subsistence For travel items enter the country, city and institution (if applicable) of destination, the method of transport and the reason for travel. For subsistence items enter the country and city (if applicable) where subsistence is requir
8、ed and the length of time subsistence is required.Destination and purposeTotal (RMB)Total(RMB)Other Directly Incurred Costs Enter a description, location and reason for the directly incurred cost.DescriptionTotal(RMB)Total(RMB)Summary of Resources Required for ProjectFinancial resourcesSummary fund headingFund headingFull economic CostCAS contribution% CAS contributionDirectly IncurredTravel&SubsistenceOther CostsSub-totalTotal