1、附件1:会议论文详细摘要格式(鼓励用英文撰写)Title of manuscripts (Times New Roman三号,加粗,居中)Author 1 Author 2 Author 3 (Times New Roman小四,居中)(Department of Materials Science and Engineering of Zhejiang University, Hangzhou P.R. China 310027) (Times New Roman,五号,居中,斜体)Abstract: (Times New Roman,五号,加粗) Follow this order whe
2、n typing manuscripts: Title, Authors, Affiliations, Abstract, Keywords, Figure Captions or Tables, References. Each paper should be provided with an Abstract of about 200- 500 words, reporting concisely on the purpose and results of each paper. Immediately after the abstract, provide a maximum of 34
3、 keywords and 34 references cited in the abstract. (Times New Roman,五号)Keyword: (Times New Roman,五号,加粗) Ceramic, glass, powder, sol-gel (Times New Roman,五号)Fig. 1 SEM images of hierarchically silica monolith (Times New Roman, 小五,图片请用.JPG格式)and /orTable 1: Compositions of Ceramics % (Times New Roman,
4、小五)Al2O3(Times New Roman,小五)Y2O3 (Times New Roman,小五)References: (Times New Roman,小五,加粗)1 YU Jingsong, QIAN Xiaoqian, MA Qingsong et al. J Chin Ceram Soc, 1999, 27(3): 365-368.2 P.W. McMILAN. Glass ceramics, Beijing: Academic Press, 1979.3 N. Ekinaga, Characteristics of SiC whisker and their applica
5、tions, Proceedings of the 1st Japan International SAME Symposium, 1989: 883-888. (Times New Roman,小五)Project:( Times New Roman, 小五,加粗):High Sci & Tech Brainstorm Project (No. )(Times New Roman,小五)Corresponding author(Times New Roman, 小五,加粗):Guo Xing-zhong, Tel: 86-571-87953313, Fax: Tel: 86-571-87953313, E-Mail: msewj01. (Times New Roman,小五)