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1、Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been gi

2、ven support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, w

3、ater, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution,

4、 “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than

5、2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing t

6、imber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “

7、bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral

8、resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary Riv

9、er Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of

10、three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivost

11、ok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Orienta

12、l Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tiger underground fortress ruins, General Chi试论多媒体课件在初中历史教学中的运用摘要:由于现代教育技术的发展以及历史学科的特点,多媒体课件教学在初中历史课堂教学中广泛应用。多媒体课件教学直观、形象、生动、大信息量等特点给传统的一支粉笔、一块黑板的教学方式带来了新鲜的亮点,但在多媒体课件运用过程中也存在着不少问题,目前多媒体课件使用不普遍,多数课件制作质量不高,多媒体课件运用不恰当,使得初中历史多媒体教学的优势没有得到充分的体现,针对多媒体课件在历史教学中存在

13、的问题,本文从多媒体课件在历史教学上的运用出发,探讨多媒体课件在历史教学中的问题及解决方法,一定程度上为初中历史多媒体教学提供一些借鉴和参考。关键词:多媒体课件 初中历史 运用围绕基础教育课程改革和现代教育技术的发展,多媒体教学在初中历史教学中运用愈来愈普遍,改变了初中历史课堂传统教学。但是,多媒体教学课件制作与使用毕竟是一个技术性较强的问题,课堂教学中运用不好,教学效果往往收效甚微。当今初中历史教学如何适应现代教育手段的变化,如何有效运用多媒体教学,己成为初中历史教学中的新课题。一 、 多媒体课件在初中历史课堂教学中运用的必要性( 一 ) 基础教育课程改革对初中历史多媒体课件教学的要求基础教


15、用多媒体课件教学的使命感。( 二 ) 现代科学技术发展为多媒体课件教学提供了技术保障邓小平同志指出:“教育要面向现代化、面向世界、面向未来。”这体现出在当今科学技术不断发展的时代,教育要培养出适应于时代的人才,就必须实现教育手段的现代化。现代信息技术的运用,对教学产生了很大的影响,直接影响到课程的教学内容、教材呈现的方式,也影响到教师和学生在教学过程中的地位和作用,影响到教学方法和教学组织形式的创新,影响到教学活动的形式和内容,甚至影响到教学的检测与评估。特别是近年来迅速发展起来的计算机多媒体技Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference h

16、eld in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been given support and assistance to the province of agri

17、culture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, water, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered

18、 with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution, “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the Unite

19、d Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2 million tons and is located in the international

20、ly recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing timber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters.

21、 Forest Xia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee re

22、serves and important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical adva

23、ntages. XX open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary River Bridge, running at full capacity the annual car

24、go capacity of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of three railway marshalling yards in the far East, t

25、he far East-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivostok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South K

26、orea, Japan and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Oriental Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tige

27、r underground fortress ruins, General Chi2术和网络技术,以其强大的功能,在教学中得到迅速的开发和应用,代表了现代教育技术的发展方向,其形式也由最初的计算机辅助教学发展到信息技术与学科课程整合阶段。现代信息技术对教学的影响越来越大,这为中学历史教学实施多媒体课件教学提供了技术保障。( 三 ) 多媒体课件教学更加符合历史学科过去性的特点历史作为人类社会发展全部的过去,记载人类过去的斗争、挫折、胜利的历程。历史反映了人类全部的过去,历史学科特点的突出性在于它具有过去性、具体性、综合性。历史学科与中学其它学科相比,有自己独特的特点。由于历史知识的过去性,人们无


29、学的面貌,为直观教学的实施提供了更加的便利。( 四 ) 多媒体课件教学适应了初中学生历史学习的需要初中学生,一般说来,年龄结构大致在 13-15 周岁,处于生长发展时期。而初中学生知识结构还不丰富,接受能力还处于感性认识的时期,认识方法上还需要更多形象直观。根据心理学知识,人类获取的信息 83来自视觉, 11来自听觉,这两个加起来就有 94。还有 35来自嗅觉,15来自触觉,1来自味觉。另外人们一般能记住自己阅读内容的 10,自己听到内容的 20,自己看到内容的 30,自己听到和看到内容的 50,在交流过程中自己所说内容的 70 1。由于初中学生年龄特点和学科知识水平的不足,他们正处于向成人的

30、过渡时期,好动,对任何现象追求新奇,直接经验少,抽象思维不足,虽然空间知觉方面抽象性有所增强,但仍离不开直观表象的支持,特别是对于较为复杂的抽象关系的理解,更需形象具体。多媒体技术通过多种感官的刺激获取的信息量,采用多媒体教学更适应于初中学生的年龄特点和知识水平。二、多媒体课件在初中历史教学运用中存在的问题目前,多媒体教学已在各地中小学普遍运用,尤其在初中历史课堂教学,许多老师都掌握了多媒体教学的技能技巧。可是人们在运用多媒体课件教学中,不可避免的面临诸多困难,也存在一些问题,Leaders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX

31、, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been given support and assistance to the province of agriculture,

32、provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, water, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with for

33、ests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution, “pure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations

34、 environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2 million tons and is located in the internationally recogn

35、ized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as pine, ash, yellow pineapple, standing timber volume of more than 26 million cubic meters. Forest X

36、ia has hundreds of species precious wildlife, more than 200 more species precious herbs, annual Super thousand tons of wild mushroom and reserves Super 100,000 tons of mountain dish; nectar plant throughout, can bee 100,000 group, is China “bee of Xiang“, and national Northeast black bee reserves an

37、d important of bee products production base; can using water 2.5 billion cubic metres, should be fishing water 460,000 acres, rich big salmon, and “three spent five Luo“, North cold water specialty fish; found and proved reserves of mineral resources has 36 species. Third, geopolitical advantages. X

38、X open midpoint is located in the eastern part of the province along the border, 264 km long border, with national road passenger and freight transport port, built on the border between China and Russia has the largest permanent boundary River Bridge, running at full capacity the annual cargo capaci

39、ty of up to 2.6 million tons. Russia two (HABA and Marina), two cities (Iman and Lesozavodsk) is the Russian Far East in developed areas. Lesozavodsk is only 8 km from XX port corresponding to the port of markovo, Lu Rinuo station is one of three railway marshalling yards in the far East, the far Ea

40、st-Siberian railway and a parallel road runs through the pass. By rail and road, to the North by HABA capital Khabarovsk, the Russian hinterland, radiation in the CIS and Eastern European countries; to the South through the port of Vladivostok and the nahuo card on the sea, to reach South Korea, Jap

41、an and other Pacific Rim countries and regions. Four is rich in tourism resources. XX tourist resources types, many attractions, beautiful scenery of the Sino-Russian border-river-wusuli River, a famous treasure island, known as the “Oriental Maginot line“ of the Japanese invading army Tiger undergr

42、ound fortress ruins, General Chi第 3 页,共 9 页影响了多媒体课件教学在初中历史教学的广泛运用效果,无法使初中历史多媒体教学的优势得到充分的体现,归纳起来,具体表现在以下几个方面。(一)多媒体课件使用不普遍1.多媒体教学普及程度不高多媒体教学应用在初中历史教育发展史上是不平衡的。在广大农村学校,由于受经济和环境等条件的影响,教育信息化的现状却难如人意,令人担忧。虽然2007 年,国家实施了农村中小学现代远程教育工程,信息化条件得到改善,虽然现在农村的中学大多有计算机等电教设备,但数量很少,且机型落后,远远不能满足教学需要。教育部人文社会科学重大项目“欠发达农

43、村基础教育信息化推进策略研究”课题组设计了农村教育信息化可持续发展现状调查问卷,并采取类型抽样和整群抽样相结合的调查方法,于2007 年12 月到2008 年3 月,在安徽、贵州、湖北、四川、江西、新疆、宁夏、内蒙古8 个省、自治区进行样本选取,共抽取80 所样本学数据表明,农村学校的信息化硬件设备在数量上总体不足, 而且十分不均衡。被调查学校中,拥有好用计算机数量最多的是150 台,3.2%的学校目前还没有计算机; 多媒体教室最多是9 间, 15.1%的学校没有多媒体教室; 微机室最多是9 间, 5.7%的学校没有微机室; 电子阅览室最多是4 间, 50.3%的学校没有电子阅览室 2。因此多

44、媒体教学在农村地区的发展是教学现代化改革的重点方向。 2.对现代教学技术运用程度不足多媒体教学手段具有其他教学方法不可比拟的优势,但历史教师在制作多媒体课件技术要求方面具有一定的困难,面对以多媒体、计算机网络为代表的信息技术在教育中的应用, 广大的教师还缺乏准备。调查数据表明, 在具备计算机的学校中,59.7%的学科教师会在课前使用计算机备课,64.7%的学科教师在课堂中用计算机进行辅助教学,38.0%的学科教师课后利用计算机对学生的作业进行评价或对成绩进行管理, 还有15.3%的教师从未使用过计算机 3。出现这样的现象,是因为教师信息化教学能力偏低。而根本原因是教师的思想观念陈旧,没有跟上时

45、代的发展,当然,有些年龄偏大的教师在制作课件还不是那么得心应手的,没有深刻的认识到多媒体课件的作用,课件制作技术掌握不好,甚至有些教师即便使用现代化教学手段,教学观念也是传统型的,没有发挥信息技术的优势, 反而降低了教学效率,正因为如此,导致多媒体教学公开课化。在平时的教学中很少看见利用现代化教学手段进行教学,采用多媒体课件更少,使应用多媒体辅助教学走入了一种形式,对现代教育技术运用普遍不足。(二)多媒体课件制作不精细多媒体课件制作是需要一定的技术要求的,当前历史教师的信息技术应用技能水平,与学科整合的要求还有一定的距离,因此在历史课件的制作上,历史教师制作的课件存在许多问题,这严重影响Lea

46、ders: provincial agricultural work Conference held in XX, which is our concern and love, will greatly promote XX agricultural and rural economic development. First of all, I am representing XX municipal party Committee and Government, extend a warm welcome to the attending leaders! XX has been given

47、 support and assistance to the province of agriculture, provincial agricultural Office, and expressed heartfelt thanks to all the friends! below, I XX with a brief report. A basic XX of XX municipality located (cities, omitted). One is the superior ecological environment. XX blue, clear, green, wate

48、r, air, 70% of land in the territory is covered with forests, grasslands, wetlands and waters, built 7 thousands of square kilometers of the total area of nature reserves. Within major industrial pollution sources, air quality at the national level, national levels, water quality, soil pollution, “p

49、ure land“ reputation, was heralded by the United Nations environmental officials “the most suitable place for human survival.“ Second, the enrichment of natural resources. A total area of more than 5 million mu of arable land (which owned 1.53 million acres), the annual grain output of more than 2 million tons and is located in the internationally recognized gold “cattle“, there should be more than 400,000 acres of grazing grassland, developing animal husbandry conditions; a total area of 4.1 million acres of forest land, rich in precious wood such as p


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