2、ns of Contract (GCC)28 Section V. Special conditions of contract 41 Section VI. Schedule of requirements. Section VII. Technical Specification. 48 49Section VII. Sample Forms 55 Bid Form and Price Schedules56 Bid Security Form 60 Contract Form62 Performance Security Form64 Bank Guarantee for Advance
3、 Payment.65 Manufacturers Authorization Form 67 Section VIII. Undertaking by tenderer on anti-bribery policy/ code of conduct and compliance program. 68 AcronymsTAA Tanzania Airports AuthorityKPH Kilometres Per HourMPH Miles Per Hourpsi pounds per square inchRPM Revolutions Per MinuteBHP Brake Horse
4、 PowerIGPM Imperial Gallons Per MinuteBS British StandardID Internal DiameterAC Alternating CurrentDC Direct Currentc/w complete withl or Its litre(s)inch(s)C Degree Centigrade/Celsiusamp(s) ampere(s)kg kilogrammel b pound(s)gm grammem metremm milimetrecm centimeterft foot/feet1CI Imperial Chemical
5、IndustriesBDS Bid Data SheetCIF Cost, Insurance and FreightCIP Carriage and Insurance Paid to (place)EDI Electronic Data InterchangeEXW Ex factory, ex works or ex warehouseFCA Free CarrierFOB Free on BoardGCC General Conditions of ContractICC International Chamber of CommerceIFB Invitation for BidsI
6、TB Instructions to BiddersSCC Special Conditions of ContractUNCITRAL United Nations Commission on International Trade Law Section I: Invitation For Bids TENDER No 110 OF 2003/2004 FOR SUPPLY OF FOUR X-RAY MACHINES TO TANZANIA AIRPORTS AUTHORITY 1. The Government of the United of Republic of Tanzania
7、 through the Tanzania Airports Authority has set aside Funds for the operation of the airports. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the fund will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for the Supply of Four X-Ray Machines. 2. The Central Tender Board on behalf of Tanzania Airp
8、ort Authority (TAA) now invites sealed bids from reputable manufacturers and suppliers of X-Rays Machines as follows. Item No.DescriptionQuantity1.Hold Baggage X-Ray Machines32.Pallet Size X- Ray Machines1 Bidder must bid for all items. 3. Interested eligible bidders may obtain further information f
9、rom and inspect the Bidding Documents at the office of the Executive Secretary, PPF Tower and Car Parking Arcade, 8th Floor North Wing, Junction of Ohio and Garden Avenue, P.O. Box 49, Dar Es Salaam, from 7:30 am to 3.30pm on Mondays to Fridays inclusive except on Public Holidays. 4. A complete set
10、of the bidding Documents and additional sets may be purchased by interested bidders on the submission of a written application to the address given under paragraph 3 above and upon payment of a non-refundable fee of Tshs 150,000/= (Tanzania Shillings One Hundred and Fifty Thousand Only) or equivalen
11、t in freely convertible currency. Payment should be made either by Bankers Draft, Cash or Bankers Cheque, to the Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance, P.O. Box 9111, Dar Es Salaam. 5. All bids in one original plus two copies, properly filled in, enclosed in plain envelopes must be accompanied by
12、 an original bid security in an acceptable form in amount of Tshs 10,000,000.00 (Tanzania Shillings Ten Million) properly addressed to the Executive Secretary, PPF Tower and Car Parking Arcade, 8th Floor North Wing, Junction of Ohio and Garden Avenue, P.O. Box 49, Dar Es Salaam. All bids must either
13、 be delivered by hand or be sent by registered post so as to reach the Dar Es Salaam, before the deadline for submission of bids.6. The deadline for the submission of bids is 09.00 hours Local time on Friday 26th August,2004. bids will be opened in public and in the presence of bidders representativ
14、es who choose to attend in the Conference room of Executive Secretary, PPF Tower and Car Parking Arcade, 8th Floor North Wing, Junction of Ohio and Garden Avenue, P.O. Box 49, Dar Es Salaam, at 09:00 hours local time on Friday 26th August,2004. Bids sent by post must be registered. The outer cover s
15、hall be clearly marked “TENDER No 110 OF 2003/2004FOR SUPPLY OF FOUR X-RAY MACHINES TO TANZANIA AIRPORTS AUTHORITY; NOT TOBEOPENED BEFORE 09:00 HOURS ON FRIDAY 26TH AUGUST,2004”7. Telegraphic, Telex, Telefax and late non- Telegraphic, Telex and Telefax will not be accepted. Quotations not received a
16、nd not opened in public at the public bid opening ceremony shall not be accepted for evaluation irrespective of the circumstances. EXECUTIVE SECRETARY CENTRAL TENDER BOARD Section II: Instructions to BiddersTable of ClausesA. Introduction. 81. Source of Funds. 82. Eligible Bidders . 83. Eligible Goo
17、ds and Services.84. Cost of Bidding.8B. The Bidding Documents .95. Content of Bidding Documents. 96. Clarification of Bidding Documents. 97. Amendment of Bidding Documents . 9C. Preparation of Bids. 108. Language of Bid. 109. Documents Constituting the Bid. 1010. Bid Form. 1011. Bid Prices . .1112.
18、Bid Currencies. 1213. Documents Establishing Bidders Eligibility and Qualification. . 1214. Documents Establishing Goods Eligibility and Conformity to BiddingDocuments. 1315. Bid Security. 1416. Period of Validity of Bids . 1517. Format and Signing of Bid. 15D. Submission of Bids. 1518. Sealing and
19、Marking of Bids. 1519. Deadline for Submission of Bids. 1620. Late Bids. 1621. Modification and Withdrawal of Bids.16E. Opening and Evaluation of Bids. 1722. Opening of Bids by the Purchaser .1723. Clarification of Bids.1724. Preliminary Examination.1725. Conversion to Single Currency. 1826. Evaluat
20、ion and Comparison of Bids. 1827. Domestic Preference . 2228. Contacting the Purchaser. 2329. Post-qualification.23F. Award of Contract. 2330. Award Criteria. 2331. Purchasers Right to Vary Quantities at Time of Award .2332. Purchasers Right to Accept Any Bid and to Reject Any or All Bids. 2433. Not
21、ification of Award. 2434. Signing of Contract. 2435. Performance Security. . 2436. Corrupt or Fraudulent Practices.24Instruction to Bidders A. Introduction 1. Source of Funds1.1 The Government of the United of Republic of Tanzania through the Tanzania Airports Authority has set aside funds for the o
22、perations of the airports. It is intended that part of the proceeds of the funds will be used to cover eligible payment under the contract for Supply of goods specified in the Bid Data Sheet. 2. Eligible Bidders2.1 This Invitation to Tender, is open to all firms capable of supplying the goods comply
23、ing to specification in these bidding document. Firms of a member country may be excluded if as a matter of law or regulation, Tanzania prohibits commercial relations with that country. 2.2 Bidders should not be associated, or have been associated in thepast, directly or indirectly, with a firm or a
24、ny of its affiliateswhich have been engaged by the Purchaser to provide consultingservices for the preparation of the design, specifications, andother documents to be used for the procurement of the goods to bepurchased under this Invitation for Bids. 2.3 Government-owned enterprises in the United R
25、epublic of Tanzania mayparticipate only if they are legally and financially autonomous, ifthey operate under commercial law, and if they are not adependent agency of the Purchaser. 2.4 Bidders shall not be under a declaration of ineligibility for corrupt and fraudulent practices issued by the Govern
26、ment of the United Republic of Tanzania in accordance with ITB Clause 36.1. 3. Eligible Goods and Services 3.1 All goods and related services to be supplied under the contract shall have their origin in eligible source countries, and all expenditures made under the contract will be limited to such g
27、oods and services. 3.2 For purposes of this clause, origin means the place where thegoods are mined, grown, or produced, or the place from which therelated services are supplied. Goods are produced when, throughmanufacturing, processing, or substantial and major assembly ofcomponents, a commercially
28、-recognized product results that issubstantially different in basic characteristics or in purpose or utilityfrom its components. 3.3 The origin of goods and services is distinct from the nationality ofthe Bidder.4. Cost of Bidding4.1 The Bidder shall bear all costs associated with the preparation an
29、dsubmission of its bid, and the Purchaser named in the Bid DataSheet, hereinafter referred to as the Purchaser, will in no case beresponsible or liable for those costs, regardless of the conduct oroutcome of the bidding process. B. The Bidding Documents 5. Content of Bidding Documents5.1 The goods r
30、equired, bidding procedures, and contract terms areprescribed in the bidding documents. The bidding documentsinclude the following sections:(a) Invitation to Tender(b) Instructions to Bidders (ITB)(c) Bid Data Sheet(d) General Conditions of Contract (GCC)(e) Special Conditions of Contract (SCC)(f) S
31、chedule of Requirements(g) Technical Specifications(h) Bid Form(i) Bill of Quantities(j) Bid Security Form(k) Contract Form(1) Performance Security Form(m) Bank Guarantee Form for Advance Payment(n) Manufacturers Authorization Form 5.2 The Bidder is expected to examine all instructions, forms, terms,and specifications in the biddin