1、 A WORD FROM THE AUTHOR In every chapter of this book,mention has been made of the money-making secret which has made fortunes for hundreds of exceedingly wealthy men whom I have carefully analyzed over a long period of years.50 The secret was brought to my attention by Andrew Carnegie,more than hal
2、f a century ago.The canny,lovable old Scotsman carelessly tossed it into my mind,when I was but a boy.Then be sat back in his chair,with a merry twinkle in his eyes,and watched carefully to see if I had brains enough to understand the full significance of what he had said to me.?When he saw that I b
3、ad grasped the idea.he asked if I would be willing to spend twenty years or more p reparing myself to take it to the would,to men and women who,without the secret,might go through life as failures.I said I would,and with Mr.Carnegies cooperation,I have kept my promise.This book contains the secret,a
4、fter having been put to a practical test by thousands of people,in almost every walk of life.It was Mr.Carnegies idea that the magic formula,which gave him a stupendous fortune,ought to be placed within reach of people who do not have time to investigate how men make money,and it was his hope that I
5、 might test and demonstrate the soundnes s of the formula through the experience of men and women in every calling.He believed the formula should be taught in all public schools and colleges,and expressed the opinion that if it were properly taught it would so revolutionize the entire educational sy
6、stem that the time spent in school could be reduced to less than half.“”6 In the chapter on Faith,you will read the astounding story of the organization of the giant United States Steel Corporation,as it was conceived and carried out by one of the young men through whom Mr.Carnegie proved that his f
7、ormula will work for all who are ready for it.This single application of the secret,by Charles M.Schwab,made him a huge fortune in both money and opportunity.Roughly speaking,this particular application of the formula was worth six hundred million dollars.“”These facts-and they are facts well known
8、to almost everyone who knew Mr.Carnegie-give you a fair idea of what the reading of this book may bring to you,provided you know what it is that you want.7 5!The secret was passed on to thousands of men and women who have used it for their personal benefit as Mr.Carnegie planned that they should.Som
9、e have made fortunes with it.Other have used it successfully in creating harmony in their homes.A clergyman used it so effectively that it brought him an income of upwards of$75,OOO a year.“”Arthur Nash,a Cincinnati tailor,used his near-bankrupt business as a guinea pig on which to test the formula.
10、The business came to life and made a fortune for its owners.It is still thriving,although Mr.Nash has gone.The experiment was so unique that newspapers and magazines gave it more than a million dollars worth of laudatory publicity.?The secret was passed on to Stuart Austin Wier,of Dallas,Texas.He wa
11、s ready for it-so ready that he gave up his profession and studied law.Did he succeed?That story is told,too.While serving as advertising manager of the LaSalle Extension University,when it was little more than a name,I had the privilege of seeing J.G.Chapline,president of the university,use the for
12、mula so effectively that he made LaSalle one of the great extension schools of the country.The secret to which I refer has been mentioned no fewer than a hundred times throughout this book.It has not been directly named,for it seems to work more successfully when it is merely uncovered and left in s
13、ight,where those who are ready,and searching for it,may pick it up.That is why Mr.Carnegie tossed it to me so quietly,without giving me its specific name.If you are ready to put it to use,you will recognize this secret at least once in every chapter.I wish I might feel privileged to tell you how you
14、 will know if you are ready,but that would deprive you of much of the benefit yon will receive when you make the discovery in your own way.If you have ever been discouraged.if you have had difficulties to surmount which took the very soul out of you,if you have tried and failed,if you were ever hand
15、icapped by illness or physical affection,the story of my sons discovery and use of the Carnegie formula may prove to be ale oasis in the Desert of Lost Hope for which you have been searching.This secret was extensively used by Resident Woodrow Wilson during World War I.It was passed on to every sold
16、ier who fought in the war,carefully wrapped in the training received before going to the front.President Wilson told me it was a strong factor in raising the funds needed for the war.A peculiar thing about this secret is that those who once acaerie it and use it,find themselves literally swept on to
17、 success.If you doubt this,study the names of those who have used it,wherever they have been mentioned;check their records for yourself,and be convinced.!There is no such thing as something for nothing!The secret to which I refer cannot be had without a price,although the price is far less than its
18、value.It cannot be had at any price by those who are not intentionally searching for it.it cannot be given away,it cannot be purchased for money,for the reason that it comes in two parts.One part is already in possession of those who are ready for it.3 The secret serves equally well all who are read
19、y for it.Education has nothing to do with it.Long before I was born,the secret had found its way into the possession of Thomas A.Edison,and he used it so intelligently that he became the worlds leading inventor,although he had but three months of schooling.1 2 The secret was passed on to Edwin C.Bam
20、es,a business associate of Mr.Edison.He used it so effectively that,although he was then making only$12,OOO a year,he accumulated a great fortune,and retired from active business while still a young man.You will find his story at the beginning of the first chapter.It should convince you that riches
21、are not beyond your reach,that you can still be what yon wish to be,that money,fame,recognition and happiness can be had by all who are ready and determined to have these blessings.?How do I know these things?You should have the answer before you finish this book.You may find it in the very first ch
22、apter,or on the last page.20 While I was performing the twenty-year task of research.chick I had undertaken at Mr.Carnegies request I analyzed hundreds of well-known men,many of whom admitted that they had accuntulated their vast fortunes through the aid of the Carnegie secret;among these men were:H
23、ENRY FORD()JAMES J.HILL()GEORGE EASTMAN()JOHN D.ROCKEFELLER()THOMAS A.EDISON()WOODROW WILSON(28)()()WILLIAM JENNIGS BRAYA()DR.ALEXANDER GRAHAM BELL()()?These names represent but a small fraction of the hundreds of well-known Americans whose achievements,financial and otherwise,prove that those who u
24、nderstand and apply the Carnegie secret reach high stations in life.I have never known anyone who was inspired to use the secret who did not achieve noteworthy success in his chosen calling.I have never known any person to distinguish himself,or to accumulate riches of any consequence,without posses
25、sion of the secret.From these two facts I draw the conclusion that the secret is more important as a part of the knowledge essential for self-determination,than any which one receives through what is popularly known as education.What is education anyway?This has been answered in full detail.Somewher
26、e,as you read,the secret to which I refer will jump from the page and stand boldly before you,if you are ready for it!When it appears,you win recognize it.Whether you receive the sign in the first or the last chapter,stop for a moment when it presents itself,and turn down a glass,for that occasion w
27、ill mark the most important turning-point of your life.“”“”!Remember,too,as you go through the book,that it deals with facts and not with fiction its purpose being to convey a great universal truth through which an who the ready may learn what to do and how to do it!They will also receive the needed
28、 stimulus to make a start.“!”As a final word of preparation,before you begin the first chapter,may I offer one brief suggestion which may provide a clue by which the Carnegie secret may be recognized?It is this-all achievement,all earned riches,have their beginning in an idea!If you are ready for th
29、e secret you already possess one half of it;therefore,you will readily recognize the other half the moment reaches your mind NAPOLEON HILL?“”25?“”“!”“!”?“”“”V 8 TheImpossibleFord V-8 Motor V 8 When Henry Ford decided to produce his famous V-8 motor,he chose to build an engine with the entire eight c
30、ylinders cast in on block,and instructed his engineers to produce a design in one for then engine.The design was placed on paper,but the engineers agreed,to a man,that it was simply impossible to cast an eight-cylinder engine-block in one piece.“”Ford said,Produce it anyway.“!”But,they replied,its i
31、mpossible!“”“!”Go ahead,Ford commanded,and stay on the job until you succeed,no matter how much time is required.“!”The engineers went ahead.There was nothing else for them to do,if they were to remain on the Ford staff.Sit months passed,and still nothing happened.The engineers tried every conceivab
32、le plan to carry out the orders,but the thing seemed out of the question;impossible!At the end of the year Ford checked with his engineers,and again they informed him they had found no way to carry out his orders.“”“!”Go right ahead,said Ford,I want it,and Ill have it.They went ahead,and then,as if
33、by a stroke of magic,the secret was discovered.The Ford determination had won once more!“”This story may not be described with minute accuracy,but the sum and substance of it is correct.Deduce from it,you who wish to think and grow rich,the secret of the Ford millions,if you can.Youll not have to lo
34、ok very far.Henry Ford was success,because he understood and applied the principles of success.One of these is desire:knowing what one wants.Remember this Ford story as you read,and pick out the lines in which the secret of his stupendous achievement have been described.If you can do this,if you can
35、 lay your finger on the particular group of principles which made Henry Ford rich,you can equal his achievements in almost any calling for which you are suited.?Why You AreThe Master of Your Fate.“”When Henley wrote the prophetic lines,I am the master of my fate,I am the captain of my soul,he should
36、 have informed us that we are the master of our fate,the captains of our souls,because we have the power to control our thoughts.He should have told us that our brains become magnetized with the dominating thoughts which we hold in our minds,and,by means with which no man is familiar,thesemagnets at
37、tract to us the forces the people,the circumstances of life which harmonize with the nature of our dominating thoughts.“”He should have told us that before we can accumulate riches in great abundance,we must magnetize our minds with intense desire for riches,that we must becomemoney conscious until
38、the desire for money drives us to create definite plans for acquiring it.But,being a poet,and not a philosopher,Henley contented himself by stating a great truth in poetic form,leaving those who followed him to interpret the philosophical meaning of his lines.Little by little,the truth has unfolded
39、itself,until it now appears certain that the principles described in this book hold the secret of mastery over our economic fate.Six Way to Turn Desires into Gold The method by which desire for riches can be transmuted into its financial equivalent,consists of six definite,practical steps,viz:“”“”()
40、First:fix in your mind the exact amount of money you desire.It is not sufficient merely to sayI want plenty of money.Be definite as to the amount.(There is a psychological reason for definiteness which will be described in a subsequent chapter.)“”(“”Second:determine exactly what you intend to give i
41、n return for the money you desire.(There is no such reality as something for nothing.)“”Third:establish a definite date when you intend to possess the money you desire.“”Forth:create a definite plan for carrying out your desire,and begin at once,whether you are read or not,to put this plan into acti
42、on.Fifth:write out a clear,concise statement of the amount of money you intend to acquire,name the time limit for its acquisition,state what you intend to give in return for the money,and describe clearly the plan through which you intend to accumulate it.Sixth:read your written statement aloud,twic
43、e daily,once just before retiring at night,and once after arising in the morning.As you read-see and feel and believe yourself already in possession of the money.“”It is important that you follow the instructions described in these six steps.It is especially important that you observe,and follow the
44、 instructions in the sixth paragraph.You may complain that it is impossible for you to see yourself in possession of money before you a ctually have it.Here is where a burning desire will come to you aid.If you truly desire money so keenly that your desire is an obsession,you will have no difficulty
45、 in convincing yourself that you will acquire it.The object is to want money,and to become so determined to have it that you convince yourself you will have it.?“”?“”“”“”“()”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”!“”!“”“”“”“”30“”“”()()“19 1 1()”“”“”!“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”“”?“”(!)?“”?“”“”“”“”“”()“”“”“”“”“”“”50 50“”“”()“”“”“”“?”“?”“”“”“”“?”“?”“”“”“”“”“”“”()“”“”“”!“”()“”?