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1、学校代码 10126 学号 分 类 号 密级 工程硕士学位论文公安应急指挥综合系统设计研 究 生: 陈庭正 指导教师: 侯宏旭 学 院: 计算机学院 领 域: 计算机技术 研究方向: 软件设计 2012年9月15日原 创 性 声 明本人声明:所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师的指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。除本文已经注明引用的内容外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不包含为获得内蒙古大学及其他教育机构的学位或证书而使用过的材料。与我一同工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明确的说明并表示谢意。学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日 期: 日 期: 在学期间研究成果

2、使用承诺书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:内蒙古大学有权将学位论文的全部内容或部分保留并向国家有关机构、部门送交学位论文的复印件和磁盘,允许编入有关数据库进行检索,也可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。为保护学院和导师的知识产权,作者在学期间取得的研究成果属于内蒙古大学。作者今后使用涉及在学期间主要研究内容或研究成果,须征得内蒙古大学就读期间导师的同意;若用于发表论文,版权单位必须署名为内蒙古大学方可投稿或公开发表。学位论文作者签名: 指导教师签名: 日 期: 日 期: 目 录第一章 引言 11.1 研究背景11.2 研究现状11.3 阿拉善应急指挥

3、体系现状3第 二 章 应急综合系统设计52.1 应急综合指挥系统建设的总体框架52.1.1 总体框架52.1.2 社会治安动态监控系统72.1.3 社会监控资源接入系统72.1.4 智能交通管理与监控系统72.1.5 GPS卫星定位报警监控系统 72.2 设计原则82.2.1安全性82.2.2实用性82.2.3先进性82.2.4开放性82.2.5经济性82.3系统设计思想8第三章 应急指挥综合系统集成103.1应急指挥显示系统103.1.1大屏幕显示系统概述103.1.2大屏幕显示系统实现方式103.1.3大屏幕显示系统的设计123.2应急指挥系统LED显示屏、电视墙监视器建设123.2.1电

4、视墙监视器的设计123.2.2应急平台LED显示屏的设计133.2.3中控系统15第四章 集成GIS技术174.1集成174.2指挥174.3协同174.4实有人口管理174.5房屋快速查询174.6人口快速查询184.7空间查询184.8 警务资源管理184.9 GPS定位18第五章 视频监控系统195.1平台结构195.2系统结构说明205.3阿拉善城市应急报警与监控系统现状215.4阿拉善城市报警与监控系统建设重点215.5 高清视频子系统实现方式215.6 视频系统应用管理235.7 应急指挥视频监控平台的远程实现方式245.7.1通过视频矩阵的模拟控制形式245.7.2通过视频客户端

5、的数字化控制245.8模拟系统接入方案245.8.1 光纤传输解决方案245.8.2 存储计算公式255.8.3 监控平台存储方案26第六章 综合数字智能交互平台276.1综合数字智能交互通讯平台系统架构276.2综合数字智能交互通讯平台系统接口实现方式286.3动态视频分析可疑治安事件预警平台系统296.3.1预警平台系统研发背景简介296.3.2预警平台系统简介306.3.3系统技术特点316.4 应急综合指挥卡口系统326.4.1卡口系统设计336.4.2卡口系统特点34第七章 结论与展望 36 阿拉善公安局应急指挥综合系统设计摘 要近几年,我盟经济发展迅速,面临的社会治安形势日益严峻,


7、足,有效打击、预防街面犯罪,方便事后调查取证和专案侦察,最大限度压缩犯罪空间,增强威慑力,提高社会治安管理水平。将所有新建和已有的监控点位都接入平台系统,实现整个系统的摄像机资源管理,再综合公安机关已经建成的人口、机动车、指纹等八大资源数据库,集“110、122、119”三台合一接处警系统、视频监控报警系统、GPS卫星定位系统、卡口系统、治安数字化防控体系工程等系统融合对接,整合公安内外信息资源,对于公安机关各警种合成作战具有重大意义。盟应急联动指挥中心一级平台包括 高清数字监控平台 GIS采集平台 人群聚集智能分析及视频故障检测子系统 GPS指挥调度系统 重点区域部位制高点监控子系统 卡口监

8、控子系统 智能交互系统开发技术特点 统一规划 系统建设统一规划,按照政府统一要求和部署,采用高科技、新方法对城市管理进行综合分析和管理监控,提高城市管理水平和城市运行效率,增强城市应对突发事件的应急能力,加快城市数字化进程。 统一标准 系统建设在符合国家和行业相关标准及地方标准的建设要求基础上,“统一编解码标准、统一联网协议、统一控制协议、统一编号规则、统一图像标注、统一位置标识”。 技术先进 采用主流的、先进的技术构建系统平台,实现“指挥点对点可视化、系统运行数字化、应对决策扁平化”,使阿拉善盟城市可视化管理、应急指挥和治安防控数字化水平进入全国乃至世界的先进行列。 稳定可靠 系统采用的软硬

9、件根据统一的规范、协议和要求选型,根据最新的标准规范,并经过具有相应资格的软件评测中心、产品检测中心的测试,质量达标,性能稳定,能够持续有效运行,满足城市管理24小时持续运行的需要。 资源共享 盟市级公共安全数字防控应急系统集成平台的建设应满足各部门、各应用系统对视频资源共享的需求,为监控资源数字化整合共享提供接口支持。视频信息不仅要满足治安监控、城市管理、交通管理、应急指挥等的需求,而且还能兼顾火灾等灾难事故预警、安全生产监控、环境保护等方面对视频资源的需求。 信息安全 盟市级公共安全数字防控应急系统集成平台构建信息传输专网,保证专网专用,安全畅通,社会监控资源通过互联网或VPN接入时,需采

10、用严格的网络隔离和安全措施;视频专网与公安内网之间通过网闸隔离,确保各专网的信息安全。关键技术 流媒体转发技术 采用基于流媒体转发服务器的的传输方式进行实时视频的分发,有效节约了网络带宽。系统支持多级转发,并穿透多级防火墙,向警用GIS综合指挥控制系统等外部系统或客户转发,在保证安全性的前提下,为用户提供自由、灵活的视频访问方式。 视频资源共享 采用基于WebService技术方式实现视频信息在GIS的展现,与GIS平台报警信息定位等功能结合,进行警情信息综合研判,为精准巡防提供指导;同时又保证了公安信息网的安全。系统创新u 高清视频智能分析:主要包括视频故障检测和人群聚集智能分析。视频故障检

11、测通过视频分析技术,能及时检测出视频源的无信号、亮度异常、视频模糊、噪声干扰、偏色、波纹等多种视频故障并发出告警;人群聚集智能分析实现对重点部位、重点区域的非正常人群聚集自动报警。u 重点区域制高点监控:在人群聚集的重点区域安装视角宽广的一体化高清激光夜视仪,该夜视仪在光线暗淡时能自动转至夜晚模式,具备较好的夜视效果,并且能设置360度自动巡航模式,实现基本无阻挡的大范围监控。制高点监控结合人群聚集智能分析技术,可以实现对重点区域非正常人群聚集的早发现、早报警、早处理,以避免重大的社会群体性事件的发生。u GIS采集平台:基于GIS技术、RS技术、GPS技术、网络通讯技术、集成技术等技术研制开

12、发,采用B/S、C/S结构相结合的方式,民警通过B/S浏览器远程读取数据、编辑数据,数据管理员通过C/S客户端管理整合数据,保证系统的使用性和数据的安全性。平台结合指挥调度、人口管理、治安管理、刑事侦查、警卫、消防、交管等主要业务领域,实现主要业务信息上图,数据表达全面,形象直观。数据采集模块严格按照公安系统要求采集编码,内容可自定义设定,预留业务系统接入接口,可扩展接入任何授权的公安业务系统,实现各部门共享同一个地图,办理不同业务的需求。数据高度共享,采集形式、格式统一,在应急联动中各部门各警种可充分配合,提高事件处理效率。关键词:应急指挥 综合 系统项目设计 ALaShan Public

13、Security Bureau of emergency command system designAbstractIn recent years, my alliance economy develops rapidly, the social order situation is increasingly grim, security management still exist weak links. The nonnative personnel crimes in the proportion of high, and have gathered to form hoodlum ev

14、il force crime age signs; younger age; theft, assault, gambling, drugs, new cases also increased significantly, the social security of the seriousness of the situation, the complexity and repetition is not to be underestimated.If the social security environment is not stable, the economy development

15、 will bring certain negative effect. Therefore, to establish a set of covering the whole of society of City Surveillance and alarm system by means of science and technology, strict control network is necessary, in order to raise the social public security prevention and control ability, is effective

16、.At all levels of government, public security, where complex area of key units, main streets and communities, religious places, entertainment places, important junctions, the station, the bayonet and the establishment of video monitoring, the monitoring image real-time transmission to the public sec

17、urity organs and the other departments, can intuitively understand and master the monitoring region of the dynamic peace order situation, make up for lack of effective civil air defense, attack, prevent crimes, convenient for later investigation and project reconnaissance, the maximum compression of

18、 crime space, enhance the deterrent force, improve social security management.Will be all new and existing monitoring point access platform system, realize the whole system camera resource management, comprehensive public security organs have been built, the vehicle population, fingerprints and othe

19、r eight resources database, set 110, 122, 119 three in one alarm system, video surveillance alarm system, the GPS satellite positioning system mount systems, security, digital control system engineering system integration and fusion butt, public information resources, public security organ for the p

20、olice synthesis operational significance.Au emergency command center a platform includeshigh-definition digital monitoring platformGIS acquisition platformcrowd gathered intelligence analysis and video fault detection systemGPS command and dispatch systemkey regional site commanding elevation monito

21、ring subsystembayonet monitoring subsystemintelligent interaction systemDevelopment and technical characteristics ofunified planningSystem construction to unite program, unified deploy according to government requirements and, using high-tech, new method of city management to conduct a comprehensive

22、 analysis and management control, improve the level of city management and city operational efficiency, enhance a city to deal with unexpected events of the emergency response capacity, accelerate the process of digital city.uniform standardsSystem construction in line with national and industry sta

23、ndards and local standards based on the requirements of the construction, unified coding standard, unified network protocol, unified control protocol, unified numbering rules, unified image annotation, unified location identification .Will be advanced technologyThe mainstream, advanced technology to

24、 build a system platform, achieve commanding point visualization, digital, system operation response decisions flat, make in the city visualization management, emergency command and security control of digital level to enter the country and even the world advanced cavalcade.Is stable and reliableSys

25、tem using hardware and software according to the uniform standard, protocol and requirements selection, according to the new standard, and after qualified software testing center, product testing center of testing, quality, stable performance, to meet the continued effective operation, the city mana

26、gement 24 hours of continuous operation of the.resource sharingAlliance municipal public security digital control emergency system integration platform construction should meet the various departments, various application systems on video sharing resources demand for monitoring of digital resources

27、integration and sharing, to provide interface support. Video information should not only meet the needs of security monitoring, city management, traffic management, emergency command and other needs, but also consideration of fire disaster early warning, monitoring of production safety, environmenta

28、l protection and other aspects of the video resource demand.information securityAlliance municipal public security digital control emergency system integration platform of information transmission network, ensure the network is safe and smooth, special, social control resources via the Internet or a

29、ccess VPN, need to adopt strict network isolation and safety measures; video network and public network through the gap, to ensure that the network information security.Key technologystreaming media transmission technologyBased on the streaming media server, the transmission of real-time video distr

30、ibution, effectively saving network bandwidth. System supporting multi transmitting, and penetrates the multi-level firewalls, to police GIS integrated command and control system and other external systems or customer forwards, on the premise of safety, to provide users with a free, flexible video a

31、ccess mode.Is a video sharingbased on WebService technology realization of video information in the GIS show, and the GIS platform alarm information positioning function combination of alarm information, undertake comprehensive analysis, accurate patrol to provide guidance; and guarantee of public i

32、nformation network security.System innovationThe HD video intelligent analysis: including video fault detection and crowd gathered intelligence analysis. Video malfunction detection by video analysis technology, the timely detection of video source signal abnormalities, brightness, fuzzy, video nois

33、e, partial color, corrugated and other video fault and alarm; the crowd gathered intelligence analysis for key positions, key regions of the non normal group aggregation automatic alarm.The focus of regional commanding elevation monitoring: crowded areas to install a broad perspective of integrated

34、HD laser night vision instrument, the night vision in dim light can be automatically transferred to night mode, have better night vision effect, and can set the 360 degree automatic cruise mode, the basic no barrier in large range monitoring. Commanding elevation monitoring combined with the crowd g

35、athered intelligence analysis technology, can realize the key area of non normal crowd of early detection, early treatment, early warning, to avoid significant social group events.The GIS collection platform based on GIS technology, RS: technology, GPS technology, network communication technology, i

36、ntegrated technology developed by B/S, C/S structure, combining the police through the B/S browser, remote reading data, editing the data, the data administrator through the C/S client management integration of data, ensure the system use and data safety. Platform combines dispatch, population manag

37、ement, security management, criminal investigation, security, fire protection, traffic and other main business areas, the realization of the main business of the comprehensive information, data expression, visual image. The data acquisition module in strict accordance with the requirements of public

38、 security system coding, content can be customized settings, reservation service system access interface, extensible access any authorized by the public security service system, realize the various departments share the same map, for different business demands. A high degree of data sharing, data ac

39、quisition form, uniform format, in the emergency departments can cooperate fully with the police, to improve the efficiency of event handling.Key words: emergency command system project design公安应急指挥综合系统设计第 一 章 引 言1.1研究背景二十一世纪是信息化的世纪。人类正经历一场全球性的科技革命,以信息技术和生命工程为主要标志的科技进步日新月异。38随着社会经济的发展,随着人口、资金、物资的大流动




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