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1、 湘潭大学博士学位论文企业集群的内生性成长研究姓名:刘巨钦申请学位级别:博士专业:政治经济学指导教师:刘长庚20071115摘要企业集群的成长是一个动态演进的过程,但不少学者把其当作一个静态问题来分析,国内有些学者甚至把企业集群的成长看成一个可人为操作的过程,仍在用计划经济的思维方式来考虑企业集群的成长问题。综合起来看,学者们对企业集群成长问题的研究站在“ 宏观”角度的多,站在“微观”角度的少;站在 “集群外”的多,站在“集群内 ”的少;站在政府角度的多,站在企业角度的少;站在静态角度的多,站在动态角度的少;研究成长外因的多,研究成长内因的少。没有深入到企业集群内部,把企业集群当作一个自组织来

2、研究其成长的内在机理,企业集群成长问题目前仍然是一个具有很强“黑箱性质” 的问题,人 们对其内在成长规律的认识还明显不足。凡是能潜在地或实际地影响企业价值(租金)创造的所有事项均可视为资源。广义的资源包括狭义资源、知识与企业能力。企业的成长是以资源为基础的。本文基于资源的视角,深入剖析企业为什么要走向集群化成长?解释企业集群的成长为什么是内生性的?企业集群如何基于资源形成自己的竞争优势?企业集群独特的资源优势形成的深层次动因又是什么?企业集群成长的边界在哪里?并进一步论证企业集群作为生产性网络化自组织所应具备的组织特征和特殊治理结构。最后,通过分析中国企业集群成长中的问题,从以资源为基础的视角


4、争优势来源的战略性资源;企业集群的核心资源最终转化为企业集群的市场竞争优势和顾客价值,企业的成长是企业内部资源和外部环境相匹配的产物。企业集群内生性成长的基础是集群内多样化发展的资源、技术与组织能力,包括一个敢于创新、富有企业家精神的企业家群体。这就是企业集群以资源为基础的内生性成长的内在逻辑,即集群内特定性要素 集群核心资源 集群竞争优势和顾客价值。因而,本文的结论是企业集群是以资源为基础的内生性成长。在此基础上,本文分析了企业集群的性质,构建了关于企业集群成长的内生演化框架和内生要素模型。I追求更强的竞争优势既是企业集群化的初衷,也是企业集群持续成长的条件。本文从以资源为基础的视角探讨了企

5、业集群竞争优势的形成机理,构建了一个关于企业集群的竞争优势作用模型,认为企业集群的竞争优势不是来源于传统理论所认为的战略选择,而是来源于企业集群所拥有的资源禀赋及其资源整合能力(或组织能力),特定的资源、知识和能力构成了企业集群的长期竞争优势。具体来说,企业集群的竞争优势来源于集群的创新资源、交易资源和集群客户资源。企业集群必须基于资源基础,以内生性成长为动力培育竞争优势。传统的“市场 企业”两分法忽 视了企业间 合作的事实。对企业合作的需要是企业集群化成长的起点,企业的集群化是为了培育和分享集群的独特资源优势。单个企业不可能拥有所有必要的全部知识、资源和能力,群内企业间需要基于产业和产品价值



8、题。可以从资产专用性、不确定性程度、交易重复发生的频率、企业的核心能力和市场规模五个维度来考察企业集群的组织边界。基于交易成本的视角,企业集群的边界会停止在集群内企业的交易成本与市场交易成本相等的那一点上;基于企业核心能力的视角,企业集群的边界会停止在集群内企业由于核心能力互补带来的边际收益与由此带来的边际成本相等的那一点上。企业集群的治理无论从治理主体、治理对象,还是从治理机制上都打破了传统的治理概念,因而许多学者不认为企业集群存在治理问题。其实这是由于很多人对 II“治理”的概念理解过于狭窄所致。有效的治理是任何一个经济组织得以有效运行的重要保障。企业集群作为独立生产单位的空间网络化集聚形


10、重要作用。关键词:企业集群;资源基础;内生性;成长机理;联合治理IIIAbstractsThe growth of the enterprise clusters is a dynamic evolution process, but manyscholars treat it as a static question. Some domestic scholars even regard it as anartificial operation process in light of the planned economy way. It is generallyrecognized tha

11、t scholars have addressed the problem in macro scope instead of in microscope; from outside instead of from inside; from the angle of government instead of fromenterprise; in static way instead of in dynamic way; on external factors instead of oninternal factors. People have not fully understood the

12、 intrinsic growth rule because theyhave not penetrated into the interior of enterprise clusters and investigated it as aself-organization, but left it as a “black box”.It is possible to regard all those that exert effects on enterprise value (rent)potentially or actually as resources, which, broadly

13、 speaking, cover knowledge,enterprise ability and resources in their narrow sense. Enterprise growth takes theresources as foundation. In light of resources, this study addressed the problems, such as,why the enterprises resort to cluster growth? why the growth of enterprise cluster isendogenous? ho

14、w the enterprise cluster form its competitive advantage is based onresources? what is the motivation for the formation of clusters unique resourcesadvantage? where is the boundary of growth? Whats more, the study explored theenterprise clusters organization characteristic and the special governing s

15、tructure as aproduction network organization. Finally, suggestions on the endogenous growth ofenterprise clusters in China were put forward from the perspective of resources.Enterprise clusters use the way of resourced-based endogenous growth. Uniqueresources and ability constitute its long-term com

16、petitive advantage and the growth is anendogenous evolutionary process. Clusters advantages mainly come from the particularfactors such as interior specialized division of labor, exterior efficiency, competition andthe cooperation mechanism, clusters study or network mechanism, clusters innovationor

17、 culture and so on. These factors are conducive to the access to the core resourcesincluding innovation resources, cooperation resources, customer resources, transactionresources and organization resources, which promote enterprise clusters growth. Forenterprises outside, these resources are scarce

18、and valuable, and they are hard to beimitated, hard to be duplicated, hard to be substituted, hard to flow. They will disappearwhen they are separated from the clusters. All of them make up of strategic resources forenterprise clusters competitive advantage because of their mutual dependence andIVin

19、tegrity. The core resources of enterprise clusters eventually turn into competitiveadvantages in the market and customer value. The growth of enterprise depends on thesuited production of internal resources and external environment. Their endogenousgrowth depends on the diversification of resources

20、development, technology,organizational capacity and innovation-oriented entrepreneurs. The inherent logic ofendogenous growth in resource-based enterprise clusters consists of specific internalfactors core resources competitive advantages and customer value. It isconcluded that enterprise clusters e

21、ndogenous growth is based on resources. On thisbasis, enterprise clusters nature was analyzed, as a result, framework of endogenousevolution and factor model was built.The pursuit of greater competitive advantage is the original intention of enterpriseclusters and is also the conditions of clusters

22、sustained growth. From the resource-basedperspective, this study discussed the formation mechanism of competitive advantages inclusters and constructed a model. It argued that competitive advantages of enterprisecluster did not result from strategic choice as the traditional theory thought but from

23、theresources that enterprises owned and its ability to integrate them (or organizationalcapacity). Particular resources, knowledge and ability result in enterprise clusterslong-term competitive advantages. In other words, enterprise clusters competitiveadvantages depend on innovation resources, tran

24、sactions resources and costumerresources. An enterprise cluster must be based on resources and cultivate competitiveadvantages by the drive of endogenous growth.The traditional dichotomy “market enterprise” ignores cooperation amongenterprises which is the starting point of growth for enterprise clu

25、sters. Using the way ofclusters for enterprises is to cultivate the unique resource advantages. Individualenterprise can not have all the necessary knowledge, resources and capabilities butenterprises in cluster can establish a resource-based production network after theircooperation on industry and

26、 production value chain. In the dynamic evolution process,knowledge and resources are continuously accumulated, allocation capability ofentrepreneurs is continuously increased, competition and cooperation mechanism iscontinuously optimized and market competitiveness is continuously upgraded. Theaccu

27、mulation of resources and gain of advantages is the self-enhancement mechanismand self-reliance path. The life cycle of an enterprise cluster does not necessarily end upwith recession because of its leap and a renewable period based on innovation resources.The primary motivation for resources advant

28、ages in an enterprise cluster stems fromthe particular internal heterogeneity factors which are locked in clusters, hardly to beVgiven openly form by element market or imitated and substituted by enterprises outside.With the development of clusters, unique factors play more important roles in cluste

29、rsgrowth instead of homogeneous factors. It is the existence of those unique factors thatmakes each enterprise cluster posses its distinctive characteristics and endogenousadvantages and this is conducive to the formation of its unique dynamic mechanism topromote its constant growth. The unique part

30、icular factors mainly include specializeddivision of labor, the external economies of scale, competition and collaboration,clusters learning and networking mechanism, entrepreneurship and so on. Internalaccumulation of knowledge, especially the creation, the use, the transfer and sharing, isan impor

31、tant power for the cluster endogenous growth. A cluster study can transfer theknowledge and ability of an individual and an enterprise to those of a cluster. Theenterprise cluster growth is essentially a process of innovation by entrepreneurshipwhich makes great momentum for its sustainable endogeno

32、us growth.Due to the constraints of resources and markets, there is a boundary of clustersgrowth which can be inspected from five dimensions, namely, assets proprietary,uncertainty, frequency of recurring transactions, core competencies and the size ofmarket. From the perspective of clusters core ab

33、ility, the border would end up at thepoint where marginal profits are equal to marginal cost. But from the perspective oftransaction cost, the border would end up at the point where transaction cost and markettransaction within the enterprises in clusters.Many scholars, because of their narrow under

34、standing of “governance”, dontbelieve the existence of governance in clusters because governance in clusters breaks thetraditional concepts of main governance bodies, governance targets and governancemechanism. The effective governance is an important safeguard for the efficient runningof an economi

35、c organization. As the space network-oriented gathering form in anindependent production unit, an enterprise cluster has the features of organizationsbetween enterprises and markets. At the same time, their internal activities are affectedgreatly by local community network because of their instituti

36、onal characteristics.Reflected in the internal enterprise it has a significant feature of dual governance systemwhich consist of middle contract governance and social network-embedded governance.As a kind of production network constituted by numerous enterprises and relevantagencies, enterprise clus

37、ters principal contradiction lies in the interaction amongenterprises in a cluster, therefore, the enterprise cluster governance is focused on theestablishment of cooperation arrangement and confidence-building mechanisms. Thisdissertation argues on the establishment of an allied governance mechanis

38、m forVIcontracted governance, confidence-building, cultural governance, and (autonomy)organization governance, bilateral or trilateral regulated governance. Meanwhile, thegovernment plays an important role in guiding, leading, protecting and shaping afavorable environment for promoting clusters gove

39、rnance and facilitating theirdevelopment.Keywords: Enterprise cluster; Resource base; Endogenous growth mechanism;Allied governanceVII湘潭大学学位论文原创性声明本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所取得的外,本论文不包含任何其他个人或究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的法律后果由本人承担。作者签名: 日期: 2007年 1

40、1月 15日学位论文版权使用授权书本学位论文作者完全了解学校有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,同意学校保留并向国家有关部门或机构送交论文的复印件和电子版 ,允许论文被查阅和借阅。本人授权湘潭大学可以将本学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索,可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存和汇编本学位论文。涉密论文按学校规定处理。作者签名:导师签名:日期: 2007年 11月 15日日期: 2007年 11月 15日第一章绪言1. 1选题背景与意义1. 1. 1 选题背景当今的企业发展正在演绎着一个空间悖论。在全球化与信息化条件下,企业往往只要通过网络就能从世界各地获取资本、商品、信息、技术与人才,

41、这样,似乎企业地处何处对其本身的竞争力影响越来越小。然而现实恰恰相反,我们看到区域在企业发展中的作用非但没有削弱,反而比传统时代更为加强了,企业集群的迅猛发展深刻地表明了这一点。在当今世界经济的地图上,企业集群不仅没有被消失,反而越来越壮大,许多产业领域为集群所控制。许多中小企业甚至大型企业提升其核心竞争能力的发展战略之一就是加入企业集群,形成集聚效应,众多企业将大量的资源根据市场的需要,通过建立企业间合理的竞合组织关系和市场关系而在有限的空间高效地积聚配置,以实现潜在利润的最大化。这种在全球化背景下区域因企业集群的发展而表现出的“粘性” ,即产业在空间上的集聚程度并没有因为生产过程的分散而下

42、降, 而是在光滑的产业空间内形成了一些粘滞的结点,从而吸引生产活动在这里高度集聚。另外,由于企业集群、分工细化和在社会文化方面的根植性,展能力。这些区域获得了较高的经济效率和持续的创新与发在经济全球化的背景下,日益发展的交通、通讯技术使得资本、劳动力、技术和信息等资源的流动性大大增强,对区域的依附日益减弱。当生产要素的国际流动越来越强时,区位替代的可能性变得越来越大,表现为企业在区位选择上的更多自由和生产经营活动向全球扩散的趋向,这种趋势尤其表现在以跨国公司为代表的企业生产经营活动的全球布局。因此,地区间的竞争变成了“持久力的比赛”或“投标战” (Storper, 1997)。与这一趋势相对应

43、的是一种本地化的现象。即,越来越多的区域出现以具有共同的社会文化背景的大量企业集聚成群来获得竞争优势,并参与经济竞争,促进区域经济增长。生产经营活动全球化并没有使企业的生产经营活动在空间分布上趋于均衡,恰恰相反,区域发展呈现高度不均衡的状态,即便在一国之内,不同区域之间也常常是繁荣与衰退并存,发展与停滞同在,区域内不同主体之间的贸易与非贸易的相互依赖超越了地方自然禀赋而成为决定区域产业活力的关键(Krugman,1991a)。在这些区域,由于创新能力和竞争力的提高,而表现出对市场变动的较高承受能力和地方产业结构调整的灵活性。国内外的企业以资金、知识、技术、管理 1经验和人才等要素大量流入,在一


45、得了很好的成效。许多发展中国家也在借鉴发达国家发展企业集群的经验,产业政策来积极发展具有本国特色和国际竞争力的企业集群,和新的经验。并积极推通过综合运用各种有不少成功的范例企业集群在全球范围内的研究和实践方兴未艾。企业集群( Enterprises Cluster)的英文全称为“ local clusters ofenterprises”或为“ 企业簇 ”、“产业群簇”等,还有的地方称之为“产业集群”。个别地方用 “产业群 ”的称谓,我国有的学者将“industrial clusters”译为“专业镇 ”、“特色工业园区”等。企业集群作为 一种典型的经济活动空间现象,很早就引起了学者们的注意。

46、人类许多经济活动曾经受交通与通讯技术的限制和自然资源与市场位置对生产活动选址的束缚而呈现明显的空间集聚趋向。现代,随着交通和通讯技术的发展,一些生产活动可以分解成不同的阶段,企业间跨区域物质与信息交流能力越来越强,并根据各生产阶段的特点在全球范围内寻找不同的生产区位,为我们描绘了一幅新的产业空间景象。但是,生产本地化的特征并没有消失,程的分散而下降,具有一定关联度的企业在空间上的集聚程度并没有因为生产过反而是技术和知识创新极大地突显了地方企业集群的重要性和优势。在美国,硅谷和波士顿 128号公路两侧成了高新科技、人才精英和创新的代名词;意大利东北部及中部的艾米利亚罗马格纳地区因企业集群发展迅速

47、而素有“第三意大利 ”之称。发展中国家的企业集群正在崛起,如印度班加罗尔的软件业、中国台湾的计算机企业集群、北京中关村的信息产业等。在中国,企业集群几乎是与开发区同时发展起来的。几乎每个省市都有发育程度不同的产业集群,其中尤以浙江省、广东省和江苏省最为集中。在浙江省多个企业集群(浙江省内称为“块状经济88个县市区中,有 85个县市区形成了 800”)。目前浙江已形成 产值 超过亿元的企业集群 300多个,其中 10-50亿元的 90多个, 50-100亿元的 10 多个,超过2100亿元的有 4个,区内企业约 13万家,就业人数 600万人,平均约 46 人,主要为中小企业,总产值占全省的60

48、%,平均经济增长约高于全省平均3-5 个百分点。广东省仅传统产业领域比较成熟的企业集群就接近60个,广东“ 四小龙”南海、顺德、中山、东莞都是典型的集群经济,如顺德就是以“两家一花”,即家电企业群、家具企业群和花卉企业群作为全区经济的支撑。 从这些事例可以看出,所有经济繁荣的地区都可以发现企业集群,特别是中小企业集群的存在。在一些经济发展比较快的区域,中小企业甚至支撑着区域经济发展的大部分江山。很多地区的中小企业并不是离散地、相互孤立地发展的,而是相互依赖、相互簇拥紧密抱团,构成一个个专业特色鲜明的中小企业集群。作为一种能够有效提升区域竞争力的经济组织形式,近年来,由于中小企业在经济发展中的地位日益提高,如何通过企业集群化提高中小企业的竞争力成为学者、企业家与政府官员共同关注的焦点。扶持企业集群,特别是中小企业集群


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