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1、exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued strict enforcement of labor protection articles, he

2、alth standards, and do a good job post workers labor protection wear, guaranteed post workers safety and health; 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Assistant Superintendent of security responsibilities 1, Director of the workshop on the safety of the unit responsible, De

3、puty Director in charge of business-wide security work; 2, seriously carry out the party and the countrys work safety laws, regulations, standards, and research on safety technology, exemplary in the implementation of operational procedures and Safety Manager. 10, develop emergency plans and drills

4、are regularly organized. Group leaders safety duties 1 and carry out business and workshop on safety instructions and requirements, the teams overall responsibility for the safety and personal safety and health of workers; 2 organize and participate in security activities, adhere to safety, before c

5、lass to check security, after summing up the security system; 3, responsible for new workers (including internships, accompanying staff) job safety, education and the right to stop without the third-level education and safety assessment of qualified workers operate independently; 4, found accidents

6、signs and accidents take effective measures to prevent the situation from expanding and reporting; shall immediately report the accident and organized rescue, protect the scene, make detailed records, participate in accident investigations, organize workers to analyze the cause of the accident, the

7、implementation of preventive measures; 5, engaging in obvious danger or serious violations of the employee shall be entitled to stop the operation of the procedures and arrangements post operator, report to the leadership; 6 so as to improve safety and fire fighting facilities, equipment inspections

8、 and maintenance work, remain flexible to use, check the worker reasonable use of personal protective equipment, and proper use of fire fighting equipment. 7, focus on team-building, improve management level of teams. Keep the work site tidy, clean, realization of civilization, and do ideological an

9、d political work team; 8 so as to improve track safety contest, commend the advanced experiences. Craft safety responsibilities 1, responsible for their own safety in the context of work, ensure the safety and reliability of the technical work. 2, is responsible for the preparation of technical spec

10、ifications for the units security and safety management system. In the preparation of start up, shut down, or when equipment maintenance, technical feasibility, to have reliable health and safety measures and inspection of the implementation. 3, in the area of staff security technique and safety tra

11、ining, organization of technical training activities, regular assessment. 4, often goes into the field to checkproduction safety situation, potential accident is discovered in time to propose measures to eliminate them, to stop illegal operations. Do not scatter in an emergency, to stop their work,

12、and to immediately report to the management. 5 participate in workshop equipment, changes in technology programme and review of roasting temperature curve is modified, to comply with safety requirements and product requirements. 6 participate in any accident investigation, analysis, and find out the

13、 reason, responsibility and come up with preventive measures, and shall promptly report to the leadership or authority. 7, making maintenance, shutdown, work programme, in particular when process changes, mapping work well before start. Level 1 employee safety responsibilities, conscientiously study

14、 the relevant safety instructions, rules and safety procedures, mastering the post operating rules; 2, must wear PPE as required operation, proper use and proper storage of protective equipment and fire-fighting equipment; 3, work will focus on safety, stable operation and strictly observe labour di

15、scipline and process discipline and conscientiously records, gang, leave, is strictly prohibited in the post, not sleeping, slapstick and other disciplinary matters, to discourage the illegal actions of others and . 2, responsible for fire analysis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and anal

16、ysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigation, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously study and abide by the safety rules and regulations, in strict compliance with the prohibitions and provisions of safety, perform gua

17、rd duties. 2, before the operation, wear appropriate PPE, implement security measures, issuing safety permits, inspection tools, instruments are in good condition. 3, any electrical appliance without inspection, shall be deemed to have access to electricity, is forbidden to touch. 4, electrical main

18、tenance, you must stop, cut off power, and hang up the “no close“ warning signs before they can work. 5, good job in electricity, maintenance records, easily lead to key parts of ongoing supervision and inspection of the accident.三、朗读短文(400 个音节,共 30 分,限时 4 分钟) 作品 37 号1一位访美中国女作家,在纽约遇到一位卖花的老太太(lotiti)

19、。老太太穿着(chunzhu )破旧,身体虚弱,但脸上的神情却是那样祥和兴奋(xnfn)。女作家挑了一朵花说:“看起来,你很高兴。”老太太面带微笑地说:“是的,一切都这么美好,我为什么不高兴呢?”“对烦恼,你倒真能看得开。”女作家又说了一句。没料到,老太太的回答更令女作家大吃一惊:“耶稣在星期五被钉上十字架时,是全世界最糟糕的一天,可三天后就是复活节。所以,当我遇到不幸时,就会等待三天,这样一切就恢复正常了。“等待三天”,多么富于哲理的话语,多么乐观的生活方式。它把烦恼和痛苦抛下,全力去收获快乐。沈从文在“ 文革”期间,陷入了非人的境地。可他毫不在意,他在咸宁时给他的表侄、画家黄永玉写信说:“

20、这里的荷花真好,你若来”身陷苦难却仍为(wi)荷花的盛开欣喜赞叹不已,这是一种趋于澄明(chnmn)的境界,一种旷达洒脱(stu )的胸襟,一种面临磨难坦荡从容的气度。一种对生活童子(tnz)般的热爱和对美好事物无限向往的生命情感。由此可见,影响一个人快乐的,有时并不是困境及磨难,而是一个人的心态。如果把自己浸泡在积极、乐观、向上的心态中,快乐必然会/占据你的每一天。2在繁华的巴黎大街的路旁,站着一个衣衫褴褛(lnl)、头发斑白、双目失明的老人。他不像其他乞丐那样伸手向过路行人乞讨,而是在身旁立一块木牌,上面写着:“我什么也看不见!”街上过往的行人很多,看了木牌上的字都无动于衷,有的还淡淡一笑

21、,便姗姗(shnshn)而去了。这天中午,法国著名诗人让彼浩勒也经过这里。他看看木牌上的字,问盲老人:“老人家,今天上午有人给你钱吗?”盲老人叹息着回答:“我,我什么也没有得到。”说着,脸上的神情非常悲伤。让彼浩勒听了,拿起笔悄悄地在那行字的前面添上了“春天到了,可是”几个字,就匆匆地离开了。晚上,让彼浩勒又经过这里,问那个盲老人下午的情况。盲老人笑着回答说:“先生,不知为什么,下午给我钱的人多极了!” 让彼浩勒听了,摸着胡子满意地笑了。“春天到了,可是我什么也看不见!”这富有诗意的语言,产生这么大的作用,就在于它有非常浓厚的感情色彩。是的,春天是美好的,那蓝天白云,那绿树红花,那莺歌燕舞(y

22、n-ynw),那流水人家(rnji ),怎么不叫人陶醉呢?但这良辰美景,对于一个双目失明的人来说,只是一片漆黑。当人们想到这个盲老人,一生中竟连万紫千红的春天/都不曾看到,怎能不对他产生同情之心呢?3 高兴,这是一种具体的被看得到摸得着(mdezho)的事物所唤起的情绪。它是心理的,更是生理的。它容易来也容易去,谁也不应该(yni)对它视而不见失之交臂,谁也不应该总是做那些使自己不高兴也使旁人不高兴的事。让我们说一件最容易做也最令人高兴的事吧,尊重你自己,也尊重别人,这是每一个人的权利,我还要说这是每一个人的义务。快乐,它是一种富有概括性的生存状态、工作状态。它几乎是先验的,它来自生命本身的活

23、力,来自宇宙、地球和人间的吸引,它是世界的丰富、绚丽、阔大、悠久的体现。快乐还是一种力量,是埋在地下的根脉(nmi)。消灭一个人的快乐比挖掘(wju )掉一棵大树的根要难得多。欢欣,这是一种青春的、诗意的情感。它来自面向着未来伸开双臂奔跑的冲力,它来自一种轻松而又神秘、朦胧而又隐秘的激动,它是激情即将到来的预兆,它又是大雨过后的比下雨还要美妙得多也久远得多的回味喜悦,它是一种带有形而上色彩的修养的境界。与其说它是一种情绪,不如说它是一种智慧、exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the

24、 establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of security work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued strict enforcement of labor protection articles, health standards, and do a good job post workers labor protection wear, guarant

25、eed post workers safety and health; 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Assistant Superintendent of security responsibilities 1, Director of the workshop on the safety of the unit responsible, Deputy Director in charge of business-wide security work; 2, seriously carry ou

26、t the party and the countrys work safety laws, regulations, standards, and research on safety technology, exemplary in the implementation of operational procedures and Safety Manager. 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Group leaders safety duties 1 and carry out business

27、 and workshop on safety instructions and requirements, the teams overall responsibility for the safety and personal safety and health of workers; 2 organize and participate in security activities, adhere to safety, before class to check security, after summing up the security system; 3, responsible

28、for new workers (including internships, accompanying staff) job safety, education and the right to stop without the third-level education and safety assessment of qualified workers operate independently; 4, found accidents signs and accidents take effective measures to prevent the situation from exp

29、anding and reporting; shall immediately report the accident and organized rescue, protect the scene, make detailed records, participate in accident investigations, organize workers to analyze the cause of the accident, the implementation of preventive measures; 5, engaging in obvious danger or serio

30、us violations of the employee shall be entitled to stop the operation of the procedures and arrangements post operator, report to the leadership; 6 so as to improve safety and fire fighting facilities, equipment inspections and maintenance work, remain flexible to use, check the worker reasonable us

31、e of personal protective equipment, and proper use of fire fighting equipment. 7, focus on team-building, improve management level of teams. Keep the work site tidy, clean, realization of civilization, and do ideological and political work team; 8 so as to improve track safety contest, commend the a

32、dvanced experiences. Craft safety responsibilities 1, responsible for their own safety in the context of work, ensure the safety and reliability of the technical work. 2, is responsible for the preparation of technical specifications for the units security and safety management system. In the prepar

33、ation of start up, shut down, or when equipment maintenance, technical feasibility, to have reliable health and safety measures and inspection of the implementation. 3, in the area of staff security technique and safety training, organization of technical training activities, regular assessment. 4,

34、often goes into the field to checkproduction safety situation, potential accident is discovered in time to propose measures to eliminate them, to stop illegal operations. Do not scatter in an emergency, to stop their work, and to immediately report to the management. 5 participate in workshop equipm

35、ent, changes in technology programme and review of roasting temperature curve is modified, to comply with safety requirements and product requirements. 6 participate in any accident investigation, analysis, and find out the reason, responsibility and come up with preventive measures, and shall promp

36、tly report to the leadership or authority. 7, making maintenance, shutdown, work programme, in particular when process changes, mapping work well before start. Level 1 employee safety responsibilities, conscientiously study the relevant safety instructions, rules and safety procedures, mastering the

37、 post operating rules; 2, must wear PPE as required operation, proper use and proper storage of protective equipment and fire-fighting equipment; 3, work will focus on safety, stable operation and strictly observe labour discipline and process discipline and conscientiously records, gang, leave, is

38、strictly prohibited in the post, not sleeping, slapstick and other disciplinary matters, to discourage the illegal actions of others and . 2, responsible for fire analysis and enter the Tower, tanks of gas metering and analysis data reported to the authorities. 3, responsible for accident investigat

39、ion, statistics and reporting work. 1 electrical safety responsibilities, conscientiously study and abide by the safety rules and regulations, in strict compliance with the prohibitions and provisions of safety, perform guard duties. 2, before the operation, wear appropriate PPE, implement security

40、measures, issuing safety permits, inspection tools, instruments are in good condition. 3, any electrical appliance without inspection, shall be deemed to have access to electricity, is forbidden to touch. 4, electrical maintenance, you must stop, cut off power, and hang up the “no close“ warning sig

41、ns before they can work. 5, good job in electricity, maintenance records, easily lead to key parts of ongoing supervision and inspection of the accident.一种超拔、一种悲天悯人(bitin-mnrn)的宽容和理解,一种饱经沧桑的充实和自信,一种光明的理性,一种坚定/的成熟,4很久以前,在一个漆黑的秋天的夜晚,我泛舟在西伯利亚一条阴森森的河上。船到一个转弯处,只见前面黑黢黢(hiqq )的山峰下面一星火光蓦地( md)一闪。火光又明又亮,好像就在

42、眼前“好啦,谢天谢地!”我高兴地说,“马上就到过夜的地方(dfn)啦!”船夫扭头朝身后的火光望了一眼,又不以为然地划浆来。“远着呢!”我不相信他的话,因为(ynwi)火光冲破朦胧的夜色,明明就在那儿(nr)闪烁。不过船夫是对的,事实上,火光的确(dqu)还远着呢。 这些黑夜的火光的特点是:驱散黑暗,闪闪发亮,近在眼前,令人神往。乍一看,再划几下就到了 其实却还远着呢!我们在漆黑如墨的河上又划了很久。一个个峡谷和悬崖,迎面驶来,又向后移去,仿佛消失在茫茫的远方,而火光却依然停在前头(qintou),闪闪发亮,令人神往依然是这么近,又依然是那么远 现在,无论是这条被悬崖峭壁的阴影笼罩的漆黑的河流,

43、还是那一星明亮的火光,都经常浮现在我的脑际,在这以前和在这以后,曾有许多火光,似乎近在咫尺(zhch),不止使我一人心驰神往。可是生活之河却仍然在那阴森森的两岸之间流着,而火光也依旧非常遥远。因此,必须加劲划桨然而,火光啊(n)毕竟 毕竟就/在前头!5那是力争上游的一种树,笔直的干(n),笔直的枝。它的干呢,通常是丈把高,像是加以人工似的(shde),一丈以内,绝无旁枝;它所有的丫枝(yzh)呢,一律向上,而且紧紧靠拢,也像是加以人工似的,成为一束,绝无横斜逸出;它的宽大的叶子也是片片向上,几乎(jh)没有斜生的,更不用说倒垂了;它的皮,光滑而有银色的晕圈(ynqun) ,微微泛出淡青色。这是

44、虽在北方的风雪的压迫下却保持着倔强(jujin)挺立的一种树!哪怕只有碗来粗细罢,它却努力向上发展,高到丈许,两丈,参天耸立,不折不挠,对抗着西北风。这就是白杨树,西北极普通的一种树,然而决不是平凡的树! 它没有婆娑(psu)的姿态,没有屈曲(q) 盘旋的虬枝(qizh),也许你要说它不美丽,如果美是专指“婆娑”或“横斜逸出”之类而言,那么白杨树算不得树中的好女子;但是它却是伟岸,正直,朴质,严肃,也不缺乏温和,更不用提它的坚强不屈与挺拔,它是树中的伟丈夫!当你在积雪初融的高原上走过,看见平坦的大地上傲然挺立这么一株或一排白杨树,难道你就只觉得树只是树,难道你就不想到它的朴质,严肃,坚强不屈,

45、至少也象征了北方的农民;难道你竟一点儿(ydinr) 也不联想到,在敌后的广大土 /地上,6有这样一个故事(shi) 。 有人问:世界上什么东西的气力( ql)最大?回答纷纭的很,有的说“象”,有的说“狮”,有人开玩笑似的说:是“金刚”,金刚有多少气力,当然大家全不知道。 结果(jiu) ,这一切答案完全不对,世界上气力最大的,是植物的种子(zhnzi) 。一粒种子所可以显现出来的力,简直是超越切。人的头盖骨,结合得非常致密(zhm)与坚固,生理学家和解剖(jipu)学者用尽了一切的方法,要把它完整地分出来,都没有这种力气。后来忽然有人发明了一个方法,就是把一些植物的种子放在要剖析的头盖骨里,

46、给它以温度与湿度,使它发芽。一发芽,这些种子便以可怕的力量,将一切机械力(jxil)所不能分开的骨骼() ,完整地分开了。植物种子的力量之大,如此如此。这,也许特殊了一点儿,常人不容易理解。那么,你看见笋的成长吗?你看见过被压在瓦砾和石块下面的一颗小草的生exchange experience in safety, commend advanced teams and individuals; 8, the establishment of the workshop safety management network, regular checking, arrangement of secu

47、rity work, workshop and team security officer role into full play; 9, issued strict enforcement of labor protection articles, health standards, and do a good job post workers labor protection wear, guaranteed post workers safety and health; 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organi

48、zed. Assistant Superintendent of security responsibilities 1, Director of the workshop on the safety of the unit responsible, Deputy Director in charge of business-wide security work; 2, seriously carry out the party and the countrys work safety laws, regulations, standards, and research on safety t

49、echnology, exemplary in the implementation of operational procedures and Safety Manager. 10, develop emergency plans and drills are regularly organized. Group leaders safety duties 1 and carry out business and workshop on safety instructions and requirements, the teams overall responsibility for the safety and personal safety and health of workers; 2 organize and participate in security activities, adhere to safety, before class to ch


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