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1、 博士学位论文集会自由权的限制研究作者姓名:指导教师:王江伟西南政法大学Southwest University of Political Science and Law1内容摘要集会自由权是非常重要的公民表达权利。保障公民的集会自由权,不仅是宪法实施的对象和内容,也是宪法实施的推力和动力,同时还是有效治理群体性事件的法治化思维和路径。然而,长期以来由于在特殊历史时期发生的事件所造成的影响,导致国人尤其是政府对公民的集会自由权存在一种主观和片面的认识,过于强调对社会秩序的维护,而严重忽略了对公民权利的保护。学界也未对集会自由权从学理角度展开系统而深入的讨论。过去三十年的经历表明:一方面,我国的

2、经济高速发展,但同时也产生了越来越多的社会矛盾与问题,其突出体现在群体性事件不断发生和升级上;另一方面,我国的法治和人权事业取得很大成就,民众权利意识日渐觉醒且权利需求日益高涨,但同时对公民的表达权利和政治参与权利的保障却进展缓慢。当下我国的社会治理迫切需要从以行政手段为主转向以法治手段为主,从偏重社会秩序维护转向社会秩序与权利保障并重。在这一新的时代背景下,给予我们重新思考集会自由权的契机和压力以反思和认真对待公民的集会自由权。如何认识公民的集会自由权?与大多数对宪法基本权利的研究不同,本文从权利限制的角度切入,从集会自由权的“概念界定” 、“法律限制”和“ 限制的限制”三个层次展开对集会自


4、实问题的解决具有一定程度的指导意义。具体而言,文章分五章展开对集会自由权限制的讨论与论证。第一章从本体论的角度探讨集会自由权的概念界定,也系从内在的角度勾勒集会自由权的界限。集会应具备“参与主体” 、“集会场所”、“ 共同目的”、“ 暂时性聚合”四个1要素。法律通常将集会主体界定为二人或三人以上,集会场所则通常被界分为室内和室外,而共同目的则使集会区别于偶然的聚集,暂时性聚合则使集会区别于结社。这四个要素再加上集会自由所固有和本质性的“和平性” 要素,构成 为本文所定义的集会自由,即多数人基于共同目的而暂时性地聚集于某一场所的自由,这种自由为任何人所享有且须以和平的方式行使。集会的自由与集会的

5、权利有一些细微的差别,自由古已有之,而权利观念则是现代人的发明。本章第二节对此进行了界分,但本文所谈论的集会自由是指现代权利意义上自由,将集会自由视为等同于集会权利,故以“集会自由权” 称之。为避免自由权的泛政治化倾向,文章更强调集会自由权的表达权利属性。同时区分了与集会自由权密切相关的概念,如公民不服从、抗议权和抵抗权。第二章从历史的角度考察了集会自由权的发展演进。现代权利意义上的集会自由是伴随着作为政治参与形式的请愿活动在 17世纪大量且成规模地发生而步入历史舞台,并于 18世纪末期首先在美国被法典化为一项具体的权利。而在宪政架构之下建构一套有效规范集会自由权的有序行使的理念、程序和方式,

6、则经历了 19世纪和 20世纪的漫长发展过程。集会自由权的历史就是集会自由限制的历史。只不过此种限制的性质在历史进程中最终发生了质变,在宪政体制尤其是实效性的宪法审查机制未发挥作用之前,对集会自由的限制近似于禁止,而经由宪法审查机制的调试,裨使集会自由的限制保持在合理的限度内。西方发达国家之所以能够在保障公民的集会自由权利与维持公共秩序之间大致保持相对合理的平衡,也是经历了一个观念转变、制度调试的历史过程。第三章从“程序限制 ”、“方式限制”和“场所限制” 对各国和地区法律限制集会自由权行使的三个主要方面进行集中的系统比较。在“程序限制” 方面,比较了事先限制集会自由行使的许可制和报备制。许可

7、是对禁止的解禁,非经许可不得为之,报备则系基于公民权利行使的一种通知行为,一经报备,即可为之。但问题的关键不在于限制集会自由的立法采许可制抑或报备制的名目,而在于其实质的内容规定,更为重要的是是否存在实效性的宪法审查机制,若有实效性宪法审查机制的存在,即使是采行许可制的国家或地区,对集会自由的限制也不会太过严格。在“方式限制” 方面,集会自由权的行使必须遵守和平义务,规范集会游行示威的方式主要包括携带武器的禁止、暴力行为或暴力倾向行为的禁止以及对可能刺激或挑起暴力行为的限制或禁止。在“场所限制”方面,集会自由权行使的场所大致可分为公物场所、私人场所和禁制区,不同场所类型对集会自由权行使的限制各

8、异。2第四章系统分析了目前两种最具代表性的宪法审查模式,并考察其在集会自由权案中的应用。以美国为代表的类型化多元审查模式针对不同的权利类型而适用不同的审查标准,并经由判例的积累发展形成了复杂而精细的宪法审查原理。而以德国为代表的比例原则审查模式,则可普遍适用于任何权利类型案件的审查,具有审查方式固定单一、容易操作使用的特点。两种宪法审查模式的适用均有助于使政府对公民集会自由权的限制保持在合理的限度内,从而保障公民集会自由权的行使。但类型化多元审查模式相较于单一比例原则审查模式的优点在于,其针对具体的集会自由权,发展出更为精细的“公共论坛”原理, 该原理为公众表达 权利的行使与政府对该权利行使的

9、限制提供了一个宪法上的规范框架,用以划定表达权利行使的界限和范围。其为解决公民表达权与政府对该权利的限制之间的平衡问题提供了具体可操作的规范原则,从而使宪法审查在权利救济之外更兼具有规则建构的功能。第五章回到对集会自由权与中国问题的讨论上。因为我国集会游行示威法对公民集会自由权行使的严格限制,导致立法对该权利的限制几近于禁止。若以“日常政治”和“非常政治 ”来划分不同的政治 时刻,该法应属于 “非常政治”背景下制定的一部法律,具有被动、应急、仓促出台的特点。考虑当时国际国内背景,对该法律的出台应抱以历史性的同情式理解。但同时,也应以历史性的发展式眼光看待这部法律。该法出台时的历史背景与要面对的

10、问题与经过二十余年高速经济发展之后的当下历史背景及其所要解决的问题迥然有异,该法律已极其不能满足于目前所迫切的社会秩序治理和社会管理创新的需要。文章认为,应当适时修改这部法律,认真对待集会自由权作为公民表达权的重要性,赋予公民此一有序化和制度化的表达途径,以实现群体性事件的法治化治理。关键词:集会自由权;表达自由;权利限制;宪法审查;社会治理3AbstractThe right to freedom of assembly is very important right of expression for everyone.Citizens enjoy this right not only

11、is the object and power to the implementation of theconstitution, but also is the effective path for governance mass incidents under the rule of law.For a long time, however, due to the incident happen in a special historical period, people andespecially the government there is a subjective and one-

12、sided understanding to the freedom ofassembly, too much emphasis on the maintenance of social order, and seriously ignored theprotection of the rights of citizens.The domestic scholars have not paid enough attention toassembly right, too. The experience of over the past 30 years development shows th

13、at: on theone hand, our country have a rapid economic development, but also it produced more andmore social contradictions and problems, mass incidents occur repeatedly and upgrade is theembodiment; on the other hand, the great achievements of the rule of law and human rights inChina, peoples right

14、consciousness is awakening and rising, but at the same time, thecitizens rights of expression and political participation rights is slow progress. our countryssocial governance need transformation from administrative means to the rule of law means,from emphasis on social order maintenance to the soc

15、ial order and pay equal attention toprotection of citizens rights. Under the background of the new era, giving us an opportunityto rethink assembly freedom.How to realize citizens assembly freedom? Unlike most of the studies of constitutionalbasic rights, this article study assembly freedom from the

16、 view of limitation of right, thecontent include definition, law limit and limit of restrictions three levels on the limitation onassembly freedom. From different levels study the limits and boundaries of assembly freedomis not only beneficial to the objective understanding this right, but also to p

17、romote andsafeguard this right realization. Furthermore, this article add historical perspective anddiscusses our countrys question. Historical perspective can make us to understand the processthat developed countries and regions how from a strictly limited transfer to a reasonableprotect assembly r

18、ight, this is more than simple compare countries and regions systemexperience, can give us more helpful guidance and inspiration.To our country reality questiondiscussion is made this papers study not only stay on the right of the discussion on the levelof theory and system, and to further thinking

19、to the real problem. Thus make the research of1this paper not only has the academic contribution of incremental, at the same time to solvepractical problems has certain guiding significance.Specifically, the article is mainly dividedinto five chapters in detail to discuss the limitation of assembly

20、freedom.The first chapter from the perspective of ontology to discusses the definition of assemblyfreedom. Assembly should include main body, meeting places, common purpose andtemporary polymerization four elements.These four elements, combined with the inherent andessential elements of assembly fre

21、edom, defined it in this paper that the majority of peopletemporarily based on common goal together in one place free, it is free for anyone to enjoyand to be exercised in a peaceful way. Assembly right and assembly freedom has some subtledifferences, there is the concept of freedom in ancient, and

22、the concept of rights is theinvention of the modern people. This chapter differentiate it in the second quarter, but thisarticle refer to assembly freedom is the modern right sense of freedom, assembly freedom asequivalent to assembly right, so call it “the right to freedom of assembly”. To avoid th

23、epoliticized tendency of liberty right, the article emphasis on expression attribute of assemblyfreedom. At the same time to distinguish the concept of closely related to assembly freedom,such as civil disobedience, rights to protest and right of resistance.The second chapter from the perspective of

24、 historical study to review the evolution ofassembly freedom.The right to freedom of assembly is accompanied by a petition campaignsas a form of political participation enter the historical stage in the 17th century, and became aspecific rights in the United States in the late 18th century. Under th

25、e constitutionalframework to construct a set of effective standard to rule the exercise of assembly freedomhas experienced a long developing process of the 19th and 20th centuries. The history ofassembly freedom is the history of limitation of assembly freedom. Just the nature of suchrestrictions ha

26、s been a qualitative change in the historical process, before the constitutionalgovernment system especially the constitution review mechanism did not work, restrictionson assembly freedom is akin to ban, and by way of the constitution review mechanismdebugging to keep restrictions on assembly freed

27、om within reasonable limits. Westerndeveloped countries are able to keep a relatively reasonable balance between protection ofcitizens right and maintaining public order after experienced a long-time historical process.The third chapter is to systemic compare the national and regional laws which lim

28、it theassembly in “proceedure limit“, “method limit“, and “place limit“. In “proceedurel imit“, thischapter compared permission system with prior-notice system. Permit is free behavior from2ban. No permission, no act. Prior-notice is a notification behavior which based on the rights ofcitizens. Once

29、 is noticed, the behavior is permitted. But the crux of the problem lies not in thenames of permission system or prior-notice system, but in the substantial content. Moreimportant is whether there is actual effect of the constitution review mechanism. If theeffectiveness of the constitution review m

30、echanism exists, even in countries or regions whichadopted permission system, the restrictions on assembly will not be too strict. In “methodlimits“, exercising assembly right must abide by the obligation of peace,which mainlyincludes carrying weapons forbidden, violence forbidden as well as to the

31、likely to spur orinstigate violence. In “places limits”, places in assembly can be roughly divided into thepublic property, private place and banned area, different places have different restriction onassemly right.The fourth chapter describes two of the most representative modes of constitutionalre

32、view with system analysis, and inspects its application in the cases of assembly freedom.There are different standards adapt multiple reviews represented by America model fordifferent types of rights and apply, then through the accumulation of precedent developmentformed a complex and elaborate cons

33、titutional principle. While the pattern of proportionalityreview represented by Germany, can be widely applicable to any right of type case review, hasa fixed single review way, the characteristics are easy to operate. The application of the twokinds of constitutional review mode helps to keep the g

34、overnment restrictions on citizens rallyliberty within reasonable limits, to guarantee citizens freedom of assembly. However, typedmultivariate review mode compared with single proportionality review mode has theadvantage that freedom of assembly for specific, develop a more elaborate “public forum“

35、principle, the principle of the exercise of the rights for the public to express with thegovernment on the exercise of the right to limit provides a constitutional frameworkspecification, to delimit the express right to exercise the boundaries and scope. To solve thecitizens right of expression and

36、the government restrictions on the right balance betweenproblems provides the concrete operational principle; then to make the constitutional reviewmore rule constructional function outside of the relief of the right.The fifth chapter returns to rally liberty discussion with Chinas question. Because

37、 ourcountry the assembly act strict limits on the exercise of citizens rally liberty, lead tolegislative restrictions on the right was close to ban. If according as “normal politics“ and“constitutional political“ to differentiate different political moment, the law should belong to a3kind of law tha

38、t set down in “constitutional political“ background, has the characteristics ofthe passive, emergency and rushed out. Consider the international and domestic backgroundat that time, our should have a sympathise with historical understanding to thinking the law.But at the same time, our should also l

39、ook at the law with the historical development view.There is a huge different between the historical background and the facing problems andhistorical background and the facing problems after more than 20 years the high-speedeconomic development in today, the law has extremely not content with the cu

40、rrent pressingsocial order management and the need of the innovation of social management. According tothe article, it shall timely change the law, giving citizens this ordering and institutionalizationof express way, in order to realize the rule of law governance of mass incidents.Key Words: The ri

41、ght to freedom of assembly; the right to freedom of assembly;limitation of right; constitutional review; social governance4目 录导 论 1一、研究背景与问题. 1二、国内外文献综述. 5三、研究思路与方法. 13四、研究意义与创新. 16第一章集会自由权的概念界定 19第一节集会与集会自由 . 19一、集会的定义. 19二、集会的要素. 20三、集会自由的定义与内涵. 22第二节集会的“ 自由” 与集会的 “权利” . 24第三节作为表达权利的集会自由 . 27第四节相关

42、重要概念的区分 . 30一、集会自由与公民不服从. 31二、集会自由、抗议权与抵抗权. 34第二章集会自由权的历史发展与限制 38第一节集会自由的英国法背景 . 39第二节集会自由的法典化 . 41第三节集会自由的实践与管制 . 44一、大众政治与集会自由(18世纪末-19世纪末) 44二、管制方式的转变(19世纪末至二战前) 49第四节集会自由的保护与限制 . 53一、第一修正案的新生(二战后至 19世纪 60年代). 53二、“公共论坛 ”原理的确立( 19世纪 70年代至今) 551第三章集会自由权的法律限制 60第一节集会自由权的事先程序限制 . 60一、集会自由与事先许可制. 60二

43、、集会自由与事先报备制. 65三、许可制与报备制的比较. 68第二节集会自由权的和平义务与禁止暴力. 69一、集会自由的和平义务. 69二、集会自由与禁止携带武器. 71三、集会自由与禁止暴力行为. 73四、集会自由与暴力行为的预防. 77第三节集会自由权与场所使用限制. 82一、集会自由与公物使用限制. 83二、集会自由与禁制区限制. 89三、集会自由与私人场所使用限制. 90四、集会自由与场所使用的其它义务. 94第四章宪法审查:集会自由权限制的限制 97第一节集会自由权限制的类型化多元审查模式. 97一、基本权利限制的三重审查标准. 98二、表达自由案的审查原理:双轨理论. 106三、集

44、会自由案的审查原理:“公共论坛” 原理. 114第二节集会自由权限制的单一比例原则审查模式. 125一、比例原则与审查密度理论. 125二、比例原则审查在德国集会权判例中的适用. 131三、欧洲人权法院集会权案中的比例原则适用. 134第三节审查模式的比较与宪法审查的规则建构功能 . 141一、分类适用与单一适用. 142二、实质规范与空洞公式. 143三、客观规则和主观衡量. 1442第五章集会自由权的限制与中国问题 147第一节我国对集会自由的限制及其反思. 147一、集会自由的宪法限制. 147二、集会自由的法律限制. 150三、从历史视角反思对集会自由的限制. 155第二节公民表达权与

45、群体性事件的法治化治理. 160一、维稳视角下的“ 群体性事件 观” . 161二、权利视角下的“ 群体性事件 ”. 165三、集会自由权的功能与价值. 170四、群体性事件的法治化治理思维. 172五、我国集会游行示威法修订方向之探讨. 175六、小结. 178结论:迈向以权利限制为中心的宪法权利研究 179参考文献 183致 谢 197攻读学位期间的科研成果 1993集会自由权的限制研究导 论一、研究背景与问题毋庸置疑,经过改革开放以来三十余年的努力,我国不仅在经济发展领域取得了举世瞩目的奇迹,在法治建设领域也取得了很大的成就。2004年将“国家尊重和保障人权”庄重地写入宪法以及 2010

46、年中国特色社会主义法律体系的形成便是我国法治建设领域具有代表性的历史时刻。然而正如美国著名中国问题研究专家谢淑丽(Susan Shirk)教授的研究观点所认为的,虽然经济的高速发展使中国成长为一个超级大国,但发展背后产生的问题使其本身变的很脆弱。 1我国是一个尚未成为强国的大国已是不争的事实。在法治领域同样如此,尽管我国形成了完整的法律体系,但是却并不具备强有力的法治能力;虽然法律本身为民众描绘了一幅公平正义的蓝图,但是民众却并未享受到普遍的公平正义,尤其是宪法和法律的实施成为一个突出难解的问题。因而今后的法治建设之路亟待从法治建设的表层向纵深发展,从“形式法治” 走向“实质法治”,尚需“ 从

47、法治到社会主义宪政的转变、从法律体系构建到法治体系建设的转变、从法治的表面维稳向深 层次解决社会公平正义和权力腐败问题的转变”。2要完成这样的法治转型,关键在于宪法和法律的实施,而最根本的则是宪法的实施。为什么当下我国经济社会发展越来越好,老百姓的生活水平越来越改善,但是民众却越来越不信任政府、司法越来越缺乏公信力、法律越来越不被信仰等问题,其原因恐怕还在于长期以来政府对待法律的工具主义思维,将法律作为统治的工具,表面上是法律治理,实质上体现的是人治思维,深层次的原因是没有运用宪法和宪法理念来进行有效的社会治理。正如著名中国法研究学者陆思礼(Stanley Lubman)教授所指出的,“ 在中

48、国的传统和实践中,法律被视为统治社会的一套规则,而非被视为在人与政府机构组成的社会中创造权利的规范安排”。3过去三十年的法治建设所侧重的更多的是以法律维持社会秩序,今后三十年的法治建设应当更多地侧重以宪法保障公民权利。不仅要强调“依法治国”,更要着重于 “依宪 治国”;不仅要实现社会的安定有序与和谐发展,更要维护公民的基本人权和人性尊严。1 参见 Susan Shirk, China: Fragile Superpower, Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press, 2008.2李林:“中国法治的 现状、挑战与未来” ,新视野,2013年第 1

49、Stanley Lubman, Bird in a Cage: Legal Reform in China After Mao, Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999, p.297.期。31西南政法大学博士学位论文当前我国对宪法的重视、对宪法实施的关切已经上升到了一个很高的高度,习近平总书记在纪念现行宪法公布施行 30周年大会上的讲话中指出:“宪法与国家前途、人民命运息息相关。维护宪法权威,就是维护党和人民共同意志的权威。捍卫宪法尊严,就是捍卫党和人民共同意志的尊严。保证宪法实施,就是保证人民根本利益的实现。只要我们切实尊重和有效实施宪法,人民当家作主就有保证,党和国家事业就能顺利发展。反之,如果宪法受到漠视、削弱甚至破坏,人民权利和自由就无法保证,党和国家事业4就会遭受挫折。” 在全国上下普遍迫切需要推 动宪法实施的背景下,如何推动宪法实施,如何运用宪法和宪法理念来解决当下社会转型期的社会矛盾和问题,如何通过宪法治理来提升我国的社会治理能力和依法治国能力,便是亟须研究的一项课题。我国宪法由基本权利规范和国家机构规范两个主要部分组成,目前国家机构的设置和职权行使基本是依照宪法


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