1、幼儿园全英语颜色教案 幼儿园全英语颜色教案1 教学目标:1,让幼儿区分红色,黄色,蓝色,绿色四种颜色, 2,学会认知red,yellow,blue.green.这四个英语单词。 3,培养孩子的颜色辨别能力和反应能力。 4,让孩子在游戏中感受学习英语的乐趣。 教学准备:1,红色,黄色,蓝色,绿色四色卡片各一张。并在对应颜色的卡片上写好red,yellow,blue.green. 2,贴纸圈圈数个,各色玩具两个,一个大纸箱。小篮子两个。 教学过程: 1, 开始部分:用电子琴弹奏律动音乐,并用口号(小手拍拍拍起来,我的小手拍起来,小朋友们上课了)来稳定幼儿情绪,组织幼儿坐好。 2, 基本部分:(1)
2、手执卡片,提出问题。(小朋友知不知道老师手中拿的卡片 是什么颜色,谁知道?待小朋友回答后告诉小朋友颜色及其英语的读法) (2)用换位教学法来让小朋友读英语单词,如:老师说红色, 小朋友读red.老师读red,小朋友说红色。以此类推。 (3)把卡片分发给小朋友,老师说red.就请拿到红色卡片的小朋 把卡片举起来。老师说yellow,就请拿到黄色卡片的小朋友把 卡片举起来,以此类推。巩固孩子对颜色的认知能力,以及 反应能力。 3, 游戏。跳圈找颜色。 (1) 把贴纸圈圈贴在教室地上。 (2) 把孩子分成两组,分别站在各自的起跑线上。 (3) 将玩具放入大纸箱。纸箱离起跑线7米左右。 老师说“开始”
3、,红色red .两组第一名小朋友手里拿着篮子开始跳圈跳到终点,然后在大纸箱里找带有老师指定颜色的玩具放在篮子里。然后带着篮子跑回到起跑回到起跑线。以此类推。游戏结束后请小朋友告诉老师都拿到了什么颜色的玩具,用英语回答。 1, 注意孩子可能会抢同一个玩具。而且孩子一定要规定好每一圈都要跳到。 2, 表扬孩子做得很棒,学得很好,并讲故事作为奖励。(三只小猪) 3, 学习英语儿歌colours。歌词如下: Red, yellow, blue and green stand up and stretch up high above your head. Red, yellow, blue and gr
4、een sit down . 4, 提问小朋友喜欢吃什么水果,各种水果的颜色用英语应该怎么读。答以奖励小贴画。 8,同时提问小朋友,今天跟老师学了什么?学会了没有?重新读童词数遍, 8,课后延伸:请小朋友回去和爸爸妈妈探讨还有什么水果是红色,黄色,蓝色,绿色的?告诉爸爸妈妈我今天学到了什么? 幼儿园全英语颜色教案2 【活动目标】 1.通过游戏激发幼儿学习英语的兴趣,培养其学习英语的积极态度。 2.幼儿能够灵活运用基本句型,能够较熟练地认读单词:blue,red,yellow;认读句子:What colour do you like? Do you like red? Yes,I do.No,I
5、 dont. 3.培养幼儿合作学习的意识和习惯。 【活动准备】 所需的卡片、气球、水粉颜料、矿泉水瓶、矿泉水瓶盖(盖内侧顶端涂有蓝、红、黄三 砷颜色的水粉颜料)等。 【活动过程】 一、热身运动 1.以一首英文歌曲Good Morning引入学习氛围中。 2.师生打招呼问好并自由对话,营造英语氛围。 HOW are you? Im fine.Thank you! How old are you? Im four years old. WhatS the weatherlike today? Its a sunny day. Do you like sunny day?Yes. 3.出示图片,复习
6、white、black、pink、purple、green,并提问幼儿:Do you like black? Peter:I dont like black. Teacher:I like purple. 二、认识颜色 1.通过卖气球的情境引出新的教学内容。 Teacher:Balloon,balloon,Who want to buy my balloon?(教师扮演一个卖气球药人,手里拿红、黄、蓝三种不同颜色的气球,一边走一边卖。) Children:1 want to buy a balloon. Teacher:What colour do you like?(教师以这个句式引出所要传
7、授的新知识。 Children:blue!(请幼儿跟读,以此类推。) 2.读单词卡:blue, red、yellow,使幼儿尝试颜色与字卡的对应,并了解他们之间的密切关系。 3.通过游戏来检查幼儿对字卡的掌握。 (1)师生一起玩变色游戏。 Teacher:I am very thirsty. Linda:Miss Yang.Water,Water. Teacher:Thank you.(教师准备喝水时,瓶内的水经过晃动将瓶盖内的黄色颜料溶解,变成了黄色。) Teacher:Is it water7 Children:No,0range juice. Teacher:What cotour is
8、 it?。 Children:Yellow. Teacher:Are you thirsty? Children:Yes. Teacher:Please,drink water. 经过晃动矿泉水瓶,瓶盖内的水粉颜料溶解于水中,使瓶中的水分别变成了红、黄、蓝三种不同的颜色。在兴趣正浓时,教师请幼儿找到相应颜色的字卡贴在矿泉水瓶上。 (2)利用气球分组的游戏来巩固新句型。 What colour do you like? I like red balloon 【设计评析】 此活动设计主要是以提高幼儿学习英语的兴趣为突破口,全面提升幼儿的听、读、认等语言能力。活动以游戏为主要的教学手段,促进教学活动
9、生动地进行,使幼儿在愉悦的情境中快乐地学习 幼儿园全英语颜色教案3 一.热身游戏 贴膏药,揪尾巴 二.课堂指令的学习 当老师说OK?时要求学生回答OK!并加手势反复大声练习几次 Whowantstotry?-Letmetry!反复大声练习几次 up,downStandup!Sitdown!反复操练几次后学习儿歌 Left,left,right,right,upanddow Left,left,right,right,turningaround; Left,left,right,right,jump,jump,jum Left,left,right,right,wearestrong. 三.问候
10、: Hello,hi,howareyou手偶模仿 表演:Hello,hello,howareyou?Fine,fine,fine,thankyou Hello,hello,howareyou?Oh,oh,justsoso. Hello,hello,howareyou?No,no,Imterrible. 四:认颜色: redyellowbluegreen 拿出颜色卡片逐次认识,让学生跟读. 小游戏:将卡片放在地上,让两个学生根据老师说出的单词,以最快速度拍击相应的颜色卡片,并大声读出来.胜者发小奖品.玩两到三组.不能决出胜负者用rockpapersciors 老师提问:Whatcolorisit
11、? 学生回答:Its(回答时击打卡片.onebyone) 歌:letslearnatonguetwister. Red,red,touchyourhead; Blue,blue,tieyourshoes Yellow,yellow,drawacircle; Green,green,stampyourfoot. 复习一遍单词 Game:cowboy. 五.Are you sleeping?Are yous leeping?Brother John?Brother John? Morning bell sareringing,morning bell sareringing,ding,dingdo
12、ng,ding,dingdong. 幼儿园全英语颜色教案 【以下为精品推荐,可删改!】 【推荐一:小学新标准英语四年级教案】 小学新标准英语四年级教案1 教学目标: 1.能初步会听、说、读并拼写单词:a doll, a ball, a CD, a car, a robot 2.能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:Whats this/that?,并会用Its a 来回答。 3.能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。 4.学会新年节日祝福,礼貌用语。会表达谢意:Thank you. 5.明白中西方新年文化差异。 教学重点: 1.能初
13、步会听、说、读并拼写单词: a robot 2.能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:Whats this/that?,并会用Its a 来回答。 3.能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。 教学难点: 1.能初步听懂、会读、会运用句型:Whats this/that?,并会用Its a 来回答。 能初步听懂、会读、会说、会运用句型This is for you./Its for you.来相互赠与礼物。 教学准备: 挂图,卡片,PPT 教学过程: Step 1 Greeting. 1.课前准备:Sing songs and say
14、 rhymes Are you Mike? Nice clothes Row, row, row your boat 让学生自己说说学过小诗和歌曲,让学生逐渐进入学习英语的气氛中提示学生说小诗Lets learn。 T: Do you like English? Ss: Yes, I do. T: Lets learn English Now. 2.Greeting Step 2 Presentation 1.Brain storm(脑筋急转弯) a. What letter is an animal(动物)? B(bee) b. What letter is a question? Y(wh
15、y为什么) c. Why are the letter G and letter S in“gloves”close(亲密) to each other(互相,彼此)? Because there is love between them ! 2.绕口令 a. I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice-cream! 我叫喊,你叫喊,我们都喊着要冰淇淋! b. Can you can a can as a canner can can a can? 你能够像罐头工人一样装罐头吗? 3.引入课题 T:Lets have are rest, enjoy
16、a song, please. Guess the name. Happy New Year! 让学生通过猜歌名直接引出课题。 T:We know Chinese New year is coming soon. Lets learn Unit 8 Happy New Year!。 教师出示课题:Unit 8 Happy New Year! 全班读课题。 4.教授单词a doll ,a CD, a car,a ball T: On New Year Day, what can we get from our relatives?(教师解释) Ss: Red packet(学生一年级学过),gi
17、fts(提醒学生复数)。 T:Yes. We can get red packets and gifts. I have some gifts here. Can you read them? PPT出示:a flower,a chocolate,a red packet a doll ,a CD, a car(有学生会说toy car),a ball. 说到ball的时候,T(教师出示足球):Boys and girls, look.I have a ball. Its a Ss:Its a football.(一年级学过) T:Can you play football? S: Yes,
18、I can./No, I cant. 出示书本四个单词和图片:a doll ,a CD, a car,a ball,学生拼读。 T:Whats this? S: Its a 5.教授句型:This is for you. 当学生说得好的时候,教师给与贴纸奖励。当教师给奖励的时候,说Here you are.,提示学生回答Thank you. PPT: Here you are. Thank you. 让学生先复习学过的内容,再引出下面的教学内容 T:I also can say This is for you. 出示句子:This is for you. 教读句子:教师领读,学生跟读。 T:Y
19、ou can answer me Thank you!。 示范练习: This is for you Thank you. 6.Story time 教学 a.Story time 理解 T:We know Chinese New Year is coming soon. Helen and Mike are ready for new year. Who gives Helen and Mike gifts? Lets enjoy the story now. 看卡通片 教学:Uncle John 这两个单词都学过,所以学生比较好掌握。 Helens gift: a doll Mikes g
20、ift: a ball Tims gift: a robot 教授单词:robot 分图理解: Task 1 :How to greet on New Years Day? Happy New Year! If someone says it to you,you should be polite.You can say Happy New yearto him. Task 2 :When you give the gifts ,you should say: This is for you./Its for you. Task 3: When you dont know the things
21、 name,you can ask: Whats this/that? Answer:Its a 讲解this和that的区别: this 说话内容离说话人近 that说话内容离说话人远 示范:This is . That is . b. Read Story time (1)注意语音语调,播放录音,学生跟读 (2)角色扮演 Step 3 Consolidation 1.Fun time 复习Whats this/that? Its a This is for you./Its for you. Thank you. a.活动:教师出示布袋:装有上述的一些东西和其他学过的可以作为礼物的物品。全
22、班问,让一个同学摸,答对的可以得到奖励。 b.Take out a paper,try to draw pictures on the paper.Guess Whats this/that?。 2.课外知识拓展 中西方新年差异 Western countriesNew YearDay : the first of January.The children can get gifts. Chinese New Year: Spring Festival. It always comes in February. The children can get red packet. Open the
23、 gifts: Western countries:You should open the gifts at once.And you should praise . China:Its not polite to open the gifts at once. The same: You should say Thank you.。 Step 4 Homework Copy the new words 4 times. Recite Story time after class. 3. Try to make a gift as a New Year present,give it to y
24、our father and mother. 板书设计: Unit 8 Happy New Year! Whats this? Its a a doll a ball a car Whats that? a CD a robot This is for you. Thank you. 小学新标准英语四年级教案2 教学目标: a.能听、说、读、写动词词组:wash the clothes, set the table, make the bed and do the dishes. b.能听、说、认读词组“put away the clothes” and sentence “ can you
25、do housework? Yes, I can.” c.能够说唱lets chant, 巩固所学词组。 教学重点: 掌握有关家务劳动的五个动词词组。 教学难点: 掌握四个四会动词词组,pay attention the pronunciation and spelling about the word “ clothes”。 教学准备: 1、教师准备录音机,磁带和相应的图片,词卡,头饰。 2、教师准备一个转盘。多媒体课件。 教学过程: Step1: Preparation 1. Free talk: T: Are you helpful at home? S: T: What can you
26、 do at home? S: 2.Lets chant. chant in page 44 Step2: Presentation 1. 单词导呈。 a. chant结束时问,boys and girls, what can you do? S1: I can 。. T: Can you wash the clothes? Yes or no? 领读:clothes, wash the clothes. I can wash the clothes. Look at the picture, this is a little boy, lets ask him together, “ can
27、 you wash the clothes?” 多媒体呈现课件读音:Yes, I can. I can wash the clothes. 教师同时领读。 T: Boys and girls, can you wash the clothes? Ss: Yes, I can . I can wash the clothes. Talk in pairs. b. Look at the picture, what can he do? Who can ask him? “what can you do?” “ do the dishes, I can do the dishes.”出示卡片、板书
28、并领读。 c. T: I do, you say. Do the action, ( set the table) T: Can you set the table? Ask the students. Yes, I can , I can set the table. Set the table( 边说边做动作)ask your best friend, can you set the table? Ask me please! Ss: can you set the table, MissZhao. d. I only tell one student, “Yes, I can. I ca
29、n do the dishes, too.” (耳语) tell the sentences to you friend. Yes, I can do the dishes, too. Can you do the dishes? e. I can do many housework, I can wash the clothes, I can set the table, I can do the dishes, I can make the bed, too. Who can make the bed? S1: s2。.s3。. I can make the bed. Now, lets
30、play a game, ok? Listen and do? I say, you do, for example. Wash the clothes. T: wash the clothes, wash the clothes and do the dishes, wash the clothes, do the dishes and set the table, wash the clothes, do the dishes, set the tableand make the bed, wash the clothes, do the dishes, set the table, ma
31、ke the bed,and put away the clothes,(教师做动作) Put away the clothes. All of these are housework, can you do housework? Yes, I can , I can wash the clothes。. T: Great! Youre helpful. 2. 听读正音。老师播放Lets learn 部分录音,学生看课本跟读,同时手指词组及句子。 3. 合作学习。同桌之间互相检查词组和句子的认读,互相帮助。 Step3: Practice 1. I can do some housework
32、too, can you guess, what can I do? (出示转盘)将学生分成四组,you can 。. 然后教师转动转盘,与转盘结果一致的组加分。 2.看表演,猜单词。让一位同学先看一下单词,然后表演,其他学生猜出单词。 3.记忆超人。老师给出几分钟时间,让学生快速记忆四会词组,进行拼读比赛。 5. Lets chant. 老师播放P7 Lets chant 录音,学生先听。在跟读。可分组拍手对答吟唱。 Step4: Production 教师提出要求,请用上Can you? 的句型采访本组的同学,并将结果记录在表格上。 注意: 1.采访过程中一定不能说出中文。 2.将采访结果
33、进行归纳,带领大家一起完成表。 3.每组请一名同学进行汇报,统计一下哪件家务劳动会做的人最多? Step5: Progress 做基础训练32页题。 Homework 1. 听录音,读Lets learn 内容。 2.让学生每天在家中做适量的家务劳动,并用英语告诉你的家长。 小学新标准英语四年级教案3 教学过程: Step 1 Free talk 1、利用图片复习特殊疑问句Whats this ? Its a 及文具、水果、动物和人体部位的单词。 T: Hello, boys and girls. Whats this ? Ss: Its a 2、say a rhyme Step 2 Play
34、 a game T: Hello , boys and girls , lets play a game Listen and draw , OK ? Ss: OK . 1、 教师先在黑板上画一张脸的轮廓。 2、 教师发指令,请4个学生在黑板上画出相应的五官,边画边说。 Step 3 Learning T: Hello , boys and girls . Ss: Hello , Miss Shuai. T:I say and you do , OK? Ss: OK . T:Touch your nose,Touch your eye, Stand up . Sit down . Ss: To
35、uch your Ss: Hands up ./ Hands down . Teaching: Hand, Hands up,Hands down, turn around. Step4 Consolidation T: Lets act , OK ? Ss: OK . T: Who acts as Mike , who acts as Su Hai ? And who acts as Miss Li ? (一个人演Mike,一个人演Helen,再一个人演Miss Li。) S1: Hello , boys and girls . Ss: Hello , Miss / Mr S1: Follo
36、w me , please . Stand up . / Sit down . S1: Touch your S1: Hands up ./ Hands down . Step 5 Say a rhyme 1、 先让学生边听录音边看书上图片,使学生感知每一句的含义。 2、 带着学生边做动作边学新句子Hands up. / Hands down . / Turn around . 3、 带着学生逐句诵读歌谣,力求熟练。 4、在学生教好地诵读歌谣的基础上,让学生边做动作边有节奏得说歌谣,做到语言动作相一致,起到帮助记忆的作用,从而逐步达到背诵歌谣的要求。 5、 在学生语言比较丰富之后,开展的Loo
37、k and say游戏,让学生看动作,说句子,从而巩固祈使句 Step 6 Assign homework, 1、复习所学的内容。 2、把今天所学的歌谣说给爸爸妈妈听。 板书设计: Unit 7 Follow me Hands up! Hands down ! Follow me , And turn around . 小学新标准英语四年级教案 【推荐二:闽教版四年级英语教案】 闽教版四年级英语教案1 教学目标: 1、能听懂、会说、会认单词father、mother、brother、sister、me 2、能用This is my 来介绍自己的家庭成员。 教学重点: 目标1、2 教学准备: 手
38、指套、全家福照片、图片、一副眼镜、领带 教学过程: 一、warm up 1、greeting: Good morning. How are you? 2、listen and do. Raise your hand. Wave your hand. Put it down. 二、presentation T show the family photo: now, boys and girls, look, what is this? This is my family photo. Look, my father, my mother and me . This is my family.用手
39、圈一下。教myfamily.由慢到快。 Ss read one by one Ss say : my family, your family.(出示他们的照片) (一)teach: father, mother, me (1)老师出示自己的全家照自问自答:look, guess who is he? S: Father. (给予学生适当的奖励) T: Yes. This is my father。 T show the card :father 贴于Bb, 领读几遍,注意th 的发音。 Ss read : father, father ,my father (一小组传卡片挨个读; 一组一组读,
40、) T : look, this is my father. 出示句型卡片This is my 学生跟读遍。 T:Who can follow me ?introduce your father学生手指着照片练说。 (2)教师指着自己父亲的照片问:This is my father. Is this my father? S: No.(若学生能说出mother, 则给予奖励) T: This is my mother. 出示卡片mother 贴于Bb上,领读。 Ss read : mother, mother, my mother. T: now, please introduce your
41、mother 教师手指黑板上的句型This is my 让学生明白用此句型说。 再让学生手指照片练说: This is my mother, thats your mother. 三、consolidation Work in groups Ss introduce ,抽几个小组表演。 闽教版四年级英语教案2 教学目标: (1)能听懂Whats your?并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。 (2)能正确使用Whats your?Hes/Shes,语音语调正确。 (3)进一步掌握四个单词。 重点难点: (1)能听懂Whats your?并能根据实际情况用Hes/Shes回答。 (2)能正确使用Whats your?Hes/Shes,语音语调正确。 教具准备: 图片、挂图 作业设计: 课内:活动手册P6 课外:听录音,熟练朗读A部分对话 板书设计: Unit 2 Whats your father? a doctor/a nurse/a worker/a cook, Whats your fat