1、OBHRM 百科( )整理,供学者在学术研究中使用,商业使用请与原作者联系工作中的认知调整量表(Malo,M 等 ,2016)(Cognitive Adjustment at Work Scale, CAW)简介Cognitive adjustment at work (CAW) reflects a positive description of what characterizes a well-adjusted employee. This conceptualization appears appropriate given our aim to propose an indicato
2、r of psychological health at work that captures individual functioning. CAW as presented above, describes some components of the three recognized levels of adjustment: (1) task adjustment, (2) group adjustment, and (3) organizational adjustment (Haueter et al., 2003; Saks Taormina, 2004), in additio
3、n to being holistic and parsimonious. CAW would be an antecedent of distal measures of workplace adjustment (e.g., performance), and therefore, considered as a more direct representation of the construct (Kammeyer-Mueller Saks et al., 2007). This reasoning is consistent with cross-sectional studies
4、in organizational socialization (e.g., Bauer et al., 2007; Saks et al., 2007). Thus, based on those arguments, this study relies on CAW to operationalize one of the indicators of psychological health at work.信度与效度在加拿大魁北克省的 25 所公立学校收集了三个法语教师样本,。 样本 A 由 296 名教师(68为女性)组成。受访者的平均教学任期为 12.45 年(SD = 8.65)。
5、对于样本B,350 名教师(69为女性)。参与者平均有 13.92 年的教学经验(SD = 9.47)。样本C 包括 139 名教师。参与者两次完成 CAW 问卷,其间有一年的时间间隔(在时间 1 有 396个受访者参与研究;时间 2 的反馈率为 35)。参与者(71的女性)平均为 12.33 岁(SD = 6.90),被聘为教师。探索性因素分析的结果表明,组织调整、团队调整、任务调整解释的方差变异量为30.26%,11.96%,9.04%,累积方差解释量为 51.26%。验证性因素分析的结果表明,三因素模型的 2/df = 2.34,CFI =0.94,TLI =0.92,SRMR =0.0
6、5; RMSEA =0.06, 三因素模型的各项拟合指数均达到或接近先定的标准,三因素结构得到了数据的支持。内部一致性。样本 A、B、C 数据的 值均在 0.80 和 0.84 之间,对于子量表在 0.74和 0.83 之间。所有的 值都达到或超过了公认的标准。OBHRM 百科( )整理,供学者在学术研究中使用,商业使用请与原作者联系量表请您根据自己的实际感受和体会,用下面 12 项描述对您在工作中的情况进行评价和判断,并在最符合的数字上划。评价和判断的标准如下:完全不符合 不符合 基本不符合 基本符合 符合 完全符合1 2 3 4 5 61 I am able to meet the dem
7、ands of my work. 1 2 3 4 5 62 I know how to perform in my work. 1 2 3 4 5 63 I master the tasks required for my work. 1 2 3 4 5 64 I know all of the requirements entailed in my task. 1 2 3 4 5 65 I know how decisions in my school are taken. 1 2 3 4 5 66 I see the political games that go on in my sch
8、ool. 1 2 3 4 5 67 I am able to take advantage of the political games 1 2 3 4 5 68 I know the informal rules, policies and procedures of the school. 1 2 3 4 5 69 I know who to turn to when I cannot find answers to my questions 1 2 3 4 5 610 I know which colleagues are willing to help me. 1 2 3 4 5 61
9、1 I know who to go to when I want to make things happen. 1 2 3 4 5 612 I know enough about my colleagues to know how to interact with them. 1 2 3 4 5 6计分方法工作中的认知调整量表包括组织调整、团队调整、任务调整三个分量表,可以计算每个分量表所包括题目的总分或平均分。每个分量表包括的题目如下:1.组织调整:总共 4 道题,具体包括第 5、6、7、8 题。2.团队调整:总共 4 道题,具体包括第 9、10、11、12 题。3.任务调整:总共 4 道
10、题,具体包括第 1、2、3、4 题。量表出处Malo, M., Tremblay, I., & Brunet, L. (2016). Cognitive adjustment as an indicator of psychological health at work: development and validation of a measure. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 92, 33-43.OBHRM 百科( )整理,供学者在学术研究中使用,商业使用请与原作者联系OBHRM()整理,供学者在学术研究中使用,商业使用请与原作者联系。为了尊重作者的劳动成果,请规范引用,谢谢!