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1、自然景观英语作文篇一:自然景观探秘与欣赏论文自然景观探秘与欣赏论文九寨沟景观欣赏摘要:现代诗人肖草九寨沟诗:“放眼层林彩池涟,鱼游云头鸟语欢;飞瀑洒落拂面来,九寨山水扬海天”是对九寨沟真实的诠释。历经历史的洗涤,九寨依然保持着它秀丽的风貌,虽有不足,但是却赐予我们美的感受。本论文学习的主要目的就是带领大家走进九寨沟的大千世界,通过对中华风景名胜九寨沟的概念、范畴和结构的认识,进而把握九寨沟的整体构成,以增强对风景名胜的理性认知,并培养对风景名胜的基本认知能力,以利于提高对中华风景名胜的欣赏水平及审美能力。关键词:九寨沟 ;自然文化; 风景名胜;资源;可持续发展前言: 九寨沟位于四川省北部,绵延

2、超过 72000 公顷,曲折狭长的九寨沟山谷海拔超过 4800 米,因而形成了一系列形态不同的森林生态系。它壮丽的景色因一系列狭长的圆锥状科斯特溶岩地貌和壮观的瀑布而更加充满生趣。九寨沟于 1982 年就被国务院批准为国家级风景名胜区。1984 年成立管理局,正式做为风景区对外开放。1992 年 12 月 14 日,经联合国教科组织世界自然遗产委员会在美国新墨西哥圣菲召开的全委会第十六届大会表决一致通过将九寨沟列入世界自然遗产名录 ,并由马约尔颁发了证书;1997 年被纳入世界人与生物圈保护区;2000 年评为中国首批 AAAA 级景区;2001 年 2 月取得“绿色环球 21”证书。时至今天

3、九寨沟已成为拥有三项桂冠的世界级风景名胜区。一九寨沟的遗产价值九寨沟风景名胜区位于中国西部四川省阿坝县藏族羌族自治州南坪县,因沟内有九个藏族村寨得名。沟内山、水、林诸景均十分奇丽,尤以水景为甚,加之雪峰,蓝天映衬和四时季节变换,使九寨风光有“黄山归来不看山,九寨归来不看水”和“中华水景之王”之称。作为世界自然遗产的九寨沟,其遗产价值不容小觑。1.环境优美。这里湖泊色彩斑斓、瀑布气势宏伟、原始森林广布、野生动植物繁多。翠海、叠瀑、彩林、雪峰、藏情,被誉为九寨沟“五绝” 。沟内山水景色奇异,鸟语花香,美不胜收,被誉为“人间仙境” 。水,是九寨沟的精灵,而九寨沟的海子(湖泊)更具特色,湖水终年碧蓝澄

4、澈,明丽见底,而且随着光照变化、季节推移,呈现不同的色调与水韵。秀美的,玲珑剔透;雄浑的,碧波不倾;平静的,招人青睐,每当风平浪静,蓝天,白云,远山,近树,倒映湖中。 “鱼游云端,鸟翔海底”的奇特景色层出不穷,水上水下,虚实难辩,梦里梦外,如幻如真。彩池则是阳光。视角移动,色彩亦变,一步一态,变幻无穷。有的湖泊,随风泛波之时,微波细浪,阳光照射,璀灿成花。远视俨如燃烧的海洋,有的湖泊,湖底静伏着钙化礁堤,朦胧中仿佛蛟龙流动。整个沟内,奇湖错落,目不暇接。百余个湖泊,个个古树环绕,奇花簇拥,宛若镶上了美丽的花边。瀑布是水流形式中的佼佼者,大自然之一绝,九寨沟是水的世界。也是瀑布王国。这里几乎所有

5、的瀑布全都从密林里狂奔出来。这里有宽度居全国之冠的诺日朗瀑布,它在高高的翠岩上急泻倾挂,似巨幅品帘凌空飞落,雄浑壮丽。有的瀑布从山岩上腾越呼啸,几经跌宕,形成叠瀑,似一群银龙竟跃,声若滚雪,激溅起无数小水珠,化作迷茫的水雾。彩林,这被誉为九寨沟五绝之三的彩林,覆盖了景区一半以上的面积,2000 余种植物,争奇斗艳,林中奇花异草,色彩绚丽,沐浴在朦胧迷离的雾霭中的孓遗植物,浓绿阴森,神秘莫测,林地上积满厚厚的苔藓,散落着鸟兽的翎毛。充满着原始气息的森林风貌,使人产生一种浩渺幽远的世外天地之感。3 万顷莽莽苍苍的原始森林,随着季节的变化,呈现出种种奇丽风貌。九寨沟三条沟谷,层峦叠嶂,山势挺拔,眺望

6、远方,皑皑雪峰,尽收眼底,艳阳之下冰斗, 使人目眩,登上尕尔纳山,极目远眺,山峦逶迤,谷壑幽幽,天象奇观,一览无余,云海连天,絮浪翻腾,峰峦锋锷,时隐时现,在云海雾浪中沉浮升降,似乎在天宇中游弋。九寨沟的宗教是以本教为基础,佛教文化为主导的藏传佛教。藏胞以青稞、玉米、小麦为主食。清淡、简朴是九寨藏民饮食的两大特点。住宅大都是木结构楼房,一般分为三层,底层关牲畜,二楼住人,三楼设经堂。在九寨沟,藏族青年男女的择偶方式同汉族差不多,一种是自由恋爱,一种是父母包办。2.奇特的水体景观。九寨沟以高原钙华湖群、钙华瀑群和钙华滩流等水景为主体的奇特风貌,其水景规模之巨,景型之多,数量之众,形态之美,表局之

7、精和环境之佳等指标综合鉴定,位居中国风景名胜区水景之冠。3.类型多样的地貌景观。九寨沟地处青藏高原向四川盆地过渡地带,地质背景复杂,碳酸盐分布广泛,褶皱断裂发育,新构造运动强烈,地壳抬升幅度大,多种营力交错复合,造就了多种多样的地貌,发育了大规模喀斯特作用的钙华沉积,以植物喀斯特钙华沉积为主导,形成九寨沟艳丽典雅的群湖,奔泻湍急的溪流,飞珠溅玉的瀑群,古穆幽深的林莽,连绵起伏的雪峰,这些地貌景观的和谐组合,构成独具特色的风景名胜区。4.保存完好的冰川遗迹。九寨沟角峰睁嵘,刃脊璀嵬,冰斗、U 字谷十分典型,悬谷、槽谷独具风韵。槽谷伸至海拔 2800 米的地方。谷地古冰川侧磕、终债垄发育,成为我国

8、第四纪冰川保存良好的地方之一。5.生物种质资源的基因库。九寨沟为多种自然要素交汇地区,山地切割较深,高差悬殊,植物垂直带谱明显,植物资源丰富,有高等植物 2576 种,其中国家保护植物 24 种;低等植物 400 余种,其中藻类植物 212 种,首次在九寨沟发现的藻类达 40 余种。植被类型多样,隐藏着不同气候带的地带性植被类型。植物区系成分十分丰富,几乎包括了所有大的世界分区。许多古老、子遗植物保存良好,单型属、少型属分别占植物总数的 33 及 1373。形态上原始的领春木、连香树、金连花、独叶草等对于研究植物系统演化及植物区系的演变均有一定的科学价值。九寨沟野生珍稀动物资源共有17 种。其

9、中一类保护动物有大熊猫、牛羚、金丝猴等;二类保护动物有毛冠鹿、白唇鹿、小熊猫、猕猴、林爵、红腹角雉、绿尾红雉、大天鹅等;三类保护动物有鬃羚、斑羚、碉羊、蓝马鸡、血雉等。二旅游风景现状九寨沟的遗产价值不可估量,然而现在因为某些原因,资源无法得到充分开发与利用。在景区管理者与游客方面均存在着一些问题。1.盲目跟风 资源浪费旅游局对智慧旅游的重视使得景区在政府的扶持下走智慧化道路。为了加强景区信息化建设,纷纷建立网站、采购门票系统、电子监控等设施设备,部分景区在合理科学的管理下,成为智慧景区示范点。但是有的景区也为了踏上智慧的列车,不根据自身情况做任何规划设计,盲目购买电脑、科技终端设备。但是购买了


11、行为特点。景区企业强化电子商务,加强网络营销能够有效的推动景区的销售。但是,目前国内绝大部分景区都尚未建立起电子商务功能。例如,山东省 200 多家 A 级以上景区,已建立网站的有 100 余家,但没有一家提供网上预订服务的。4.管理者认识不足,认为景区越“古”越好一些景区的管理者在景区工作时间少则十年,多则几十年,对原有景区的样貌有着十分难舍的感情,不希望它改变样子。还有的管理者认为“景区一直就是这样的,科技设备的使用会使得其改变本色” 。殊不知,时代的更新和信息的发达已经在潜移默化地改变着游客的行为方式,游客的想法对于景区来讲是直观重要的。况且,智慧景区的概念不能简单地理解为硬件设备的使用

12、,还包括软件系统的智慧、管理统计的智慧、营销维护的智慧。这些造成了景区失去了可持续发展的条件,使得其失去了环境效益和经济效益。最重要的是还使遗产本身失去了本性。三九寨沟的智慧从九寨沟我们可以得出如何加强对我国世界遗产以及其他景区、文物、遗产的保护,使得其能够可持续发展下去。在管理保护中一定要制定严格的规则制度,采取制衡的方式对保护对象进行管理保护,保护其原始性,不进行破坏遗产的建设,对其任何建设都要进行严格论证,并进行社会公示。特别要注意遗产保护和经济效益最求的平衡,不能不顾遗产保护盲目地追求经济效益。参考文献:1. 百度百科-九寨沟2 世界遗产九寨沟中国政府网3. 中国国家地理4 九寨沟四川

13、经典之旅5. 九寨沟官方网站美丽中国之旅,神奇九寨之旅篇二:Earth Hour1全球熄灯响应“ 地球一小时”International blackout: Iconic landmarks across the world were left in darkness to celebrate Earth Hour More than 134 countries across the world, including the UK, switched off their lights for an hour on Sunday to support action to create a sus

14、tainable future for the planet.上周日(译者注:北京时间上周六) ,全球超过 134 个国家和地区的若干城市熄灯一小时,以支持为地球创建可持续发展未来的环保行动。英国也参与了这项活动。Environmental charity World Wildlife Fund has organised the Earth Hour event which saw iconic buildings such as Big Ben, the BT Tower, Buckingham Palace, Windsor Castle, Edinburgh Castle, Clift

15、on Suspension Bridge in Bristol, Stormont in Northern Ireland and Cardiffs Millennium Centre blacking outfor an hour.“地球一小时”活动由环保机构世界自然基金会组织,参与活动的英国标志性建筑包括大本钟、英国电信塔、白金汉宫、温莎城堡、爱丁堡城堡、布里斯托尔的克利夫顿吊桥、北爱尔兰的斯托蒙特城堡、以及加的夫千禧中心。The event, which took place at 8.30pm Sunday around the world, started in Fiji, New

16、Zealand and Australia.这项活动于上周日晚八点半(译者注:北京时间上周六晚八点半)在全球开始,首先熄灯的是斐济、新西兰和澳大利亚。The aim is to highlight the charitys call on governments, organisations and individuals to pledge their commitment to tackling climate change.活动旨在强调世界自然基金会发出的呼吁,号召政府、有关机构和个人践行应对气候变化问题所作出的承诺。At the Royal Albert Hall in London,

17、 television presenter Kirsty Gallacher led a team of 60 cyclists from the UK-World Wildlife Fund to create a huge human-powered projection with images of endangered species including dolphins and tigers being shone on to the building.在伦敦的艾伯特演奏厅,电视主持人柯蒂斯 加拉彻带领 60位英国自然基金会的环保人士用脚踏车为投影设备提供电力,在音乐厅的外墙上展现包

18、括海豚、老虎在内的各种濒危动物的影像。Colin Butfield, head of campaigns, WWF-UK, said: Our event at the Royal Albert Hall, alongside the hundreds of thousands of events across the world, shows global support for the need to tackle climate change and protect the natural world.活动负责人、来自英国自然基金会的科林 巴特菲尔德说:“我们在艾伯特演奏厅的活动,以及在

19、全球举办的成百上千场熄灯活动,体现出全球对于应对气候变化、保护自然界的支持。The challenge for our future well-being could not be greater. WWFs Earth Hour is about creating a message so powerful that governments and businesses cannot fail to take notice.“人类未来的福祉现在正面临最大的挑战。世界自然基金会的?地球一小时?活动旨在传达这样一个强有力的信息,让政府和有关行业都无法忽视。 ”Earth Hour started

20、 in 2007 in Sydney, Australia, when 2.2 million individuals and more than 2,000 businesses turned their lights off for one hour to take a stand against climate change.“地球一小时”活动于 2007 年首次在澳大利亚悉尼举办,当时有 220 万人和超过两千家机构熄灯一小时,以示应对气候变化的决心。The following year, Earth Hour had become a global sustainability mo

21、vement with more than 50 million people across 35 countries participating.在 2008 年, “地球一小时”活动就成为了一项全球的环保运动。当年有来自 35 个国家的超过五千万人参加。Four of the worlds five tallest buildings turned off their lights with the tallest, the 828-metre Burg Khalifa in Dubai, switching off about half a million lights.全球最高的五座建

22、筑中有四座都参与了这项活动。全球第一高楼、高达 828 米的迪拜“哈利法塔”关掉了大约 50 万盏灯。Also darkening for the occasion were floodlightsat natural wonders such as Niagara and Victoria Falls and Table Mountain in South Africa.尼亚加拉瀑布、维多利亚瀑布、以及南非的桌山等世界著名的自然景观照明灯也熄灯一小时,呼吁环保。地球一小时英语作文Earth Hour started in Australia with millions of homes an

23、d businesses turning their lights off for one hour. Now it has grown to become one of the worlds biggest climate change initiatives. People are all joining together in a global effort to show that its possible to take action on global warming.Earth Hour has brought about some new changes to our live

24、s. The iconic Birds NestNational Stadium and the nearby Water CubeNational Aquatics Center, usually illuminated by floodlights, went dark at 8:30 p.m., while dozens of hotels, office buildings, shopping malls and restaurants also switched some lights off. People join activities such as candle-lit di

25、nners and star-gazing parties as a response to the call for going dark. However, some critics have dismissed the event as simply a gimmick that will not make any difference.From my point of view, Earth Hour is a global call to action to every individual, every business and every community. A call to

26、 stand up, to take responsibility and to get involved in working towards a sustainable future. Earth Hour is a message of hope and a message of action. Everyone can make a difference.好词佳句总结:initiative 主动的行动, 倡议global warming 全球变暖,人尽皆知的一个词,但关键时候说不定就忘鸟 - -!iconic 标志性的Bird?s NestNational Stadium 鸟巢 国家体

27、育场Water CubeNational Aquatics Center 水立方 国家游泳中心 (两个现代化标志性建筑)illuminate 照亮floodlight 泛光灯switch off 关灯,关电视之类candle-lit dinners 烛光晚餐 看来也可以给自己一个浪漫的理由star-gazing parties 观星派对,据说悉尼关灯后看到的星星多了好几倍呢!gimmick 花招, 诡计, 骗人的玩意儿 (很好表达出一些专家的不屑)sustainable future 可持续的,美好 D 未来get involved in doing sth 参与到做某事中英语作文:地球一小时

28、Earth HourEarth Hour,held on March, is organized by the WWF asking people to turn off theirnon-essential lights and other electrical appliances for an hour to raise awareness of climate change.So, in order to take action on it ,we have many things to do. For example, we can go to school on foot or b

29、y bike,use water more than once,never leave water runing and never leave the lights on when you are not at home. Try to make the best of paper by using both sides and use recyclable materials. Planting more trees is also good for us to better our environment. All in all, the improvement of our envir

30、onment depends on the efforts of every one of us. Let?s get going!篇三:英语六级翻译经济文化类总结compositionMaster the supreme rightHave a happy and harmonious family is also a successfulthere is some controversy about this topicSome people are constantly challenge themselves to break through the limits of selfthe

31、y are free from the worry of food and clothesI must get rid of the bad habit of carelessnessI should not indulge in updating micro-blog and playing video gamesperform academically wellI should go on a diet and exercise more to keep healthyI hope the plan can be implementedWhich, to a great extent, c

32、aused the rapid growth of population.The population of London remained unchangedFrom 1970 to 2000, the population of New York increased by nearly three timesShanghai added 1000000 to its population every 20 yearsWe can choose freely in a wide variety of goodsWe can put the shopping process as a past

33、imeOne eyewitness is better than two hearersCET 6As graphically depicted in the above picture.Resell him the ticket at an inflated price.Its a good way to regulate ticket sale and crack down on scalpers.The real-name system for ticket may lead to the information disclosure of ticket holders.Which is

34、 done for the sake of peoples safety.While opponents argue that our life might get into trouble for overreliance on robots.Robots can aid human beings to finish risky tasks in the dangerous environment or the inaccessible places.However,under no circumstances could we ignore negative effects of robo

35、ts on society.Too much reliance on robots will lead to the decrease in creativity.Thus,controversy over the major concern of education appears.A lot of examples show that what our students lack most is not knowledge,but the basis principles of lifeHow to solve this issue has arisen great concern.To

36、some extentThe soaring petrol price will cut down the number of cars used by individuals to reduse exhaust emission.Environmental problem cannot be tackled by merely raising the fuel priceI believe that the tomorrow of our environment will be definitely brighter.TranslationEvery dynasty has its grea

37、t calligraphers whose styles come to symbolize their age. Traditional Chinese painting is characterized by unique forms of expression.Thus the three are integrated,pro.iding a richer aesthetic connotation.The recorded history of chopsticksis more than 3000 years.And chopsticks made of precious metal

38、s are not uncommon among the wealthy in the ancient times.The partial tone of chopsticks is often used by people as a metaphor ai weddings to indicate a blessing for the couple to have a baby soon.A pair of chopsticks implies the meaning of”harmony is what matters”It is reported that every year smok

39、ing causes millions of death around the world. Some smokers claim that their rights are infringed if smoking is forbidden in public places.Britain launched a war of aggression against china in 1840.which was a national betrayal and humiliation .China was guadually relegated to a semi-colonial semi-f

40、eudal country.Its population accounts for about 22 percent of worlds total.Economy society.account for about 22 percent of worlds tatal.。 。 。占了世界总量的百分之多少。 Be plagued by poverty 被什么所困扰。Lagged behind because of restraints of因为什么什么的制约而落后。Economy ofgrew dramatically 哪里的经济快速地增长。The government has impleme

41、nted a large-scale program.政府已经实施了大量措施Help them be free from the worry of food and clothes.帮助他们解决温饱问题。 Work on the program fo development-oriented poverty relief.致力于扶贫开发项目With the rapid economic and social development. 随着经济社会的飞速发展 Achieving an 11% increase compared to the previous years. .比前几年增长了多少

42、Imports form EU grow by 16%进口增长了多少多少The two economy are strongly complimentrary to each other.两国的经济有很强的互补性The development of economy maintains a good momentum.经济发展势头良好 Our countrys international status keeps on improving.国际地位不断提高Top-tier city 一线城市 second-tier city 二线城市。Reform and opening up 改革开放 eco

43、logical and environmental damage 生态环境破坏The enormous gap between rich and poor.贫富分化 sustainable development 可持续发展 rational utilization of mineral resources 资源的合理利用Exploit resources. 开发资源 capital 资本 capitalism 资本主义the modernization program 现代化建设。 National strategy 国家战略 manufacturing industry 制造业 urban

44、ization 城镇化 economic globalization 经济全球化 aging of population 人口老龄化 nationwide census 全国人口普查 civil servants 公务员 territorial integrity 领土完整 inflation 通货膨胀culturethis tradition can be traced back a long time ago.这个传统可被追溯到多年以前 enjoy the glorious full moon 赏月 contain a profound cultural and artistic conn

45、otation. 包含深刻地艺术文化内涵 enhance the joyous atmosphere 增加喜庆气氛。 Auspicious 吉祥的 Symbolize c(本文来自:WWw.bDFQ 千 叶 帆文摘:自然景观英语作文)ompleteness and reunion 象征着圆满和团圆。sweep away ill fortune and bring in good luck 为驱厄运、迎好运symbolizes good luck and prosperity in the year to come 象征来年的好运和繁荣 with themes of 以什么为主题 origina

46、ted from the Han Dynasty 起源于汉朝 Mid-autumn festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon. 什么节日是干什么的 the four treasures of the study(brush ,inkstick,paper,and inkstone)文房四宝(笔墨纸砚) be full of friendliness and genuine humanity. 充满了友爱和人情味。 That two areas are geographical neighbors. 两地相隔很近New yearseve

47、除夕 the lantern festival 元宵节 the Tomb-sweeping Day 清明节 The dragon-boat festival 端午节 the mid-autumn day 中秋节 the double nine day 重阳节 the Double-seventh Day 七夕节paste the antithetical couplets. 贴对联 rice cake 年糕 firecracker 爆竹Supper of Chinese new yeareve 年夜饭 reunion dinner 团圆饭 temple fair 庙会 new years gi

48、ft money 压岁钱 dragon dance 舞龙 lion dance 舞狮Lantern 灯笼 lantern riddle 灯谜 sweet sticky rice dumplings 元宵guess lantern riddles 猜灯谜 pay respects to sb at his tomb 扫墓offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祀 sachet 香包 traditional Chinese rice-pudding 粽子 moon cake 月饼 ascend a height 登高 the bridge of magpies 鹊桥which

49、 the Girl Weaver crosses to meet the Cowherd on the 7th of the seventh lunar month 牛郎织女在七月七日相会 stilt walking 踩高跷Customs and traditions concerning the celebration of the Chinese New Year vary widely from place to place. 各地欢度春节的习俗和传统有很大差异Have the tradition of Celebrating since the ancient time. 自古以来就有庆祝。 。 。的传统 the custom appeared a great prevalence in tang dynasty. 这种习俗在唐代就非常流行了。 is celebrated on lunar august 15th. 什么是在哪一天举行 was listed as one of the chinas intangible cultural heritage .。 。 。被列入中国非物质文化遗产。Architecturethe Great Wal


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