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1、 最美的人英语演讲稿篇一:最美同事演讲稿用平凡诠释美丽美,不同的人有不同的词语来解释。有人认为拥有光鲜的外表就是美,的确,它能让人感觉美;有人认为心灵的纯净就是美,的确,它能让人感觉美;有人认为轰轰烈烈的经历让人感觉美,的确它能让人感觉美?这些美,让人觉得赏心悦目,让人觉得激情澎湃,让人觉得自然平和,但什么样的美才是最美的?莎士比亚曾说:“人不是因为美丽而可爱,而是因为可爱而美丽” ,细细品来,的确如此。在我的身边曾经有这样一位美丽的同事,虽然她没有婀娜多姿的外表,没有轰轰烈烈的事迹,没有可歌可泣的壮举,但是我认为她是我身边最美的老师。她就是李芹老师。她对教育事业总是一往情深地热爱着,眷恋着。

2、在十几年的教学生涯中,她始终坚定一个信念:爱生如子。她每天都用她的实际行动践行着自己的信念。她的严谨治学是得到全校师生以及很多家长一致公认的。从教十几年的李老师,可以说是桃李满天下,当和人们谈起对她教学的印象时,说得最多的词那就是“严格” “较真”。她在各方面总是严格要求自己,为其它的教师事事处处做表率。正因为她对自己的高要求,她时时处处都对自己“较真” 。从李老师历年的备课中你很快就会发现她不断自我探索,不断自我超越的工作轨迹。她总是紧跟教学的新形势,根据学生的不同、教法的更新、学法的变化去设计切合实际、与时俱进的教学流程,编写体现课改精神的教案。她十几年如一日,一直这样固执地坚持着。在作业

3、批改上,李老师同样相当“较真” ,尤其是对作文的批改。她对学生的习作几乎是篇篇精批,而且边批和总批都写得非常倾心。点评优点,热情洋溢;指出问题,委婉含蓄。由于她点评的倾情用心和准确到位,加之她习作指导和评讲的有方,因此,多数学生来到他的班级时间不长,习作水平就有明显的提高。她也因作文教学的见长,赢得了同事们的赞誉和家长们的良好口碑。然而,李老师如此“较真”并且一直坚持,其超乎常人的付出也是可想而知的。她总是能关注到每一个学生,尤其是那些常被忽略的。当有的学生做错事或者考试成绩不理想时,她从不对学生冷嘲热讽,而总是循循善诱地极具耐心地讲解。她总是会做各种努力让学生明白:如果他们想成功,就一定要从


5、的热爱着,辛勤地努力着!她总是悉心教导新老师,她是新老师的导航标。我刚调来一小时,李老师主动热情地把她语文教育教学的经验分享给我,教我如何和学生相处,怎样有趣味进行语文教学,如何进行作文教学,如何处理作文教学的重点和难点,如何进行语文教学的探索-总之,当我在教育教学中遇到难题时,她都悉心地,不辞辛劳给我作出指导。伟大的人民教育家陶行知先生说“捧着一颗心来,不带半根草去” ,李老师用行动诠释了此话的内涵。我决心以她为学习榜样,在提高自己专业执教水平的同时,做让家长信服的好老师,让领导放心的好同志,让学生喜欢的好朋友。在我眼里,她就是一朵花,一朵不娇艳却有着超强磁场力的花,她总是开在一小小的一隅,

6、静静地奉献着自己。她是最美的花,即使她没有华丽炫彩的外表,也不一定要有沁人心扉的香味,更不一定要有常开不谢的毅力;而人们总是能嗅着她的香气而能找寻着她,而这时她总是开在最安静的地方,那么的润物细无声,却又时时刻刻让你感受着她的存在,用她的磁场力影响着一波又一波的“赏花者” 。她是一个平凡的教师,可是,她在我心中却是最美丽的花,她更是学生心中最美丽的春天!篇二:美丽的中国演讲英文1 尊敬的各位领导老师,亲爱的同学们:你们好!今天我很荣幸能够有机会站在这里,做“我看改革开放三十周年”的演讲,和在座的各位一起去领略改革开放的丰硕成果!如今的中国,已经发生了天翻地覆的变化,据悉,世界媒体最为关注的本年

7、度国际政治焦点就是中国的崛起,英国独立报称 2008 年将是中国成为超级大国的一年,而美国时事期刊新闻周刊在去年 12 月 22 日的报道中更是回顾了中国改革开放三十周年,总结了期间傲人的成绩!可以说,促使我国摆脱贫穷和饥饿,并取得如此硕果的动力就是改革开放,自改革开放总设计师邓小平同志在 1978年 12 月召开的党的十一届三中全会上提出改革开放路线以来,我国便以超过 10%的年经济增长率高速发展,并取得了现在的成果!经过 30 多年的改革开放,中国从落后的农业社会发展成为现代商业社会,并着手开拓具有中国特色的社会主义道路,1978 年初,我国人均国内生产总值仅为 379 元人民币,截止到

8、2006 年 2 月达到 2000 美元,增加了约 40 倍!对外贸易总额也由 206.4 亿美元上升到 1.4 万亿美元。经济规模继美国和日本之后排在全球第三位,三十年的改革开放,使我国综合国力不断增长,国际地位不断提高,参与国际合作,在国际社会中的作用和影响逐渐加深,彻底改变了“弱国无外交”的被动局面。特别是 1997 年 7 月 1 日香港回归和 1999 年10 月 22 日澳门回归,更是洗雪了中华民族百年的耻辱,使海内外华人扬眉吐气,今年台湾 322 入联公投的失败,更使所有国人为之一振!改革开放中的中国在维护中华民族领土完整的征程上又迈出了坚实的一步!有了改革开放所创造的雄厚经济根

9、基,我国科研军事实力迅猛增强,2003 年和 2005 年我国先后两次成功发射载人航天飞船,2007 年发射首颗绕月探测卫星,今年又计划实现太空行走,中华民族正在走向民族振兴的道路上昂首挺胸、阔步远行!-Dear leaders teachers and schoolmates:Hello! Today, I am very honored to have the opportunity to stand here, I see reform and opening speech, the 30th anniversary with all of you to go to enjoy the

10、great achievements reform and opening-up.Nowadays, China has turned upside down, and the world media is most international political focus of this year is the rise of China, the independent says Chinas 2008 will become a superpower, but the current periodicalsnewsweek in December 22 reports is revie

11、wed the 30th anniversary of Chinas reform and opening up, summarizes the achievements during the proud! Say, poverty and hunger to China, and so are the fruits of reform andopening-up, power since the reform and opening in 1978 chief designer of comrade deng xiaoping held in December in the third pl

12、enary session of the reform and opening up, China has with route of more than 10% in economic growth, and obtained the high-speed development of now achievements! After 30 years of reform and opening-up, China from behind the development of modern agriculture society become commercial society, and d

13、evelopment of socialism with Chinese characteristics, 1978, China road early per capita GDP 379 yuan, only to February 2006 reached $2,000, increased approximately 40 times! Foreign trade volume and 206.4 billion by up to $1.4 trillion. Economiesof scale after America and Japan in the third world, t

14、hree years of reform and opening-up, China comprehensive national strength increasing international status, continuously improve, participate in international cooperation in the international society, the role and effect, and gradually changed completely combined the passive state without diplomacy.

15、 Especially on July 1, 1997, HongKong and 1999, Macaos return on October 22nd, the Chinese nation hundred XiXue disgrace, make this year, and Chinese elated in Taiwanreferendum failed (all authors, more people! Chinas reform and opening up in the maintenance of the nations territorial integrity and

16、made of solid step! The reform and opening up are created by the strong economic foundation, Chinas military strength and rapid scientific research in 2003 and 2005 China successfully launched twice, 2007 manned spacecraft launched on firstsatellite around this year, and plans, the Chinese nation is

17、 space walk towards the rejuvenation of the road with pride and stride trip!2 美丽的 2008Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen:Bidding for the Olympic Games, in a way, an image-creating undertaking. The first and foremost thing is to let people fall in love with the city at first sight, attracting them

18、by its unipue image. What image does Beijing intend to create for itself once it has the opportunity to host the 2008 Olympics?It is known to all that the Beijing Municipal Government has already set the theme for the future games: New Beijing, Great Olympics. For me, the 2008 Olympics will be a gre

19、at green Olympics illuminated with two more special colors, yellow and red.First, yellow is a meaningful color. The Yellow River is Chinas Mother River and the descendants of the Yellow Emperor. This color has a special origin and great significance for the Chinese people. Beijing is the capital of

20、New China and previously the capital for nine dynasties in Chinese history. So, yellow will naturally add splendor to the 2008 Games.Secondly, the 2008 Olympics will be a red pageant.Red is another traditionally cherished color for the whole country. We adore red. On big occasions, we like to decora

21、te our homes in red. It is the color of double happiness, representing joyous moments, auspiciousness, enthusiasm and prosperity. Red is one of the most suitabl(转 载于:www.zaIdian.cOM 在 点 网)e colors to describe the future of Beijing . Beijing , together with the whole country, is becoming more and mor

22、e prosperous in the process of modernization. Should the 2008 Olympics be held in Beijing, the whole city will be a sea of red : the red torch,red flags, red flowers, and the radiant faces of millions of joyful people.Above all, the 2008 Olympics will be a green Olympics. Adding a green ingredient i

23、s essential in creating an appealing image, as we cant deny the fact that Beijing, at the moment, is not as green a city as what we like it to be. Striving for an environmentally appealing city has become a central task for all the citizens of Beijing. Big efforts have been made in pollution control

24、,replanting and beautification of the city. According to a project entitled The Green Olympic Action Plan, between 1998 and 2007, Beijing, we haveinvested 100 billion RMB in preserving and protecting the environment. Some 12.5 million trees and over 1 million acres of grass will be planted along the

25、 Fourth Ring Road. By then, the citys green area will make up 40% of its total. The city will also dredge its reservoirs used as a water supply to Beijing residents, controlling industrial pollution and moving out the 200 factories presently located within the city proper.Certainly, all of this is n

26、o easy task. But I am sure that all of us have confidence that we will realize these green goals. For now we have the full support and participation of the environmentally conscious citizens. Eachcitizen is showing great concern for every one of the steps the city government takes. As the saying goe

27、s, United, we stand, and a green Beijing will be achieved.When our aspiration becomes a reality, it will be a unique Olympics. New Beijing, Great Olympics; will be weaved of these three superb colors: yellow, red and green.Let us welcome it and look forward to it! Thank you!3 中国美食Chinese FoodChinese

28、 are famous for their cuisine. Chinese are the ultimate gourmet.Especially in south China, they would say theyd eat everything that has four legs besides the dinner table, everything that has two wings besides a plane. Many of the dishes served in China may really surprise newcomers. And many of the

29、se dishes are so called medicinal dishes believed to have extraordinary nutritional value, including Shark Fin, Swallow Nest.Snake soup is among the most treasured soups in China. Then there are also snake gall and blood mixed in liquor which supposedly will brighten your eyes. Some westernized Chin

30、ese would suggest that if Adam and Eve had been Chinese we humans would still be in the Garden of Eden as they would have eaten the snake.Chopsticks are the main table utensils in China. Chinese children starts with a spoon but will adapt to chopsticks as early as when he just turns one. As a gift c

31、hopsticks symbolize straightforwardness, because of its shape. Chinese chopsticks dont have pointed tip, unlike the Japanese style that is refined to pick out the bones for their main diet, fish. Chinese chopsticks are mostly of bamboo, but today there are more and more wooden ones and plastic ones.

32、Foreigners are not expected to use chopsticks proficiently, but if they do, they will give a mighty impression. Therefore before you go to China, go to the local Chinese restaurant, if not to find authentic Chinese food, at least you can practice the use of chopsticks. If in your first meal in China

33、 you dont have to use chopsticks, then if you still cant handle the two sticks to pick up a big shrimp in your tenth meal, you show your incompetence in learning and the willingness to learn.评论|002009-01-26 10:53gotokenya|十六级Shenzhen is a young city. Twenty-four years ago, it did not exist. The area

34、 comprised just a few fishing villages when the Chinese government decided to open a special economic zone near Hong Kong. Now it has a population of more than 7 million. When I came here in 1994 for an internship, my boss told me, If you are old, you should go to Beijing. If youre young, you should

35、 come here. In Shenzhen, theres no sense of seniority. Everybody is evaluated on their merit. Its an immigrant city, and its quite free from the traditional culture. Every aggressive Chinese person comes here to pursue their dream.In 2000, I helped try to build a Nasdaq-like market for China. But th

36、en the Nasdaq bubble burst, and there were many scandals on the main board in China. The Chinese government got more and more worried, so it decided to suspend the markets development. Instead, it agreed to build a market for small and midsized enterprises. Unlike what we were trying to establish in

37、 2000, the SME board isnt lowering the listing requirements. The SME board requires that companies be profitable for the past three years.I learned a big lesson: You must be patient. The main difference between Chinas economic reform and the reform in Russia is that China is taking a path of gradual

38、ism. The society and economy are so complex, you cannot see all of the difficulties and all of the outcomes. You have to be cautious. I tried to create the ideal market overnight. Even so, grassroots companies are Chinas future. Theyre growing fast, and their leaders are clever visionaries. These co

39、mpanies have long been denied access to capital markets. No more.篇三:最美老师评选演讲稿最美老师评选演讲稿各位尊敬的领导,各位亲爱的老师:大家上午好!我叫唐宝芬,是一名普通的小学教师。今天能有机会站在“最美老师评比”的舞台上,我深感荣幸。自从 97 年从师范学校毕业,就三尺讲台与再也没分开过。在农村工作了 15 年,使我的人生轨迹与众不同。借此机会跟大家一起分享我平凡而幸福的工作和生活。1白驹过隙,日月穿梭,才见梅开腊底,又早天气回阳。回首过去的 15 年,昌北地区的教育事业发生翻天覆地的变化。仍记得我第一次到呼日小学报到的场景

40、,那时的校舍破旧且稀少,勉强称之为“操场”的空地还是周边农户鸡鸭猪狗放风的场所。弹指间,这些建筑已经不复存在,现在已经异地重建,旧貌换新颜。2003 年的时候,我调到岛石小学教书。这一年,崭新的教学楼刚刚落成,学生们从斑驳陈旧的老校舍搬入窗明几净的新教室,整个校园都洋溢着喜悦的氛围。和学校硬件设备一同进步的还有我们这些老师,看着学校崭新的面貌和娃娃们纯真求知的眼睛,我们立志要加倍努力,把自己的宝贵年华奉献给教育事业,把我们毕生所学尽数传授给可爱的学生们,因为他们是未来昌北的栋梁!在几代人的不懈奋斗下,昌北给渐渐摆脱了落后闭塞的困境,昌北的老师也不再给人“放了锄头进教室”的印象。过去有人评价我们

41、是“下了课堂上田埂,一身布衣解放鞋” ,而今我站到这里,想要告诉大家,我们昌北,我们岛石,现在有一群和我一样满怀热情、渴望放飞理想的有志青年,我们和昌北一起成长,用行动书写作为一名人民教师的担当。2俗话说,人往高处走水往低处流,可我却偏偏是个往“低处”走的人。这些年,学校总有大量优秀老师调到外地,我身边熟悉的老面孔越来越少。每年暑假,我总会接到亲朋好友劝我调到城里工作的电话。可是,我一次又一次辜负了他们的期望。在昌北, “孟母三迁”的故事一直在上演。由于优秀的教师外调,家长往往也追随着老师们的脚步送学生去他们现任的学校念书。父母宁可自己吃尽苦头,也要给孩子一个最好的教育环境,每每看着这些淳朴的

42、家长为了孩子就学的事情东奔西走,我的心里十分不是滋味。每年暑假我都会接到很多家长来电,询问我今年有没有调走,当他们听到我肯定的答复的时候,都会由衷地舒一口气,说上一句“那我就放心了” 。而电话的另一头的我却是无比的心酸,可怜天下父母心,这一句“放心”包含着几多期待、几多苦楚。每当这时,便更坚定了我留下来的决心。因为昌北不仅沉淀了我的青春和梦想,也牢牢地拴住了我的心:十几年的朝夕相处使我离不开这里,这里需要我,家长需要我,孩子们更需要我。如果你看见我的眼里饱含泪水,那是因为我爱这片土地爱得深沉。除此之外,我与岛石的山山水水也有斩不断的情谊,这里清澈的河水孕育了淳朴善良的人民,秀丽的山峰造就了他们

43、积极乐观的性格。能在这里工作,让我身心都感到愉快,和谐安定的工作环境不仅是我坚持下去的动力,也是我幸福、快乐的力量源泉。我坚信,我们的双手会创造出属于岛石的辉煌未来。3这 15 年,我的汗水与心血换来了家长们的一致好评。不论是以前的呼日小学,还是现在的岛石小学,我都能感受到家长们的信任。这份珍贵的信任让我更加感受到自己所担负的责任,记忆中有一件难忘的事。那时我还是在呼日小学工作,那时的呼日小学有一大半学生是住校的。有一次由于食堂师傅操作不当,在蒸饭的时候,把锅炉的废水回流到了蒸箱里,学生的饭盒全都进了这有毒的废水,师傅们当时只是把饭盒里的水倒了又重新蒸,结果就出了状况。有二十来个学生没注意就把

44、饭吃了,知道后来班上有一个学生向我汇报饭的味道不对劲,我马上制止了其余学生继续食用,并及时去食堂师傅那里了解情况。到了晚上 8 点左右,那些先前吃了饭的同学开始出现不同程度的食物中毒症状,严重的几个学生脸色迅速发青,还伴随着上吐下泻、肚子剧痛的病症。庆幸的是,我提前提醒同学们注意观察,发现中毒后及时送往医院治疗,避免了更大事故的发生。同时,我还把其余五、六十个学生的晚饭都承担了下来,由于呼日村那时是一个小村庄,没有饭店,我整整烧了 3 高压锅饭,4 大锅的面,保证每一个学生都不能饿着肚子。事后,好多家长前来当面向我道谢,我却觉得这是我分内的事。家长把子女交给了我,我也应该把他们视为自己的孩子,



47、他们进行必要的交流和讨论。做课堂练习时采取分层训练的办法,基础一般的学生做基础题,基础较好的学生做拓展题,既可以提高练习的针对性,也减轻了孩子们的负担。形成性评价,也就是通常说的考试。考试结束后最重要的不是分数,而是试卷反映出的学习状况,但是很多学生忽略、甚至不理解这一点。所以,每次批改试卷,我会先画出试卷中的错误,从不用号,只是把错误的地方画出来,先不批分数,然后分发给学生;也暂时不讲评试卷,给学生一次挽救的机会。等学生订正后再批分数,分数以第一次得分加自救分的形式出现,比如第一次考了 90 分,另外 5 分是粗心做错的,通过自己订正能做对,就以 90+5的形式出现,如果自己无法实现自救,我

48、再给予辅导。因为很多时候的丢分是由于审题不清、计算失误等低级错误造成的,这种办法温柔又深刻的提醒他们以后要更加细心,也缓解了学生对考试的压力和抵触心理,让考试发挥其真正的意义。十几年来自己细致踏实的工作和适当改良创新的教学方法,让我所带的班级成绩一直处于领先地位,这不仅让我感到欣慰,也不辜负辛苦操劳的家长们的一片期待。5最后我想跟大家聊聊我的家庭。在 2004 年,我的爱人因一次意外事故造成高位截瘫,胸部以下完全失去了知觉。当时年幼的儿子才刚学会走路,这个残酷的消息简直就是一个晴天霹雳,沉重的变故带给我巨大的生活负担和心理压力。当时爱人住院治疗一个月,我的心里还抱有一丝幻想,可是治疗结束却没有

49、一丝转机,这冰冷冷的事实让我和丈夫抱在一起痛哭一场。在这之后,我说服自己必须去接受这个现实,那就是他的后半生只能在轮椅上度过了。其实想明白了也就坦然了,只是换一个活法,同样也有精彩的人生。从那以后,我们在一起从来没哭过,再苦再累的日子也能坦然一笑。现在回想起来,在这么沉重的打击面前,我的坚强甚至超出了我自己的想象。有人说“有了爱才有教育” ,教育的英语是 education,很像中文的发音“爱就开心” 。是的,我想正是我的心里充满了爱,所以在教师这个岗位上每天都能开心、满足,在岛石这个小山村里也能斗志昂扬的生活。我爱我的工作,我的学校,我的学生,我的家人。以后的路还很长,要做的事还有很多,我想只要有爱,就有足够的动力。只要有爱,一切都会变的更美好!谢谢大家!注:根据您的原稿,发现存在两个小问题。一是语言累赘、不够简练,且有的地方过于口语化了,美感不足。二是有些地方略略有些“自夸” ,我想演讲稿应该是客观地写出自己的光辉事迹,在含蓄内敛的叙述中让别人感受到你的成功与伟大。在此基础上我做了修改,拙作一篇,还望您采纳。如需修改,请联系QQ:584598357.


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