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1、单位代码 10445学号 2009020624分类号 H315.9研究生类别 全日制硕士论 文 题 目:Reproduction of Style in Literary Translation- A Case Study of Fortress Besieged文学翻译中的语言风格再现以围城英译本为例学科专业名称申 请人 姓名英语语言文学王珍妮指 导 教 师 徐彬 副教授论文提交时间 2012 年 06 月 06 日Reproduction of Style in Literary Translation- A Case Study of Fortress Besieged文学翻译中的语言风

2、格再现以围城英译本为例By Wang ZhenniUnder the Supervision of Associate Prof. Xu BinAThesisSubmitted toSchool of Foreign LanguagesIn Candidacy for the Degree of Master of ArtsShandong Normal UniversityJinan, Shandong, ChinaJune, 2012独 创 声 明本人声明所呈交的学位论文是本人在导师指导下进行的研究工作及取得的研究成果。据我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他人已经发

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4、期:20 年 月 日山东师范大学硕士学位论文ContentsAbstract I摘要 . IIIIntroduction . 1Chapter One Literature Review. 51.1 The Definition of Style . 51.1.1 Linguistic Perspective 51.1.2 Literary Perspective 61.2 Significance of the Reproduction of Style in Literary Translation 71.3 The Translatability and Untranslatabilit

5、y of Style . 91.3.1 Translatability of Style from Linguistic Perspective 91.3.2 Translatability of Style from Literary Perspective . 111.4 Summary 12Chapter Two Theoretical Framework 152.1 A Brief Introduction to Functional Equivalence 152.2 Stylistic Marker Theory by Liu Miqing . 162.2.1 Formal Mar

6、kers Phonological Markers Register Markers Syntactic Markers. Lexical Markers Textual Markers Markers of figures of speech 182.2.2 Non-Formal Marker . Manners of Expression. Inner Quality of the Original Inhere

7、nt Disposition . 192.2.3 Summary 20Chapter Three Introduction of Fortress Besieged . 213.1 Introduction to Chien Chung-shu and his Fortress Besieged . 213.2 Style and Literary Characteristics of Fortress Besieged 223.3 Comments on the English Version . 23Chapter Four The Reproduction of Literary Sty

8、le and the Corresponding CompensatoryStrategies . 254.1 Formal Marker 254.1.1 Lexical Marker . 254.1.2 Register Marker 274.1.3 Syntactic Marker 304.1.4 Figures of Speech . 314.1.6.1 Hyperbole . 314.1.6.2 Metaphor 334.1.6.3 Simile . 364.1.6.4 Irony . 37山东师范大学硕士学位论文4.1.6.5 Sarcasm 404.1.6.6 Pun 434.2

9、Non-Formal Marker . 454.2.1 Manners of Expression . 464.2.2 Inherent Disposition . 484.3 Summary 50Conclusion. 53Bibliography 57Acknowledgements . 59Publications . 60山东师范大学硕士学位论文AbstractGreat importance has been attached to the reproduction of style in literary translation for along time. Style is t

10、he spirit of literary works through which the internal thought of the originalauthor can be traced. There is no doubt that style reproduction is an important and indispensiblepart in literary translation and the successful recognition and reproduction of literary style hasbeen a criterion to judge w

11、hether the original literary works is successfully carried over . Stylereproduction has always been a focus in literary translation which evokes a series of discussionssuch as translatability and untranslatability, how to reproduce the original literary style in thetarget language, etc. This thesis,

12、 based on the English version of Fortress Besieged, conducts acase study on the translatability of literary style and puts up the reciprocal compensatorytranslating strategies.The thesis begins with the introduction of the previous research achievements about thedefinitions of style, translatability

13、 and untranslatability of style as well as the limits oftranslatability. As people in the world actually share similar life experiences and cultures, stylecan be translatedthis is also a fact that has been proved by translation practice. However, as anintercultural activity, translation is bound to

14、be influenced by the original culture. Besides, othercomplicated factors can also exert great influence on the reproduction of literary style, such asdiachronic of translation activity, the translator himself and the target language readers, etc. Allof these factors give rise to the failure of the r

15、eproduction of original literary style. The targetlanguage (TL) texts are not able to achieve functional equivalence with the source language (SL)text and the original artistic value is damaged. Emphasis is attached to the elaboration of StylisticMarker Theory in this thesis, which analyzes literary

16、 style from different levels. The theory,which is characterized by micro-analysis and overall view, is able to guide literary translationpractice.The thesis conducts a comparative analysis on Chinese and English version of FortressBesieged, which is characterized by the incisive language, the sarcas

17、tic humor and theunderlying meaning, etc. The brief description gave the readers a vivid impression on theportraits, psychological activities, emotional attitudes as well as personalities of the characters.I山东师范大学硕士学位论文What made the novel a success is the colorful language. The readers can reflect o

18、n themselvesand explore the internal world while appreciating the underlying sarcastic humor of the novel.Under the direction of Stylistic Markers Theory, the thesis conducts a comparative analysis onthe Chinese and English versions of Fortress Besieged, and in the process, both the strong pointsand

19、 defects of the translated version are analyzed on the aspect of style reproduction. Thetechniques of style reproduction is explored and summarized. Whats more, reciprocalcompensatory strategies are put up to perfect those defects. The thesis tries to put up withcompensatory strategies which can hel

20、p to reproduce the original literary style to a great extentin literary translation. The ultimate purpose is to prove the important part that Stylistic MarkerTheory plays in reproducing the original literary style with case study. Literary translators shouldattach great importance to literary style

21、in translation practice and be able to recognize andovercome various complicated factors that may exert influence on literary style.Key words: Stylistic Marker; Translatability of Style; Limits of Translatability; CompensatoryStrategyCategory Number: H315.9II山东师范大学硕士学位论文摘要文学作品翻译过程中的风格再现问题,一直备受翻译界的关注


23、影响。除此之外,翻译的跨越时空性、译者本身以及目标语读者等一些复杂因素都会对原作的风格再现产生影响。这就造成译作在各个层次上不能再现原文的文体风格,与原作不能达到最佳功能对等,原作的美学艺术效果和艺术价值遭受损害。本文重点阐述了刘宓庆的风格标记理论,该理论从不同的层次来认识文体风格,具有微观分析和总体把握的特点,能够更加全面地指导文学翻译实践。本文将钱锺书的围城及其英译本 Fortress Besieged 进行对比研究。 围城语言犀利,讽刺尖露,诙谐幽默,妙语连珠,耐人寻味。作者寥寥几笔,人物形象、心理活动、感情态度以及性格特点等均跃然纸上。围城中的精言妙语是小说最成功之处。读者在体会其语言


25、II山东师范大学硕士学位论文IV山东师范大学硕士学位论文IntroductionTranslating is a kind of sophisticated cross-cultural communication, a process in which thesource language and the target language interchange, collide, assimilate and merge with eachother. It is a process that involves a number of other factors, such as socia

26、l-cultural elements.Hence, as far as literary translation is concerned, a scientific, systemic, theoretical directingtranslating principle is in great demand. Literature touches upon a number of invisible factors,for instance, style. According to Theodore Savory, “style is the essential characterist

27、ics of everypiece of writing, the outcome of the writers personality and his emotions at the moment, and nosingle paragraph can be out together without revealing in some degree the nature of its author s.”(Theodore Savory, 1957: 54) Literary style relates not only to language feature, but also to th

28、ewriters personality, contemporary environment as well as regional culture that the writerbelongs to. The literary style involves not only the writers subjective factors but also thesocial-cultural context that the author belongs to. Identically, the style of the TL text is not onlydetermined by the

29、 original works, but also the translators personal writing style, thesocio-cultural context and a series of other factors in the target culture. Besides, the readersaesthetic value poses an important influence on the appreciation of the original literary style.Consequently, in the process of transla

30、tion, besides the source language, the translator shouldhave a comprehensive understanding of the factors both of the source culture and the targetculture that might influence the style of the TL text. However, it is due to these series ofcomplicated factors, for example, the asynchronism between cr

31、eation and translation, thedifference between target language and source language, the reproduction of the original stylewill be affected inevitably, and fail to achieve the best functional equivalence, which will causegreat damage to the esthetic effect and thematic significance of the original wor

32、ks.A great many scholars argue that literary style, distinctive from other features of a text, hasno visible entity; therefore, it is intangible. Accordingly, in the translating field, whether stylecan be reproduced in the TL text has been an issue in the limelight. While some scholars put upwith de

33、finitions of style from various perspectives, Liu Miqing is among the first scholars thathave devised a “stylistic system” for specific study. He holds that style is manifested with stylemarkers which can be further divided into formal markers and non-formal markers.1山东师范大学硕士学位论文However, few studies

34、 have been conducted on style reproduction. This is the problem thisthesis tries to resolve. This thesis employs the English version of Weicheng, or Fortress Beseiged,as the research object. Although, there have been a number of researches on this book, whichmainly focused on the humor analysis, the

35、 conversational implicature of the language, theemployment of figures of speech, etc., there is scarcely any study on the reproduction of theoriginal literary style in the English version, let alone relatively comprehensive, systemic andscientific relative compensatory strategies. This thesis, direc

36、ted by the Theory of the FunctionalEquivalence put forward by Eugene Albert Nida and Stylistic Markers Theory by Liu Miqing,will focus on style reproduction in the English version, which will analyze the translatability anduntranslatability of the literary style, and come up with the respective comp

37、ensatory strategies toreproduce the literary style to a maximum extent.As for literary translation, the reproduction of the original literary style is one of the coreissues; it is vital for preserving the aesthetic and artistic values of the original works. As far asliterary style is concerned, ther

38、e is no denying that it can be reproduced in some ways, however,owing to the instinctive differences between two social environments and many othercomplicated factors, literary style may fail to reproduce in the target language and the TL readersmay not be able to grasp the essence of the original w

39、orks which is available for the sourcelanguage readers. While discussing the nature of translation in his book The Theory and Practiceof Translation (1982), Eugene Albert Nida suggests that translating consists in reproducing in thereceptor language the closest natural equivalent of the source langu

40、age message, first in terms ofmeaning and secondly in terms of style. (Eugene Albert Nida, 1982: 42)Therefore, in the processof translation, the translators have to employ all kinds of strategies to reproduce the originalliterary style in the TL text to the extreme extent. If the TL text doesnt repr

41、oduce the originalstyle, the original contents, the implicature, the information and the innate feelings of thecharacters, the artistic and aesthetic value of the original works will disappear, i.e. this literarytranslation turns out to be a futile effort.Wei Cheng, or Fortress Besieged, is a popula

42、r novel which is full of comic exuberance andsatire. This book involves multifaceted things beyond the mirth and liveliness, and tries to makereaders sense the follies and vices of the characters; when the readers realize and appreciate thiskind of relentless satire, the artistic value of this book

43、is revealed. A large variety of figures of2山东师范大学硕士学位论文speech are adopted in the book. The vivid language as well as the underlying satire makes thereaders ponder over themselves. This book takes shape a unique literary style with the help of allkinds of figure of speech and vivid language, most of

44、which will set people to think. The authoremployed a good number of Chinese idioms, classical Chinese, and pidgins English to presentthe characters vividly to the readers. Whether the English version Fortress Besieged cansuccessfully reproduce the vividness of the original language, such as the idio

45、ms and classicalChinese into English, is still a question to discuss.The thesis, based on the English version of Fortress Besieged by Kelly. J. N. 2. the features of a book, etc. that makeit typical of a particular author, artist, historian; period, etc.; 3. the correct use of language.”(2004:1758)A

46、ccording to the Revised Edition of A Dictionary of Literary Terms, style is “thecharacteristic manner of expression in prose or verse; how a particular writer says things. Theanalysis and assessment of style involves examination of a writers choice of words, his figuresof speech, the devices (rhetor

47、ical and otherwise), the shape of his sentence (whether they beloose or periodic), the shape of paragraphs, indeed, of every conceivable aspect of his languageand the way in which he uses it. ” (J.A. Cuddon, 1991:663) Style may be compared to the toneand voice of the writer himself, which is as much

48、 peculiar to him as his laugh, his walk, hishandwriting and expressions on his face. Just as Geoffrey N. Leech proposes: “the word style has5山东师范大学硕士学位论文an uncontroversial meaning: it refers to the way in which the language is used in a given context,by a given person, for a given purpose and so on.

49、” (Geoffrey N. Leech, 1981: 10)Jin Li and Zhang Jian, in the book Elements of Literature, hold that style refers to thedistinctive manner in which a writer arranges words to achieve particular effects. In general,style is comprised of two elements: diction and syntax. The former refers to the writers choiceof words that comprise an authors basic vocabulary by which the author reveals characters,describes events, creates atmosphere and conveys themes. Syntax, another important element ofstyle, involves the ways the author arranges words into phrases, cl


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