1、点亮网 http:/ 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!点亮网() 专业服务于企业(公司策划管理人员)Email:QQ:393812649 第 1 页 共 12 页我们的行业就是创意我们真的很高兴能将这本百感交集广告大师李奥贝纳的 100 名言介绍给华语世界的广大读者们。广告是一门艺术,是在热情与经验的激发下创作而成的。正如同伟大的广告人李奥贝纳(Leo Burnett)先生,数十年来已在英语系的国度中激励、启发了无数的广告人。 李奥贝纳先生及其同时代的几位广告人,例如大卫奥格威(David Ogilvy)先生都曾是推动广告创作与创意表现的动力。李奥贝纳是一个文案
2、工作者,他相信简单才能清楚地呈现主题,正如他的名言:要单纯,要使人记忆深刻,要让人乐于注意、看得有趣。 ,同时他相信伟大的创意所具有的力量, 一个真正的创意,拥有它自己的力量与生命。 正因为这样的信念,贝纳先生创作了无数经得起时间考验的经典广告,包括万宝路牛仔、家乐氏东尼老虎以及绿巨人玉米罐头。这本书收集了 100 句李奥贝纳先生的经典名言,深切地表达了他对广告创作的信念。他的言语就像是一部好的广告作品,简单,具说服力,且富有人情味。如果今天贝纳先生仍活着,知道自己的智慧语录将继续在华语世界中,贡献于他所钟爱且致力奉献的广告创作,他必定深感荣幸。我们希望贝纳先生的智慧语录同样也能激发您的无限潜
3、力。李奥贝纳的 100 名言1、伸手摘星,即使徒劳无功,亦不致一手污泥。“When you reach for the stars you may not quite get one,but you wont come up with a handful of mud either.”2、不想犯错?只要不再去想好的创意点子就行了。“To swear off making mistakes is very easy.All you have to do is swear off having ideas.”3、丧失谦逊,会危害我们的判断力;自以为是,可以让我们前进时栽跟斗。“Loss of hu
4、mility can wreck our judgment.Smug complacency can put a roadblock in front of our progress.”4、广告没有永恒的成功。“There is no such thing as a permanent advertising success.”5、我相信,自我的满足就是每天感觉自己的薪水一分一毫都是自己流血流汗赚来的。“Personal satisfaction,I believe,must come in a day-to-day feeling that one has earned his or her
5、 pay.”6、我从未见过,在任何真正伟大广告诞生的过程中,没有一点疑惑、没有堆满的字纸篓、没有殚精竭虑,没有对自我的恼怒和诅咒。“Rarely have I seen any really great advertising created without a certain amount 点亮网 http:/ 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!点亮网() 专业服务于企业(公司策划管理人员)Email:QQ:393812649 第 2 页 共 12 页of confusion,throw-aways,bent noses,irritation and downr
6、ight cursedness.”7、有趣却毫无销售力的广告,只是在原地踏步;但是有销售力却无趣的广告,却令人憎恶。“Fun without sell gets nowhere but sell without fun tends to become obnoxious.”8、做生意的唯一目的,就在服务人群;而广告的唯一目的,就在对人们解释这项服务。“The sole purpose of business is service.The sole purpose of advertising is explaining the service which business renders.”9
7、、这家公司从不曾刻板而无趣。这是我们珍贵的资产,也是每天兢兢业业的原动力。“One thing this company has never been is stuffy.And this is a valuable thing not to have been and is very much a part of what makes us tick.”10、简单点吧!让我们挑最明显的特点-最共通的事物-把它做得非比寻常地好。“Keep it simple.Lets do the obvious thing-the common thing-but lets do it uncommonly
8、 well.”11、最可怕的未来,就是万一我们得了肥脑症 (Fatheadism),两耳之间别无长物,只有肥油,足以致我们于死地。“The most fearful possibility that lies ahead is that we might contractfatheadism-fat between the ears can destroy us.”12、我们希望消费者说:这真是个好产品 ,而不是说:这真是个好广告 。“We want consumers to say,Thats a hell of productinstead of Thats a hell of an ad
9、.”13、企划广告时,就该想到如何销售。“Plan the sale when you plan the ad.”14、即使不考虑道德因素,不诚实的广告也被证实无利可图。“Regardless of the moral issue,dishonesty in advertising has proved very unprofitable.”15、如果你无法将自己当成消费者,那么你根本就不该进入广告这一行。“If you cant turn yourself into your customer,you probably shouldnt be in the ad writing busine
10、ss at all.”16、如果你在芝加哥做不出好广告,换到别的地方也无济于事。“If you cant make a good ad in Chicago,you cant make one anywhere.”17、有能力的创意人员,不会认为他的工作只是做一则或一套广告,他一定会下功夫去了解影响产品销售的其它因素。点亮网 http:/ 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!点亮网() 专业服务于企业(公司策划管理人员)Email:QQ:393812649 第 3 页 共 12 页“The competent creative man does not approa
11、ch his job solely in terms of making an advertisement, or a series of advertisements.He must approach it with a clear understand of what other factors are involved in the sale of the product.”18、在这个没人知道明天是什么样子的世界里,唯一能教人免于沮丧发狂的东西,就是朴实原始的作品。“In a world where nobody seems to know whats going to happen
12、next,the only thing to do to keep from going completely nuts from frustration is plain old-fashioned work.”19、对生活抱持全面性的好奇,仍是伟大创意人员成功的秘诀。“Curiosity about life in all of its aspects,I think, is still the secret of great creative people.”20、我们生活的真正目的,便是透过创意和点子,为客户塑造商誉并不断开创销售佳绩。“Our real purpose in life
13、 is that of improving the sales effectiveness and reputation of our clients through ideas.”21、如果我们努力去寻找的话,总会有改进的空间,在某处等着我们。“There is a paradise of improvement awaiting us if we search hard enough for it.”22、我渐渐学到,为当时不受欢迎的想法或观念而战,永远是值回票价的,千万别屈服匆促而轻率的大众协议。“I have learned that it pays to fight for conc
14、epts and causes that may appear unpopular at the moment ,rather than following the course of quick and easy agreement.”23、很明显的,公司不可能比员工成长得更好或更快。“It is apparent that the company cant be any better or bigger than the growth of the people in it.”24、广告是人与人沟通的行业。我们应永远力行这个原则。“In this agency business we ar
15、e people talking to people,and thats what we should keep running through our fingers.”25、我们制作销售产品的广告,但也请记住,广告负有广泛的社会责任。“Lets gear our advertising to sell our goods,but lets recognize also that advertising has a broad social responsibility.”26、如果你并不拥有十足的创造力,丰富的想像力,对万事万物也没有太多的好奇和疑问,那么,我劝你最好离广告这行远一点。“I
16、f youre not fertile and imaginative and full of wonder and curiosity,I urge you to stay away from advertising.”点亮网 http:/ 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!点亮网() 专业服务于企业(公司策划管理人员)Email:QQ:393812649 第 4 页 共 12 页27、所谓的拜大主义 ,就是冰封固有操守而火热追求利润。“Too-bignesshas set in when the hot pursuit of profits cuts corn
17、ers on old-fashioned ethics.”28、一个真正优秀的创意人员,对实事求是比能言善道更有兴趣,对感动人心比甜言蜜语更觉满足。“A really good creative person is more interested in earnestness than in glibness and takes more satisfaction out of converting people than in wowingthem.”29、创意给人生命和生趣。“Ideas alone enable a man to survive and flourish.”30、当一个人
18、从骨子里深深了解什么是对的,并时时身体力行,他便能免于落入妥协的陷阱-没有人能收买或腐化他。“When a man knows deep in his bones what is right,and keeps acting on it,he avoids the trap of compromise-he remains incorruptible.”31、一个公司,如果员工都不敢开口说话,发出不同声音,或大胆表达创见,大概离关门不远了。“A company in which anyone is afraid to speak up,to differ,to be daring and or
19、iginal,is closing the coffin door on itself.”32、公司壮大的一半乐趣,我认为,是对先贬后褒毫不在意。“Half the pleasure of getting big,I think,is to thumb your nose at the indignity of getting dignified.”33、让我们继续以此闻名:这家代理商,花了大部分时间在改进它的理念,而不是在辩解它的正确性 。“Lets continue to be known as an agency which spends more time trying to impr
20、ove its theories rather than to defend them.”34、整体的解决方法始于单一个体的个别努力。“Collective solutions to problems start with individual human beings and individual efforts.”35、公司变大,有时候的确有说不出的苦处;但是,相信我,比起缩编或停滞,这种痛苦实在微不足道。“Growing pains sometines may seem unbearable,but believe me they are nothing compared with th
21、e pain of shrinking or the pain of standing still.”36、广告如此这般告诉人们:如此产品,给你如此的好处,到此处你就能找到它 。“Advertising says to people,Heres what weve got. Heres what it will do for you. 点亮网 http:/ 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!点亮网() 专业服务于企业(公司策划管理人员)Email:QQ:393812649 第 5 页 共 12 页Heres how to get in.”37、广告代理商的作品是与
22、温暖的,全然人性的,它触及人们的需求、欲望、梦想和希望;这样的作品,绝对无法在工厂生产线上完成。“The work of an advertising agency is warmly and immediately human.It deals with human needs,wants,dreams and hopes. Its productcannot be turned out on an assembly line.”38、我慢慢懂得,即使呆子也能写个烂广告;但是,要弄出点好东西,就真需要个天才。“I have learned that any fool can write a
23、bad ad,but that it takes a real genius to keep his hands off a good one.”39、好广告不只在传达讯息,它能以信心和希望,穿透大众心灵。“Good advertising does not just circulate information. It penetrates the public mind with desires and belief.”40、唯一有价值的创意会议是,参与的每个人都以相同的事实开始为讨论的基准,不论点子乍听之下有多狂野,也都有雅量相待,并表现出谦冲的尊重。“The only creative
24、conference worth a damn is one in which everybody in the room starts from the same base of fact,a consuming appetite for ideas no matter how wild they may first appear,and a humble respect for them.”41、我逐渐体会到,没有好客户,就不会有好广告;没有好广告,就也留不住好客户。还有,没有任何一个客户,会买他自己都没兴趣,或是看不懂的广告。“I have learned that you cant h
25、ave good advertising without a good client,that you cant keep a good client without good advertising,and no client will ever buy better advertising than he understandsor has an appetite for.”42、如果事实支持你,而你也相信自己,在一路为创意而战的途中,绝少会败下阵来。“If you have the facts on your side and honest conviction in your hear
26、t,your rarely lose by fighting for your idea all the way.“43、你一再错失大好良机,是不是因为走到了十字路口,而自己总是浑然不觉?“Are you blowing opportunity after opportunity because you cant recognize a crossroad when you come to it?“44、我们的行业,就是创意。创意在气味相投的气氛中,最能成长茁壮。“Our business is ideas.They grow and flourish best in an atmospher
27、e of congenial collaboration.”45、与公司门面及财务状况相较,我们应该更关心公司的灵魂-那就是我们的价值观,热情与点亮网 http:/ 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!点亮网() 专业服务于企业(公司策划管理人员)Email:QQ:393812649 第 6 页 共 12 页操守。“It seems to us there should be less concern about the dimensions of a business.And considerably more concern about its heartbes
28、t-the value,zest and spirit behind its physical and financial facade.”46、在物色创意人选时,那些对生命近乎天真般好奇的人,总会让我产生高度兴趣。“In looking for creative people,I am always most interested in those who have an almost naive curiosity about life.”47、在我认为,做广告最伟大的成就是使人信服;而没有任何东西比产品本身更能说服人。“The greatest thing to be achieved
29、in advertising,in my opinion,is believability ,and nothing is more believable than the product itself.”48、占领市场必先占领消费者的心灵。“Before you can have a share of market,you must have a share of mind.”49、消费大众并不真正知道自己要什么。直到那些创意以商品方式呈现在他们的面前。如果他们能事先告诉你自己要什么,今天就不会有轮子、杠杆,甚或汽车、飞机和电视的出现。“The public does not know wh
30、at it wants,and there is no sure way of finding out until the idea is exposed under normal conditions of sale.If people could tell you in advance what they want,there would never have been a wheel ,a lever,much less an automobile,an airplane or a TV set.”50、没上过档的广告,做得再好,都永远无法创造销售。“A good ad which is
31、 not run never produces sales.”51、太多广告努力不要超越人们的智商,结果落得无人闻问。“Too many ads that try not to go over the readers head end up beneath his notice.”52、我发觉,写一则谈好广告的演讲稿,远比创造一个好广告来得容易。“I have learned that it is far easier to write a speech about good advertising than it is to write a good ad.”53、在企划的过程里,我喜欢在伟
32、大创意未知国度边缘冒险的感觉;但只要懂得利用事实为器,我们就有机会攻城掠地。“In all of our planning I like to feel that we adventurously live on the fringe of the Great Creative Unknown,but if we are properly armed with facts we are always better prepared to enter it.”54、我认为,在人类历史中,只有一个人是不可或缺的,他就是亚当。“In my opinion ,there has been only o
33、ne indispensable man in the history of the world .His name was Adam.”点亮网 http:/ 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!点亮网() 专业服务于企业(公司策划管理人员)Email:QQ:393812649 第 7 页 共 12 页55、我喜欢我们的公司看起来像一家光着脚丫的代理商,心中一直努力穿别人的鞋子 ,设身处地为他人着想-是一个辛勤工作的农场,而不是休闲观光的农舍。“I like to look on our own shops as kind of a barefoot agency
34、which is mentally always trying to put itself into other peoples shoes-a working ranch rather than a dude ranch.”56、我们业务量的成长来自现有客户的成长多于新客户的增加。“We built our business not so much by getting accounts as building them.”57、伟大的创意或平面广告,总是出其不意地单纯,触动人心而不凿斧痕。“As I have observed it ,great advertising writing,e
35、ither in print or TV, is always deceptively and disarmingly simple.It has the common touch without being or sounding patronizing.”58、我相信广告最大的危险之一,不在误导群众,而是让他们觉得要命地无聊。“I am one who believes that one of the greatest dangers of advertising is not that of misleading people,but that of boring them to dea
36、th.”59、广告中原创的诀窍,不在制造新奇花俏的图像文字,而是组合那些熟悉的文字与图片,产生全新的趣味。“The secret of all effective originality in advertising is not the creation of new and tricky words and pictures,but one of putting familiar words and pictures into new relationships.”60、在我们这个行业,当你开始关心数钞票,胜于做好广告及服务客户时,很快的,你就会发现没有多少钞票可数。“In this bu
37、siness when you start putting the emphasis on counting money rather than getting out better ads and otherwise giving your clients better service,you soon learn that there is very little money to count.”61、即流的最好方法,就是善于利用时间,它直接影响我们实际的费用与利润。“The greatest saving of all is better utilization of our time.
38、This directly affects practically every phase of the business in terms of expense and profits.”62、我始终抱持着一个态度:没有问题客户 ,只有客户的重大问题。陷溺问题的挣扎,永远比寻求解决之道浪费时间且消耗精力。“I have always taken the attitude that no account is a problem accountbut that all accounts have important problems attached to them-that you can
39、waste more time and burn up more nervous energy by fighting a problem than by taking a positive attitude and solving it.”63、与人相处共事,我学到一件非常简单的事实:没有人故意犯错 。这个体认让我们集点亮网 http:/ 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!点亮网() 专业服务于企业(公司策划管理人员)Email:QQ:393812649 第 8 页 共 12 页中心力寻求补救之道,而不让犯错的人感觉生不如死。如果这个人是块料,他的内疚会是最令他
40、难过的谴责。“In learning to work and live with people,the most important thing I am coming to understand is the simple truth that no one makes mistakes on purpose.Knowing this should allow us to concentrate on correcting the mistake rather than making life miserable for the mistake maker.If he is the righ
41、t sort,nothing you can say or do to him will make him feel any worse about the mistake than he does already.”64、伟大的创意造就伟大的广告公司,而伟大的广告公司依然以伟大的广告为目标。“Agencies that create great advertising may become big agencies,but their goal remains the creation of great advertising.”65、要单纯,要使人记忆深刻,要让人乐于注意、看得有趣。“Ma
42、ke it simple. Make it memorable. Make it inviting to look at. Make it fun to read.”66、有乐趣的环境能滋养创意,没有人工作只是为了好玩,但并不意味工作不能变得有趣。“Creative ideas flourish best in a shop which preserves some spirit of fun. Nobody is in business for fun,but that does not mean there cannot be fun in business.”67、像我们这样规模的公司,
43、很明显地,作业必须精密地分工,但这并不意味我们必须本位化 。“In operating a business of our size,it is obvious that we have to be well departmentalized. This does not mean,however,that we have to be channelized.”68、就我所见,最大的问题就是要如何避免自己行径妄自尊大。“The biggest problem of all,as I see it,is a human one-how to keep from acting big.”69、 伸
44、手摘星可能听起来有些天真,但却是我一个热情信念;也许这个世界真该多一点这样的浪漫。“Reaching for the Starsmay sound a little naive,but it is a thought in which I passionately believe;and maybe the world could use a little more naivete of that kind.”70、我想正是伸手摘星的精神,让我们很多人长时间地工作奋战。不论到哪,让作品充分表现这个精神,并且驱使我们放弃佳作,只求杰作。“It is this spirit(Reaching fo
45、r the Stars) which I think has made many of us work long hours,which makes us carry the thought of our work with us wherever we go,which makes us lay aside good work for better work.”71、我一直觉得广告是可能让人兴奋的,并且乐在其中,觉得深具价值、意义而可敬。同时广告也是必须深思熟虑,全力以赴的行业。点亮网 http:/ 提供企业管理,人力资源,品牌策划,文书范本等等,海量,天天更新!点亮网() 专业服务于企业(
46、公司策划管理人员)Email:QQ:393812649 第 9 页 共 12 页“I have always felt that advertising could be something to get excited about. To take pleasure in. To regard as worthwhile,meaningful,respectable. Something to do thoughtfully and well.”72、认为大众可以被愚弄、牵着鼻子走的人,就是低估社会大众;当然,他在广告圈也不会有什么大成就。“Anyone who thinks that pe
47、ople can be fooled or pushed around has an inaccurate and pretty low estimate of people-and he wont do very well in advertising.”73、我倾听每个人讲话并一一记录,特别是对业务人员。因为,他们一直最接近人群。“I listen to everybody and take notes. Particularly salesmen. They get colse to people.”74、我们组织机构的运作,不应该将那些异议分子及不依常规的非我族类排拒在外。“Its important in building our organizational machines not to exclude the dissenter,the Outsider,the non-conformist.”75、一个放诸四海皆准的事实-必须先做成朋友,对方才会听你的忠告。“It seems axiomatic that you have to make a frie