1、世行第六期扶贫项目四川贵州甘肃三省环境管理框架该框架的目的,是根据世行对环保的政策要求和实践,指导客户对利用世行资金支持的子项目,从环境角度进行筛选,来规范管理在评估时尚无法确定(规模或地点等)的未来子项目环境影响。本框架主要明确了筛选和评估子项目的标准、内容、流程和职责,以确保同时符合中国环评法律法规和世界银行安保政策的要求及相关流程。子项目环境筛选的程序和要求具体如下:The purpose of the Environmental Management Framework (hereafter referred to as the EMF) is to guide the client
2、to screen from environmental perspective individual subprojects to be financed under the Poverty Alleviation in Poor Area Project, and manage their environmental impacts. According to the Bank safeguard requirements and practice, the framework approach is used when any project activities cannot be s
3、pecified (in terms of exact location or scale) by appraisal thus cannot conduct Environmental Impact Assessment prior to appraisal. The EMF defines the screening criteria, contents, procedures and responsibilities to ensure compliance with both Chinese EA laws and regulations and the World Bank safe
4、guard policies and procedures as specified in OP/ BP 4.01.Procedure and requirements for subproject screening and selection is below:1、子项目选择标准(Selection criteria for subprojects)1)必须是在本项目确定的支持内容范围内,具体见项目总环评;2)子项目在一定程度上或一定范围内对环境有影响,但能通过现有的标准的、容易获得并广泛应用的技术予以缓解。这类项目相当于世行的 B 类项目;在国内一般需要环评报告书或环评表。3)子项目对环
5、境影响很小或几乎没有影响,不需要采取环境控制措施。这类项目相当于世行的 C 类项目,不需要环评;在国内相当于填写环境登记表的项目,也无需环评。4)由于本项目属于 B 类,所以将不支持环境和社会影响超过 B 类的子项目,E4617 V7 REV也即按照世行环评政策 (OP4.01)的定义为 A 类的子项目。这些子项目的负面环境影响显著、多样、复杂、敏感或没有先例。 i. Subprojects must be within the scope of activities to be supported by the WB project as described in the project d
6、ocuments such as the EA (see chapter on project description);ii. Subprojects with impacts of limited duration and/or extent and that are easily mitigated through standard, readily available, widely practiced techniques, an environment assessment (EA) report or simple EA form is required in China. Th
7、is type of subprojects is equivalent to Category B of the World Bank EA, which needs the simple EA. iii. Subprojects with little or no environmental impacts and require no mitigating measures therefore no EA is required according to Chinese laws. Such subprojects are equivalent to category C of the
8、World Bank without EA requirement either. iv. Because this project is assigned category B, it will not support subprojects with impacts amounting to category A. According to the World Bank safeguard polices and the procedures as specified in OP4.01, if a subproject is likely to have significant adve
9、rse environmental impacts that are sensitive, diverse, or unprecedented, it is category A.2、道路和水利设施子项目选址标准 (Site selection criteria for roads and irrigation facility subprojects)(一)四川 (Sichuan Province)道路子项目选址标准(Site selection criteria for roads subprojects)(1)路线选址(Route selection) 路线选址应充分利用地形地势,回避不
10、良地段,正确运用技术标准,保证线形的均衡性,从行车安全、畅通和施工,养护的经济、方便,使路线平、纵、横三个面结合,力求平面短捷舒顺,纵断面平缓均匀,横断面稳定经济; 注意山、水、田、林、路的综合治理,做到少占耕田; 改扩建路段尽量利用既有道路进行布线,减少项目新增用地; 选线应尽量避免拆迁,减少项目费用及不稳定社会因素; 从长远考虑,道路选线应与乡村规划相结合; 道路选线应避开学校、诊所等环境敏感点; 绕避基本农田、肥田沃土、林地及自然保护区、风景名胜区、森林公园、饮用水源保护区、文物保护单位、历史或文化遗址、村寨、学校等敏感区域; 避免高填深挖。 The route selection sh
11、ould fully utilize local geometry to avoid defective sectors and follow codes of practice to guarantee proportionality. The route should serve to attain fast and smooth travelling laterally, gentle sloping longitudinally, as well as a stable and economical cross-section; Comprehensive management of
12、farmland, river, forest and road; Try to use the original road corridor and reduce incremental land occupation; Avoid unnecessary demolition; Facilitate long-term development; Avoid sensitive receptors like schools and clinics; Avoid water reserve; Avoid deep excavation.(2)渣场选址(Disposal site selecti
13、on) 项目区位于农村,沟谷等天然阻碍多,路线跨河附近区域应布置弃渣场,避免出现弃渣跨河调运; 弃渣场选择应尽量少占用水田,应避开泥石流冲沟、滑坡体、崩塌等不良地质地段; 为减少施工运输便道占地,堆渣高程与各路段路基高程相差不宜太大; 弃渣场地形应尽量平缓,以满足弃渣堆放要求,弃渣量应按照开挖土石方的类别和数量、回填利用的类别和数量等情况,分段平衡计算; 弃渣场选址禁止设置在滑坡、崩塌、泥石流等地质灾害及其影响区域; 根据公路工程建设特点,渣场运距原则上尽量控制在 5l0km 以内,以保证在施工过程中各施工标段能有数量充足且相对独立的弃渣场,避免出现干扰;同时合理控制弃渣运距,减少弃渣运输过程
14、带来的水土流失; 对于施工过程中造成的自然流失土石方,以及临时工程开挖土石方等应及时清理并运至就近弃渣场内集中堆放; 弃渣场选址应与周围建筑等设施留有一定的安全距离,特别当其下游分布有重要建筑物、村庄、水利设施等时,选址尤其要慎重,宁可增加临时占地,也要坚决避免弃渣场失稳后造成重大危害和损失; 渣场应不占用饮用水源保护区、自然保护区、风景名胜区、基本农田保护区等特殊环境保护目标; 每处弃渣场均采取截排水、挡渣墙(或拦渣坝)措施,弃渣前应实现完成弃渣场周边截、排水系统和拦渣措施的施工,做到“先拦后弃”并防止汇水对渣体形成冲刷; 弃渣前应预先对渣场表土进行剥离,并集中在渣场内不影响弃渣施工的角落堆
15、放,表面采用地表剥离的植被进行覆盖,坡脚采用装土编织袋或石块进行拦挡防。 As the Project is in rural area with plenty of valleys, spoil disposal sites should be set up on both riversides to prevent across-the-river transportation of spoil. Spoil disposal sites should not be located in landslide-prone areas. In order to reduce the area
16、of pathway during construction and transportation, there shouldnt be a huge elevation difference between the slag dump and the roadbed; Spoil disposal sites should be set up on flat land. Spoil surplus should be calculated section by section based on the amount of cut and fill. Spoil disposal sites
17、must be designed and operated to minimize impacts and maximize land stability. In principle, the transportation distance between disposal sites should be 5 to 10 km, so that there will be sufficient number of disposal sites within each section of the road; meanwhile, soil erosion caused by soil tran
18、sportation will also be limited. Earth and stone excavated in temporary construction should be removed promptly and transported to the nearest disposal site. Spoil sites should be kept at a safe distance from adjacent buildings and infrastructures. Special care should be taken when there are village
19、s or water conservancy facilities in the downstream; Spoil sites should not encroach on natural reserves, scenic spots, or water reserves and any other sensitive receptors. During the period of active spoil disposal at a site, interception drainage channels will be established to protect the site fr
20、om surface runoff. In order to facilitate rehabilitation of these sites, topsoil will be stripped, stored safely, and used to cover the surface of the dump on completion of activities at that site. Local grass and shrub species will be planted.水利工程子项目选址标准及建设要求(Irrigation facility subprojects selecti
21、on) 尽量少占用土地、尽量避免占用基本农田、肥田沃土、林地及自然保护区、风景名胜区、森林公园、饮用水源保护区、文物保护单位、历史或文化遗址、村寨、学校等敏感区域。 在蓄水池及提升泵站建设时,在环保、绿化、景观综合考虑的情况下,对蓄水池及提升泵站做出总体景观设计,使蓄水池与周围的建筑和绿化带协调,增加乡村环境的美观。 施工期在水利项目远离赤水河流域一侧修建隔油池和沉淀池。对于施工期的生产废水,应集中收集至沉淀池,经沉淀处理后用于周边洒水降尘或绿化。严禁在赤水河流域附近进行车辆及机械冲洗。 Trying to minimize the new occupation of land, and us
22、e the original alignment as much as possible in route selection. Try to avoid occupation of the basic farmland, fertile soil, forest and nature reserves, scenic spots, forest parks, drinking water source protection areas, cultural relics protection units, historical or cultural sites, villages, scho
23、ols and other sensitive areas. Water tank should be designed in view of environmental and aesthetic considerations so that it will match the style of surrounding buildings and green belts. This will create better visual impact necessary for future tourism development. To protect local water quality,
24、 sewage pits and/or temporary primary sewage treatment plants, including at least settlement and oxidation ponds, will be set up. The recycle water can be used in dust-suppression or vegetation planting. The volume of settle ponds should meet the need construction activities. Machinery or vehicle wa
25、shing in the river reach is strictly prohibited.(二)贵州 (Guizhou Province) 尽量少占用土地、尽量避免占用基本农田、肥田沃土、林地及自然保护区、风景名胜区、森林公园、饮用水源保护区、文物保护单位、历史或文化遗址、村寨、学校等敏感区域。 道路和水利设施应充分利用当地地形地貌地势,避开不良地质和高挖深填地段; 线路选线应与乡村规划相结合,尽量避免拆迁,减少项目费用及不稳定社会因素。 贵州是我国喀斯特地貌最发育的,属于典型的生态脆弱区,一旦破坏后很难恢复;故项目的选址,应尽量避开喀斯特地貌发育区,特别是石漠化严重的区域,避免项目的实
26、施扰动、破坏原有的喀斯特地貌,加速石漠化的发展。 Trying to minimize the new occupation of land, and use the original alignment as much as possible in route selection. Try to avoid occupation of the basic farmland, fertile soil, forest and nature reserves, scenic spots, forest parks, drinking water source protection areas,
27、cultural relics protection units, historical or cultural sites, villages, schools and other sensitive areas. Fully use the local terrain topography and geology, and avoid worse terrain and the sites that need deep cut. The sites selection should be combined with rural planning to avoid demolition an
28、d reduce project costs and bring social factors. As Guizhou has the most karst geography which is hard to restore once damaged. Thus the site selection should try to avoid karst area especially area with severe stonification.(三)甘肃 (Gansu Province) 道路建设是在原有道路的基础上进行砂化和硬化,尽量少占用土地、尽量避免占用基本农田、肥田沃土、林地及自然保
29、护区、风景名胜区、森林公园、饮用水源保护区、文物保护单位、历史或文化遗址、村寨、学校等敏感区域。 拟建道路沿线已形成较系统的排灌设施或天然渠道,道路通过时应尽量保持原系统不受破坏或改变;已改变或破坏的,应采取相应措施。 水利设施建设采用地埋式管道;在开挖过程中尽量减少临时占地,避免破坏农田。 Trying to sand and harden on the basis of original road construction, and minimize the new occupation of land, and use the original alignment as much as
30、possible in route selection. Try to avoid occupation of the basic farmland, fertile soil, forest and nature reserves, scenic spots, forest parks, drinking water source protection areas, cultural relics protection units, historical or cultural sites, villages, schools and other sensitive areas. The p
31、roposed road line has formed systematic irrigation facilities and/or natural channels, and try to keep original system is not destroyed and altered; take corresponding measures for the destroyed or altered part. Fully use the buried pipelines for water conservancy facilities, and minimize temporary
32、land occupation and avoid damage to farmland.3、市场、圈舍和加工等子项目的选址标准(Site selection criteria for markets, husbandry and agro-processing facilities)(一)四川 (Sichuan Province) 畜禽交易场所应设置在当地下风向,与其他交易市场应分开布置,并远离周围环境敏感点,以减小恶臭对周围环境的影响。 在畜禽交易点周边应做好用地规划,不适宜布置在集中居民区、娱乐场所等。 禁止修建在生活饮用水水源保护区、风景名胜区、自然保护区的核心区及缓冲区; 禁止修建在
33、城镇居民区,包括文教科研区、医疗区、商业区、工业区、游览区等人口集中地区; 畜禽养殖业污染治理工程(化粪池与粪污堆放场地)应与养殖场生产区、居民区等建筑保持一定的卫生防护距离,设置在畜禽养殖场的生产区、生活区主导风向的下风向或侧风向处; 散户养殖应规划尿液及粪便贮存池,贮存池应进行防渗设计;集中养殖设计粪便堆放场所、厌氧沼气池及粪便堆放场,畜禽粪便贮存设施及尿液处理设施的位置必须距离地表水体 400m 以上。 Livestock and poultry trading place should be set at the downwind, and other trading market s
34、hould be furnished separately, and away from surrounding environment sensitive points, to reduce stench impact on the surrounding environment. The livestock and poultry trade point should be around to land-use planning, it is not appropriate and focused on residential areas, places of entertainment,
35、 and so on. To prohibit siting and constructing in the drinking water source protection area, plaecs of interest, the center and buffer zone of the nature protection area; To prohibit siting and constructing in residential area of the town, area for culture and education and scientific research, are
36、a for medical treatment, commercial area, industrial zone, tourism area, and other suchlike population concentrated areas; The pollution treatment project of breeding industry of livestock and poultry should be a defending distanct away from the livestock farm production area and residential area an
37、d other suchlike buildings, defining in the downwind or sidewind of the dominant wind; Build urine and feces storage pools for household rearing, and the pools should be equipped with impervious layer; Build anaerobic biogas digesters and feces dumps for rearing farms, and the storage pools and urin
38、e treatment facilities should be at least 400m away from surface water.(二)贵州 (Guizhou Province) 禁止修建在生活饮用水水源保护区、风景名胜区、自然保护区的核心区及缓冲区; 禁止修建在城镇居民区,包括文教科研区、医疗区、商业区、工业区、游览区等人口集中地区; 畜禽养殖业污染治理工程(化粪池与粪污堆放场地)应与养殖场生产区、居民区等建筑保持一定的卫生防护距离,设置在畜禽养殖场的生产区、生活区主导风向的下风向或侧风向处; 畜禽养殖小区应分别设置液体和固体废弃物贮存设施,畜禽粪便贮存设施的位置必须距离地表水体
39、 400m 以上。 To prohibit siting and constructing in the drinking water source protection area, places of interest, the center and buffer zone of the nature protection area; To prohibit siting and constructing in residential area of the town, area for culture and education and scientific research, area
40、for medical treatment, commercial area, industrial zone, tourism area, and other suchlike population concentrated areas; The pollution treatment project of breeding industry of livestock and poultry should be a defending distanct away from the livestock farm production area and residential area and
41、other suchlike buildings, defining in the downwind or sidewind of the dominant wind; The breeding area of livestock and poultry should be equipped respectively storage devices for liquid and solid waste and the storage pool for the excrement of livestock and poultry should be more than 400m away fro
42、m the earths surface water;(三)甘肃 (Gansu Province) 畜禽交易场所应设置在当地下风向,与其他交易市场应分开布置,并远离周围环境敏感点,以减小恶臭对周围环境的影响。 在畜禽交易点周边应做好用地规划,不适宜布置集中居民区、娱乐场所等。 禁止修建在生活饮用水水源保护区、风景名胜区、自然保护区的核心区及缓冲区; 禁止修建在城镇居民区,包括文教科研区、医疗区、商业区、工业区、游览区等人口集中地区; 畜禽养殖业污染治理工程(旱厕与粪污堆放场地)应与养殖场生产区、居民区等建筑保持一定的卫生防护距离,设置在畜禽养殖场的生产区、生活区主导风向的下风向或侧风向处; 保
43、证饲料库的温度、湿度,并预防虫鼠,减少饲料腐烂损坏产生的固废。 定期对储藏库进行清理打扫,保证卫生,减少储藏物的腐烂,进一步减少固废产生。 Livestock and poultry trading place should be set at the downwind, and other trading market should be furnished separately, and away from surrounding environment sensitive points, to reduce stench impact on the surrounding environ
44、ment. The livestock and poultry trade point should be around to land-use planning, it is not appropriate and focused on residential areas, places of entertainment, and so on. To prohibit siting and constructing in the drinking water source protection area, plaecs of interest, the center and buffer z
45、one of the nature protection area; To prohibit siting and constructing in residential area of the town, area for culture and education and scientific research, area for medical treatment, commercial area, industrial zone, tourism area, and other suchlike population concentrated areas; The pollution
46、treatment project of breeding industry of livestock and poultry should be a defending distanct away from the livestock farm production area and residential area and other suchlike buildings, defining in the downwind or sidewind of the dominant wind; Ensuring the temperature and humidity of fodder st
47、orage to prevent pest, and reduce solid waste resulted by fodder rot. Cleaning storage regularly to ensure health, and reduce decay of stored products, further reducing solid waste generation.4、农业子项目选址标准 (Site selection criteria for agricultural subprojects)(一)四川 (Sichuan Province) 荒田开发应遵循先建农田防护林或保留
48、原有护坡,后开发建设农田和逐步实施开发的基本原则,以减少开发过程中引起的水土流失影响; 荒田整治应结合地区水文气象条件,保留合适的坡度,避免坡度过大,造成水土流失侵蚀加剧; 农田种植期间,应保留适当的护坡工程,严禁过度开垦边坡,形成水土流失; 种植前,合理选地,坡度较大区域(大于 25 度)严禁开荒种地; 对饲草种植农户进行技术指导,针对草地应适时刈割、根据区域气候特点限制刈割次数、同时采取分区刈割,以使饲草均衡供给,避免地表裸露; 实施林下种植,除草时应保留一定的草地面积,避免果树之间地表裸露,形成水土流失; 林下种植作物收获季节,应及时做好田埂及护坡工程,或实施分批收割,避免大面积收获地表
49、裸露,易受雨水冲刷。 Investigation and research should be thoroughly conducted before construction begins; ensure that there will be enough water for agricultural use; Law on Water and Soil Preservation of the PRC should be strictly enforced to prevent and punish behaviors that damage ecological environment; The Project should begin by building farmland shelterbelt or retaining original slope protection, before moving on to the development of farmland. The aim is to mitigate the impact of soil er