1、I 摘要 所長職務 是責任 也 是榮譽 , 更 是中堅 幹部的一 項重要 資 歷 , 然 所 長職務工 作類別 項 目繁冗 , 要 善盡職 責扮演好 所長角 色 , 務必全神 灌 注全心投 入 。 本研 究為瞭解 所長之 職 務範疇是 否合宜 合 度 、 如何建 立 最佳工作 方案 , 對 職場意識 、 家庭 關 係之感觀 為何 。 以 台北 縣 政 府 警 察局分駐 派出所 所 長為研究 對象 , 採 用三角交 叉檢視 法 ( 量化為主 、 質化為輔 ) , 以 派出 所全體所 長為 研 究 對象實施 問卷調 查 , 共發出 1 4 9 份問卷 , 回收 1 4 9 份 , 有效回收 率為
2、1 0 0 。 另在質 化研 究方面 , 採 非隨機取 樣擇 1 2 位所長進行 深度訪 談 。 本研究發 現如下 : 一、 工作 壓力方 面 ( 一 ) 職 務煩雜 , 容 易坐立不 安 , 苦 惱 多多難以 入眠 , 於 下班後十 分疲 憊且睡眠 不足 , 難 以早起 。 ( 二 ) 所長雖是歡 喜 做甘願受 , 但民眾 有時對警 察不夠 尊 重 , 媒體多 著 重負面案 件報導 , 且少數民 意代表 干 預行政 、 關說涉 入 。 有賴抗 壓力之提 昇 , 方 能 勝任 。 ( 三 ) 所長界於基 層 同仁與上 級長官 之 間 , 負責 承上啟 下並 協調所內 外 各項勤業 務活動 。
3、所長 居中 協調 , 耗 費心力 。 ( 四 ) 各派出所普 遍 處於員額 編制不 足 之情況 , 常常要 透支 警力完成 專 案性 、 突 發性任 務 , 壓力驟 升 。 二、 工作 滿足方 面 ( 一 ) 各項績效分 配 及任務分 工 , 皆是以 單 位 內員 警 數 、 轄 區 人 口數 、 地區複雜 度為基 準 , 工作分 擔 尚合 理 有依據 , 大致 覺 得 滿意 。 ( 二 ) 所長帶人帶 心 , 兵隨將 轉 , 營 造 各同仁間 相互協 助 支援風氣 , 領 導得宜 , 成就感 高 。 ( 三 ) 所長職務責 任 雖重 , 但相 對獎勵 較多 。 所長 職務有 利自我生 涯規
4、劃 ,大多 滿意 於 工 作 回饋 。 ( 四 ) 所長只要 做 好 自身 本分 之事 , 不 出員警風 紀問題 , 上司就不 會有 額外的不 當要求 。 三、 工作 投入方 面 ( 一 ) 所長認為警 察 工作是一 種良心 事 業 , 身在公 門好修 行 , 多能終 身 以工作為 榮 , 大 多 全力以赴 。 ( 二 ) 所長幾乎以 派 出所為家 , 與同 仁朝 夕相處 , 念茲在 茲 , 樂在工作 。 四、 在家 庭生活 方 面II ( 一 ) 所長 尚 滿意 目 前的 婚 姻 關係 , 溝 通與 互動 狀況 亦 良 好 ,然囿 於 工作 性質 , 使得 與 家人 相處 時間 少 , 夫妻
5、 聚少 離多 , 有 賴相 互 體諒 。 ( 二 ) 所長 多 能著 墨 於親 子教 養 , 予 以 糾正 、 解 決心 理 和 行為 上的 問 題 。 五、 對於 職務 範 疇 內各 工作 事項 大 多 認為 重要 且滿 意 (一 ) 勤 ( 業 ) 之 規 劃 、 分 配 、 派 遣 、 管 制是 派出 所所 長的 基 本 工 作 , 也是 所長 領導 統 御 的最 初步 作為 。 (二 ) 運用 獎勵 及 鼓舞 等方 式 , 達成 各項 績效 要求 。 化 解歧 見 , 講 求 紀律 服從 , 將上 級 理念 迅速 正確 地 貫 徹到 基層 端末 。 (三 ) 員警 勤務 紀 律是 工作
6、 之 本 , 有紀 律 才 會有 效 率 。 以 受 理 報案 、 貫徹 報告 、 勤務 執 行 、裝備 使用 及 服 儀態 度等 為要 求 重 點 。 (四 ) 所 長必 須 利 用各 種集 ( 機 ) 會 加 強政 風法 令及 案 例 教育 宣導 要 求, 提高 員警 知 法 守法 信念 ,預防 違 紀情 事發 生 。 (五 ) 以 廉能 公 義健 康活 力 做為 對 新警 察 的 描 述或 詮釋 , 不 僅標 示 新警 察 的核 心價 值 , 也 是 實現 共同 努久 的 願 景 ! (六 ) 所 長要 強 化 危機 處理 、 風險 管 理之 智能 , 積極 規 劃相 關緊 急應 變計
7、畫 , 建立 危 機 管理 機制 (七 ) 派出 所是 警 政機 關的 第一 線 單 位 , 責無 旁 貸應 運 用技 巧進 行探 訪查 證 , 妥適 規 劃 勤務 , 分 配任 務 積 極查 緝到 案 。 透過 本研 究的 結 果 , 並提 出建 議 , 包含 上 級 清楚 明 訂主 從 關 係 , 績效 評比 制度 須 再 考量 , 重 大 事 故 非所 長 全 能承 受 , 做事 尋 求 重點 , 落實 代理 制度 , 風 紀案 件 不 宜未 審 先 判 , 上級 給予 鼓 勵 主動 關懷 , 建立 紓壓 管道 。 關鍵 字 : 分駐 ( 派出 ) 所、 職務 範 疇 、 職 場意 識
8、、 家庭 關 係III Summ ary The duties of a police station chief are both responsibilities and honor, and they are also an important experience in the hard core. Therefore, a police s tation chief whose jobs are complicated and numerous needs to completely c oncentrate on his job s in order to play the rol
9、e well. It is worth discussing the a ppropriateness of a police stat ion chiefs duties, the establishment of the best work projects, and the reactions to career consciousness and family relationships. The research started mainly with the review of related documents. The researcher took the c hiefs o
10、f police burea us and police station s in Taipei County as the research subjects. The major research method was quantitative methodology, and the minor w as qualitative method ology. The researcher conducted census questionnaires, having sent out 149 questionnaires and having collected all of them b
11、ack. The rate of valid questionnaires was 10 0 %. By the qualitati ve methodology, the r esearcher unrandomly chose twelve chiefs for in-depth interviews. The findings of the research are listed below: I.Of pressure from work A. Jobs and duties are too complicated and vexing for the chiefs to remain
12、 easy. The police station chiefs, troubled about their jobs, suffer difficulties of falling asleep. They are exhausted after work, sleepless and c an ha rdly wake up early. B. Although the police station chiefs are glad to take and bear the responsibilities, what they face from the public is rarely
13、bearable. People sometimes dont pay respect to the police, media mostly focus on cases that are negative to society, and some delegates interfere with executive affairs or try to intervene by their authoritative power. They are so capable of resisting these pressures that they can be in charge. C. T
14、he p olice station ch iefs are coordinators between the police of basic level and officers of higher level. They take pains to handle all duties and services, take care of their subordinates and report to their officers. D. Police stations in Taiwan are usually in lack of enough staffIV that special
15、 cases an d impromptu tasks are done in deficienc y of staff. II. Of satisfaction of work A. All distributions of performance and tasks are based on the number of each unit s staff, the population of each area and area complexity. In general, the distrib utions are reasonabl e and satisfying. B. The
16、 p olice station chiefs lead successfully their subordinates from heart. Their sub ordinates and the chi efs cooperate tightly , and colleagues are al ways happy to offer a ssistance. The p olice station chiefs have a great sense of achievement. C. Because of the heavy duties, the police station chi
17、efs comparatively have mo re rewards. Their dut ies are beneficial to chiefs life plans so that the police station chiefs are satisfied with the rewards from work. D. As long as the pol ice station chiefs ha ve done what they sho uld do, and there are no problems with their subordinates disciplines
18、and morals , the authorities will not impose extra duties or requests on them. III. Of concentration on work A. The p olice station chiefs think the police s jobs are a moral business. Since they work in public services, they have a good chance to learn more. Most of the police ar e proud of the ir
19、jobs throughout their lives, and make every effort to achieve their job goals. B. The police station s are almost the seco nd home of police sta tion chiefs. Chiefs get along with colleagues every day, enjoying their work. IV. Of family life A. The police station chiefs are so far satisfied with the
20、ir marriages, and their communication and i nteraction with thei r spouses are good. However, their work allows little time for them to get along with family. The couples are away from each other most of the time, and their relationships are maintained by eachV others understanding. B. The police st
21、ation chiefs focus much on their childrens education. They correct their children s behaviors and provide solutions to their psychological and behavioral problems. V. Of their duties As for the duties, t he police station ch iefs are serious abo ut and satisfied with their tasks. A. The planning, di
22、stributing, dispatching, and managing of subordinates tasks are basic duties of the police station chiefs. They are also the police station chiefs initial conducts of leadership and coordination. B. The police station chiefs appropriately offer rewards and encouragement to their subordinates in orde
23、r to achieve all requests on performance. They also reconcile different opinions, demand disciplines, and convey and practice promptly and properly the concepts of their authorities throughout the whole department. C. Task disciplines are the core of the police s work. Efficiency is derived from dis
24、ciplines. Key requirements include case disposal, report completion, task implementation, equipment usage, neat dressing, and attitudes. D. The police station chiefs should seize every chance to promote political affairs, la ws and case education in every conference. Once the police know the la w an
25、d abide b y the law, violation s will decline. E. The description or interpretation of “the police of the new era” by “incorruptible, capable, healthy, and energetic ” not only reveals the core value of “the polic e of the new era ” but also realizes the mutual goal. F. The police station chiefs sho
26、uld increase their abilities to manage crises and risks, plan actively emergency related reactive measures, and establish crisis managing systems. G. Police stations are front-lines of police institutions. The police bear critical responsibilities. They have to utilizeVI their skills and intelligenc
27、e to investigate and prove, plan tasks properly, and distribute missions actively in order to arrest criminals. The researcher proposes some advic e according to the research results. Authorities should define the relationships between authorities and subordinates and reco nsider the performanc e ev
28、aluation system. The police station chiefs can t account for all cr itical events. Agenc y measures should be practiced. Cases of moral and disciplines should be examined before a sentence is given. Authorities should encourage and take care of their subordinates and provide them means to release pressures. Key words: police station, duties, career consciousness, family relationships.