1、 本機構一直關注廣大市民的吸煙及戒煙情況,近年積極推廣無煙文化,為營造更健康社會出一分力 繼年前成功舉辦無煙俱樂部後,本機構於本年 9月獲衛生署資助,推行一項為期 18個月,專為少數族裔及新來港人士而設的戒煙及預防吸煙先導外展計劃: 計劃理念: 眾所周知吸煙危害健康,甚至會致命,香港每年就有超過 6900 人因吸煙而死亡。政府一直致力宣傳吸煙的禍害,並資助機構推行免費戒煙服務,近年都略見成效;不過,數據亦顯示,少數族裔及來港不足七年的新來港人士參g4534g3159g2883g1381。有見及g1308,衛生署資助本機構,g5508g1245g1665g1076機構g1221g1237推行g1
2、308計劃,g1478g3080g1105g1072g3432g1539g2458因及g1041g1892,g5381助g930g2378g1663個g4098g3220。 g33計劃目的: circle6 g1072g4947g2199及g2292g1586g1486g1284g913g4158少數族裔及新來港人士的吸煙g3230g4365及g4345戒煙的g4577g5885g1705g2286g1892 circle6 g3320過健康g5553g2534及戒煙宣傳g2226g2895宣g3494無煙文化及健康生g2226 circle6 g3623g3034有g5227g4970戒煙g
3、976人士,g4276g5360g1076g2426g3031g1689政府資助的免費戒煙服務 計劃內容(分為g927部g1213g42: g3203一部g1213:g3774行g2914g1684g4947g2199;g33g3203g914部g1213:舉辦健康g5553g2534及戒煙宣傳g2226g2895;g33g3203g927部g1213:g4276g5360及g5743g991有g5227g4970g3031g1689戒煙服務g976新來港人士g33舉行期間: 2010年11月1g1042至2011年10月31g1042 負責職員: g3339g4805g4829g1732g2
4、494 聯絡電話: 2793-4545 In recent years, UCN has been concerning smoking prevalence and smoking cessation rate of the general public by actively promoting a smoke-free culture in order to build a healthier community! After the accomplishment of our Smoke Free Club, we have been successfully granted fund
5、ing from the Department of Health this September for organising this pilot outreach programme: Plan concept: It is well known that smoking is hazardous to health. More than 6,900 people die of smoking-related diseases every year in Hong Kong. In recent years, the Government has been devoting resourc
6、es to publicise the dangers of smoking, and grant funding to non-government organisations to offer free smoking cessation services for our citizens. However, statistics show that notable communities with low participation rates tend to be ethnic minorities and new mainland immigrant communities havi
7、ng resided in Hong Kong for less than seven years. Against this background, the Department of health has funded UCNto line up with other agencies to implement this pilot programme for findingdifferent ways to help the above-mentioned communities. Contents and purposes(3-part programme)g922 1) Conduc
8、ting questionnaire-based survey To investigate and analyse the perceptions of ethnic minorities and new immigrants on smoking and smoking cessation 2) Organising health seminars and smoking cessation campaigns To promote smoke-free culture and healthy living 3) Encouraging and assisting in referring
9、 cases To encourage and refer target groups and interested parties to go for the Government-funded smoking cessation service Execution period g922 From 1st November 2010 to 31st October 2011 Project-In-Chargeg922 Ms. Cherry Chan Contact No. g922 2793-4545 You can QUIT it ! Pilot Outreach Programme for Ethnic Minorities/ New Immigrants on Smoking Prevention and Smoking Cessation