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1、See discussions, stats, and author profiles for this publication at:https:/ new model for the HimalayanorogenyArticle in Scientia Geologica Sinica April 2013DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.05635020.2013.02.004CITATIONS0READS604 authors, including:JiaMin WangChinese Academy of Sciences12 PUBLICATIONS 40 CITATION

2、S SEE PROFILEXiaoxian WangInner Mongolian Normal University15 PUBLICATIONS 227 CITATIONS SEE PROFILEBo ZhangPeking University154 PUBLICATIONS 1,802 CITATIONS SEE PROFILEAll content following this page was uploaded by JiaMin Wang on 19 October 2015.The user has requested enhancement of the downloaded

3、 file.2叭3年4月地 质 科 学CHINESE JOURNAL 0F GEOLOGYdoi:103969jissn05635020201302004喜马拉雅造山带造山模式探讨木张进江 王佳敏 王晓先 张 波(造山带与地壳演化教育部重点实验室,北京大学地球与空间科学学院北京 100871)摘要喜马拉雅是典型的碰撞型造山带,造山带结构构造复杂,可大致划分为以逆冲推覆构造为主的南喜马拉雅造山带和以各种伸展性构造为主的北喜马拉雅造山带;造山带内各类构造均发生过多期变形,且发生过多次缩短与伸展的构造反转;大喜马拉雅结晶杂岩系(GHc)内变形、岩浆及变质作用证明造山过程中存在渠道流作用。据此,本文提

4、出一种由印度一欧亚大陆汇聚速率控制的多阶段造山模式:两大陆汇聚速度快时,青藏高原内形成南北向裂谷系(NsTR),喜马拉雅内经历造山过程,并在造山带中、下地壳形成作为底部拆离层的塑性层;汇聚速率慢时,青藏高原内形成共轭走滑断裂,喜马拉雅造山带内的塑性层发生松弛和重力扩散,形成渠道流,导致藏南拆离系(STDs)的启动、GHC的挤出和北喜马拉雅片麻岩穹窿(NHGD)的形成。上述的增厚与松弛均是在挤压体制下形成的,构造的反转是因挤压速率变化而产生的结构调节作用。关键词 喜马拉雅造山带 构造反转 渠道流 汇聚速率 多阶段造山作用中图分类号:P542 文献标识码:A 文章编号:05635020(2013)

5、02362221 引 言喜马拉雅造山带是新生代印度一欧亚大陆碰撞形成的最为典型的陆一陆碰撞型造山带,由于碰撞时限新,与碰撞和造山相关的构造保存相对完整,并且许多造山地质过程仍在持续,因此喜马拉雅造山带成为研究板块运动和造山作用的天然实验室。正是由于喜马拉雅造山带的经典性,自20世纪20年代以来,人们就一直对造山带结构,特别是造山机制进行探索与研究,并提出了不同的造山模式。其中,Argand(1924)最早提出了地壳叠置概念,而后Dewey et a1(1988,1989)、Zhao and Morgan(1987)也相继提出了逆冲缩短和透人性缩短的造山模型。在喜马拉雅造山带中,大喜马拉雅结晶岩

6、系(GHc)为其最重要的岩石一构造单元,它的出露过程对造山过程与机制至关重要。人们根据对其出露过程与机制的不同认识,提出了多种不同造山模式,如印度大陆中、下地壳挤出模式(chemenda et a1,2000)、韧性楔状挤出模式(Burch6el and Royden,1985)以及主动一被动顶板断层模式(Yin,2006)。值得一提的是,根据地球物理证据,通过数值模拟与地质的结合出现了一种新的学说,即渠道流(channel now)学说(Beaumont et a1,2001;2004;Jamieson,et a1,2004,2006:国家自然科学基金项目(编号:41172176,41121

7、062)资助。张进江,男,1964年9月生,博士,教授,构造地质学专业。E-mail:zhjjpkueducn2012一ll一16收稿,2012一1225改回。万方数据2期 张进江等:喜马拉雅造山带造山模式探讨 383Tibetan detachment 8ystemJomnf o,AsiE口h Scien卵,29(56):722736Zhang J J,Santosh M,Wang X X et a12012Tectonics of the northem Himal8ya since the lndia-Asia coUisionGond埘onoReorc,2l(4):939960zhao

8、 w L and Morgan W J1987Injection of Indian cmst into Tibetan lower crust:A twodimensional finite element modelstudyncton缸,6(4):489504Zhe“g Y D,Wang T,Ma M et a12004Ma)【imum effective moment criterion and the origin oflow吨“gle nomal faultsJomnfStru“mZofogy,26(2):271285zhe“g Y D,wang T and wa“g x S200

9、6The Maximum Efrective Moment criterion(MEMc)and its implications in stnlcturalgeologyAc纽Geof0茸如口Js讥如口,80(1):70一78Zheng Y D,Wang E,Zhang J J et a120l 1A chaUenge to the concept of sliplines in extmsion tectonics(是osc如rwe Fron诧rs,2(1):2334A new model for the Himalayan orogenyZhang Jinjiang Wang Jiami

10、n Wang Xiaoxian Zhang Bo(Jy上以60mo,y D,0rogen如Be加口nd cmst口f Ef“Jfon,J】Iffn括_矿EdMc口I如n,&ooZ矿E口n口nd却nce sc搪M酷,n后i增Uni钾邛咖,Be伽增 100871)AbstractThe Himalayas is a typical orogen resulted from continentcontinent collisionThis orogenhas a complicated architecture which can be roughly diVided into a southem

11、Himalayan orogencharacterized by thrusts and a northem Himalayan orogen fbatured by difkrent kinds ofextensional stmcturesAU the major stmctures in Himalayas experienced multiple phases ofdeformation,and tectonic inversions between thickening and extension had happened to thisorogenic beltDeformatio

12、n,magmatism and metamorphism in the Greater Himalayan CrystallineComplex(GHC)show that a channel now did exist in the Himalayan orogen Based on thesefacts,this paper proposes a multiphase orogenic model contmlled by the IndiaAsia conVergentrateWhen the convergence was fhst,the northsouth trending ri

13、fts(NSTRs)were f0珊ed inTibet;meanwhile,the Himalayan region underwent a mountain building process during which aductile section was produced as the basal detachment of the thmst systemWhen the rate ofIndiaAsia convergence slowed down,the conjugate strikeslip faults with obtuse angles facingthe maxim

14、um compression were fo珊ed in TibetAt this time,the slow convergence could notsustain the thickened orogenic wedge built up by the fast convergenceAs a result,the ductilesection of the Himalayan orogen experienced a relaxation and graVity expansion,fo姗ing thechannel now which caused the activities of

15、 the South Tibetan Detachment System(STDS),theextrusion of the GHC and the formation of the North Himalayan Gneiss Domes(NHGDs)Boththe thickening and relaxation occurred in the same compressive regime,and the tectonicinversions were the stmctural adjustments according to the changes in conVergent rateKey Words Himalayan orogen,Tectonic inVersion,Channel now,ConVergent rate,Multiphase orogeny万方数据


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