1、Conference Schedule May 4, 2011 10:00-17:00 Registration Location: Beijing Jade Palace Hotel May 5, 2011 Morning Time Activity Location: Beijing Jade Palace Hotel 09:00 - 09:30 Open Ceremony& Photo 09:30 - 10:20 Keynote Speech 10:20- 10:40 Coffee Break 10:40-11:30 Keynote Speech 12:00-13:00 Buffet L
2、unch Location: Beijing Jade Palace Hotel May 5, 2011 Afternoon Time Activity Location: Beijing Jade Palace Hotel 14:00 18:00 Oral Session 1 18:00-19:00 Welcome Banquet May 6, 2011 Morning Time Activity Location: Beijing Jade Palace Hotel 09:00-12:00 Oral Session 2 12:00-13:00 Buffet Lunch Location:
3、Beijing Jade Palace Hotel Hotel Information Beijing Jade Palace Hotel http:/ 北京翠宫饭店隶属于首创集团 ,集客房 、餐饮 、娱乐 、购物 、写字楼于一体的五星级商务酒店 ,整体建筑结构为 18 层。因将雍容典雅的中式宫殿楼顶与简洁明快的现代化楼体完美地结合在一起 ,而成为京城最具特色的建筑之一 。 翠宫饭 店地处北京市海淀区中心地段 ,西北三 、四环之间 ,与市中心交通便利 ,驱车 40 分钟即可到达首都国际机场 。 饭店东临京城主要商务办公区 亚运村 ,西接中国 “硅谷 ”中关村科技园区 。北大 、清华等十几所全国
4、重点高校及科研院所聚集四周 。饭店北临颐和园 、香山 、圆明园等名胜古迹 ,京昌高速公路使举世闻名的万里长城 、十三陵近在咫尺 High class, luxury, elegant and complete equipped.this is our Beijing Jade Palace Hotel, which is the first 5-star Business hotel in Zhongguancun area. Guest Rooms, Food and Beverage, Recreation, Shopping center, Office area etc.these a
5、re all available for our guests variety in needs. Situated in the central part of Haidian District of Beijing, between north west 3rd circle Road and 4th circle Road, 12 kilometers to the city center, 40 minutes from Beijing Capital International Airport. The main business office area of Beijing-Yay
6、uncun is at the east. And the west is Chinas “silicon Valley”- Zhongguancun Science Park, which has thousands of foreign and domestic electronic companies and many world known business agents and offices gathering. Therefore complete financial structures are always available. Meanwhile hundreds of f
7、amous universities and science research institutes make this area even more popular. Because of the close location to Zhongguancun custom, to apply customs for import or export looks so convenient. Up to North is the most historic relic. Such as Summer Palace, Fragrant Mountain and Yuanmingyuan and
8、much more. Additionally, Jingchang high way brings the world known Great Wall in front of every guest. 地址地址地址地址 : :中国 北京 海淀区知春路 76 号 Hotel Address: 76.ZhiChun Road, Haidian District, Beijing, CHINA 【 【预定房间 预定房间预定房间预定房间 -reservation】 】 登陆 中文 http:/ 或 English http:/ 公司 ID / USENAME: ICHPSM 或 AEIT 密码 /
9、 PASSWORD: 2011 2011 注意注意注意注意 : : 上网不方便的客人请将预定信息发送到 宁先生 手机 13701351324 短信中注明ICHPSM2011 或 AEIT2011. 【交通指南 交通指南交通指南交通指南 -Traffic guide】 机场 北京首都国际机场 : 距 23 公里 火车站 北京火车站 : 距 17.5 公里 The ways to reach the hotels: From Shoudu Airport to hotel:50 minutes From Beijing Railway Station to hotel: 30 minutes For foreigners, you can tell the driver: “Please take me to Beijing Jade Palace Hotel ” “请送我到 北京翠宫饭店 ” MAP