1、2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 1 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考疾疾控控媒媒体体快快讯讯GDCDC Mediia Moniittoriing 疾控媒体快讯是广东省疾病预防控制中心开展媒体监测工作定期发行的内部参考资料。通过对广东省主要报刊、专业杂志、网络传媒等公共卫生相关信息的持续监测,快速掌握媒体上对我省及国内其它省份传染病暴发疫情或其它突发公共卫生事件的报道,及时收集整理,并对重大事件和热点问题进行跟踪。 欢迎各界同仁共同参与,及时向我们提供您的发现和建议! CMM 主要内容 CMM1.
2、东莞理工学院百人患流感 .2 2. 香港卫生防护中心提醒民众:警惕流感样病例 .2 3. 禽流感 (116): 德国 (BAVARIA):国际动物组织 .3 4. 禽流感 (115): 多哥 , 孟加拉 , 捷克共和国 .6 5. 不明原因疾病:猪 中国 (13): 广东 .9 6. 美国所有医院现已完成安装感染跟踪系统:美国 CDC10 7. 丙肝:跟内科就诊有关的病例聚集 美国 (纽约 ) (02).11 8. 香港:一例输入性登革热病例 .12 9. 卫生防护中心调查疑似食物中毒病例 .12 10. FDA 警告消费者:不要吃 Veggie Booty 零食,有沙门氏菌污染危险 13 1
3、1. 新研究发现:孕期服用抗抑郁药引起出生缺陷的危险不大 .14 12. 世行称慢性疾病将成为贫穷国家主要健康威胁 .15 13. 卫生部提示夏季谨防食物中毒 .15 14. 江西实行医保社区首诊制 .16 15. 空调通风纳入卫生监管 .16 16. WHO 公布旅游与血栓之间关心的研究结果 17 17. 黑龙江摸清高血压病规律 .18 18. 加拿大成立世界上第一个人类胚胎干细胞库 .19 2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 2 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考东莞理工学院百人患流感 大洋新闻 2
4、007 年 06 月 29 日来源:广州日报作者:姜永涛、王菁 本报讯(记者姜永涛、王菁 实习生 李淳芳、钱川)东莞理工学院松山湖校区 6月 13日开始爆发流感,但在昨日没有新发病例,如果再持续 6 天没有新发病例的情况出现将可宣布流感传播停止。专家称,此次流感爆发再次暴露了东莞市松山湖科技产业园内长期缺乏专门疾病预防控制机构带来的弊端。 记者昨日从东莞市卫生部门获 悉,从 13 日开始,东莞理工学院松山湖校区医务室接收的发烧病人剧增, “当天就接收了13 个发烧病人,此后的 3 天内有 108 人因为发烧就诊,其中有老师也有学生” 。 20 日下午4 时许,东莞市卫生部门派大岭山医院防保科工
5、作人员前往调查发现,该次流感爆发为甲型流感病毒所致。至昨日为止,至少共确诊超过 100 名流感病人,所有病人均有发烧症状,而伴有咳嗽或者咽痛的病人占了六成以上。 东莞市卫生部门确定本次为流感爆发后,采取一系列控制措施。东莞市卫生部门有关负责人昨日透露,目前东莞理工学院松山湖校区的流感传播已经得到控制,从 22 日开始,其新发的病例数开始减少,至 26 日新发病例为 6 人,次日减至 3 人,而昨天没有新发病例出现, “根据国家规定,连续 7 天内没有新发病例即可宣布流感传播停止,假如接下来的 6 天内再无新发病例将宣布本次流感传播停止。 ” http:/ 香港卫生防护中心提醒民众:警惕流感样病
6、例 The Centre for Health Protection (CHP) of the Department of Health today (June 26) called on members of the public and management of institutions to maintain strict personal and environmental hygiene to prevent influenza-like illness. The appeal was made following CHPs investigation into an outbre
7、ak of influenza-like illness affecting 29 students in a kindergarten in Tseung Kwan O. The affected, comprising 18 boys and 11 girls aged from 4 to 7, developed influenza-like illness, including fever, cough, runny nose and sore throat between June 9 and 25. Of them, 20 consulted general practitione
8、rs or out-patient clinics. Three others were admitted to Tseung Kwan O Hospital , Queen Elizabeth Hospital and Prince Wales Hospital respectively and had been discharged. Preliminary laboratory results showed two samples taken from the patients respiratory tracts yielded positive results for influen
9、za A and Influenza B respectively. Staff of the CHP has conducted field visits to the school and health instructions were provided to the staff. CHP will continue to closely monitor the school and provide health advice. To prevent influenza and upper respiratory tract infection, the public are advis
10、ed to adopt the following measures: * To build up good body immunity by having a proper diet, regular exercise and adequate rest, reducing stress and avoiding smoking; * To maintain good personal hygiene, and wash hands after sneezing, coughing and wear a mask when developing symptoms of respiratory
11、 infections; 2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 3 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考* To maintain good ventilation; and * To avoid visiting crowded places with poor ventilation, especially during peak influenza season. Members of the public, particularly children, elderly people and thos
12、e with chronic diseases, should wear face masks and consult their doctors for medical advice promptly if they develop symptoms of respiratory tract infection. For more information on the disease, members of the public may visit the CHPs website ( http:/www.chp.gov.hk).End/Tuesday, June 26, 2007 http
13、:/www.chp.gov.hk/view_content.asp?lang=en 20(26) edited Highly pathogenic avian influenza, Germany - Information received on (and dated) 26 Jun 2007 from Mr Werner Zwingmann, Ministerialdirigent, “Leiter der Unterabteilung Tiergesundheit und Lebensmittelhygiene“, Bundesministerium fuer Ernaehrung, L
14、andwirtschaft und Verbraucherschutz (BMELV) Federal Ministry of Food, Agriculture, and Consumer Protection, Bonn, Germany Summary Report type: immediate notification Start date: 24 Jun 2007 Date of confirmation of event: 24 Jun 2007 Date submitted to OIE: 26 Jun 2007 Reason for notification: reoccur
15、rence of a listed disease Date of previous occurrence: 3 Aug 2006 Manifestation of disease: clinical disease Causal agent: highly pathogenic avian influenza virus, serotype H5N1 Nature of diagnosis: laboratory (advanced), necropsy Report pertains to: defined zone within the country New outbreaks Out
16、break 1 (09564A070007) Nuremberg 5, Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Bavaria 2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 4 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考Date of start of outbreak: 25 Jun 2007 Outbreak status: continuing (or date resolved not submitted) Epidemiological unit: not applicable Affected anima
17、ls Species: wild species Susceptible: - Cases: 1 Deaths: 1 Destroyed: 0 Slaughtered: 0 Outbreak 2 (09564A070004) Nuremberg 3, Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Bavaria Date of start of outbreak: 24 Jun 2007 Outbreak status: continuing (or date resolved not submitted) Epidemiological unit: not applicable Affecte
18、d animals Species: wild species Susceptible: - Cases 1 Deaths: 1 Destroyed: 0 Slaughtered: 0 Outbreak 3 (09564A070003) Nuremberg 2, Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Bavaria Date of start of outbreak: 24 Jun 2007 Outbreak status: continuing (or date resolved not submitted) Epidemiological unit: not applicable A
19、ffected animals Species: wild species Susceptible: - Cases 1 Deaths: 1 Destroyed: 0 Slaughtered: 0 Outbreak 4 (09564A070006) Nuremberg 4, Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Bavaria Date of start of outbreak: 25 Jun 2007 Outbreak status: continuing (or date resolved not submitted) Epidemiological unit: not applic
20、able Affected animals Species: wild species 2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 5 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考Susceptible: - Cases 1 Deaths: 1 Destroyed: 0 Slaughtered: 0 Outbreak 5 (09564A070005) Nuremberg 1, Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Bavaria Date of start of outbreak: 24 Jun 2007 Outb
21、reak status: continuing (or date resolved not submitted) Epidemiological unit: not applicable Affected animals Species: wild species Susceptible: - Cases 1 Deaths: 1 Destroyed: 0 Slaughtered: 0 Outbreak 6 (09564A070008) Nuremberg 6, Nuremberg, Nuremberg, Bavaria Date of start of outbreak: 25 Jun 200
22、7 Outbreak status: continuing (or date resolved not submitted) Epidemiological unit: not applicable Affected animals Species: wild species Susceptible: - Cases 1 Deaths: 1 Destroyed: 0 Slaughtered: 0 Summary of outbreaks Total outbreaks: 6 Total animals affected Species: wild species Susceptible: -
23、Cases: 6 Deaths: 6 Destroyed: 0 Slaughtered: 0 Outbreak statistics Species: wild species 2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 6 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考Apparent morbidity rate: - Apparent mortality rate: - Apparent case fatality rate: 100 per cent Proportion susceptible removed*:
24、 - * Removed from the susceptible population either through death, destruction, or slaughter Epidemiology Source of infection: unknown or inconclusive Epidemiological comments Affected birds: swans and ducks Movement control is applied in the restriction zones as well as disinfection and sensitizati
25、on of staff in poultry holdings in the restricted zones and reinforcement of wild birds monitoring. Laboratory name and type: Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut (National laboratory) Species: wild species Test: polymerase chain reaction (PCR) Test date: 25 Jun 2007 Result: positive - communicated by: ProME
26、D-mail All 6 birds (swans and ducks) were from Nuremberg. We have reports, cited below, of a 2nd outbreak 180 km (about 112 mi) away. For a map of the outbreak, please see the full OIE report referenced above. We also know it is similar to the Qinghai strain previously found in wild birds in Europe
27、and other places. It is time to consider 2 very important questions: - what is the exact nature of the connection between the 2 sites in terms of the chronology of events? and - where did the virus reemerge from, since the last outbreak in Germany was in August 2006? - Mod.PC http:/www.promedmail.or
28、g/pls/askus/f?p=2400:1001:156770088355920494:NO:F2400_P1001_BACK_PAGE,F2400_P1001_PUB_MAIL_ID:1000,38140 禽流感 (115): 多哥 , 孟加拉 , 捷克共和国 * A ProMED-mail post 2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 7 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infec
29、tious Diseases In this update: 1 Togo: confirmed 2 Bangladesh (north) 3 Czech Republic (Moravia): swan * 1 Togo: confirmed Date: Thu 28 Jun 2007 Source: H, Thomson Financial report edited Independent tests carried out in Italy have confirmed the presence for the 1st time of the deadly H5N1 strain of
30、 bird flu in poultry from the West African nation of Togo, officials said.“The results of the tests from the world reference laboratory in Padua have come in: it is clearly H5N1,“ said agriculture minister, Yves Nagou Mado. Several thousand poultry birds have been found dead in Togo recently, most o
31、f them in the past week on the one farm in Sigbehoue, 45 km (30 mi) east of the capital Lome. The agriculture ministry said last week 18-24 Jun 2007, that measures had been taken to try and contain the possible spread of the virus, notably the slaughtering and disposal of infected poultry. - communi
32、cated by: ProMED-mail Togo has duly and swiftly notified OIE (Office International des Epizooties/World Animal Health Organization) of the outbreak (see ProMED-mail 20070626.2054). The following extracted, additional information is derived from an AFP (Agence France-Presse) newswire in French, kindl
33、y forwarded by Coulibaly Sidi, and available at : Togos minister of agriculture, Mr Nagou, indicated that localities and villages around the outbreak are under active monitoring. He added, “Culling of the animals in the infected premises will begin Thursday 28 Jun 2007“, and announced the installati
34、on of a committee of “crisis“ charged to follow the evolution of the situation. - Mod.AS A map of Togo is available at . - CopyEd.MJ * 2 Bangladesh (north) 2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 8 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考Date: Wed 27 Jun 2007 Source: Reuters Foundation AlertNet edi
35、ted Bird flu has spread to another district in Bangladesh forcing health and veterinary workers to cull 5000 chickens, officials said on Wednesday 27 Jun 2007. The latest case was reported from a village in Thakurgaon district, 500 km (310 mi) north west of the capital, Dhaka, said Abdul Motalib, a
36、senior officer of the fisheries and livestock ministry. The H5N1 strain of bird flu was 1st detected near the capital Dhaka, in central Bangladesh, in March 2007, and has since spread to northern districts. The virus has affected 16 of the 64 districts in Bangladesh, but there have been no reported
37、cases of human infection. About 4 million Bangladeshis are directly or indirectly associated with poultry farming. - communicated by: ProMED-mail rapporteur Mary Marshall Bangladesh submitted its latest follow-up report, including a map, to OIE on 25 May 2007; see . A new follow-up report, with an u
38、pdated map demonstrating the northward spread of the disease, is expected. Thakurgaon is located in the north western tip of Bangladesh, within the Rajshahi district. It can be located on the map at . - Mod.AS * 3 Czech Republic (Moravia): swan Date: Thu 28 Jun 2007 Source: Prague Daily Monitor, Cze
39、ch News Agency (CTK) report edited Public Czech Television (CT) and Aktualne.cz news server reported Wednesday 27 Jun 2007 that Czech veterinaries revealed another case of bird flu, as tests confirmed the virus in a swan that died in Lednice, south Moravia. Further tests have yet to confirm whether
40、the virus is the deadly H5N1 strain, said Jaroslav Salava, who heads the veterinary administration in south Moravia. He said that the result of the tests would be known on Thursday 28 Jun 2007, or later. The Lednice water reservoirs are one of the most risky areas through which many wild birds move,
41、 but from the veterinary point of view it is a rather good locality, as there are no big bird poultry farms around, Salava said. Turkeys at a farm in Tisova, east Bohemia, tested positive for H5N1 last week 18-24 Jun 2007 and those who did not die of bird flu had to be culled. Today 28 Jun 2007, the
42、 deadly virus was confirmed at another farm near Tisova. 2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 9 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考In 2006, 14 cases of bird flu were registered in the Czech Republic, all in swans living in the wild. - communicated by: ProMED-mail rapporteur Mary Marshall Th
43、e results of the EU ADNS (Animal disease notification system) surveillance of HPAI (highly pathogenic avian influenza) in wild birds, as obtained during 2007, are presented in graphs, available at . The page includes 3 graphs: overview of the number of cases per week; overview of the number cases pe
44、r bird species; and overview of the number of cases per country. According to the current information (update of 27 Jun 2007), the 1st positive cases in 2007 have been recorded during the last 2 weeks of June (weeks 25 and 26), in Germany, involving a total of 9 birds - 8 ducks and one goose. The da
45、ta do not include the number of investigated (dead) birds. - Mod.AS Moravia occupies most of the eastern third of the Czech Republic . A map of the country is available at . - CopyEd.MJ http:/www.promedmail.org/pls/askus/f?p=2400:1001:156770088355920494:NO:F2400_P1001_BACK_PAGE,F2400_P1001_PUB_MAIL_
46、ID:1000,38137 不明原因疾病:猪 中国 (13): 广东 * A ProMED-mail post ProMED-mail is a program of the International Society for Infectious Diseases Date: Mon 25 Jun 2007 Source: Food QS.com in Chinese, translated by Rappt.DS, edited Recently, there have been outbreaks of pig disease in some parts of China. The en
47、thusiasm of breeders has taken another hit, weakening breeder demand for soymeal in the short term. Sources say that pig disease is comparatively serious in the Guangdong region. Local industry insiders say that, in addition to highly pathogenic blue ear disease, there is also an outbreak(s) of a no
48、t well-known alternatively, “unknown“ disease for which vaccines are not so effective, creating a rather substantial new assault on local breeders. - communicated by: ProMED-mail rapporteur Dan Silver Experience has shown that apparently non-significant, poorly detailed, indirect media reports on animal health issues, when originating from regions such as Guandong, should not be 2007 年 6 月 29 日 第 369 期总 381 期 广东省疾病预防控制中心应急管理办公室 编制 - 10 -电话: 020-84451507 媒体资料仅供参考igno