1、INTERNATIONAL NETWORK FOR BAMBOO AND RATTAN(INBAR)TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY MODEL(TOTEM)MEDIUM AND LARGE SCALE BAMBOOPLANTATIONSbyXiao JiangHua and Yang XiaoShengBamboo Research DivisionResearch Institute of Subtropical ForestryChinese Academy of Forestry73 Daqiao Road, FuyangZhejiang ProvinceChinaINBA
2、R - RISFTransfer of Technology Model: Medium and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations2CONTENTSTRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY MODELS (TOTEMs)PART ONE: INTRODUCTION1. Medium and large scale bamboo plantations 62. General development attributes and advantages 63. Suitable agro-ecological regions 64. Requirements for
3、 success 7Concluding remarks 7PART TWO: THE MEDIUM/LARGE SCALE BAMBOO PLANTATION1. Introduction 92. Establishing a medium or large scale bamboo plantation 92.1 Nursery practice 92.1.1 Nursery site selection and preparation 92.1.2 Methods of raising seedlings and plantlets 102.2 Nursery tending durin
4、g vegetative propagation 112.2.1 Planting parent culms 122.2.2 Rooting 122.2.3 Shooting 122.2.4 Rooting of new shoot 122.2.5 Tillering 122.2.6 Dormancy 132.3 Field planting practices 132.3.1 Planting site 132.3.2 Soil preparation 132.3.3 Planting season 132.3.4 Planting density 132.3.5 Transplanting
5、 143. Running a medium or large scale bamboo plantation 143.1 Tending of bamboo shoot stands 143.2 Tending of bamboo timber stands 16Appendices 19INBAR - RISFTransfer of Technology Model: Medium and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations3TRANSFER OF TECHNOLOGY MODELS (TOTEMS)Transfer of Technology Models (T
6、OTEMs) are focussed educational tools providing relevantinformation and distance training on one specific area of bamboo/rattan management, processingor utilization. They are a means of technology transfer between similar regions throughout theworld, with the emphasis on South-South transfer for liv
7、elihood development. They enable thoseinvolved in the management and use of bamboo and rattan resources to more efficiently andeffectively develop and use skills relating to these resources.TOTEMs are primarily intended as practical information resources and teaching aids for those atthe local exten
8、sion level in their communities, who can utilize them to assist local communitydevelopment. Each TOTEM consists of a detailed written report of the technology, a PowerPointpresentation, a film, and, where relevant, a set of technical photographs. They also includeinformation on target users, financi
9、al analyses of sample set-ups from the partner countrypreparing the report and information on where to source particular technologies (such asequipment). The TOTEM thus provides all the information required for establishing similartechnologies within interested countries and regions. The report cont
10、ains all the technical details of the particular processes involved, as well asother relevant information for establishing the technology such as costs of businessestablishment, running costs and cash flows. The PowerPoint presentation contains details of the relevant technologies and theirapplicati
11、ons, and is intended to provide an overview of the potential of the technology fordevelopment. The film provides a visual guide to the processes involved and helps to bring them alive inthe minds of the learners.The different parts of the TOTEM are targeted at slightly different audiences, via the l
12、ocalextension workers. The report and film are intended to be the main means of extension to theindividuals and communities who will implement the technology and who will directly benefitfrom it. The PowerPoint presentation is primarily intended as a tool for the extension worker tosell the technolo
13、gy and its role in development to those who provide the infrastructural, policyand financial support for its implementation, such as government departments, donors and NGOs.There is considerable flexibility, however. Local extension workers will be able to incorporate theTOTEMs in their own work as
14、they wish and adapt and develop the TOTEM to suit theirparticular requirements and conditions.This TOTEM on medium and large scale bamboo plantations has been produced by XiaoJiangHua and Yang XiaoSheng at the Research Institute of Tropical Forestry, Fuyang, China. Thereport part of this TOTEM descr
15、ibes the technology for producing and establishing medium orlarge scale bamboo plantations for rural development in regions where bamboo is available as araw material. It is intended to be used in conjunction with the illustrative film included in thisTOTEM package.INBAR - RISFTransfer of Technology
16、 Model: Medium and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations4The first part of the report introduces the technology, discusses its history, its developmentattributes, its benefits and its applicability. The second part of the report provides detailedinformation on establishing and running a medium or large-sca
17、le bamboo plantation. AppendicesI and II provide financial analysis for establishing and running a medium or large scale bambooplantation.This TOTEM is one of the first to be produced by INBAR/ RISF and your feedback is mostwelcome - kindly contact INBAR or RISF with your comments or suggestions. In
18、ternational Network for Bamboo and Rattan 2001Note 1: This TOTEM has been edited at INBAR and differs slightly from the form in which it was receivedfrom the authors.Note 2: All calculations are in Renminbi (RMB). At the time of writing RMB 8.25 = US$ 1.INBAR - RISFTransfer of Technology Model: Medi
19、um and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations5PART ONEINTRODUCTIONDEVELOPMENT ATTRIBUTES, TARGET GROUPS andBENEFITS ofMEDIUM and LARGE SCALE BAMBOO PLANTATIONSINBAR - RISFTransfer of Technology Model: Medium and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations61. Medium and Large Scale Bamboo PlantationsMedium and large-scal
20、e bamboo plantations are plantations too large for an individualfamily to manage on their own. They are thus about 1 hectare or larger and may be up tomany square kilometres. They may be managed for culm production, shoot production orboth. Most of the commercially productive bamboo plantations in t
21、he world are mediumor large scale and they benefit from the economies of their size.2. General development attributes and advantagesThe main development attributes of the technology are as follows: Income generation for poor rural people Improves and broadens farmers plant cultivation skills base, m
22、aking them more ableto handle shocks and empowering them with new abilities Increasing the area of managed bamboo resources Brings degraded land back into productivity and reduces erosion Promotes the sustainable increased use of bamboo as a wood substituteThe main advantages of the technology are:
23、It builds upon rural farmers own inherent plant-cultivation abilities and hence iseasily adopted It is extremely environmentally friendly - organic inputs such as fertiliser are betterfor bamboo growth than inorganic ones.3. Suitable agro-ecological regionsThe medium or large-scale bamboo plantation
24、 may be established in any bamboo-growing region of the world. Additionally tropical, subtropical and temperate regions thatpresently do not have natural bamboos are also suitable. There are many species suitablefor different climatic conditions and some are very frost-hardy. However bamboos arenot
25、suitable for very dry areas unless irrigation is provided. Consideration will need to begiven to the market for the culms produced. Species with large culms often have a widerange of uses but those with small culms have limited uses. These small species are oftenthe most resilient, as they grow at t
26、he fringes of the natural bamboo distribution areas.Thus one needs to define suitability as suitability for the particular species one wishes togrow.INBAR - RISFTransfer of Technology Model: Medium and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations7The plantation of bamboo improves the physical and chemical composi
27、tion of soilconsiderably, prevents soil erosion in river and sea banks and preserves water in soil bycreating a natural water reservoir. Land productivity per unit area increases, reducing thepressure on land due to high population density. Bamboo also produces more oxygen incomparison with the same
28、 quantity of many other trees4. Requirement for successThe essential requirements for a successful medium or large-scale bamboo plantation are: Interest of local communities to plant bamboo Land availability, ideally degraded land. Availability of raw materials - Propagules, fertilisers, tools. Fina
29、nce for the purchase of seedlings, fertilisers, tools and equipment charges ofskilled and semi-skilled labour at various stages. Well established financing mechanism Institutional support and infrastructure. Regular supply of labour Market for the bamboo culms produced by the plantationConcluding re
30、marksThe bamboo sector is not easily affected by climate and environment. Related activitiesare environmentally friendly and do not normally require a high level of mechanisation orfinancial input. A good plantation can be established with the help of local untrainedmanpower who can be taught the ne
31、cessary skills. Due to the size of the plantation it maybe established as part of a coordinated regional or local bamboo development ventureincluding bamboo processing units that the plantation could supply. In this case it may bepreferable to establish it with the assistance of NGOs or state agenci
32、es to ensure theproper infrastructural facilities and linkages are in place.INBAR - RISFTransfer of Technology Model: Medium and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations8PART TWOTHE BAMBOO MEDIUM/LARGE SCALE BAMBOOPLANTATIONINBAR - RISFTransfer of Technology Model: Medium and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations91.
33、 IntroductionThe main activities involved in establishing a medium or large scale bamboo plantationare: Selection of suitable species, Land selection, Preparation of nursery and afforestation. This involves digging, clearing the ground,planting bamboo propagules, cutting bamboo culms and applying fe
34、rtilisers, Techniques for raising seedlings and plantlets, weeding and tending.2. Establishing a medium or large scale bamboo plantationSelection of suitable speciesThere are many bamboo species and varieties and over 100 of them are commonlycultivated. Depending on the genetic characters, species v
35、ary in growth and developmentpattern and in their response to environmental conditions.Dos and Donts Understand the basic biological characters of bamboo species before selecting. Understand the climatic features of the chosen planting site.2.1 Nursery practice2.1.1 Nursery site selection and prepar
36、ationDos and Donts Select land preferably on the lee side of a sunny site with a gentle slope and gooddrainage and with abundant water resources for easy irrigation. The soil should be porous and fertile, sandy loam or loam with a pH neutral orslightly acidic. The groundwater lever should not be hig
37、h and usually should be under 1m. The soil should be friable to increase the ability to preserve moisture, weeds shouldbe cleared and soil pests and insects should be eliminated. Attention at this stage tothe soil will go a long way in creating favourable conditions for growth of thebamboo. The pref
38、erred time for preparing the soil is before freezing in winter or afterdefrosting in spring. Plough the site thoroughly and deeply. The best time for ploughing is at the beginningof winter.INBAR - RISFTransfer of Technology Model: Medium and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations10 Dig out roots and rocks,
39、rake and level the soil well. After ploughing the seedbed and pace can be made. Add manure or plant ash as abasal fertilizer to improve seedling growth and root development.2.1.2 Methods of raising seedlings and plantletsThere are two kinds of plant propagation: sexual and asexual propagation. As fl
40、oweringis rare in bamboo species and produces very few matured seeds, plant propagationthrough seedling planting can only be used for a few bamboo species such asDendrocalamus strictus which is regularly found in flower.The common and practical method of raising new plantlets is asexual propagation.
41、 Thisinvolves taking offsets, culm (or branch) cuttings, stumps with rhizomes, and rhizomesonly for direct afforestation or for plantlet propagation. Culm or branch cuttings are themost commonly used of all methods for sympodial bamboos. Some asexual methods ofraising plantlets of sympodial bamboos
42、are listed below:a. Propagation by branch cuttings.Raising plantlets by branch cutting is mostly suitable for relative large-sized species withdominant nodal branches, such as Dendrocalamus spp., Neosinocalamus spp. andBambusa spp. Primary and secondary branches are used in most cases and around 90p
43、ercent of them will produce new stock.b. Propagation by single-node culm cuttings.Propagation of thin-walled bamboos by culm cuttings is usually less successful as itrequires efficient handling that can often be tedious and hence it is difficult for large-scale production. However, it is suitable fo
44、r thick-walled and large-sized species, such asDendrocalamus latiflorus and Dendrocalamopsis grandis.c. Propagation by two-node culm cuttings.Plantlet survival rate with two-node cuttings is higher than with single-node cuttings butslightly lower than with whole culm cuttings.Raising plantlets using
45、 single or two-noded cuttings may be unsuitable for theestablishment of large scale plantations because of the tedious handling proceduresinvolved.d. Propagation by culms with rhizomes attached.This method of propagation usually achieves good survival rate and has been the bestapproach of propagatio
46、n for the following reasons:INBAR - RISFTransfer of Technology Model: Medium and Large Scale Bamboo Plantations11Advantages: The holes made in the culm internodes enhance sprouting of nodal buds. Using thesame method without holes most of the culm buds fail to develop. Water and nutrients absorbed b
47、y the rhizome can be transported through the linkagesof each node to meet the nutritional requirements of the plantlet before rooting. Thisavoids failure due to the exhaustion of nutrients, as may be the case when propagatingby culm cuttings.e. Propagation by whole culm cuttings.Method:In comparison
48、 with the propagation using whole culms with rhizomes attached, theoperation in this case is the same, except the parent culm is simply severed at groundlevel and does not have the rhizome attached.Advantages:Though it produces fewer plantlets compared to culm cuttings with rhizomes attached itis le
49、ss expensive in terms of labour and costs. This method is more suitable for raisingplantlets at a site near the stand from which the parent culm was collected. When long-distance transportation is essential, certain measures like watering and covering withthatch or plastic film should be taken to prevent the parent culm from drying out.f. Tissue cultureThis is the fastest and most economical way of raising plantlets for sympodial bamboo