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1、Audio cassette, Braille and large-printversions of this report are available, free of charge, by telephoning the BarclaysInformation Line on 0800 400 100, viaTextDirect if appropriate, or by e-mailing a request for your preferred format to disability.issuesbarclays.co.ukPrinted on papers made in the

2、 UK with the following recycled content:text 50% pre-consumer waste and 50% virgin pulp; cover 35% de-inkedpost consumer waste, 40% pre-consumer waste and 25% mill broke andvirgin fibres. Pulps used in the production are a combination of TCF (totally chlorine free) and ECF (elemental chlorine free).

3、Barclays PLC Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2002, published 2003.Barclays Bank PLC. Regulated by the Financial Services Authority.Registered in England. Registered No: 1026167.Registered office: 54 Lombard Street, London EC3P 3AH.9955173Barclays PLCCorporate Social Responsibility Report 2002

4、Making business senseawww.barclays.co.uk/socialresponsibilityFor a fuller account of our corporate social responsibilityperformance in 2002 and the latest news on our CSR programmes. About BarclaysBarclays is an international financial services group engaged primarily in banking, investment banking

5、and asset management. We have been involved in banking for over 300 years andoperate in more than 60 countries. We are one of the largestfinancial services groups in the UK and are a leading providerof co-ordinated global services to multinational corporationsand financial institutions worldwide.Our

6、 mission is to be one of the most admired financial services organisations in the world, recognised as aninnovative, customer-focused company that delivers superb products and services, ensures excellent careers for our people and contributes positively to the communities in which we live and work.F

7、or the year 2002, we achieved a pre-tax profit of 3,205 million and shareholders funds were 15.2 billion.1Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2002During 2002, Barclays: Increased our global investment in the community to 32 million Became the first UK high-street bank to receive ISO 14001 environ

8、mental certification Provided access to mainstream banking through the Barclays Cash Card account for 85,000 new customers, many of whom had not previously had a bank account Supported more than 16,000 UK employees in their volunteering and fundraising activity Set up a Global Diversity Council to e

9、nsure our commitment to equality and diversity is reflected in our businesses worldwide Introduced a new Performance Development system to encourage employees to achieve high levels of performance Invested a further 7.7 million in an ongoing project to make our branches more accessible to customers

10、with disabilities Offered employees in Botswana and Zambia free, voluntary and confidentialHIV/AIDS testing, and rolled out an HIV/AIDS employee education and awareness programme in our other sub-Saharan operations Reduced our UK CO2emissions by 10.2% Provided 2.3 million for independent money advic

11、e services and financial educationKey Corporate Social Responsibility achievements2 Barclays PLCCorporate Social Responsibility32m8,500Two youngsters who participated in Make a Difference Day along with Barclaysemployees across the world.In 2002, Barclays global community investment totalled 32 mill

12、ion.In 2002, more than 8,500 Barclays people across the world participated in Make a Difference Day.MLE Plastic Recycling Limited has received funds from Salford Money Line, a community development finance institution supported by Barclays.Kepplewray is a social enterprise offering activities and ed

13、ucation for groups of disabled and able-bodied people. It was funded by The Charity Bank Limited,a community development finance institution supported by Barclays.Barclaycard is committed to supporting community football. Through theBarclaycard Free Kicks scheme, over 4 million will be invested in t

14、he game at grass roots level during the three-year run of the Premiership sponsorship.Corporate Social ResponsibilityMaking business senseIn recent years, Barclays has published a review of its social and environmentalperformance separately from the AnnualReport. This year, as well as providing anac

15、count of Corporate Social Responsibility(CSR) performance in this report, for the first time Barclays has included a CSR chapter in its main Annual Report.This reflects our belief that CSR is not a postscript to the Groups commercialactivity, but is integral to it.The report that follows summarises

16、how Barclays progressedits responsibilities to customers, employees, communities and the environment in 2002. As a result of feedback receivedon the 2001 Social and Environmental Report from investors,analysts, journalists, representatives of community andcampaign groups, customers and employees, we

17、 have tried to be more succinct and adopt a greater international focus. This report is supported by a comprehensive online report.The report has been verified by SGS, a leading independentprovider of management systems certification, environmentalreport verification and ethical auditing. The verifi

18、cationstatement made by SGS is included in the online CSR report.In February 2003, Barclays made CSR a key responsibility ofChris Lendrum, Group Executive Director, who is accountablefor leading Barclays CSR programme.Barclays most significant CSR contribution derives from itsfinancial performance.

19、For 2002, we will have paid 1.2 billionto shareholders in dividends, almost 1 billion in taxes andmore than 3.6 billion in employee salaries, while providingemployment to over 74,000 people and financial services tomillions of customers around the world.As part of the FORGE Group consortium of UK fi

20、nancialservices companies, the bank contributed to a Government-sponsored project to develop CSR guidance for the financialservices sector. It also helped Business in the Communitydevelop a new corporate responsibility benchmarking index. A Barclays representative at the World Summit on SustainableD

21、evelopment in South Africa worked to raise awareness ofinitiatives such as the FORGE guidelines and the United Nations Environmental Management and Reporting initiative.Barclays is included in a number of external indices of sociallyresponsible companies, the Dow Jones Sustainability GroupIndex, the

22、 Dow Jones STOXX Sustainability Index and theFTSE4Good Indices.CSR governanceAs an international financial services group with a largeworkforce and millions of customers, Barclays believes it has a significant impact on society and the environment bothdirectly through its own operations and indirect

23、ly through the provision of financial services and the purchase of goodsand services.At Barclays, high-level requirements for the management ofsocial, ethical and environmental (SEE) topics are approved bythe Board and are set out in the Board governance standards.Specific topics covered in the SEE

24、and other standards includehuman rights, labour standards, bribery and corruption,stakeholder dialogue, community investment, equality and diversity and environmental performance. The standardoutlines requirements placed on Barclays to develop and apply relevant policies and controls, and to provide

25、 the Boardwith sufficient information to demonstrate that SEE issues are identified, evaluated and managed consistently throughoutthe organisation.3Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2002Corporate Social ResponsibilityCSR in the marketplaceTackling financial exclusionBarclays recognises its resp

26、onsibility to help bring financialservices within reach of individuals, businesses and socialenterprises, especially those in deprived areas, who find itdifficult to access mainstream banking.This is being achieved in part through products such as the basic banking Cash Card account. We also support

27、 local organisations such as credit unions and CommunityDevelopment Finance Institutions (CDFIs) and fund moneyadvice and financial literacy programmes.Identifying prioritiesIn 2002, Barclays commissioned research into key stakeholdersviews on its financial inclusion work. Consumer and communityorga

28、nisations, government agencies and academics wereamong those surveyed. The research identified several areas for improvement. Stakeholders said that all banks needed tomake it easier for organisations to apply for funding of financialinclusion initiatives, and were critical of the fact that they oft

29、enhave to submit new applications every year and so find itdifficult to implement longer-term programmes.In response, the process for applying to Barclays for fundingwas simplified. In addition, Barclays has made several long-term commitments including providing funding over threeyears for the Commu

30、nity Development Finance Associationand support, for three years, for a city-wide credit union inLeicester.Access to basic banking accountsThe number of customers with a Barclays Cash Card accountgrew by 85,000 to 202,000 in 2002. This basic no-credit account,launched in October 2000, is aimed at th

31、ose who may havepreviously been unable to open a conventional accountbecause they lacked a financial track record and those worriedabout going into debt. 202,000Barclays customers now have a Cash Card accountIndependent research of Cash Card customers conducted in 2002 revealed that 30% had no previ

32、ous financial holdingseither with Barclays or another financial provider and 35% said they had previously applied for a current account andbeen refused.Barclays PLCSupport for small businesses in deprived areas1of the UKThe figures below refer to firms with a debit turnover of less than 1 million.Al

33、l Deprived % share % share % shareAs at 31st December 2002 Barclays areas 2002 2001 2000Number of business current accounts 693,000 33,024 4.8 4.8 4.5% in overdraft 19.8 21.4 5.2 5.1 5.0Number of business deposit accounts 322,000 13,232 4.1 4.3 4.5Number of loans 127,000 5,014 3.9 4.0 4.3Loans and o

34、verdraft balances (m) 9,300 247 2.7 3.0 3.0Deposit and current balances (m) 12,200 442 3.6 3.6 3.7Number of business start-ups during 2002277,850 4,380 5.6 10.0 11.1% of stock3attributable to start-ups in 2002 11.2 13.3Ratio of savings to lending 1.31 1.791Deprived areas refers to areas identified b

35、y the Bank of England in its report Finance forSmall Businesses in Deprived Communities, November 2000. The term small businessesrefers to businesses so defined by the British Bankers Association.2Number of business start-ups during 2002. The most significant change during 2002was the substantial fa

36、ll in the number of start-up businesses in deprived areas. The totalnumber of start up businesses rose towards the end of 2002 on a national basis but thishas yet to occur in deprived areas.3The stock consists of all firms with a business current account that had a debit turnoverof less than 1 milli

37、on during 2002 (annualised for those with less than a years history).The most significant change during the year was the substantial fall in the number of newbusinesses. The number of all Barclays start-up businesses rose towards the end of 2002on a national basis, but this has yet to occur in depri

38、ved areas.Trading position of 2001 start-up businessesAll DeprivedBarclays areas% continuing to trade (end 2002) 70.8 41.5% of surviving firms with turnover in 2002 of: 100,000+ 17.7 11.7 1m+ 3.5 3.3Compared to all Barclays 2001 start-up businesses, a smaller percentage of those indeprived areas wer

39、e still trading at the end of 2002. However, the percentage of deprived-areas businesses with a turnover of 1 million or more during 2002 was close to thenational average.Support for personal customers in deprived areas of the UKAll Deprived % share % share As at 31st December 2002 Barclays areas 20

40、02 2001Number of current accounts 10,500,000 600,000 5.7 5.3Number of Cash Card accounts 202,000 27,000 13.4 12.4Cash cards as a % of all current accounts 1.9 4.5Unsecured loans and overdraft balances (m) 8,000 533 6.6 6.6Mortgage lending (m)157,800 1,937 3.3 3.5Deposit and current balances (m) 51,7

41、00 1,894 3.7 3.7Ratio savings to lending 0.78 0.771Mortgage lending excludes commercial lending.All personal financial services offered by Barclays expanded in the deprived areas during2002. The number of Cash Card accounts continued to rise with increased penetration in deprived areas. Mortgage len

42、ding in deprived areas has increased such that the ratio of savings to lending in these areas is broadly similar to levels in the wider customer base.4Corporate Social ResponsibilityIn anticipation of the launch of the Universal Banking services,Barclays made preparations to handle the demand for Ca

43、shCard accounts. This involved developing new processes formanaging applications, enabling cash withdrawals at PostOffice counters and training branch teams. In addition,Barclays committed to paying its share of the 180 millionbeing provided by the major UK banks over five years to helpfinance the n

44、ew Post Office card account. Our contribution is 30 million over five years. Affordable creditMaking affordable credit available to individuals and smallbusinesses is a key part of our approach to promoting financial inclusion.In 2002, we increased our support for credit unions with acontribution of

45、 173,000. Barclays funded the pilot introductionof PEARLS financial monitoring software in nine credit unionsin England, Scotland and Wales at a cost of more than 100,000.PEARLS helps credit unions measure their financial performanceand has played an important part in the expansion of the creditunio

46、n movement worldwide. Early signs suggest that the pilotis going well, and Barclays will seek to extend its support forthe project in 2003.1.5mof agreed subsidised lending to the CDFI sectorBarclays currently supports nine CDFIs in deprived communitiesin the UK. CDFIs act as lender of last resort to

47、 local businesses,social enterprises and individuals. In 2002, we agreed subsidisedlending to the CDFI sector of 1.5 million and made grants of 122,000, bringing our total commitment to 2.7 million in subsidised lending and 287,000 in grants over recent years. During 2002, Barclays worked with the N

48、ew EconomicsFoundation in a pilot study to determine how data on localeconomies can help promote economic regeneration. Thiswork is due to be published during 2003.5Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2002Improving access for disabled customersBarclays equality and diversity charter, signed by al

49、lmembers of the Groups Executive Committee in 2001,embraces all customers.In 2002, we invested a further 7.7 million in an ongoingproject to improve access to our branches for disabledcustomers by introducing facilities such as wheelchairaccess, power-assisted doors and hearing induction loops.We plan to make similar improvements to more branches in 2003.A focus group of disabled customers was established to help Barclays understand how better to meet their needs. In late 2002, mystery shopping of branches and thetelephone banking s


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