1、On Values,_By 305,What are values ?,How Values Are Formed?,Chinese Traditional Values,Nowadays & Bad social morality,Content,What are values ?,Values,Broadly Speaking, values mean beliefs about what is right and wrong and what is important in life. Values are deeply held beliefs about what is good,
2、right, and appropriate. Values are deep-seated and remain constant over time.,We accumulate our values from childhood based on teachings and observations of our parents, teachers, religious leaders, and other influential and powerful people.,What are values ?,What are values ?,Example: Jennifer felt
3、 stressed out and didnt know what to do when her boss implied she should lie to a client; honesty is one of Jennifers most deeply held values. Most of us learned our values or morals, if you prefer at home, at church or synagogue, at school. But, where do our children learn their values? Maybe from
4、parents, teachers and religious leaders, but society has changed. Too many young people today are greatly influenced by what they see and hear on television or on the street.,1. The Basic Programming Period which may occur pre-birth until age 4,2. The Imprint Period, which occurs from birth until ag
5、e 7.,3. The Modeling Period which occurs from age 8 until 13;,4. The Socializing Period from ages 14 to 21.,Research by Sociologist Morris Massey suggests that there are 4 major periods that a person will go through in the creation of values and personality.,Form of Values,He said “I share your valu
6、es“ time and time again to American voters during his presidential campaign,Values,Value is very important for a person. A man without a value is like a boat without a lighttower. What kind of value you entertain decides what kind of life you live. So, try your best to figure out your own values. Al
7、ways bear in mind that your values must be possitive and righteous!,Values,So what Chinese values are? After taking about so much theoretical things, lets see some examples!,Some traditonal Chinese values can be reflected in tradtional festivals and famous figures.OK, now, Lets move on,Dragon Boat F
8、estival (端午节),Thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi and racing dragon boats.,Zong Zi,Qu Yuan,Dragon Boats Race,屈原曰:举世皆浊我独清,众人皆醉我独醒,是以见放。,屈原曰:吾闻之,新沐者必弹冠,新浴者必振衣。安能以身之察察,受物之汶汶者乎?宁赴湘流,葬於江鱼之腹中,安能以皓皓之白,而蒙世俗之尘埃乎!,Integrity,Spring Festival,Nothing quite beats the love of family.
9、,Some Traditional Thoughts,frugalty,Optimism,Harmony is most precious.,A Moving Story,Nowadays & Bad social morality,In general, our country is steady and good, but, there are still some problems existing in our society. There is a tendency that more and more problems are arising from our daily life, undermining and badening chinese values.,Extravagance and Waste,大S汪小菲结婚的消息占据了各大网站的娱乐头条;“大S婚礼”高居微博热门排行榜榜首,“大S婚礼流程、婚礼时间、婚礼嘉宾”等成为网络热门搜索词汇。2011年中国娱乐圈的首场“重头戏”非大S和汪小菲婚礼莫属。,GirL pretends to be a BOy!,Greed!,Selfishness!,Extravagance and Waste,Some old people are Maltreat !,Thank You !,