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1、购物者研究报告摘要,我们要去哪?,主要内容,项目介绍Introduction 研究目的Research objectives 研究方法Methodology 样本标准Respondent Criteria 主要发现Key Findings 饼干品类定义和细分Category Definition and Segmentation 饼干品类购买习惯和行为Category Shopping Habits and Behavior 对店内促销的态度 理想货架陈列 对新产品的态度,简介Introduction,研究目的Research Objectives,通过这次研究,达能期望能够达成以下两方面目的

2、: 研究购物者在连锁型超市的购买行为与态度 探询目前的饼干货架陈列在何种程度上符合了消费者在连锁超市一般购物行为的需要 在更深程度上来说,此次研究主要为使以下品类管理手段更易实施与开展: 通过清除低流转率的产品以改进目前的商品分类 增加货架价值以最大化单次购买金额 提高货架吸引力以增加冲动性购买机会 找到一种合理的由消费者定义的饼干品类细分 最小化断货带来的不良影响,研究方法Methodology,12 组陪同购物,选定的消费者每月光顾联华在三次或以上6组小型(4人)焦点座谈,选定的消费者每月光顾联华在三次或以上 600份店内拦截式定点访谈 店内拦截访谈过程中进行现场录象观察,样本标准: 陪同

3、购物,样本标准:小型焦点座谈,Group 1: 18-24间女性,饼干购买决策者,个人消费 Group 2: 18-24间男性,饼干购买决策者,个人消费 Group 3: 25-34女性,饼干购买决策者,为个人和家庭消费购买,一半有一个37岁间的孩子,孩子是主要的饼干使用者 Group 4: 35-44女性,有一个7-13岁间的孩子,饼干购买决策者,为个人和家庭消费购买; Group 5: 35-44男性, 饼干购买决策者,为个人和家庭消费购买; Group 6: 45-54男女混合组,饼干购买决策者,为个人和家庭消费购买。,样本标准:店内访谈,所有经过或有目的地停留在饼干货架前的购物者,样本

4、标准:店内录象观察,所有经过或有目的停留在饼干货架前的购物者,主要发现,Highlight of Key Findings,从品类管理的角度来说,可以把购物行为定义为是一个包含了三个阶段的过程:在家里,到店之前,在店内。,It is the process that constitutes the analytical framework of the management summary.,Highlight of Key Findings,Category definition上海的消费者把饼干定义为“点心”的一个子品类。或者说定义为是一个介于主食和零食之间的一系列产品。对饼干的定义包括三

5、个层次,核心的饼干、丰富后的饼干、扩张后的饼干,这个定义其实也反应了中国市场上饼干的演化过程。,点心在概念上与通常的糕点接近,但与中国其他地区不同的是上海居民把点心 定义为一个包括了象饺子、馄饨等仅被作为主食或零食的食品,这里的点心具 有更为广的范畴。,Highlight of Key Findings - Biscuit Category Definition -,Highlight of Key Findings - Biscuit Category Definition -,Chart 1,Highlight of Key Findings - Biscuit Category Defi

6、nition -,Chart 2,Highlight of Key Findings -Biscuit Category Segmentation -,消费者对饼干的细分和当前通常的制造商对饼干的细分基本上类似;消费者对饼干的定义主要基于以下原则:味觉: sweet vs. savory 产品形状和外观: single-layer vs. multi-layer (sandwich) 潮流: traditional biscuits vs. cookie 功能性利益点: biscuits closer to main meal vs. biscuits closer to snack 典型的由

7、消费者定义的饼干子品类如下:咸饼干 甜饼干 威化 曲奇,See Chart 3 on next page,Category definition,Highlight of Key Findings -Biscuit Category Segmentation -,Chart 3,Base: All respondents / Source: interview + d2-1+d2-2,Category Segmentation: Joint Mapping of Name and Products Products Falling into Enriched Biscuit Concept -

8、,Highlight of Key Findings,Highlight of Key Findings - Shopping Behaviors: Pre-store -,Role of Biscuit通常,饼干作为一个多面性的产品,70%的人把它当作正餐之间的充饥食品,50%的人只把它当作休闲娱乐食品-具有零食的特点;一些年轻人在偶然的情况下会倾向于把饼干作为主食的替代品。,Base: All respondents / Source: interview + C5,Appeasing my hunger between meals Eating just for pleasure 作为早

9、餐 Gift Replacement of meal (excluding breakfast) Enjoying with friends Entertaining guests/friends,Role of Biscuit,Total 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-75 (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Base 611 153 124 113 140 82 % % % % % % Appeasing my hunger between meals 70 56 69C 75C 77C 80C Eating just for pleasure 50 49 55

10、G 62FG 44 36 As breakfast 49 47 45 48 54 52 Gift 11 5 11 11 19C 12 Replacement of meal(excluding breakfast) 9 15DG 6 8 10 5 Enjoying with friends 9 27DEFG 7F 2 1 3 Entertaining guests/friends 5 6 6 5 4 4 Eat as dim sum 3 1 2 4 3 5,Role of Biscuit -By Age-,Base: All respondents / Source: interview +

11、C5,Total Male Female Single Married Base 611 114 497 189 422 % % % % % Appeasing my hunger between meals 70 60 73 57 76 Eating just for pleasure 50 44 51 49 50 As breakfast 49 39 51 46 51 Gift 11 7 12 7 13 Replacement of meal(excluding breakfast) 9 11 9 14 7 Enjoying with friends 9 12 8 23 3 Enterta

12、ining guests/friends 5 6 5 7 4 Eat as dim sum 3 10 1 2 3,Role of Biscuit -By Gender/Martial Status-,Base: All respondents / Source: interview + C5,Highlight of Key Findings,Highlight of Key Findings - Shopping Behaviors: Pre-store -,Purchase decision tree两种典型的决策树: 一些被访者首先考虑口味,然后是品牌,规格等-这占大多数; 另一种方式则

13、是先考虑品牌,再考虑口味,规格等。,Decision Tree (ii),Base: All respondents / Source: interview + c9-1/c9-2,Highlight of Key Findings - Shopping Behaviors: Pre-store -,Purchase mode在消费饼干时,通常消费者都是在几种口味和品牌当中进行选择 (包括对新口味的首次尝试和选择) 60%以上的购物者会在少数几个他们以前买过的饼干中选择。计划性和目的性的购买似乎比较常见,Highlight of Key Findings - Shopping Behavior

14、s: Pre-store -,Purchase motivation立即就消费/吃家庭储备其他购买诱因包括:有吸引力的促销Attractive promotion 注意到新产品Notice of new products 被孩子纠缠Pester power of kids,Highlight of Key Findings - Shopping Behaviors: Pre-store -,Stock-up behavior储备行为在相当程度上是一个普遍的行为模式,尤其是在中年、老年的女性购物者中储备的原因: For unexpected needs以防不时之需 As substitute o

15、f meals which require cooking作为需要烹煮的食物的替代品 Due to reluctance to shopping frequently不愿意总是来买 For economy or quantity discount因为在价格上或数量上的折扣 Due to rush in time (busy life)由于平时太忙储备行为的潜在障碍包括: 考虑到产品的保质期 占地方 想常变换口味 经验主义者或是想尝试新的品牌、口味、规格、种类等 觉得没有储备的需要,因为现在超市和便利店的迅猛发展,买东西已经很方便,Highlight of Key Findings - Shop

16、ping Behaviors: Pre-store -,Brand decision在联华去买饼干之前,大部分的购物者仅知道要买什么种类的或什么牌子的饼干。而最终决定要买什么口味/规格/品种则是在货架前进行的。Purchase role作为一个低卷入度的产品,通常决策者就是购买者。而有孩子同去的购物者则会在孩子的纠缠下被孩子所影响。在决定口味、包装、甚至品牌时,孩子具有相当的影响力。,Highlight of Key Findings,Pre-store,Category definition Category segmentation,Role of category Store selec

17、tion Shopping trip,Planned vs. impulsive Walking routeChoice process at fixture In-store interface with shoppers -DM -stock out -restocking Promotion Display,Shopping behavior (in general),Purchase behavior (towards category),In-store,At POS behavior (in Lianhua),At home,Usage behavior,Shopping beha

18、vior,Decision process/ tree Purchase mode Purchase motivation Stock-up behavior Brand decision Purchase role,Highlight of Key Findings - Shopping Behaviors: In-store -,Planned vs. impulsive大部分的购物者在联华购物都是有计划的:他们当中的大部分仅在脑子里有计划而很少会写在纸上; 通常会计划到品类当被问到买饼干时,通常也都是有计划的。很典型地会计划到什么种类和品牌。但在一些情况下,他们的计划也会改变: 断货it

19、 was short of supply 被促销吸引,包括被促销小姐介绍和降价、折扣 注意到新产品notice of new product,Purchase Disposition,大部分的被访者在他们以前买过的少数几种饼干中选择;48%的被访者,尤其是15-24岁的会由于好奇而购买新产品。大约1/3的被访者,尤其是年纪较大的和女性,会特别注意促销。他们的购买很大程度上被促销驱动。,Base: All respondents / Source: interview + C4,I always buy the same biscuits Choose between a few kinds o

20、f biscuits which having tried before Choose whatever biscuits take my fancy even if not tried but recognizing the name Choose whatever biscuits take my fancy even if not tried or not recognizing the name 基于我常买的品牌是否有促销 Based on if any of my preferred brand being on promotion I check the promotions on

21、 all brands I look for the cheapest biscuits According to my child(ren) chooses According to other family members chooses According to my friend chooses,Purchase Disposition,Purchase Disposition -By Gender-,Total Male Female Base 611 114 497 % % %I always buy the same biscuits 62 57 63 Choose betwee

22、n a few kinds of biscuits which having tried before 48 47 48 Choose whatever biscuits take my fancy even if not tried but recognizing the name 39 34 40 Choose whatever biscuits take my fancy even if not tried or not recognizing the name 32 25 33 基于我常买的品牌是否有促销 31 17 34 Based on if any of my preferred

23、 brand being on promotion 18 12 20 I check the promotions on all brands 16 12 17 I look for the cheapest biscuits 9 11 9 According to my child(ren) chooses 6 4 7 According to other family members chooses 6 9 5 According to my friend chooses 5 5 5,Base: All respondents / Source: interview + C4,Total

24、15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-75 (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Base 611 153 124 113 140 82 % % % % % % I always buy the same biscuits 62 57 65 62 63 64 Choose between a few kinds of biscuits which having tried before 48 54F 50 50 40 41 Choose whatever biscuits take my fancy even if not tried but recognizing the

25、name 39 36 39 35 43 40 Choose whatever biscuits take my fancy even if not tried or not recognizing the name 32 34 25 30 35 33 Based on if any of my regular brandbeing on promotion 31 - 29C 64CDFG 43CDG 26C Based on if any of my preferred brandbeing on promotion 18 14 16 21 22 19 I check the promotio

26、ns on all brands 16 15 16 15 16 19 I look for the cheapest biscuits 9 18 9 3 6 8 According to my child(ren) chooses 6 8 3 5 9 7 According to other family members chooses 6 5 3 2 6 13DE According to my friend chooses 5 2 4 5 8C 9C,Purchase Disposition -By Age-,Base: All respondents / Source: intervie

27、w + C4,Considerations in Biscuit Purchase,口味和品牌是被访者购买饼干时最首要考虑的因素,而口味比品牌更重要。价格和包装规格是另两个重要的因素。不同类型的被访者考虑的方式不同:Different types of respondents think in different ways: 15-24岁的被访者主要关心口味respondents aged 15-24 mainly concern for flavor 年纪较大的被访者更注意品牌和价格,Base: All respondents / Source: interview + c10,Top mo

28、st Top 3 Mean Base 611 611 611 % % Brand 26 94 3.0 Packaging type * 84 5.3 Pack size 2 94 4.3 Price 7 89 3.9 Position on the shelf * 43 7.7 Flavor 63 99 1.8 Advertising 1 69 6.3 Promotion * 66 6.6 Introduction by salesmen * 35 7.7 In-store displays /information * 26 8.4,Ranking scale used: 7-scaling

29、, The smaller the mean, the more important the attribute is,Considerations in Biscuit Purchase,Total 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-75 (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Base 611 153 124 113 140 82 % % % % % % Top most Brand 26 16 29C 39CF 24 26 Flavor 63 73E 64 51 61 62 Top 2 Price 35 30 28 28 46CDE 45CDE Pack size 1

30、5 9 22CG 18 14 10 Top 3 Packaging type 16 22EFG 22EG 10 12 10,Considerations in Biscuit Purchase -By Age-,Base: All respondents / Source: interview + c10,Frequency of Biscuits Purchase,通常来看,被访者平均每月购买饼干4.6次,而年轻人则相对比中年和老年的购物者买的次数要多。而在这其中,有3.3次是在联华发生的,这暗示着联华是销售饼干的主要渠道。,Base: All respondents / Source: i

31、nterview + C1-1/C1-2,General In Lianhua frequency supermarket Base 611 611 % % More than once a day (32) - - Once a day (25) 1 * Every 2-3 days (12) 17 9 Every 4-6 days (6) 8 6 About once a week (4) 37 26 Every 2-3 weeks (1.5) 23 28 About once a month (1) 11 19 Every 2 months (0.5) 3 7 Every 3 month

32、s (0.33) 1 3 Every 4-5 months (0.22) - 1 Every 6 months (0.17) * 1 Mean(times/month) 4.6 3.3,Frequency of Biscuits Purchase,Base: All respondents / Source: Interview + C1-2,Total Male Female 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-75 (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F) (G) Base 611 114 497 153 124 113 140 82 % % % % % % % %

33、 Once a day (25) * * * - 1 1 - 1 Every 2-3 days (12) 9 14 8 13 7 13 3 10 Every 4-6 days (6) 6 7 5 9 10 1 4 2 About once a week (4) 26 24 26 30 24 32 18 24 Every 2-3 weeks (1.5) 28 31 27 25 22 33 32 31 About once a month (1) 19 11 20 17 21 12 25 18 Every 2 months (0.5) 7 5 8 5 8 7 10 9 Every 3 months

34、 (0.33) 3 2 3 1 3 - 5 5 Every 4-5 months (0.22) 1 1 * - 1 - 2 - Every 6 months (0.17) 1 3 1 - 4 1 1 - Mean 3.3 3.8 3.2 3.9F 3.2F 3.8F 2.2 3.4,Frequency of Biscuits Purchase in Lian Hua -By Gender & Age-,Age,Gender,Highlight of Key Findings - Shopping Behaviors: In-store -,相对固定的选择流程在饼干货架前浏览大约1分钟, (如果

35、是买饼干,在饼干区域平均花费的时间大约是80秒。)查看/比较不超过5个产品/品种. 比较价格 大约60%的被访者喜欢查看联华的标价,即使他们知道要买的饼干会花多少钱。暗示:在品类管理中,如何有效利用货架从而吸引和促使购物者在60秒内更快的作出购买决定是非常重要的。,Highlight of Key Findings - Shopping Behaviors: In-store -,店内沟通方式 In-store Promotion在商店入口处的促销材料成为告知购物者有哪些销售产品的另一个重要信息来源。通常购物者都会注意这样的信息。 这样的促销材料同时也在扮演着诱使冲动性购买的角色。,Base:

36、 Those who have known promotion information before shopping / Source: interview + B2-1/ B2-2,Awareness of Various Promotional Means: Lianhua,No difference exists between age/gender/martial status/having child or not.,Highlight of Key Findings - Promotion -,Perceived attractive promotion tools被购物者所认知

37、的促销方式主要包括:免费尝试/试用/试吃(主要在大卖场中) 免费样品 幸运抽奖 促销小姐 10% - 50% 的加量不加价 折扣/降价 捆绑(里面有免费礼品) 大量购买可得到额外的赠送 购买指定产品赠送礼品 收集外包装可累计中奖 会员制/VIP card,Highlight of Key Findings - Promotion -,Perceived attractive promotion tools而被认为最具吸引力的促销活动包括: 买一赠一 捆绑促销 10 - 50%的加量不加价 折扣/降价除此之外,免费试吃被证明非常具有吸引力,尤其是对饼干而言 它的影响超出了通过包装和POP等类似的

38、外在信息,可以给消费者一个更为贴近的对产品的体验和感受 它被认为是一种用来介绍新产品的有效沟通方式,Base: Those who have known promotion information before shopping / Source: interview + B2-3/B2-4/B2-5,Known Attractive Attractiveness 1st 2nd 3rd WeightedPromotions Promotions Ratio attractive attractive Index Base 139 139 139 139 139 % % % % % Price

39、 reduction/Discount 83 79 95 44 27 8 100 Get one extra pack free 79 71 90 36 22 11 84 Sweepstake promotion(lucky draw) 52 28 54 6 12 8 26 Coupon 37 31 84 3 12 14 24 Free item/gift 24 17 71 2 8 5 14 Shop assistantsintroduction/recommendation 7 3 43 - 2 1 3 Free sample/product 5 5 100 * 1 2 2,Awarenes

40、s and Attractiveness of Various Promotion Means: Lianhua,在不同的年龄/性别/婚姻状况/是否有孩子或其他的人群中,对促销的知晓和促销的吸引力都没有区别。,Awareness and Attractiveness of Biscuit Promotions,Base: All respondents / Source:interview + C20-1/C20-2,Effective 1st 2nd 3rd Weighted Promotions Promotion Promotion Promotion Index Base 611 61

41、1 611 611 611 % % % % Price reduction /Discount 74 28 23 13 100 Get one extra pack free-same kind of biscuit 64 23 22 12 87 Free tasting/ tasting before buying 63 24 13 12 77 Get one extra pack free-other kinds of biscuit 47 10 15 11 50 Coupon 30 2 7 10 21 Get one extra pack free-non-biscuit product

42、 29 2 6 7 17 Free sample/product 26 4 4 9 20 Sweepstake promotion (lucky draw) 18 3 2 5 13 Shop assistants introduction /recommendation 16 2 2 4 10,Ranking,Impact on behaviour,Attractiveness of Biscuit Promotions -By Gender/Age-,total Male Female 15-24 25-34 35-44 45-54 55-75(A) (B) (C) (D) (E) (F)

43、(G) Base 611 114* 497 153 124* 113* 140 82*% % % % % % % % Price reduction /Discount 74 67 75 74 76 67 81EG 66 得到额外的产品赠送 -同样的饼干 64 52 66A 54 68C 68C 67C 64 Get one extra pack free -other kinds of biscuit 47 41 48 44 48 52 45 43 Get one extra pack free -non-biscuit product 29 30 28 30 27 29 29 26 Fre

44、e tasting/ tasting before buying 63 63 63 64 61 62 66 61 Sweepstake promotion (lucky draw) 18 15 18 15 19 21 20 10 Coupon 30 27 30 31 25 29 32 31 Shop assistants introduction /recommendation 16 15 16 14 14 15 17 22 Free sample/product 26 24 27 30 28 19 32EG 18,Gender,Age,Base: All respondents / Sour

45、ce: interview + C8,Attractiveness of Biscuit Promotions -By Monthly Income(RMB)-,Total 500- 500-499 1500+ 2000- 2000 -3499 3500+(A) (B) (C) (E) (F) (G) Base 611 151 279 177 116 288 205 % % % % % % % Price reduction /Discount 74 80C 78C 62 84FG 73 69 Get one extra pack free -same kind of biscuit 64 6

46、1 70C 56 67 65 61 Get one extra pack free -other kinds of biscuit 47 44 47 47 39 50 45 得到额外的产品 -非饼干产品 29 28 29 28 19 30E 32E Free tasting/ tasting before buying 63 64 62 64 60 66 60 Sweepstake promotion (lucky draw) 18 22 17 14 22 14 19 优惠券 30 32 27 32 38F 26 30 Shop assistants introduction /recomme

47、ndation 16 13 14 21 16 12 21 Free sample/product 26 25 22 35B 21 25 31,Personal Monthly Income,Household Monthly Income,Base: All respondents / Source: interview + C8,理想饼干货架需要的要素,理想饼干货架需要的要素主要如下: 靠近摆放蛋卷、萨其马、派和米饼的零食区域 销售最好的品牌摆放在主要货架的最右边或最左边,这主要看店内的情况。大规格的包装放在货架最上层,以作为饼干货架的辅助标志/指示 小规格包装的饼干应该放在视线以内,同时应

48、该把印有品牌标志的一面向外以使购物者可以看到 同一品牌的不同种类应该水平陈列,同时在不同种类/口味间应该有明显的界限 同一种类/口味的不同包装规格应该垂直陈列,把最大规格的纸盒装(如家庭装)放在货架最上层,把中等规格的放在中间。把小规格的放在低一点的货架上。较大的塑料袋装的最好放在货架最底层。 给儿童的商品放在货架的第三、四层(自下而上),Highlight of Key Findings - Display of Biscuit Category -,Perceived ideal display-Planogram,F = Family Pack or Extra Large Pack (box) L = Large Pack M = Medium Pack S = Small Pack,Sample Display Worked Out by Shoppers,Box or canned at this level,Soft or plastic packs at this level,


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