1、国际商务谈判,董楠楠,思 考,大家上谈判课的目的是什么?Goal你对谈判是怎么理解?,人,出身条件的不同外界环境的不同,同一个人在不同的条件下所选择的行为是不同不同的人在相同的条件下所采取的行为也是不同的,谈判的基础学科,组织行为学组织行为学是一门交叉学科,其中它包括了心理学、社会心理学、政治学、社会学等等,总之是人类学中与人们工作行为相关的学科。,目的,花四周的时间来学期组织行为学学习如何研究你的谈判对手出生条件,生长环境 个性 推测在你给出不同的条件时,他会作出何种选择 知己知彼案例:诸葛亮的空城计,曹操的华容道,组织行为学的三个层次,个体 通过对个体差异的了解 个性激励制度群体 群体行为
2、 领导权力组织 有组织就产生了政治、产生了 社会以及社会的变革,研究目的(个体),人们在工作中的行为差异(了解个性)个性如何影响行为如何激励自己激励他人,研究目的(群体),如何建立有效的工作群体(团队)。如何塑造团队精神,建立有效的团队。(团队:为了一个目的而组成),研究目的(组织),对各种组织事件如何应对如何改革组织进程,案例:表面原因深层原因综合原因,一、起源,二、个 体,1、个体差异 概念个性:个体独特的性格,并且是其行为的基础。(性格决定命运)个性特征 预测行为 个体的未来案 例,2、静态理论 一个世纪前盖仑,矮胖型 (短小的四肢、粗壮的躯干、肥胖的脸)该理论认为: 圆滑的、温和的、友
3、善的健美型 (体格匀称、精力充沛、行为富有攻击性)该理论认为: 刚强的、刻板的、外向的瘦长型 (修长的四肢、瘦削的躯干、窄长的脸)该理论认为: 内向的、羞怯的、消极的,人,人,人是没有羽毛的两脚直立的动物柏拉图,3、动态理论 -弗洛伊德,本 我自 我(超 我),人,本 我,无意识的(unconscious) 本性的冲动和生理的需要,是人的自觉思维所达不到的境地 。(人类不自觉的本能与冲动),自 我(超 我),存在意识的( conscious)是逻辑的而且是理性的,用来应付日常或实际事件的,4、综合理论(人的属性) -卡门伦,认知个体差异的四个层面,人,认知的 风格,价值观,人际关系 取向,应变
4、的 态度,价值观,第一层 以自我为中心型 ( 法律规章与他们无关) 奖励、惩罚第二层 整合层 ( 法律规章与他们无关) 权威 、多数人第三层 成熟水平型 (检验法律规章制度) 内心的原则,认知的风格,收集信息分析信息,认 知,直觉策略型意识策略型,思考策略型感觉策略型,直觉策略型,他们往往有一个先入为主的观念(直觉)他们看待收集信息的态度就是找到符合他们原来想法的东西,意识策略型,他们是理性的,并不是先入为主的收集信息(没有直觉)他们注重细节,对信息进行仔细彻底的检验,思考策略型,逻辑的而且是有计划的评价信息总是试图将问题纳入已知的模式或框架强调的是解决问题的方法与程序,感觉策略型,不是根据逻
5、辑作判断对待问题往往从“内心感觉出发”处理问题是心试试看,错了在改,应变的态度,评价应变能力的两个标准,对模棱两可的容忍力,对事物控制的导向,对模棱两可的容引力,高:在行为上他们对模棱两可和信息过多的情况适应能力更强,更灵活。-能够同时注意多个项目,但是经历容易分散。 低:对信息过多的情况,适应力较差-能够集中精力做一件事情,但不够灵活,对事物的控制导向,控制的内在导向-认为:外界信息对他们的行为的影响是偶然的,事物的成功或失败的原因都在我自己。控制的外在导向-认为:把信息作为外界力量的产物,认为别人或别的事情是造成自己事情成功或失败的主要原因。,人际关系取向,被包容的需要-也就是说:既需要包
6、容别人,也需要被别人包容。 控制上的需要-每个人都需要控制别人,有时也往往需要被别人控制。 爱心上的需要-每个人都需要爱心的付出,和被爱的需要。,案例分析,三、激励制度,1、企业中的各种主要角色员工部门经理总经理 人 经济人 追求利益职业经理人 最大化 股东物质 精神(收入) (权力),员工 - 自己个人的利益部门经理 - 追求(小集体)利益总经理 - 总体集团的利益股东 - 企业利益最大化,这就导致了 委托-代理 下的机会主义行为,2.传统地解决方法,契约(规章制度)-用来约束双方的行为高层 信息不对称 导致失效底层员工 可以导致消极怠工 监督 例如:对总经理的监督-情私家侦探对员工的监督
7、-监听器、窃听器,3. 现代的解决方法,从 根 本 上 解 决 问 题,从内心中解决问题,把个人利益与企业利益结合,激励制度的建立,针对高层的激励制度,股票期权由企业所有者向企业经营者提供的,在一定时期内,按照某一既定的价格购买一定数量股份的权利。,股票期权的优点:只有经营者苦干若干年努力使企业得到发展,每股净资产增加,股票市价上涨后,股票期权的价值才真正体现。既有利于激励经营者对企业的责任心也有利于一些企业留住人才。,股票期权的缺点:,微软公司安然公司,对于没有上市的民营企业,该如何利用股票期权?,针对企业重要员工,- 企业的管理骨干、企业营销经理、关键的技术人员采用分步到位的方法员工的收入
8、=工资+股息退休员工 =退休金+股息股票可以转让也可以遗传,针对企业的一般员工,全员持股固定工资-用来维持日 全员分红 常生活 分红-来自于企业的盈 利情况 内部创业,山西晋商,晋商对员工采用的激励制度-赠送员工劳动股盈股 老板自己的股份 股份:盈六身四 身股 员工自己的劳动股身股 ( 老邦、掌柜、 分号老帮、学徒工),晋商对员工采用的激励制度,-采取所有权与经营权相分离授权用人机制,四、团 队,1.概念: 团队指员工为实现共同的目标,通过沟通、协调、共享资源、共担风险形成比原组织更具有战斗力的工作群体。,2.团队形成的动力驱使,个体才能物质吸引,个体才能和物质吸引是形成团队的两大要素,3.团
9、队形成的四个过程,形成、适应、动荡、运作,形成 团队之间交往极少 他们的交往多以领导人为目标 他们之间还没有形成默契的分工,适应也叫磨合期,每个团员都要压抑个人期望而达到团队的和谐,动荡也叫做振荡调整期,是团队成员的意愿、感情与期望出现不和谐的阶段。是调解、意见、冲突的关键期,也是最容易导致团队瓦解的时期。,运作确立了远景目标成员角色的定位个人对团队承诺团队表现出高效的运作,并发挥出水平,案 例 分 析,4.高效运作团队需要具备的条件,目标明确逆境商: 在遭受挫折后有一种坚忍不 拔、不屈不挠、矢志不移的精神。,系统整合所谓的系统整合也就是利用团队成员各自的优势,通过整合资源来谋求效益最大化。,
10、“此人能做些什么?如何利用工作和职守来个克服这个人的弱点。”-马歇尔,团队建设,应该在共同目标的前提下,将团对成员的奋斗及个人的成功有机的融合到团队的成功去。,有效沟通、默契为本,沟通是团队工作基础,它将团队的各个成员融为一体,只有有效的沟通,才能从对方的角度考虑问题,才能默契。,前瞻结合反思,前瞻-就是对未来要遭受的困难进行预测。反思-就是对前人的经历进行总结。,案 例 分 析,BREAKTHROUGH BUSINESS NEGOTIATIONA TOOLBOX FOR MANAGERS Michael Watkins,Introduction,Principle 1 :Negotiatio
11、ns have structure Principle 2 :Structure shapes strategy,Principle 3:The structure of negotiations can be shapedPrinciple 4:Process control is a source of power,Principle 5:The flow of negotiation can be channeledPrinciple 6:Effective negotiators organize to learn,Principle 7:Great negotiators are l
12、eaders,Part one Foundations of the breakthrough approach,The fundamental tools for managing complex negotiations: (1) Diagnosing the situation; (2) Shaping the structure; (3) Managing the process; (4) Assessing the results.,Part two Building the breakthrough tool box,Overcoming power imbalance Build
13、ing coalitions Managing conflicts Leading negotiations Negotiating crises,1. Diagnosing the situation,The case :For Danielthirty-seven-year-old, in Austin, director of Alpha Microsystems Technology Center,For ken ,forty-five-year-old, in Colorado ,with a Stanford M.B.A. , solid experience in the sof
14、tware industry,Ken envisioned Omega Systems, his new start-up,The conditions given by ken,a. Vice president of engineering; b. A competitive salary; c.2 percent of the equity in the company; d. The other engineers would be team leaders; each would get 0.5 percent of equity.,What would you advise Dan
15、iel to do?,party; rule; issue; Interests alternative; agreement; linkage.,party,WHO WILL PARTICIPATE ,COULD PARTICIPATEIN THE NEGOTIATION?,Identify All the Players,First should find out who else Ken is negotiating with. (Potential Players)Second should find out who Daniel is negotiating with except
16、ken.,Analyze Coalitions,In negotiations involving more than two parties, outcomes are almost always strongly shaped by coalitions.So we should look for existing and potential alliances,Look into the Other Side,Who has the authority to make which decisions?Does the other sides representative have the
17、 authority to make a deal, or do others have to ratify it?,How is the performance of the people at the table measured and rewarded?Are there any differences between the interests of the ultimate decision makers and those of their representatives at the table?,Draw Up a Party Map,RULES: WHAT ARE THE
18、RULES OF THE GAME?,The rules of the game is including laws, regulations , professional codes of conduct and social conventions .,For Daniel,Intellectual property law employment law,For all negotiations,What laws and regulations apply here? What social conventions shape the parties behavior? Are ther
19、e professional codes of conduct that apply here? What other rules of the game will influence other parties behavior?,ISSUES,Identify the Full Set of IssuesUnbundled the IssuesAssess Whether Relationships Are an Issue,Identify the Full Set of Issues,Unbundled the Issues,CompensationJob Responsibiliti
20、es Statusrisk,Assess Whether Relationships Are an Issue,Transaction RelationshipDeal Dispute,Deal and Transaction,Deal making Selling a business unit Parties will not interact in the future, but there are no preexisting animosities.,Deal and Relationship,Relationship building Creating a corporate al
21、lianceParties anticipate a long-term relationship, but its basis has not yet been determined.,Dispute and Transaction,Dispute resolution Resolution of a personal injury lawsuitRelationship is likely characterized by animosity, but parties will not interact after resolution.,Dispute and Relationship,
22、Conflict management Settling a strikeThe current dispute is likely to be part of a longer-term pattern of contention, which may create barriers to agreement.,Identify and Deal with Toxic Issues,INTERESTS,WHAT GOALS ARE YOU AND OTHERS PURSUING?,Seek Out Shared Interests,Two elements must normally be
23、present for negotiation to take place: there must be both common interests and issues of conflict.,Propose Mutually Beneficial Trades,Higher salary More equity Seat on the board Chief technology officer Antidilution protection Restrictions on changes in responsibilities Location in Austin Quicker ve
24、sting,Secure Insecure Agreements Factor in Personal Interests,ALTERNATIVES,WHAT WILL YOU DO IF YOU DONT REACH AGREEMENT ?,Work Out Your BATNA,A BATNA is a course of action, it is what you will do if there is no agreement.BATNA is Best Alternative To Negotiated Agreement,Define Your Walk-Away Positio
25、n,Suppose Daniels BATNA is to find another employer. How should he go about pinpointing his walk-away in negotiations with Ken?,Explore the Effect of a Coalition on Your BATNA,building a solid coalition can substantially improve your BATNA.At the same time, careful not to become too dependent on a c
26、oalition.,Consider the Impact of Time,Will your alternatives improve or worsen as time passes? What about those of your counterparts?,Guard Against Overconfidence and Overcommitment,Consulting a venture capitalist with experience in this area might help to sharpen Daniels estimates.,AGREEMENTS,ARE T
27、HERE POTENTIAL AGREEMENTS THAT WOULD BE ACCEPTABLE TO ALL SIDES?,Try to Find the Bargaining Range,Using his assessment of Kens interests and BATNA, Daniel can try to estimate Kens walk-away.,Bargaining Range in Distributive Negotiations,The nature of the bargaining range depends on whether a negotia
28、tion is, purely about claiming value or create value.,claiming value divide the pie ,lose and gain create valueenlarge the pie, win-win,Bargaining Range in Integrative Negotiations,Negotiations of this kind are therefore integrative: they combine efforts to integrate interests and create value (to e
29、nlarge the pie) with efforts to claim value (to divide the pie).,Harness the Power of Good InformationProbe Shared Uncertainties,LINKAGES,ARE YOUR CURRENT NEGOTIATIONS LINKED TO OTHER NEGOTIATIONS?,Mapping Linked Negotiations,Competitive linkages,Reciprocal Linkage,structuring the Linked System,2,Sh
30、aping the Structure,The case,One side :Claire, the young founder and CEO of a year-old commercial real estate company.,Other side :,Eric:newly hired regional director of Bargain Mart , a respected nationwide discount retailer.,Claire:,she was developing in Fairfield, a midsized city north of Boston.
31、 Claires development plan for one large store and many smaller satellite stores,Eric:,Eric expressed misgivings about Fairfields security. Eric requested to reduce Lease price Eric invoked Bargain Marts standard clause about use, transfer of the lease, and subletting.,The bank had agreed to a ten-ye
32、ar repayment schedule if the officer was satisfied. The land Owner gave Claire one year for his investment . The local government ask the field used in commerce.,THE DIAGNOSIS,Mapping the Linked System,Parties:,Make an relation to ValueShops. Negotiate to build a coalition of attractive satellite sh
33、ops.,Rules:,Find out if local government would offer tax breaks to improve the economics ofthe project. See if the bank is willing to be more flexible whether Bargain Mart can help with financing.,Issues and Interests:,Unbundled the issues of use, lease transfer, and subletting, and analyze their re
34、lative importance. The issues are bundled into Bargain Marts standard clause.,Alternatives:,Claire has no alternative to dealing with Bargain Mart, but Eric is under no pressure to close a deal.Make a relation to ValueShops.,Agreements:,Approaching to Creating ValueLinkages: Negotiate to extend the
35、option, if possible.,First, she discovers that her BATNA is weak and Erics is probably strong.Second, the negotiation has clearly become focused on claiming value.Third, Claire needs to figure out whether Bargain Marts standard clause is a hard constraint,Creating Value,Trade off,Economies of scale,
36、Bargain Mart and the satellite storesEconomies of scopeLease price,Shaping the Structure, Changing the players: BATNA building: Setting the agenda: Framing and reframing: Controlling information: Forcing and delaying action: Developing a sequencing plan:,Changing the Players,One method of doing this
37、 is to invite other players into the negotiation. another is working to exclude parties.,2.BATNA Building,Promote Competition. be locked in a fierce battle for market share. controls a very attractive site in an untapped market. the presence of one would effectively shut out the other.,Build Coaliti
38、ons,Assuming that Im successful in getting Bargain Mart, would you be interested in coming on board If you are willing to sign on, I can deliver this very attractive set of satellites. They wont be willing to sign on unless.,Relax Constraints,TimeUseBank,3.Setting the Agenda,Skilled negotiators typi
39、cally negotiate over the agenda early to set preconditions before negotiating the substance.As we have seen, it is sometimes possible to create value by broadening the agenda to allow for mutually beneficial trades.,4. Framing and Reframing,Negotiators often compete in a frame gameBargain Marts Fram
40、ing and Claires Reframing,5.Controlling Information,Consider, for example, Claires linked negotiations with Value Shops and Bargain Mart. FirstlySecondly,6.Forcing Action or Buying Time,Deadlines and other forms of time pressure can effectively build momentum toward agreement.,7. Developing a Sequen
41、cing Plan,3Managing the Process,The case,One side :BoltonGlobal Corporations new CEO, for less than a year.but he had been with Global for close to twenty years. He had a reputation for toughness and attention to detail.,Bolton : announced Global would acquire Regional Air, a small East Coast carrie
42、r, for $100 million in cash.,Other side :,Globals pilots,Adams, union president , a former air force fighter pilot,Globals pilots union opposed the project.had already cost Global over $70 million in lost revenuesthe union with a $10 million fine that threatened to bankrupt it.,Throughout the 1980s
43、and 1990s.Globals relations with its pilots had been badly strained. During a downturn, the former CEO had successfully imposed a two-tier wage system.,Bolton said:,takeover would boost traffic on Globals East Coast routes, thus preserving jobs.It would also expand the unions membership base.,THE DI
44、AGNOSIS,1. Have past negotiations between the company and the union created important precedents?2.What barriers and opportunities do they present?,3.What sets of rules influence these negotiations? How might Bolton use the rules to his advantage?4. What are the existing and potential issue in the d
45、ispute between Global and the APU?,Tailoring Your Posture to the Phase.,Matching People to the Phase.,The diagnostic phase is the time to establish (or repair) relationships. The formula phase is the time to cast a wide net in pursuit of ways to create value. The detailed-bargaining phase is the tim
46、e of calling for persistence, a steady eye on the goal, and a strong stomach.,The Micro-Interaction Lens,Sensitivity to Early Interactions.Irreversibility.Tipping Points.,Vicious and Virtuous Cycles.,The Mental Process Lens,Mental Models.,Motivational Drives.,Maintaining control Exercising power Pre
47、serving reputation Being consistent Maintaining relationship,Aspirations.Emotions.,4 Assessing the Results,QUESTIONS ABOUT DIAGNOSING THE SITUATION,Question 1: Do You Have a Clear View of the Situation?Question 2: Have You Been Efficient and Effective in Your Learning?,QUESTIONS ABOUT SHAPING THE ST
48、RUCTURE,Question 3: Are You Involved with the Right People?Question 4: Are You Building Your BATNA?,Question 5: Are You Shaping the Issue Agenda?Question 6: Are You Winning the Frame Game ?Question 7: Are You Channeling the Flow?,QUESTIONS ABOUT MANAGING THE PROCESS,Question 8: Are You Moving the Process Through the Right Phases?Question 9: Are You Creating Value as Well as Claiming It?Question 10: Are You Accumulating Negotiating Capital?,