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1、篇章模式对大学英语阅读教学的作用研究论文摘要阅读是语言输入的重要方式,阅读能力的高低会影响听、说、写等其它语言技能的提高。而且,阅读理解在各类英语水平测试中占有重要地位。阅读理解在当前的英语能力测试中占有举足轻重的地位。 以下列举一些实例:研究生入学考试(GRE)第一部分就是测试受试者的阅读能力。托福(TOEFL )考试要求受试者再 60 分钟内完成 3 到 5 篇不同类型的短文,每篇短文包含 12 到 14 道问题。另外,在大学英语四级考试(CET 4)中阅读的分值比例为 35%, 而在全国硕士研究生入学英语考试(National Entrance Test of English for M

2、A/MS Candidates)阅读理解的分值高达 60%。阅读的相关研究表明,掌握篇章模式对学生阅读能力的提高大有裨益。国外研究成果显示,篇章模式教学具有可行性,这种模式的培养可以提高学生的阅读水平。然而,国内从英汉文化对比的角度对篇章模式教学的研究多是描述性研究,着重于篇章模式在英语阅读教学中的重要性描述。篇章模式培养及其效果的系统、实证性研究相对较少。在大学英语教学中融入篇章模式培养的研究更不多见。因此,本研究从英语阅读的相关理论出发,采用刘辰诞在其著作中提及的与中国英语阅读教学有关的五种篇章模式,把这五种篇章模式与英语阅读教学融为一体,采取显性培养的方法,由教师讲解由于文化差异导致的英

3、汉篇章模式的差异,详尽讲解五种篇章模式的特点和差异,然后学生在完成学习任务的过程中借助指示词分辨篇章模式。本研究试图验证在大学英语阅读教学中融入篇章模式培养的有效性。此次研究对象为沈阳师范大学软件学院 77 名本科一年级学生。开展实验时,两班学生的英语水平相当。实验中,两个班级分别被设为控制班和实验班,在实验班教授英语篇章模式的相关知识,在控制班采用传统的教学方式。实验数据来自针对两班学生的阅读能力进行的前测和后测。测试题目均来自大学英语四级考试真题。通过 SPSS 对成绩进行了独立样本 T 检验,得出以下结论: 篇章模式培养提高了学生阅读的整体水平。本研究的意义在于:1) 表明了在大学英语教

4、学中融入篇章模式培养是可行且有效的,不仅有利于学习者提高阅读效果,更好地实现阅读目标,而且还有利于他们探索适合自己的阅读学习途径,增强其独立学习和自主学习的能力,从而为终身学习创造条件。因此,在日后大学英语教学中应更多地融入有效的篇章模vii式的培养。2) 验证了显性培养方式的有效性,为日后进行其它阅读方法的培养提供了有效的方式。关键词:英语阅读;文化背景;阅读模式;篇章模式viiiAStudyontheEffectsofTextualPatternsontheTeachingofCollegeEnglishReadingABSTRACTReading is an important way

5、of language input. The level of reading ability mayinfluence the improvement of other language skills, such as listening, speaking andwriting, etc. Furthermore, reading comprehension occupies a significant position inthe current English proficiency tests. Reading comprehension occupies a significant

6、position in the current English proficiency tests. The following are some examples:The main purpose of the first part in GRE (Graduate Record Examination) is to testexaminees reading ability. TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) requiresexaminees to finish three to five different types of p

7、assages in 60 minutes, and eachpassage includes 12 to 14 questions. Besides, reading comprehension takes up 35% ofCET 4 (College English Test-Band 4), while the proportion in NETEM (NationalEntrance Test of English for MA/MS Candidates) is up to 60%.Reading research proves that acquiring the knowled

8、ge of textual patterns cangreatly improve students reading ability. Research on this field abroad has shown thattextual patterns can be taught to students, and when taught, they enhance studentsperformance on tests of comprehension. However, in China most studies on theeffects of textual patterns on

9、 reading teaching from the perspective of the differencesbetween English and Chinese cultural background are descriptive, and focus on theimportance of the use of textual patterns in reading teaching. There have beenrelatively few systematical and empirical studies to investigate the effectiveness o

10、f thecommand of the textual patterns. It is even uncommon to find studies on integratingtextual patterns training into ongoing college English classroom.Therefore, based on the relevant theories concerning English reading, this studyadopts five textual patterns in Text Linguistics for Teachers (Liu

11、Chendan, 2000), inongoing college English reading teaching. Employing explicit training, the teacherillustrates the difference of the textual patterns aroused by the cultural differencevbetween the English and the Chinese texts and teaches students these five patterns indetail, and then students pra

12、ctice textual patterns in reading with the help of thesignaling words. The present study intends to testify the effectiveness of integratingtextual patterns training into ongoing college English reading classroom.This experimental research is conducted among 77 freshmen from SoftwareCollege of Sheny

13、ang Normal University, who are at similar English level at thebeginning of the research. Textual patterns are integrated into the teaching of theexperiment class, while traditional reading training is adopted in the control class.Data can be collected from pretest and posttest in both classes. The t

14、est texts are thepassages of reading comprehension in CET4.Through SPSS, subjects pretest and posttest scores are analyzed by means ofIndependent Sample T Test. Finally, the following conclusion is achieved: textualpatterns training in ongoing English college classroom does enhance students overallr

15、eading proficiency.The significance of the study lies in: 1) It shows that it is achievable and effectiveto integrate textual patterns training into the ongoing English college classroom,which will do readers a favor to improve their reading comprehension ability so as toachieve their reading target

16、s. Besides, it is also valuable to discover the mostappropriate way of reading to oneself and strengthen the ability of independentlearning, thus making preparations for lasting studies. Therefore, we should integratemore effective reading strategies training into future college English teaching. 2)

17、 Itverifies the effectiveness of explicit training, which provides an efficient approach forfuture reading training.Keywords:Englishreading;culturalbackground;readingmodels;textualpatternsviAbbreviationsCET 4: College English Test Band 4CG: Control GroupEFL: English as the Foreign LanguageESL: Engli

18、sh as the Second LanguageEG: Experimental GroupGRE: Graduate Record ExaminationL1: first languageL2: second languageNETEM: National Entrance Test of English for MA/MS CandidatesSPSS: Statistical Program for Social SciencesTOEFL: Test of English as a Foreign Languagexi学位论文独创性声明本人所呈交的学位论文是在导师的指导下取得的研究

19、成果。据我所知,除文中已经注明引用的内容外,本论文不包含其他个人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果。对本文的研究做出重要贡献的个人和集体,均已在文中作了明确说明并表示了谢意。作者签名: 日期:学位论文使用授权声明本人授权沈阳师范大学研究生处,将本人硕士学位论文的全部或部分内容编入有关数据库进行检索;有权保留学位论文并向国家主管部门或其指定机构送交论文的电子版和纸质版,允许论文被查阅和借阅;有权可以采用影印、缩印或扫描等复制手段保存、汇编学位论文。保密的学位论文在解密后适用本规定。作者签名:iii日期:AcknowledgementsI would like to express my sinceres

20、t gratitude to my academic advisor, ProfessorGuo Jinhui, for her patience, illuminating guidance and invaluable advice during thewriting of this thesis. Without her help, the present thesis could not be possible.I am most indebted to my supervisor, Professor Guo Jinhui, for her generoussupport durin

21、g the various stages of the work on my thesis. She made many detailedand valuable comments on my draft versions, which helped enormously to improvethe final result of this study. My thesis could not have been possible without herinsightful guidance and constructive instructions.I am grateful to Prof

22、essor Zhang Yi, Professor Wang Xin, Professor He Lixin,Professor Liu Shuhua, Professor Zhao Deyan. I have been very luchy to beenprovided with knowledge, criticism, and encouragement and also helped by them.Their valuable instructions have enriched my specialized field and enable me to workmy way to

23、wards fulfillment of my paper.I am also grateful to the students in Shenyang Normal University who areinvolved in my experiments. Their participation and cooperation are very muchappreciated.My sincere thanks as well go to my classmates and friends who have offered megreat help in collecting useful

24、materials and writing this thesis, which makes me feelvery touched.Last but not least, my deepest appreciation shall go to my parents for their love,support and understanding. They are the driving force for my success. I love themforever.I would like to share the humble achievement and dedicate this

25、 thesis to all ofthem.ivA Study on the Effects of Textual Patterns on the Teaching of College English ReadingAStudyontheEffectsofTextualPatternsontheTeachingofCollegeEnglishReadingChapter One Introduction1.1 Background of the current English reading teachingReading is of vital significance to the ac

26、hievement of individuals, and entranceinto almost all vocations requires reading as ones basic intellectual power. In the fieldof ESL (English as the Second Language) or EFL (English as the Foreign Language),reading is the most important one of the four basic language skills (Carrel, 1989). Andthe l

27、evel of reading ability may influence the improvement of other language skills,such as listening, speaking and writing, etc Furthermore, according to the descriptionin the newly revised College English syllabus (1999), college English aims to developstudents a relatively high level of competence in

28、reading, an intermediate level ofcompetence in listening and a basic competence in writing, speaking and translating.After completion of the course, the students should be able to use English they havelearned as a tool to obtain whatever information they need in their future specialtiesand also as a

29、 solid foundation for their further command of the language. From above,we can see that, among the four abilities, the focus is on reading, for it is put first andgiven the higher requirement than the other three abilities.Unfortunately, most university students in China, especially, non-English maj

30、ors,are ineffective readers, even though they have studied English for at least six years.As Anderson (1991) states it is the common experience that most students fail to learnto read adequately in the foreign language. Very frequently, students seem to read in aforeign language with less understand

31、ing than one might expect them to have, and toread considerably slower than they reportedly read in their first language.Most students have shown problems as follows: they are incompetent in1A Study on the Effects of Textual Patterns on the Teaching of College English Readingcomprehending English te

32、xts in terms of retrieval of the main idea, making logicalinference and predicting the authors attitude, etc. Being afraid of leaving anyinformation out, students tend to interpret every single piece of data in a bottom-upprocessing model and finally get lost among so many details. These laboriousde

33、coders usually focus their attention on decoding detailed linguistic elements such asunknown words, phrases, or isolated sentences, and not the gist or whole theme of thetexts. A commonly occurring phenomenon is that even students mastering the difficultterms become so frustrated in reading that the

34、y cannot help seeking Chinesecounterparts outside the class. However, most of the class periods they do nothing butconcentrate on taking notes. This approach results in a passive learning attitude. Inaddition, when students find it hard and painful to cope with the text, simply, some ofthem will go

35、to another extreme: going over the text quickly without any effort ofpondering. As a result, the outcome will be worse and the students become more andmore unconfident. At last, students may lose motivation of reading since they cannotget any enjoyment in it. A vicious circle comes into being.On one

36、 hand, this phenomenon reveals that college students have problems inapplying effective and sufficient reading strategies. According to Carrell (1993),reading strategies of interest function disclose the process readers use to interact withprinted text information; therefore, they are related to suc

37、cessful readingcomprehension. Thus, introducing some effective reading strategies is prerequisite toa poor readers improvement.On the other hand, teaching method may also account for the problem. Thegrammar-translation oriented teaching method has dominated the reading pedagogyfor many years, which

38、means teachers focus on the grammatical analysis whenever itis necessary or not. The reading course resembles as a grammar course in that teachersparaphrase sentences in great details. Actually, the grammar-translation orientedteaching reading method is still currently very popular in most Chinese u

39、niversities.Consequently, the students develop the non-scientific reading habit such as readingword by word, frequently resorting to dictionary when coming across new words.Owing to students habit of concentrating on the “low-level” readinglinguisticanalysis instead of “high-level” readingcontextual

40、 comprehension, they are moreapt to taking “bottom-up” reading model than “top-down” reading model. Thus,students need more instruction and training, which may make them acquire better2A Study on the Effects of Textual Patterns on the Teaching of College English Readingcomprehension ability. If teac

41、hing reading only narrows in the level that concentrateson the literal analysis, students will be hard to develop the comprehension ability tounderstand the text from the profound level and contextual perspective. Thetraditional grammar-translation method overemphasizes grammatical knowledge,which m

42、akes the application of language passive. Thus it is difficult to developstudents capability in language use. In China, there is an old saying: “Give a man afish and he eats for a day. Teach him how to fish and he eats for a lifetime.” Therefore,it is important to teach students how to fish instead

43、of giving them the fish.Accordingly, the present study focuses on the training of reading skills from the angleof text-pattern.1.2 Significance of teaching reading from a text-patternperspectiveRegarding the problems in reading,many causes are found to be associated withthem. Such causes include kno

44、wledge of language the readers mastering, and thenon-language factors, such as the cultural background, the ability, the livingenvironment, or the reading habit of the reader. We know that the language factor isprobably the most important cause, because it influences the readers reading speedand eff

45、iciency. Apart from the language factors, accurate recognition of textualpatterns is an essential one. The reasons are that people with different culturalbackground definitely have different thought patterns, and thought patterns restrict theorganization of a text, and the psychological process of r

46、eaders understanding a giventext. Because the text is the media of the reader and the absent author, so it is quitenecessary for teachers to teach students the knowledge of culture. In traditionalreading teaching, teachers teach reading from analyzing the words, phrases, sentencesand then give the m

47、ain idea of the text. Such reading process can be seen asbottom-up reading model. By this model, students have difficulty in obtaining thegeneral idea and the main structure of the text. So another reading method is neededto achieve such aims, so that students can use top-down reading model in the p

48、rocessof their reading. And then students can use these two reading models freely according3A Study on the Effects of Textual Patterns on the Teaching of College English Readingto the text and the situation, and thus they can also make good use of interactivereading model efficiently. The employ of

49、reading models can help students a lot intheir reading performance.1.2.1 Beneficial to bridge the writer and the reader by the site of interaction the textInteraction on the level of written discourse is different from the spokencommunication in that the writer and the readers do not exchange their information ina face-to-face manner. Text, as Hoey (2001:12) maintains, “can be defined as thevisible evidence of a reasonably self-contained purposeful interaction between one ormore writers and one or more readers, in which the writer(s) control the interactionand produce most of (ch


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