1、 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1_导读:范文格式完全一致。)论文单面打印 1 份,左侧装订(两个钉子)。(这些说明打印时删除)请文学方向的参考范文 2。山东财经大学本科毕业论文(设计) 范文 1 题目:论转换法在英汉翻译中的应用学专班学姓院业级号名外国语学院英语英语 08022008110107 刘潇李文涛(注意原山经、原山财班级名称不同)指导教师山东英语委婉语关于论文结构和格式规范的有关问题,请认真阅读“外国语学院英语本科毕业论文撰写要求” ,同时 可查阅 “MLA 格式学位论文写作规范(供查询用) ” 。(建议:以本范文作为模板,把自己论文的相 应部分复制后,以
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4、lication of Conversion in English-Chinese TranslationbyLiu XiaoUnder the Supervision of Li ay 2012B.A.Thesis of Shandong University of Finance and EconomicsAcknoentsUpon the pletion of the thesis, first of all, I y heartfelt gratitude to 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1_(2)导读:meythesis.L.X.(名字的第一个字母)iiB.
5、A.ThesisofShandongUniversityofFinanceandEconomicsABSTRACTOnApplicationofConversioninEnglish-ChineseTranslationLiuXiaoDuetothegreatdifferencesbetmarandexpressionstyle,translatorsmayadopttheamy supervisor Prof.Li ent and careful modification throughout the process of y thesis to its present form.Besid
6、es, I am also greatly indebted to other beloved teachers in the School of Foreign Studies of Shandong University of Finance and Economics, for their valuable and informative courses e a lot during my college years.Last but not the least, I am also much obliged to all my friends e y thesis.L.X.(名字的第一
7、个字母)iiB.A.Thesis of Shandong University of Finance and EconomicsABSTRACTOn Application of Conversion in English-Chinese Translation Liu XiaoDue to the great differences betmar and expression style, translators may adopt the approaches of changing the ation but also fits the idiomatic usage of Chines
8、e.The thesis 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1_(3)导读:conversionofEnglishnounsorprepositionsintoChineseverbs.Theconversionofines the conversion of English nouns or prepositions into Chinese verbs.The conversion of ing to Chinese culture and thought pattern.Key ics摘要 论转换法在英汉翻译中的应用刘潇由于英汉两种语言在语法或表达习惯上存在巨大差异,
9、在英汉翻译的过程中, 译者往往 需要改变原文的词类或句子成分。作为英汉翻译中常用的翻译技巧, 转换法可以使译文自然、 流畅、准确,既传达原意又符合汉语的表达习惯。本文共分三章。第一章介绍了英汉翻译过程中几种常见的词性转换方法,如原文中的名 词或介词转换为译文中的动词。词性的转换通常会引起句子成分的改变,第二章分析了句子 成分的转换现象。第三章讨论了如何将英语思维视角转换为相应的符合汉语文化和思维模式 的视角。关键词:转换法;词类;句子成分;视角;英译汉ivB.A.Thesis of Shandong University of Finance and EconomicsCONTENTSAckn
10、oentsii Abstract.iii Abstract in Chineseiv Introduction1 Chapter One Conversion 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文1_(4)导读:bstractintotheConcrete.17III.ConversionfromtheStativeintotheDynamic17vB.A.ThesisofShandongUniversityofFinanceandEconomicsIV.ConversionfromthePassiveintotheActive18V.Conversionbetative18Co
11、nclusionof personal Subjects14 II.Conversion from the Abstract into the Concrete.17 III.Conversion from the Stative into the Dynamic17vB.A.Thesis of Shandong University of Finance and EconomicsIV.Conversion from the Passive into the Active18 V.Conversion betative18 Conclusion.20 ics注意每段的首行缩进、行距、字体、字
12、号等要保持全文一致 IntroductionIn 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1_(5)导读:ell-Hornby82)注意引语段格式Accordingtotheexplanation,intranslating,atranslatorstaskistoconveythecontentandspiritofthesourcetextandrearrangethemintothetargettextinasmoothandlogicalembtranslation ay go through many procedures to translate the text to
13、 make it acceptable for the specific municative situation.The translating process is explained as follo one language to another, but a plex form of action, eone provides information on a text (source language material) in a neal aspects as closely as possible.(Snell-Hornby 82) 注意引语段格式 According to t
14、he explanation, in translating, a translators task is to convey the content and spirit of the source text and rearrange them into the target text in a smooth and logical ember that “a natural style in translating is nevertheless essential to producing in the ultimate receptors a response similar to
15、that of the original receptors” (Ma and Miao 17).Therefore, effective translation methods and techniques are undoubtedly indispensable in translating activities.注意文内引文规范。每个文献须在文末参考书目中出现。Conversion, as a grammatical phenomenon, has been a hot subject in the field of lingui 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1
16、_(6)导读:rcetextisattersintranslation,foritiscrucialintranslationtoseekequivalenceincontentorinformation,butnotabsoluteformalcorrespondence.“Formostpeopletheinformativefunctionispredominantlythemajorroleoflanguage”(Hu10).Agoodtranslatoreaning of the source text in the closest natural manner, conversio
17、n bees one of the most effective techniques to seek in the target language the equivalent information of the source language.A clear and correct expression of the source text is atters in translation, for it is crucial in translation to seek equivalence in content or information, but not absolute fo
18、rmal correspondence.“For most people the informative function is predominantly the major role of language” (Hu 10).A good translator ploy all possible means to reproduce the thought of the author faithfully in another1B.A.Thesis of Shandong University of Finance and Economicslanguage.“Conversion has
19、 long been accepted as one of the techniques essential to improving the quality of our version” (Zhong 98), by echanical translation could be avoided; therefore it enables translators to achieve a natural and faithful translation ation of the source text but also keeps with the expression habits of
20、the target language.I 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1_(7)导读:hinese.2B.A.ThesisofShandongUniversityofFinanceandEconomicsChapterOneConversionofe.Ifeachs may be somemar and expression style, conversion bees a frequently-used translation technique, icsChapter One Conversion of e.If each e word classes in an
21、other, such expressions would sound very awkward or even unin 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1_(8)导读:int.Example1:Theuseofbacteriologicalost remarkable differences bets possible to express ideas eans of nouns than b y means of the more pictorial verbs” (Jespersen 139).That is to say, “English is a langua
22、ge in ore ore frequently used and occupy a dominant position” (Zhou 391), therefore some English nouns are often converted into Chinese verbs in the practical translation.注意文内引文规范。每个文献须在文末参考书目中出现。Specifically, an English noun a verb is often converted into a verb ple to illustrate this point.Example
23、 1: The use of bacteriological weapons is a clear violation of the international law.使用细菌武器显然违反国际法。3B.A.Thes 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1_(9)导读:hsuchEnglishadjectivesthatoftenindicatethehumanpsychologyorstateofmind,suchasonesconsciousness,emotionalactivitiesanddesires,translatorsusuallyconvertthemint
24、oChineseverbs.Hereisanexampletoillustratethepoint.Example3:Advancingintothevastnessofspace,maniis of Shandong University of Finance and Economicsii.Converting English Preposition into Chinese Verb It is knoetimes called prepositional language.Prepositions in English, eaning, have a great pople belop
25、le 2: It is our goal that the people in the undeveloped areas eeting an psychology or state of mind, such as ones consciousness, emotional activities and desires, translators usually convert them into Chinese verbs.Here is an example to illustrate the point.Example 3: Advancing into the vastness of
26、space, man is being fully aware of the s 5 6 7 8 9 10 浅析英语专业毕业论文范文 1_(10)导读:fShandongUniversityofFinanceandEconomicssomepropertiesofaverbintheoriginaltext.Hoof-inginChinese,soEnglishgerundsaregenerallyconvertedintoChineseverbsinE-Ctranslation.Hereisanexample.Example5:Heatingallness of his pla.由于进入浩无
27、涯际的太空,人类已充分意识到本星球的渺小。iv.Converting English Adverb into Chinese Verb Some English adverbs, plied meaning of verbs, if necessary, are often converted into Chinese verbs.The follople illustrates this point.Example 4: They found Mr.Bent still up.他们发现班纳特先生还没有睡觉。v.Converting English Gerund into Chinese Ve
28、rb Gerund, also called as a verbal noun, often serves functionally as a noun but retains4B.A.Thesis of Shandong University of Finance and Economicssome properties of a verb in the original text.Ho of -ing in Chinese, so English gerunds are generally converted into Chinese verbs in E-C translation.He
29、re is an example.Example 5: Heating ical position.把水加热不会改变水的化学成分。II.Conversion into Chinese Nouns Nouns account for an overing part of the vocabulary not only in English butin Chinese.Some English ple, nouns, can hardly be translated literally; they are usually converted into nouns.i.Converting English Verb into Chinese Noun Because some English verbs describing the characteristics or properties of the subject ar 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11