1、附件 2 海关编号Customs Serial No. _ 中 华 人 民 共 和 国 海 关CUSTOMS OF THE PEOPLES REPUBLIC OF CHINA进 出 境 公 用 物 品 申 请 表APPLICATION FORM FOR INWARD/OUTWARD ARTICLES FOR OFFICIAL USE申请机构名称及海关代码 Applicant Organization Name & Customs Code 物品批文号 联系电话 进/出境 进出境口岸 Permit No. of Articles Telephone Entry/Exit Entry/Exit P
2、ort 启运/运抵国(地区) 装货/ 指运港 Departure/Destination Country(Region) Port of Loading/Delivery 运输方式(水路 铁路 汽车 航空 邮政 其它) 运输工具名称Means of Transport: (water rail road air mail other) Carriers Name 航次(班) 号 提运单号 件数 毛重(千克)Voyage/Flight No. Bill of Lading No. Number of Piece(s) Gross Weight (kg) 备注Remarks 以下内容可由受托方填写
3、The following may be completed by the party entrusted进/出境日期 包装种类 体积 标箱数Date of Entry/Exit Type of Package Volume Number of TEU 内包装件数 受托方名称及海关代码(身份证件号码)Quantity of Inside Packages Agency/Agent and Customs Code/ID No. 本机构申请进/出境下列公用物品,并保证所有申报属实。We, the undersigned organization, hereby apply for the imp
4、ortation /exportation of the following articles for official use and guarantee that all our declaration is true.项号Item No.物品税号Tariff Code物品名称Descriptions 规格 /型号Speci./ Model数量Quantity单位Unit币制Currency 总价Total Value 备注Remarks首席代表签名Signature of Chief Representative 机构签章Seal of Organization申报日期 附 页 Date of Application Pages Attached海关批注Customs Remarks 海关签章Customs Seal