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2、ents.5Sec.2 Approval.8Sec.3 Certification.12Sec.4 Additional Class Notation LCS-DC.13CHANGES IN THE RULES Comments to the rules may be sent by e-mail to For subscription orders or information about subscription terms,please use Comprehensive information about DNV and the Societys services is found a

3、t the Web site http:/Det Norske VeritasComputer Typesetting(FM+SGML)by Det Norske Veritas Printed in NorwayIf any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas,then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such personfor

4、his proved direct loss or damage.However,the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question,provided that the maximum compen-sation shall never exceed USD 2 million.In this provision Det Norske Veritas shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Verit

5、as as well as all its subsidiaries,directors,officers,employees,agents and any other acting on behalf of DetNorske Veritas.GeneralThe present edition of the rules includes additions and amendmentsdecided by the Board as of November 2004,and supersedes the Janu-ary 2003 edition of the same chapter.Th

6、e rule changes come into force on 1 July 2005.This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter.Supple-ments will not be issued except for an updated list of minor amend-ments and corrections presented in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3.Pt.0 Ch.1 isnormally revised in January and July each year.Revised ch

7、apters will be forwarded to all subscribers to the rules.Buyers of reprints are advised to check the updated list of rule chap-ters printed Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.1 to ensure that the chapter is current.Main changes General This booklet has been updated to align with IACS UR L5.Newinstallations of loading co

8、mputer software cover all stability re-quirements relevant to a ship.The software must cover both in-tact and damage stability according to MARPOL.Corrections and ClarificationsIn addition to the above stated rule requirements,a number of correc-tions and clarifications have been made in the existin

9、g rule text.Rules for Ships,January 2005 Pt.6 Ch.9 Contents Page 3DET NORSKE VERITASCONTENTSSEC.1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS.5A.Classification.5A 100 Application.5A 200 General requirements.5A 300 General software requirements.5A 400 General hardware requirements.7SEC.2 APPROVAL.8A.Documentation to Submit

10、 for Approval.8A 100 Documentation on hardware.8A 200 Software documentation.8A 300 Acceptable tolerances,stability software.10A 400 Note for ships in operation,documentation for software approval.11SEC.3 CERTIFICATION.12A.Certification.12A 100 Principles for certification.12A 200 Procedure for cert

11、ification.12SEC.4 ADDITIONAL CLASS NOTATION LCS-DC 13A.Application.13A 100 Application.13A 200 System description.13B.General Requirements.13B 100 Documentation.13B 200 System requirements.13B 300 Location of sensors in internal compartments and spaces.13C.Testing.13C 100 Installation testing.13C 20

12、0 Testing during operation.14Rules for Ships,January 2005Pt.6 Ch.9 Contents Page 4 DET NORSKE VERITASRules for Ships,January 2005 Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.1 Page 5DET NORSKE VERITASSECTION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTSA.ClassificationA 100 Application101 A loading computer system is a computer based systemfor calcula

13、tion and control of loading conditions for compli-ance with the applicable stability requirements and longitudi-nal and local strength requirements.The loading computersystem consists of software(calculation program)and thecomputer(hardware)on which it runs.Guidance note:The DNV expression loading c

14、omputer system covers theIACS expression Loading instrument,and the IACS definitionthereof:A loading instrument is an instrument,which unlessstated otherwise is digital,by means of which it can be easily andquickly ascertained that,at specified read-out points,the still wa-ter bending moments,shear

15、forces,and the still water torsion mo-ments and lateral loads,where applicable,in any load or ballastcondition will not exceed the specified permissible values.-e-n-d-of-G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e-n-o-t-e-102 The requirements of this chapter apply to ships equippedwith a loading computer system.103 Ships for w

16、hich a loading computer system calculatinghull strength is required,is defined in Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5,subsec-tions A and F,and in Pt.3 Ch.2 Sec.4 E.104 The stability software,if installed onboard,shall coverall stability requirements applicable to the ship,except as giv-en in 105.105 For installations o

17、nboard ships contracted prior to 2005-07-01 the following apply:If the loading computer system does not check all the stabilityrequirements as applicable for the ship and cargo type,the us-ers are to be informed accordingly.The requirements notchecked are to be displayed on the screen for the actual

18、 loadingcondition,and to be included when printouts are made.(IACS UR L5)A 200 General requirements201 The loading computer system is regarded as supplemen-tary to the Loading Manual and the Stability Booklet and if rel-evant the Grain Loading Manual which are always to beprovided on board.202 Appro

19、val and certification of the loading computer sys-tem shall be carried out for each specific ship for which theloading computer system is installed.The results of the calcu-lations are only applicable to the ship for which the loadingcomputer system has been approved and certified.203 The approval a

20、nd certification process include the fol-lowing procedures for each ship:a)Approval of software which results in approved Test Con-ditions.b)Approval of computer hardware,where necessary(see206).c)Certification of the installed loading computer systemwhich results in loading computer certificate.204

21、 The approved test conditions shall be kept onboard to-gether with the Users manual and the loading computer certif-icate.205 For ships with loading computer system approved forstrength,all design conditions upon which the approval of hullscantlings is based,shall be within the system limits.For ves

22、-sels with class notation Container or Container Carrierhaving large deck openings(see Pt.3 Ch.1 Sec.5 A200),thesystem is generally to include procedures for the control of thetorsional response of the still water torsional moment distribu-tion over the length.Guidance note:Guidance for calculation

23、of still water torque at read out points:a)The ship structure may generally be assumed symmetricabout the centre line.b)The possible angle of heel may be determined by summingthe moments of cargo,ballast and fuel.c)The still water torque may be determined by summing themoments of cargo,ballast and f

24、uel and uprighting momentby the angle of heel successively to each checkpoint.The ef-fects of the angle of heel should be fully accounted for in thesummation.-e-n-d-of-G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e-n-o-t-e-206 The approved software is either to be installed on a typeapproved hardware,or it shall be installed on t

25、wo nominatedcomputers.If two nominated computers are available,approv-al of the hardware may be waived,but both nominated comput-ers are subject to certification.In addition,computers whichshall be a part of a ships network should be approved in ac-cordance with other relevant requirements posed by

26、the Socie-ty.207 On-line computers shall be connected through a gatewayif connected to the ships network serving main functions asdefined under machinery installations and equipment,and nav-igation and collision prevention in Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.2 A300.Thegateway shall have read only possibility unless th

27、e computer isapproved for two-way communication.208 The loading computer system shall be capable of pro-ducing print-outs of the results in both numerical and graphicalform.The numeric values for strength shall be in both absolutevalues and as the percentage of the allowable values.Theseprint-outs s

28、hall include a description of the correspondingloading condition.209 All screen and hardcopy output data shall be presentedin a clear and unambiguous manner with an identification ofthe calculation program and the version number.The date andtime of the of a saved calculation shall be part of the scr

29、een dis-play and hardcopy printout.210 If the software includes on-line interface,for instance re-mote tank sounding or draught reading,it is assumed that theremote system is maintained and calibrated as recommendedby the manufacturers.211 Single point loading computer systems are not accepta-ble.A

30、300 General software requirements301 It is recommended that the design and production of thecalculation program are in accordance with appropriate inter-national quality standards,for example ISO 9000-3 or equiva-lent.302 The software shall present relevant parameters of eachloading condition.The fo

31、llowing shall be presented:1)Deadweight definition2)Light ship data3)Displacement and centre of gravityRules for Ships,January 2005Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.1 Page 6 DET NORSKE VERITAS4)Draughts at the forward and aft perpendiculars and at mid-ship5)Draughts at the ships draught marks forward,midship andaft6)Wh

32、ere applicable,provision should be made available forthe introduction of a longitudinal deflection7)Trim8)Metacentric height KMt9)Free surface moments from slack tanks,listed for eachtank and in total for the vessel10)Free surface correction on the initial metacentric height(GM)11)Free surface corre

33、ction on the righting lever(GZ)12)Where applicable,effect of external heeling moments13)Flooding angle14)Stability limitations:Listing of all relevant stability crite-ria:description of the criteria,the limit values,the ob-tained values and the conclusions(criteria fulfilled or notfulfilled)15)Stren

34、gth limitations:Listing of obtained values comparedwith the limit values:i)Shear forces and bending moments for sea going andharbour conditionsii)Where applicable,shear force correction and correct-ed shear forces for sea-going and harbour conditionsiii)As applicable for bulk carriers,see Pt.5 Ch.2

35、Sec.51)The mass of cargo and double bottom contents inway of each hold as a function of the draught atmid-hold position2)The mass of cargo and double bottom contents ofany two adjacent holds as a function of the meandraught in way of these holds3)Above i)and ii)for the hold flooded conditions,seagoi

36、ng only4)For bulk carriers which have been designed withtwo design bending moments,i.e.one reducedbending moment for alternate loading and one fullmoment for homogeneous loading,the softwareshall calculate maximum allowable and minimumrequired mass for each hold for intermediate stillwater bending m

37、oments.iv)Where applicable,still water torsion moments.The calculated forces and moments shall be displayed inboth graphical and tabular format,including the percent-age of permissible values.The screen and hardcopy out-put shall display the calculated forces or moments,and thecorresponding permissi

38、ble limit,at each specified read-outpoint.Alternative limits,e.g.vertical still water bendingand torsion may be considered in accordance with the So-cietys Rules.16)A clear warning shall be given if any of the strength-,sta-bility-or general-loading limitations(see 304)are notcomplied with17)Overall

39、 judgement whether all the strength-,stability-andgeneral loading limitations are within the limiting values18)The data shall be presented as screen and hard copy outputto the user in a clear and unambiguous manner.303 If the software calculates damage stability,this shall bedone either with control

40、 against approved limit curves(KG,GM)or with direct calculation and control against a predefinedgroup of all the relevant damage cases.If the latter alternativeis used,the following shall be fulfilled:1)A list of the relevant damage cases shall be included2)Any intended loading condition must be che

41、cked againstthese damage cases3)The results of the calculation and control shall include theequilibrium position and the GZ curve after damage,aswell as control against the criteria4)The software shall give an overall judgement whether alldamage cases comply with the applicable requirements,within a

42、n acceptable time.Unprotected and weathertight openings shall be included andtaken into account.Alternatively,zones or lines defining un-protected,weathertight and/or watertight area(s)can be ac-cepted if it is ensured that the effect of all openings is covered.Guidance note:Relevant damage cases ar

43、e found in the ships damage stabilitydocumentation.To cover unsymmetrical tanks arrangements and/or loading thedamage cases should be defined on both port and starboard sideof the vessel.-e-n-d-of-G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e-n-o-t-e-304 The software shall include general loading limitations asapplicable:1)Maxim

44、um draught:not to exceed the loadline mark2)Minimum draughts:due to strength considerations(slam-ming)3)Minimum metacentric height(GM):to satisfy require-ments for stability4)Maximum metacentric height(GM):to limit sloshing intanks5)Maximum trim.The loading computer should be capableof accurate and

45、reliable calculations for actual operatingrange of trimGuidance note:In cases where limit curves,hydrostatics and/or cross curves aregiven/approved for specific/limited trim a warning shall be givenif the specific/limited trim is exceeded.If the software is basedon interpolation for even keel data o

46、nly,the limiting trim will beconsidered as maximum 1%of the ships length.-e-n-d-of-G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e-n-o-t-e-6)Lateral load limitation:due to strength considerations7)Cargo tank filling height as a function of cargo density:due to strength and/or stability considerations8)Limits to distributed loads o

47、n deck:to be limited by thestrength for which the deck is approved.305 The software shall reject input errors by the user.For in-stance tank volume input shall not exceed maximum tank vol-ume,or negative volume input shall not be accepted.306 The software and the stored characteristic data shall bep

48、rotected against erroneous use.The software should be writ-ten to ensure that the user can not alter the following fixed data:1)Light ship data:weight,centre of gravity and weight dis-tribution:2)Strength limitations3)Stability criteria4)Geometric hull form data5)Hydrostatic data6)Stability cross cu

49、rvesRules for Ships,January 2005 Pt.6 Ch.9 Sec.1 Page 7DET NORSKE VERITAS7)Compartment definitions including frame spacing,andcentres of volume,together with capacity tables(sound-ing/ullage tables),if appropriate8)As applicable,flooding angle and/or unprotected andweathertight openings and/or zones

50、 or lines covering ef-fect for all openings9)Where applicable,group of damage cases10)Where applicable,limit curves(KG,GM).307 If the software includes on-line interface,for instance re-mote tank sounding or draught reading,a warning shall be giv-en in case of on-line interface failure.Further,it sh


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