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1、 上主日人數及奉獻資料 Offering 2:19, 34, 51; 以弗所书 6:2青少年Scripture Reading Luke 1:4649; 2:19,34,51; Ephesians 6:2 Youth信息 母愛映神性 呂素琴師母Sermon Mothers love, divine love Mrs. Cindy Wu回應 #508 神的家 吳榮滁牧師/會眾Response Christ the Lord is Risen Today Pastor Peter Wu/Congregation歡迎 / 報告 吳榮滁牧師/陈牧师Welcome/Announcements Pasto

2、r Peter Wu/Pastor Chen祝禱 吳榮滁牧師/陈牧师/卫拿单牧师Benediction Pastor Peter Wu/Pastor Chen/ Pastor Willems11. 尼泊爾震災捐欵 - 如果你願意捐款幫助尼泊爾的災民,教會提議你可以直接通過 Samaritan Purse 來捐款 (http:/www.samaritanspurse.org) 或者寄支票去 PO Box 3000, Boone, NC 28607。願你的心意成為眾人的祝福。2. 感謝神吳榮滁牧師在台灣和加州的培靈會與聖經講座與課程剛剛結束,有許多人得著造就。他已於 5/7 平安回來,謝謝弟兄姊妹

3、這兩周的代禱。3. 本周五(5/15) 華語團契聚會將查提摩太前書 6:2-22,鍾興政牧師帶領,7:00pm 有預查請帶領查經的弟兄姊妹務必參加,其他弟兄姊妹也歡迎參加,地點在二樓 B204 教室。4. 周三晨光團契和以斯帖姊妹團契上午 10:00 聚會,歡迎家中長者參加聚會,需要交通接送,請洽鍾牧師。5. 儿童事工(一) 現在開始接受 2015 年 VBS (8/108/14) 学生及同工的報名,学生報名請登陸教會網站(www.cbcgl.org/vbs),同工报名请洽左安琪执事。请弟兄姐妹邀请邻舍和朋友的孩子参加。(二)儿童事工仍在寻找学前班至一年级的敬拜带领同工。(三) 请为下年度(2

4、015-2016 )儿童事工的师资祷告。以上兒童事工服事,詳情請洽左安琪執事。6. 青少年事工(一) 青少年事工在暑期开展为青少年和同工祷告三个月的活动,每位参与者签名认领数位青少年或同工,为他们祷告. 恳请会众积极参与,并一同见证神改变生命的大能. 签名将于 5 月 17,24,31 主日进行。(二) 感谢神的恩典和丰盛的预备,青少年波士顿暑期短宣所需的辅导员都已找到. 感谢会众为青少年短宣各种需要献上的祷告,请继续为短宣队的准备和短宣祷告,求神使用,看顾和保守他们。7. 請為教會建堂事工禱告,感謝神吳牧師與教會建堂委員會 5/9 有進一步的會議。8. 教会二十五周年纪念册现已印制完毕,弟兄

5、姐妹可从小书房购买,每册 48 元。9. 羅威爾華人聖經教會粵語堂誠意邀請你參加,李思明弟兄的見證分享,與李秀雲姊妹的泰式粉絲蝦煲烹飪示範。日期:5/17 時間:1:30pm - 3:00pm2 7家 訊 FOCUS ON MISSIONSReaching near and far for Gods kingdomMissionary: Henry LuMission Field: Chinese Overseas Christian Mission (COCM)A Thank You Letter from Rev. Lu, General Director of COCMDear miss

6、ion partners,During the last week of April, the 2015 Oasis Conference was held at the COCM mission centre. It was designed specifically for full-time pastoral workers and missionaries serving in the UK. We initiated this ministry a few years ago partly out of my own need and desire to connect with f

7、ellow labourers in the UK. When I first arrived in the mission field of Europe, there was much learning and adjusting to do in a new cultural environment, not to mention obstacles to overcome before I could begin ministering to a diverse Chinese diaspora. Later, as I travelled to different places th

8、roughout Europe and got to know other pastoral and missionary workers, I could sense the feeling of loneliness and stress many of them expressed in the course of our conversations. It is a shared yearning for ministry workers to have opportunities to build friendship with one another and provide mut

9、ual support.About 60 of us gathered together at this years conference. After the busyness of the Easter season, we decided to use the time for a break from the duty of our ministry routines. Even though we came from different denominations and organisations, it was wonderful to witness the bond of l

10、ove we shared in Christ. We sang and laughed with tears of joy. It was also a privilege to have Rev Jonathan Chiu of Care Ministries International with us. His messages along with his 50 years of experience in various ministries enriched all of us. I was personally blessed.Mission is not a brief you

11、thful adventure; it is a journey to follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ that requires a lifelong commitment. Along this journey, friendship and strong prayer support provide the most needed encouragement for travellers to go the distance. Please remember our missionaries and fellow servants in the

12、Europe mission field in your prayers.Serving together in ChristRev Henry LuGeneral Director羅達理牧師事奉工场:台灣事奉对象:台灣的外籍勞工感恩:感謝主醫治羅牧師過去長達三周的重感冒, 讓他逐漸康復。也感謝神讓 Daxicuo Village 的父母們允許我們帶他們的孩子們出去參加當地教會的一些活動,其中一些孩子已願意委身基督。代祷:(一) 5 月 9 日是母親節,有一個為 Daxicuo Village 的女士們特別是母親們的午餐會。求主打開這些母親們的心扉,讓她們願意接受福音。(二) 求神讓我們能夠從

13、 Daxicuo Village,帶出更多的孩子去教會活動且讓他們認識基督耶穌。巴基斯坦巴特族人口: 282,000巴特族為人樂道的是他們透過詩詞讚賞他人。巴特族的女性穿著朱紅和鐵手鐲作為結了婚的符號。巴特族穆斯林銖是從印度教改信伊斯蘭教。巴特族穆斯林認為自己比其他穆斯林要好。他們會在垂死的人的耳邊,朗誦卡爾馬和古蘭經經文。巴特族當中沒有基督徒。禱告,愿神差遣祂的兒女到當中見證耶穌,讓巴特族知道耶穌是神,是救主。我若从地上被 举 起 来,就要吸引万人来归我 。 (約翰福音 12:32)610. 代禱事項(一) 請為美國政府和國會的領袖繼續禱告,希望他們敬畏神來帶領國家,行公義好憐憫存謙卑的心。

14、求神保守這國家走在神的道路上。(二) 繼續為赵世英(肺癌) ,葉幼麟伯伯(高血糖和眩晕),陳衛華弟兄,陸添華弟兄(腎臟移植) ,赵晓,徐素娥,童雪,王碧心,关铭康,Irene( 腦瘤),王文德的的外甥 William(氣胸)身體健康禱告。(三) 為教會尋找工作的弟兄姐妹禱告。(四) 吳鸿铭妈妈吳鄭玉瑰姊妹於(5/4)安息主怀,吳鴻銘弟兄這段時間一直在台灣陪伴母親,吳榮滁牧師在台灣期間也曾探視吳鄭玉瑰姊妹並為她禱告。追思禮拜將於 5/16 舉行,請為鴻銘弟兄莫如蕙姊妹和所有家屬禱告。求神安慰保守看顧他們全家。(五) 請為英文堂的 Pat Fung 馮慧珍姊妹(執事會主席李兆生的妻子),近期得了帶

15、狀泡疹(Shingle)醫治復原禱告。(六) 請為嚴永紅的姐姐嚴永軍禱告,她刚刚被检查出转移性腺癌,医生决定先化疗后再做手术。求神保守她可以顺利度过这些治疗。(七) 請為史自勤姊妹加州主裡的朋友張建華姊妹近期得到胰臟和肝臟癌症禱告。張建華姊妹和她先生王友平弟兄是愛主事奉主的夫婦,曾幫助許多人信主。(八) 张国森长老的舅母 4/30 日于香港安息主怀,张国森长老夫妇将于近期赴港,请在祷告中記念。(九) 請為馬里蘭州巴爾迪摩的種族衝突和暴動禱告,也為尼泊爾的地震傷亡拯救和復原禱告,許多國際基督徒機構的宣教士也在其中,死亡人數目前已經超過 6100 人。(十) 感謝神,鍾興政牧師神學院的博士學位已經

16、完成,本周末他和家人參加哥頓神學院的畢業典禮。他的大女兒心選(Michelle)也從 UMass Amherst 畢業。鍾牧師和他全家感謝教會弟兄姊妹長期的禱告與支持。3Family News( English Congregation )1. If you have a burden to help Nepal Earthquake Victims, our church is suggesting that you go directly to Samaritan Purse (http:/www.samaritanspurse.org) or write a check to PO Bo

17、x 3000, Boone, NC 28607. May your donation be a blessing to many others.2. The greatest kindness you can do for our students is to pray for them. Pray for 3 months; See God change lives forever. Sign up on May 17th, 24th, and 31st to pray for students / coworkers in LYF.3. Thank you for your prayers

18、 for BP. God has provided the needed counselors. (He always has provided!) Continue to pray for students to participate fully in what God is doing in Dorchester this summer.4. KMC is looking for pre-school to 1st grade children worships leaders and teachers.5. Awana is looking for Sparks (K-2nd grad

19、e) story time leader and Cubbies leader ( 3 to Pre-K).6. Childrens Ministry now accepting registrations for 2015 VBS (8/10-8/14). Please register online at www.cbcgl.org. VBS coworker application starts. For requirements and registration, please checks Facebook CBCGL VBS group.7. The annual VBS T-sh

20、irt design contest is open to all children or Justine A-Tze Lin 978-933-1267, Homebuilders Too - for singles and younger couples - Every second and fourth Saturday, 5:30 P.M. to 9:00 P.M. Contact Eddie Chew at: 603-320-5953 or eddie_. Womens Fellowship and Prayer: 1st Sunday of the month, 12-1:00 P

21、M, Koinonia Rm, contact Pat Fung 978-758-0141, or Youth (LYF: Lowell Youth Fellowship): http:/ for more details. Prayer Meeting Wednesdays, 7:45 pm 9:15 pm, in Pastor Nathans Office.“He that lives without prayer, lives as if there were no God.” Anthony Burgess Friday Night LYF 7:45 pm in the LYF Roo

22、m For all 7th-12th Grade Students4經文選讀 路加福音 1:4649; 2:19, 34, 5146 馬利亞說:我心尊主為大;47 我靈以神我的救主為樂;48因為他顧念他使女的卑微;從今以後,萬代要稱我有福。49 那有權能的,為我成就了大事;他的名為聖。路加福音 2:19, 34, 5119 馬利亞卻把這一切的事存在心裏,反覆思想。34-35 西面給他們祝福,又對孩子的母親馬利亞說:這孩子被立,是要叫以色列中許多人跌倒,許多人興起;又要作毀謗的話柄,叫許多人心裏的意念顯露出來;你自己的心也要被刀刺透。 51 他就同他們下去,回到拿撒勒,並且順從他們。他母親把這一

23、切的事都存在心裏。以弗所書 6:2要孝敬父母,使你得福,在世長壽。這是第一條帶應許的誡命。Scripture ReadingLuke 1:4649 46 And Mary said, “My soul magnifies the Lord,47 and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior, 48 for he has looked on the humble estate of his servant. For behold, from now on all generations will call me blessed; 49 for he who is

24、 mighty has done great things for me, and holy is his name.Luke 2:19,34,5119 But Mary treasured up all these things, pondering them in her heart.34 And Simeon blessed them and said to Mary his mother, “Behold, this child is appointed for the fall and rising of many in Israel, and for a sign that is opposed51 And he went down with them and came to Nazareth and was submissive to them. And his mother treasured up all these things in her heart.Ephesians 6:22 “Honor your father and mother” (this is the first commandment with a promise),5


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